
❉ daggers and pearls.



5 Years
12-12-2014, 06:41 PM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2014, 06:42 PM by Cygnet.)

The sigh of relief as she lifted herself over the small bank could be caught and heard for miles it seemed. The winds were still at a wail, snow that was once falling was now growing parallel to the white colored earth. Freeze coming over the lands was more than noticeable and yet the dove felt as if it had snuck up on her so easily. Taking a moment to stand, the shivering fae pushed herself forward. Lavender gaze remaining keen on the target in the near distance.

Her colors would blend and meld with that of the sideways snow, hitting at her right side with such a force, trailing to her left, taking her pelt with it as it was forced against her, the feeling of being pushed aside caused her delicate, slow footsteps to cross over one another, catching her sleek figure and correcting her elegant stance. She righted her posture, allowing her attention to remain on the discarded ship resting on the frozen shores. Snow clouded her view with such force, lavender glowed with every slow blink that would allow them to be open to the world about her. Her mind was at a stand still, whether or not it was frozen she failed to notice, for her limbs accompanied her preoccupied thoughts, footsteps were nothing but numb stabs up her thin, flexible legs. Chest would heave to rid the cold air of her trembling lungs. Her breath pulled from her crystalized nostrils faster than it could be pulled in, and the realization of where she was physically came over her.

Her pace quickened, forcing her frozen feet into a trot as she floated over the flaking snow, the holes she left behind quickly disappearing into the abyss of the storm. Shivers fell endlessly down her spine as she shrunk herself, hugging against the white earth to push her narrow frame through a small crack in the hull of the ship. Although still frozen, a sigh of relief came over her and she felt oxygen begin to consume her body and begin the revival of her frigid physique. Silence fell over the bellowing ship, it's song was deep and haunting as the winds fluttered through the cracks and weakened wood. Howls and thunderous calls filling the hull as she stood where she was, trembling bodice working itself back up to it's comfortable temperature. Mustering the strength she allowed her bodice to shake momentarily, bracing herself carefully as she did so, flying snow and water pooled about her in damp radial circle. Lavender optics which were once dim seemed to brighten, focusing her attention on her surroundings in careful alertness.

"Speech" Thoughts



3 Years
12-12-2014, 07:27 PM
The feline fluffed his fur out as he walked against the strong gales. His claws flexed, searching for solid ground they could dig in for support. There was nothing but a thick layer of snow beneath him and so his small figure could be blown away at any moment. The lynx's ears were flat on his head as he tried to block out the howling wails of the wind. Golden eyes were narrowed, desperately searching for shelter through the vast landscape of white. Was the North always this cold? He should've stayed in the East, where winter was milder than this storm.

He shut his eyes as he wandered aimlessly, exhausted on his twisting paws. He collapsed a few moments later, tripping on his sleeping feet. Giving up seemed so easy. His body sunk into the snow before he finally lifted his head up. A structure loomed ahead, and that was all that needed to give him an ounce of motivation and strength to continue. He didn't care what it was or if it was wolf territory. He had to get there, that's all that mattered. Steadily rising to his paws, the cat pushed through the wind and cold. His whiskers brushed against the massive structure, informing him he was closer than he thought. He leaned against it, searching for an opening or crack. His heavy eyes widened as he found a small crack, large enough for him to squeeze through. After cramming his body through, he slumped onto the wooden flooring, unaware of any other creatures around him.

"Speech" Thoughts

[Image: iWaBrhp.png]
* This character is prone to random outbursts of violence and language *



5 Years
12-14-2014, 04:21 PM

She listened to the creaking ship as it moaned in the evening light, last of it to be exact, peering through the cracks and missing sections of the vessels old skeleton.  Yet another sigh would escape her exhausted lungs as she looked around herself for one more moment.  Lavender optics taking in the decrepit structure as it moaned and snapped against the wind.  Flawed for sure, but good a place as any to wait out the storm outside, not to mention, she'd rather be here than curled up in a snow bank.

Ivory figure, slender and shivering with the cold was slowly warming itself, though the aching in her bones and muscles would take a while to reach a comfortable temperature.  She pushed herself forward, the frosted floor boards of the hull of the ship creaking under her light steps.  Paw prints behind the path she was creating would lie perfectly shaped in the frozen wood, melted to the exact outline of her small feet.  A thump echoed in the doe's mind and she felt her body tense for a moment in a startle.  Bracing herself she jumped slightly at the sound filling the decrepit skeleton's hull.  She was not alone... Perhaps she should find out who else sought this structure as she did.  Her steps became half silent as she moved as best as possible, still shaking once in a while from the frigid dampness of her snow soaked body, lavender gaze wide and alert as she searched room through room of crashed, clattered pieces of wood and doors serving as obstacles about her as she quietly moved like a shadow in the light, awaiting another sign.

"Speech" Thoughts



2 Years
12-14-2014, 04:57 PM

He'd hear them creeping into his home, their sneaking quiet bodies intruding on his family's home. A growl would bubble from his chest as he pushed himself to his paws, he'd go deal with them if his daddy wouldn't. With a bravery that would seem completely irrational the pup (or not so much pup anymore, he was about 3/4 his adult size) would bring himself into the occupied chamber. He'd bare his teeth and his hackles would raise as he let out the deepest growl he could He would be the one to protect Zola, and the rest of his siblings if he really cared about them.

To one side the monochrome girl would stand while the other a very much not wolf. He'd growl again, this time adding a snarl. He'd narrow his gaze as he looked back and forth between the creatures. One a freezing she wolf, the other a half-dead cat thing. He could take them both at the same time. Easy. He'd growl again, "What do you think you're doing in my home?!" He did his best to mimic his father's tone, everyone seemed to be afraid of the white man. Even if the black one talked back he knew she was scared.



3 Years
12-15-2014, 03:20 AM
A few moments of creaking silence passed by as his body warmed to the temperature of the wooden structure. It was slightly more comfortable than outside and at least the strong winds were blocked. Coldness still crept into the complex, but it was better than freezing in the snowstorm. His senses picked up the definite sounds and vibrations of movement. Of course there would be someone else. It would be pure luck to find an uninhabited structure in a season like this.

A growl half startled him in his state, demanding an explanation of his arrival. He rose to his paws, expecting a patrol of pack wolves to be standing before him. But nope, it had to be a pup. A large one, that was for sure. He briefly glanced at the other creature, a white female wolf, who also seemed to take refuge in this building for the time being. The feline's gaze sharply met the pup's cyan stare, his features faintly amused. Was this all that was going to get between him and shelter? A pup?

The cat demanded disbelievingly. "Your home? A pup owns this place?"

"Speech" Thoughts

[Image: iWaBrhp.png]
* This character is prone to random outbursts of violence and language *



5 Years
12-15-2014, 07:20 PM

It hadn't entirely dawned on the frigid doe that the others that share this place of rest and recoup may be an entirely unwanted set of acquaintances. Although, at this point in her young life, the fear of others to come walking down her pathways was close to gone. The thought lingered in the back of her mind while the frontal lobe was preoccupied with carefully and silently making her way down a semi-collapsed corridor. The scent of frozen ice and messy, pungent rotting wood now frozen in it's place wafted into the doe's lungs, causing her to stop and observe her surroundings, only to be struck into position starring straight ahead at a young pup. Rich in coloration, and as it would appear... personality as well.

Relaxing for a moment her lavender gaze began to soften and she pushed forward slowly, nearing the young one, though very slowly in case another, perhaps closer to her own size or larger was nearby. A small smile crossed her jaws sweetly. Now no longer shivering with cold, she stood where she was upon long, ivory stocks. Narrow, slender figure eyeing the pup calmly but not before her attention being cut short by where his direction of speech was geared toward. Widening a bit for a moment she lowered her dial, focused in on the feline not far from them in the shadows. Hackles rose in momentary preparation for what may happen, but upon hearing the cat speak, she relaxed again, slender, long tail waving carefully behind her. "Salut, little one." Her vocals pour out from her throat in a sideways attempt to calm the young one, vocals like an angel lighting the room, sweet and soft in sound, like velvet to one's ears.

Her attention turned towards the snapping feline, brows narrowing gently, then something of a coy smirk crossed her visage, "Oh but monsieur that is quite the truth." She playfully informed the bobcat, playing along with the pup's threats in a more light-hearted manner, attempting to turn the serious situation into a light one.

"Speech" Thoughts



3 Years
12-15-2014, 09:09 PM


Perhaps the sudden appearance of his son growling and demanding to know the reason for the intrusion had not had the effect the boy sought but had bought his father some time. Lel had been aware from the moment the sound of claws upon metal has echoed from the entrance and for a moment he had wondered if it was the black bitch, attempting to make an escape but as he observed his son creeping towards the exit, hostility clear upon the boy’s posture he had thought it a good idea to follow behind.

He crept behind the white child, keeping to the shadows he had watched. A white girl and a cat? He had been tempted to leap out right then, but he had waited, observing his son’s reaction. Now though? Well it presented a better opportunity to confront the intruders. He had been chased from his home twice before and now that he had children to think of he would not give it up so easily.

He growled first, allowing it to reverberate along the metal walls knowing just how well it could carry. Then pulling himself from his hiding spot he approached, a specter from the shadows the giant moved with precise movements. His posture was all aggression, lips pulled all the way back to show his fangs, tongue slipping in and out of his jaw. His muzzle wrinkled, eyes narrowed and ears were pulled back. Hackles were raised and tail flagged high over his rump. This was his domain!

"I suggest you step away." His voice was a hiss, threatening and directed at the white woman. He did not like her proximity to his son, he’d rather she backed away if things were to get rough. "This," he spat turning attention upon the cat, "is our home."




2 Years
12-16-2014, 02:01 PM

Lian would stand tall, he was still rather large for a pup though still not quite indistinguishable from an adult. It seemed his intruders would see more pup than adult and that would be their downfall. He didn't really appreciate the way they spoke to or of him, and he'd find himself growling a bit more, but this time it would echo further and carry so much more power. No matter how much the female was trying to dissipate the situation, Lian knew that the next arrival would have no part in it. The boy would smirk widely as his father came up behind him menacingly, they might not have felt intimidated by him but there was no way they'd ignore Lel. He'd stick his tongue at both parties, still obviously a child. "Gonna get out now?"



3 Years
12-16-2014, 07:06 PM
Another canine had stepped into the scene, and the cat silently gulped as he gazed upon the wolf's massive height. The man hissed at the white female and himself. Oh, so this was the pup's father, right? And by his tone, this protecting father didn't take kindly to strangers. A rush on uneasiness flooded the feline. His fur wasn't welcome here.

The pup spat out mocking words, which only made him more infuriated. He shot the pup an impatient and annoyed glare, but restrained himself from attacking. He unsheathed his claws restlessly as he narrowed his stare. The lynx let out a low growl, speaking through gritted teeth. He didn't plan on leaving any time soon, especially with the conditions outside. "I'm sure we can compromise on something."

Arguments and agreements weren't his favorite plan of action, but if this got out of hand, he was more than willing to take it to the next step.

"Speech" Thoughts

[Image: iWaBrhp.png]
* This character is prone to random outbursts of violence and language *



5 Years
12-17-2014, 08:05 PM

The sharp situation was turning into anything but light as it rather quickly took a turn into something rather dark and dangerous. With a sweet, almost inaudible sigh the ivory fae let leak from her nostrils faded into the room in a gently cloud of silver mist, curling and twisting as it playfully lifted into the air and disappeared before her as quickly as it had appeared. Each breath to follow was reacting in a similar fashion, fading in and out of the dim lighting surrounding this party of three. A eerie sense of discomfort fell over her, causing the hackles upon her toppling to tingle and begin to casually raise. Squinting, lavender gaze seemed to sink into a dim shine from what it once had been, suddenly cold once more she shivered gently.

She wasn't one for conflict, and the resolution for it as well. A submissive type in many ways, the doe startled very lightly as the great male appeared, slinking out like a snake from the shadows behind his son. Blinking, the wide-eyed doe relaxed herself forcefully, ads peeling back and she took a gentle step backwards, unhappy with this strangers tone with her, as well as a bit flustered with his words. "Monsieur, ne me parle pas de manière." Her foreign words matched the accent she had shown earlier. Though quiet they were firm, spoken by an angel who hid her fury well, Sir, do not speak to me in such a manner. Was the initial translation to her words prior, feeling to need to let them spit between her teeth, though she managed to give no signs of initial attack, only backed away carefully. "You will do well to not speak to me in such a fashion, I meant to harm to your son or to you." Angelic voice would return to a common tongue, light and beautiful in tone, hardly harsh in any way even though she had tried.

Auds would appear to slowly rotate forward, landing upon the lynx beside them both, spitting his fire at the male with dangerous ferocity. The doe took a single step towards the cat with careful action, stopping herself short. "Monsieur, please." She calmly spoke out, lavender gaze switching between the threat on her left, and the cat on her right, nearly at a whisper the words dripped from her jowls. Keeping a careful eye on the large brute to her left, and his small, confident copy at his feet.

"Speech" Thoughts