
I'll run with you always

Dutiron i


8 Years
12-12-2014, 02:46 PM
Dutiron knew it was coming, the end was close now. His body had weakened, thinning to an unhealthy stage the illness wearing away his body and his mind. Memory was intact of course, though he was quiet even for the wise, old man and a part of him still visibly broken from the news that he had lost his sister. He had mourned her and in doing so certainly not helped his own state in any way at all. He'd lost track of the days and only the chill of the weather told him that somehow they'd ended up in Winter and right at the start he'd had the sinking suspicion that he wouldn't make it through to Spring.

Novel he had hoped would recover, to pull through and enjoy life with their children, though it broke the poor man even more to know that she was fairing just as badly as he was. However much they tried to hide the fact, there was no denying that it seemed only a miracle would heal them from this illness and even if they did recover, with a weakened immune system from the plights of this sickness, it probably wouldn't be long before they caught something else, providing of course they hadn't already.

Was it morning now? He wasn't sure though from what he could tell the light outside of the den seemed to be going brighter. Ironic really, the whole 'stay away from the light thing' and in two ways than one the weary man could feel it beckoning him. He was tempted, to give in, venture outside to see another sunrise though weak he wasn't sure he could drag himself outside.

There was a far better sight to behold though, a face that had always made him happy and his mismatched eyes would fall upon it now. Never once had he stopped loving Novel and though death was approaching the door, he was sure it still would never fully part them from one and other. "Novel..." He spoke ever so softly, his laboured voice now barely able to speak above a whisper.
by kat

Novel i


8 Years
12-13-2014, 06:24 PM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2014, 06:24 PM by Novel i.)
She'd watched as her mate's health took an even steeper decline after the revelation of his sister's death. Seeing him mourn her so deeply would cause a depression to take hold of her, secretly it would help to drain her strength. She'd long accepted that she would not reside within this plane of existence for very much longer. It was like a last secret that they would share wordlessly with each other, both would realize that their lives were coming to an end. The sickness would turn out to be too much for them, and with the added news of their loss their recovery had become an impossible hope. She only would wish that she might have been able to see her last litter into adulthood, though she would take comfort in knowing that they would be raised by their sister and that was enough to make her content. 

The woman held no regrets anymore, she'd made amends with her children and had lived to see many grandchildren and even her first great-grandchildren. Novel had lived a rather full life, and though she would wish for just a bit more time the acceptance was obvious. This was the last of their days, but it was okay. She was tired of the pain she felt, how difficult it had become to breath. Her lungs would labor with every inhale and exhale, and she would thank her lucky stars that she had not been taken yet.

As the very beginnings of the day would start she'd feel her eyes flutter open weakly at the sound of her husbands voice, the sweetest sound she would ever hear as she took to behold his face. Her true love, the one wolf she was able to count on during the entirety of her time on earth. He was with her all through her life, and she found comfort knowing that they would be off to the next life together. She could never leave him, even if she ahd not fell ill with her mate she would not have lasted long after his departure. The pain of being without him would have been too much to bear. In reality, this was the way she would have chosen to go. Beside Dutiron. "Dutiron.." She'd wheeze back, her form struggling to get closer to him. Already a frigid cold had started to tickle her toes. Slowly the feeling would begin to envelope her paws and she knew that soon her spirit would be forced to leave her tired body. "Are.. you.." struggling to find her breath she would gaze lovingly into his eyes. "Are you ready?" She'd whisper softly as she nuzzled her features into his neck. For days she had waited for these last few hours. Relief would soon come to them.
by kat

Dutiron i


8 Years
12-14-2014, 12:52 PM
It was hard acknowledging that the end was coming, knowing all that they would be leaving behind them and knowing of course that this was also the end of his mate's life as well. There was no denying it though, he could feel it in his aching bones, his tired body and mind and fading spirit had made it all to apparent for him and for Novel too sadly. Her own weak tones would answer him back as she stirred, questioning if he was ready. He had come to accept that life was ending though was it ever really possible for anyone to be ready for it?

"No" He responded simply. "I'm ready to be rid of this illness though I'll never be ready to stop living with you." He responded, nuzzling her in return. He knew not for certain what waited for them after death, if there was any chance for their spirits to remain together in some sort of afterlife though he certainly longed to believe in it.
by kat

Novel i


8 Years
12-16-2014, 03:45 PM
The couple was long past denying their fate, or fighting to keep themselves on this plane. They'd fought their battle, and were losing quickly. Her heart hurt to know that they'd be leaving their family to suffer the world with out their help. All she wanted to do was be their for her children, to support and provide for them however she was able. Now that time was over, and she was going to have to leave them. No matter how prepared or not she'd left them. Tears would have fallen from her eyes if there were any left to shed, acceptance had long taken over her and a sense of numbness would take hold. She would cling to the last emotion she had left, the eternal undying love she had for Dutiron.

He'd answer her weakly, offering a similar statement to how she felt. There was more she had to do, her babies needed more teaching and her grandchildren needed spoiled by their grandparents, not to mention the great grandpups. A labored sigh would leave her lips as her skeletal frame leaned into her mate's side, again thankful beyond reason for his presence. Her lungs would struggle to continue their work, the strength needed to keep them running draining Novel considerably that morning. "No matter," She'd start, almost playfully, "Not even death will keep me from you." And that was a fact. She would run with him into eternity as long as he wanted her there.
by kat

Dutiron i


8 Years
12-16-2014, 05:20 PM
There would always be more to do, more to try and stick around for though this was a lost battle now, there was nothing they could do but accept their fate as they were now. Weak body fought to cling to these last few concious and living moments with his mate. There was so much left to live for and yet now he knew there was little he could say and even little fight left within him. They had clung on for these final moments, constantly delaying them though death indeed was catching up. It was most certainly time.

"Nor I you" He murmured in response, his weary mismatched eyes no longer able to remain open. "Thank you." For a wonderful life, one he'd never dreamed could be his before her. There was talk of finding your better half and he certainly had discovered it in Novel, she had completed him and there was surely no better way he could have lived his life. "I love you Novel." Countless times they had uttered those words to each other, and now they would be his final words.

Always. He would run with her always.
by kat

Novel i


8 Years
12-16-2014, 05:38 PM
From the numbness a feeling of comfort would start to take hold of her, a feeling most importantly of peace, of the need to rest, and of acceptance. They'd done all they could within the world, this was the end of a wonderful life. She had been blessed enough to spend most of it with the most amazing man beside her, they had raised many wonderful children together and their contribution was enough that Novel could easily pass to the other side. It seemed though, even with the perfection of their end they would cling tightly to their final moments.

Novel would cling to her husbands words as the cold would begin to seep into her bones, to sweep her away into darkness. But hold tight she would, as her eyes slipped closed she'd listen to those familiar words. Had they really said them enough to each other? Was she really ready to give him her last? Second thoughts were long gone though, as she struggled to bring in one last good breath. "I love you, Dutiron.." And she would not be able to draw in another.

The pain would dissipate, and all she would leave was an old broken body. Her heart was long gone, running joyously with her true love, forever.
by kat