
what a wonderful kind of day [kyarst]



13+ Years

Treat 2019
12-11-2014, 07:01 PM (This post was last modified: 12-11-2014, 07:02 PM by Rhythm.)

She hadn't quite.. fled Abaven, but she had run off quite far from her usual home. She knew that her short absence would likely not be missed, Bass had to worry about his new litter and Motif was still off seeing her daughter's father. She thought about her sister far too much for own good, and really everything that had been wighting on her mind. She needed to stop worrying so much, but it was so hard sometimes. Life was never this complicated before she left her parents. 

Even here at the foot of this volcano she felt her troubled thoughts clinging just as needily as they had in Abaven. She could still see the joy on Bass's face, as well as the exhaustion of Wren. Shaking her chocolate features visually she'd continue on her path. Simultaneously going nowhere and finding the trail had to be taking her somewhere. She'd never really explored the mountain before, and found her need to get away the perfect excuse to do so. So far there had been some amazing views and an interesting encounter with a mink or two. 

The day was coming to end end, and she was rather far up the side of the mountain. It was about time to start scouting for a nice place to bed down for a while. She'd decide if she was ready to return to Abaven or not when she woke up. 




2 Years
12-12-2014, 03:42 PM

He'd wandered again, away from Lysis, away from Pandora, away from Roman and Drashiel and everyone he'd come back to find. He wouldn't leave them for long though, just a few hours' time. Enough to satisfy his curious soul. He hadn't yet made a decision where he wanted to live. Roman and Drashiel had given him an offer hard to refuse, and yet he wasn't certain he wanted to go crawling right back into the fold of familiarity. Perhaps his father being gone and the rest of his family vanishing meant that he ought to do something new, something different with his life. Perhaps being an Armada wasn't all there was, although it was a significantly measurable part of his life it didn't have to be everything. He shook his head lightly, slowing his pace as he neared the earth below the mountain. It was cool here, and he suspected that high above him there were flakes of snow falling and collecting on the mountain. He breathed a sigh and then lifted his paws to begin his ascent of the mountain. He knew he wouldn't make it all the way to the top before nightfall, but there ought to be something interesting a bit of the way up. The mountain wasn't very steep, and it didn't take much effort for him to ascend. He took his time, though, observing the sights, sounds, and smells. One of which caught his interest - that of a female in the area. The sun was setting and he knew he ought to be planning his next move, but the alluring scent of woman was far too tempting. He adjusted his course, following her scent on the wind. She was around halfway up the rocky mountain, and as he neared her he slowed his pace - stopping altogether atop a raised boulder about ten yards from her.  “Fancy meeting a pretty thing like you up here,” he called to her.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
12-12-2014, 05:36 PM

She was upwind of him, quite literally as she was a bit up the mountain before he realized her presence. The Destruction girl would go about her business, her senses taking in all that they could. The sights, as the sun started its descent beyond the horizon it would start, ever so faintly, to throw beautiful pastels into the sky. She'd take in the sounds, as a gentle, but incredibly cold, breeze blew over the side of mt. volkan. The feel of the stones and rock beneath her paws as she scaled the tall peak, and finally the scents, as she finally caught wind of the Armada wolf behind her.

She would turn at the scent, just in time to watch as his form appeared over a large boulder. Her stomach would flush with butterflies, at first glance she would have swore Valentine stood before her. As the voice was let loose to reach her ears however the illusion was shattered. Her excitement had been kept at bay so it was not likely this male would see the disappointed flush from such a distance. His words were flattering, almost similar to the first words that Valen had given her.

Unsure how to react an awkward smile would find its way to her features as she remembered her manners and nodded in greeting. "Hello to you as well," She'd comment rather neutrally, "You're quite pretty yourself." She'd add with an air of amusement as she watched him, head held respectfully as she stood with grace a half smile playing on her features.




2 Years
12-14-2014, 12:22 PM

Had he seen her disappointment he would have been greatly offended, the arrogant bastard he was - but alas he missed it due to the healthy distance he stood from her. He did, however, note her smile - which inflated his ego ever so slightly. She would return his brief flirtation with one of her own, commenting on his appearance. Emerald eyes twinkled momentarily as he let loose a bassy chuckle.  “Why thank you,” he would respond.  “You know, I didn't expect to find anything interesting at all up this mountain, but it seems I was mistaken.” It wasn't so much a flirtation as a mere fact. He had come up here because he was bored and felt like wandering, and there she was. An additional bonus was that she was gorgeous, but then again he scarcely met a woman that wasn't these days. He rested his haunches regally atop the boulder he'd recently scaled, deciding that this position gave him a good vantage and perhaps made him look more appealing to the damsel below. Besides, what Armada didn't enjoy looking down on another wolf from time to time? A smirk played across his lips, curling the right side of his facade upward in a charming angle. His tail beat a lazy rhythm on the rock as he watched her - amused, for the time being.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
12-14-2014, 01:49 PM
.ooc. sorry this post is a little weird

She'd watch as he found an amusement in her words, head head tilting back slightly to let loose his rather hearty chuckle. He'd thank her for the compliment, continuing on to tell her that he had never expect to find interest in anything on the mountain. She would assume that he meant her, of course she thought herself rather plain and boring, still she felt her own confidence get a boost. Chuckling softly she'd answer him, "Oh? And what's that?" she'd play, her own legs coiling beneath her as she watched him with amusement in her own eyes.

She'd wonder about him as she watched his frame from her own place on the mountain, curious about him. He did look a fair bit like the wolf she found herself becoming infatuated with. Was he the same gentlemanly type? She wouldn't approach to find out, if he wanted a closer look he'd have to come down to her. She was unsure if she wanted him so close though, despite his appealing appearance she found herself rather unnerved by the look in his eye. She'd continue with the playful banter, and would keep her stature from betraying her fast beating heart.




2 Years
12-16-2014, 02:09 PM

“You, of course,” he would respond with a certain level of sincerity.  “It's not every day that I come across a woman as pretty as you,” he noted. His tail flickered idly behind him, perhaps displaying a bit of his excitement at the present situation, or else serving as a mild distraction. Emerald eyes glowed with intensity as he slowly lowered himself from atop his perch, finding that the position - while appealing - was not practical when it came to witty banter with such a woman. He rested back onto his haunches, narrowing the gap between them by only a few feet, and allowed his tail to curl neatly around his hips.  “My name is Kyarst Armada," he would note with a sense of pride. Though at one point in his life he had dropped his surname in normal conversation, a recent change of heart had resulted in him tagging it on at every opportunity. His faith had merely wavered, but never died.  “Is there anything special you'd like me to call you?” he jested, hoping he might get her name out of those pretty lips of hers.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
12-16-2014, 04:26 PM

He'd finally convince her of his words, and Rhythm would accept them as more than just mere flattery. He held a truth that would cause a blush to flush her dark features. Coupled with his rather intense emerald gaze she'd find herself growing a bit nervous, her stomach would feel a bit weak as she watched him bring himself more near to her preferred position. Not that she was willing to show these, her head was still lifted elegantly above her slender shoulders and her gaze still tended that confident flame.

The corner of her silken lips would pull back just a bit more as he gave her his name, the Armada would serve to remind her briefly of the name Athena but she held no other knowledge of his family or line. Before she would spill her own name he'd ask of any title he could use himself. Seemingly always humble she would start softly, "Nothing special, I assure you." She was probably the least accomplished of her siblings, at least that was what she'd told herself. She would chuckle lightly, "Rhythm Destruction, but you can just call my Rhythm." Miss Rhythm was saved for Valen. "I fear I wont be very interesting though," She'd say, trying not to think too hard about what he liked to do with pretty women he found interesting. "I was just in search of a place to bed down for a while." She could already feel the wind starting to pick up, in a few hours the cliff face would become quite a bit more dangerous.




2 Years
12-16-2014, 08:01 PM

Though the intentions of his words were probably not nearly as honorable as they might seem, he truly did find her pretty. She was a deep brown in color, not unlike a darkly hued rabbit. She had lighter accents that certainly didn't go unnoticed by his wandering eye, and her eyes were of a particularly appealing blue. She was small in stature, much smaller than he, and appeared almost.. delicate, as if she might be made of porcelain. There was something tantalizing about her, but then again he found it hard to find a woman that wasn't alluring in some form or fashion. She offered him her name humbly, Rhythm Destruction. The surname was mildly familiar, but not of anyone he had been trained to dislike. Her words were uncertain and humble, and he suspected if he tried hard enough to flatter her it might lead him to get exactly what he wanted - whatever that happened to be.  “Your presence is interesting enough,” he would note, hoping to lay on the flattery as thickly as he could without being overly obvious. He wasn't a fool, after all. On the contrary, he was quite intelligent.  “That's probably a wise idea,” he tacked on as she told him what she had planned to do.  “The temperatures will be dropping soon and these winds are likely to bring on a miserable cold.” He rather liked the cold, but not if he were forced to sit out in it all night long. An ear flicked back idly, holding it's position before returning forward.  “Have you found anyplace yet?” he would query with mild interest.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
12-16-2014, 09:00 PM

She would realize more than ever with his proximity just how much bigger than her he was. Her brilliant blue stare would not miss the strength in his muscles nor the intelligent look within his eyes. She hadn't realized how true her own words had been earlier, he was a stunning example of their species. She still had a bit of trouble swallowing his observations of her, especially seeing his own beauty. She wouldn't press the matter further, rather would listen easily as he agreed with her plans, asking if she'd found anywhere yet. She'd find herself almost leery about revealing her possible choices, but she knew she was thinking into things too much. She needed to relax. "There have been a couple of crevices up the way," There was still a bit of time to look, they were more like a last resort than a proper shelter. "I'm still looking for something better." She'd admit easily, still wondering how he could find her all that interesting.

Not letting him disturb her from such activities the dainty she wolf would push herself to all four four paws, shaking out her pelt slightly as she did so. Stretching her legs just a little she'd turn away from him slightly, wondering of her next words were smart or not. "Would you like to come looking with me?" Even if he said know at least she had been polite and offered. Though she wasn't quite so sure about him saying yes..




2 Years
01-04-2015, 10:22 PM
She mentioned crevices, and he would offer a slight grimace upon his handsome mask. The crevices would most certainly draw in the cold - which was precisely what they intended to avoid. They would certainly cut down the wind, but it was unlikely they would find one comfortable enough to take shelter in all night. Not together, anyway, and he had little intention to part from her so soon. He relaxed as she mentioned looking for somewhere better, and would offer a simple nod in response. He thought it best to find a cave, or else try to get down the mountain and look for something suitable there. It would be daunting, but he was confident in his abilities. The only question would be whether or not she could handle it. She asked him, then, if he wanted to join her. A sly smile slipped across his lips as she stretched, and then he masked it into something more relaxing before taking a step toward her and then another.  “I don't know why I wouldn't,” he mused as he neared her side, blocking her from the open air on the side of the mountain.  “Up, or down?” he queried innocently enough, deciding to let her choose where their search would begin.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
01-05-2015, 09:56 PM

He seemed to share her sentiments on what she'd found so far, an ugly expression marring his chiseled features as she offered her answer. Even with no verbal cues she would watch as he relaxed at her addition to the answer, nodding in obvious agreement. She would try not to make assumptions about him or his actions, convincing herself of simple paranoia as she caught his expression from the corner of her eye. What she wouldn't miss was his advance towards her, his words offering the answer to her invitation. She wasn't sure if she should squeal in delight or cower in terror at the results. He did find his way to blocking the wind from whipping around her delicate frame, kindness enough to settle her nerves a bit more. He would ask where she would intend to go. "Down, probably. That way if we don't find anything we'll be closer to the bottom of the mountain." Maybe up was more daring, but she wasn't feeling particularly lucky at that moment. However, she would hold her head with confidence. Always think smart. With that she would start the way back down the mountain.




2 Years
01-05-2015, 10:30 PM
As he neared the rabbit-hued beauty he found himself growing more excited. There was a definite pounding in his chest, and an obvious wave of heat in his groin. Both of which could only be produced by a delicate beauty so near. Still, neither of these factors would play into his physical demeanor. She proposed they go down, to which he would add a hearty nod. The choice showed her intelligence, but was lacking in daring. He didn't blame her, for even the daredevil himself wouldn't risk going further up a mountain in this weather. “Smart and pretty, well don't you have it all..” Oh, was he laying it on thick. It was a good thing he had a talented enough tongue to make it sound sincere. In all truth he was impressed with her beauty and brains, and would tell her so honestly if he truly wanted to. He offered her a simple smile, falling alongside her - his steps in time with her own. Eyes of jade would glance back toward her and then past her, looking for a cave entrance or somewhere large enough for them to take shelter. He thought he had spotted a place or two on his way up, but to be honest he could only remember her delicious scent drawing him up.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
01-05-2015, 10:48 PM

Excited was probably not the word the dainty Destruction girl would use to describe her current sentiments, though she had to admit that she felt an incredibly thrill being so close to his perfectly sculpted form. She'd catch his obvious approval before her pristine paws would begin their labor. Dark ears would swivel to take in his words as her face became flush, she still hadn't gotten used to compliments no matter how truthful they were. She'd skip a step at his voice, almost sending herself tumbling down the mountain. She would prance on ahead to try and mask it only as her face grew more flush. She had no doubt her pale facial features were turning pink by now, he'd flash her a smile that she could hardly ignore but would bring her dual toned eyes from his form. She... they, needed to find shelter soon.

The wind would blow heartily against her, even with Kyart's added insulation. Squinting her eyes the dark girl would also search down the path, wanting to see something that she hadn't found on the way up. The temperature would start to plummet, causing Rhythm's heart to beat with anxiety, nervous about their need for shelter. She would puff up her thick coat, shrinking slightly into herself at the chill. Of course if that was not enough to weigh on her not a few moments later and mass amounts of snow would begin to pour on to them, greatly reducing visibility. This was not good.
