
Growing Worse {Healer, Roman?}


12-11-2014, 09:53 PM
Her cough was growing worse, the herbs she had gotten seemed to do nothing. She couldn't hold anything down anymore, getting sicker by day. The female had chills, laying curled up in her den. She didn't understand... when she "released" whatever was in her stomach upon the ground there was blood in it as well. Was she... dying? The woman would let out a whine, tail curled tightly around her body. She shook heavily, gunk caught in her eyes. Arietta would groan as shivers of pain racked her body. The woman didn't know it...

...but poison was taking it's toll on her system.

The woman felt dizzy, a whine escaping her. She had started to see things... faces of her past... strange things... her body shook more. 'Why am I not getting better...?' It was simple... she wasn't being treated for the right symptoms. She opened her eyes slightly, letting out a gasp. Before her was a hallucination -- Of a very angry looking Sin. The woman would try to scramble back, whimpering pitifully. "G-g..." The woman would stutter, falling over herself. Was he here to punish here for leaving the ship...?

"...a..ayy..." She whimpered.


12-11-2014, 10:07 PM

Roman had been worried about the lithe healer since the meeting. Despite her aggravating morning- or all day sickness in spite of her pregnancy- the Queen had been intending to make a point to visit her. Gods she'd been so busy though. So she'd set off, with her free time to find Arietta. She'd hoped that  she would have recovered- but as she followed the scent of her, she grew worried. Roman was far from a healer- but she could tell that sickness accompanied that scent. Concern shot through her, and she hurried towards the smell, her swollen stomach wobbling as she moved. The smell was pungent and the sight of vomit made the Queen queasy. She could scent blood as well. Gods- the huntress was sicker than Roman had realized. Had she been poisoned?

She could hear some mutterings as she approached the den, and Roman lowered herself to the ground, and stuck her head inside. "Oh Arietta...." She murmured, before withdrawing herself. Tossing her head in the air, she let out a commanding summons for Devin- or any other healers in the vicinity. Her voice was distressed, and she wondered if Drashiel would hear her. As her summons faded, she lowered herself to the ground and shuffled forward into the den- keeping her hindquarters our. "Arietta. It's Roman- Devin's coming. Just hold on, okay?" She said softly, her voice soft but insistent. She took in the hunters state with a soft whine, and a flit of determination flared through her body. Arietta would survive.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak 



7 Years
12-20-2014, 10:57 PM

A call rang out, an urgent ring for any healer. Her ears pulled forward, alarm bells ringing through her. Looking down at what was left of her herbs, she wrapped them up in a large bay leaf before gently grasping it in her jaws. She didn't have much, it being winter and all, but hopefully she had enough. Pin pointing the sound she took off, skidding to a stop near the den. The stench of vomit and blood was so vile that she nearly threw up herself. Seeing Roman's rump sticking out of the den, she knew that the sick woman must be within it. Nodding her head to the leader, the usually chipper healer pushed her way into the closing. The stench was much worse in here, she was glad that her bundle of herbs was strong smelling enough to block some of it out. She didn't know the girl who lay within the den, she had never met her before. But that didn't matter, she had a lot of work to do. Placing her paw on the woman's forehead, and then touching her paw pads on Arietta's, she knew that she was burning up. But there was something wrong. The scent was not of a cold or flu, or anything else that had these symptoms. Could it be... did the woman eat something poisonous? Eying the girl she saw how large her pupils were, breaths ragged. She seemed to be looking at something, but no one was there. Poison, she was sure of it now. But how did she ingest something like that?

Amalia knew that it was already in her blood stream, she had thrown up enough that if it hadn't made it that far it would be gone. Dropping her herb bundle she unwrapped it, poking around until she found the burdock. It was a good herb for cleansing the blood, which she was sure the poison had made it to. Amalia also had a bit of milk thistle left, which would aid the liver in clearing it out faster, as well as building its strength back up. She also nosed out some boneset for her fever, and some ginger to help Arietta from throwing all the herbs up. Stepping closer to the stranger she nosed the herbs towards her, trying to catch the woman's eyes. "Miss, I need you to eat these herbs for me, okay? I am going to help you feel better, you just have to eat these," she said softly, offering the woman a small smile. If she didn't act fast, it could all get much worse.


12-30-2014, 12:08 PM
Arietta shuddered heavily as the hallucination closed in on her. She was trying desperately to will it away, to beg him to leave. Her mind burned, weakness in her body. She registered someone stick their head in, but who they were was lost on the female right now. The hallucination would turn towards the ‘intruder’, his growl vibrating only within her head, when in actuality it was Roman’s howl. The moments after that faded in and out, her mind somewhere lost.

The small healer would keep her body pressed to the back of the den, closing her eyes tightly, whimpering with pain, with fear. She heard a voice again, opening her eyes to see Roman’s head within the den... And Sin nowhere to be found. “R...Ro...” Her voice was dry, cracked. Fresh tears formed in her eyes. “Ro...” The girl was desperately trying to speak to her leader, though she would hardly get out a syllable before the name died on her lips.

Another would enter the den too. One she didn’t know. She was moving something towards her, the words leaving her lips sounding almost foreign to the brown femme’s ears. Arietta would shift, whining again, her body giving a violent shake. What did she want? Why was she here? Arietta would flinch back as the herbs were nosed towards her. Somewhere in the fog of her mind she remembered that herbs were given to ease pain... To help. Her light blue eyes would shift to them and awkwardly she’d try to lap them up. After a moment she would finish swallowing, her gaze shifting from the healer to Roman and then back.

“Wh... Sin...?” Her words were soft, spoken in an airy breath as she asked about the male who had once claimed her. She didn’t realize she had hallucinated seeing him... How sick she was.