
Why Is A Raven Like A Writing Desk? [Bass]


12-14-2014, 04:21 PM

Winter had brought her heat cycle, but that didn't stop her. Even though it enhanced her libido and increased her desire to sleep with anything that could quench her body's thirst, she figured she had it under control. After grooming herself for a good half hour and making sure her den was tidy, she left her home to visit a worthy ally. Her turquoise eyes shimmered with happiness at the thought of his golden gaze, his awkward stance beguiling to a hungry female. Pandora was honestly surprised that she hadn't jumped his bones at the first chance she had!

Nevertheless, she didn't pursue him, and it was a good thing on her part. As she jogged from the Lake to the borders, she thanked her lucky stars for how everything turned out. The scenery around her changed, too. From the serene woods she lived in placed next to a still lake, she came to a loud rush of water constantly moving. The Rapids was a place she hadn't visited yet, and as her golden-dipped front paws came to the edge of the massive landmark, she couldn't help but gasp. Wonder took over her face and she finally grinned as a result of how beautiful it was. She blinked once, then realized why she had come in the first place. Tossing back her head, she howled, not wanting to risk being caught by the wrong Abaven member.




7 Years

12-14-2014, 04:30 PM

He was playing with his little bundles when her call rang out, his ears pulling forward at the voice that called for him. Pandora. It had been a full season since he saw her last, not since before the storms had torn his home apart. He was glad to hear that she was here now, alive and whole. The Azat had been worried that she had been harmed by the raging winds, but alas! Carefully pulling himself from the children he stood, placing a kiss on Wren's cheek before he fled the den. A blast of chilly air greeted him as he raced towards the river, easily picking out her form among the stark white snow. It was quite the contrast, her blue and gold fur popping with the snow behind her. Skidding to a stop, Bass beamed a smile at his friend, her heat scent not going unnoticed. It made him falter slightly, but he gained control and leaned forward to nuzzle her cheek. "Pandora, glad to see you in one piece," he said, stepping back to sit on the ground before her. Grinning, he tilted his head slightly. "What brings you here today?"


12-14-2014, 04:46 PM

When he appeared, she couldn't have been happier. Pandora gave a loud "YIP!" as he got closer and closer. She grinned widely as his startling white frame stopped in front of her. She didn't hesitate to rush forward and nuzzle the right side of his neck. Pandora had really, truly, missed Bass. As she inhaled his scent, she felt like a gust of cold water had splashed her face. Slowly, she pulled back and met his bright gaze with her own. "You're a daddy," she said in awe. The shock stayed for a few seconds and then she gave another big grin. "You finally did the dirty deed then, huh, Mr. Azat?"

With a giggle, she wagged her tail and excitedly began to speak. "I came to see you, of course! You're so silly." Instead of sitting down, she pawed the ground with zest and continued to talk. "I have a proposal for you, but I don't know if you would be able to get away from being a leader and new papa." She raised an eyebrow and hoped that he would bite the bait she dangled in front of his face.




7 Years

12-14-2014, 05:08 PM

Pandora rushed forward to meet him, and he gladly returned the nuzzle. He had missed her too, and was more than happy to see her here. When she pulled back, a look of shock crossed her features as she muttered something about him being a daddy. His smile beamed even larger, a slight laugh coming from his lips. This was the first time that anyone else had called him a father, and it made his heart swell. When she brought up doing the deed he blushed under his pale cheeks. "I did, and I am! Oh Pandora you should come and meet them. Wren popped out five pups. Five!" he said, another laugh coming forth. He could still hardly believe it himself still.

She commented that she came here to see him, and he watched her dig at the snow. A brow rose, a question clearly on his face. She obviously had something planned, she was very excited about it it seemed. Sticking out his salmon hued tongue he waited for her to say what she was up to, but only asked if he could get away. Looking over his shoulder, his golden eyes narrowed. It was quiet, everyone was either off doing something or resting away from the cold. Surely they would not miss him for a bit, right? Plus Rhythm always had her ears open, if something happened she would be sure to call for him. "I can get away for a bit," he said, turning his head back her way. "Where exactly are we going?"


12-14-2014, 05:17 PM (This post was last modified: 12-14-2014, 05:18 PM by Bass.)

Bass was obviously proud of his accomplishments so far in his short life. He had a pack, established a steady ground for his pack members, fallen in love, married, and now had a family. The number he revealed to Pandora made her eyes widen and she guffawed in response. "Five?!" She asked in disbelief, for she had never thought about how much room they would take up before. "Mama had five babies, too, and I am surprised she actually made it through such a labor. Your wife is impressive, Bass." Even though she had never met Wren, she knew that she was someone special.

With bated breath and attention, she waited for Bass's official answer to her question. Finally, he said that he could go and she couldn't help but deeply exhale. "That is great news!" she exclaimed, eyes vibrant with excitement and eagerness. "We must go, post haste, before someone tries to stop us!" Her chest heaved with shallow respirations, but these were respirations of controlled excitement. She turned on her dark heels and proceeded to walk in the direction they were to go, when he asked where they were heading. Pandora looked over her shoulder and grinned. "That is for me to know and for you to find out!" When he finally rose from the ground and started to move, she began to lead.




7 Years

12-14-2014, 05:25 PM

He nodded his head, she was quite the impressive woman. To pump out that many pups... he didn't blame her for still being tired. They took a lot out of her, but he was lucky enough to have them all come into this world without a problem. He was about to say something, but she was so excited about this trip that he couldn't hold her up any longer. She practically jumped around as if it had been eating at her for a long time now. Shaking his head he stood up, following the bundle of energy with a slight laugh. He had never seen her quite to excited before, she was walking with such vigor. Coming to her side he eyes her suspiciously, his nose flaring as he tried to pick up a clue at where they might be going. But he had no idea at all, and this woman was really full of wonders. He kept his eye on her, while all his other senses were alert, trying to figure out just where they were.



12-14-2014, 05:44 PM

So they walked...and walked...and walked. The journey felt like it was taking forever, but only to the untrained wolf. Pandora had taken this trip before -- only once -- but she knew the way and therefore, cut the time it took to reach her destination in half. Paws that were not used to long travels carried her over semi-familiar lands, making their way across the snowy landscapes without complaining. The snow, actually, helped cushion her soon-to-be aching feet, so she had her whining put off for this expedition.

The closer they got, the more excited she became. Her eyes soon fell upon a familiar hill, one that rose to thirty feet in the air. Cobalt blue tail swept behind her, making her designs shimmer in the bleak sunlight. She looked over to Bass, hoping that he was not too short of breath from the long journey. A smile appeared on her face and she kneaded the snowy ground beneath her feet as she brightly asked, "Are you ready to see something so out of this world, you won't know what to do?!" After he gave his answer, she pursued the hill, not stopping to take a breath.

When she finally reached the top, she looked over her shoulder to make sure Bass was close. He came to stand next to her and she turned her head to look over the landscape. It was then that she deeply inhaled the crisp air and bumped Bass with her hip. "Welcome to Wonderland, Bass." The Plateau was one that told a story, but what kind of story was unknown to the two wolves. Battle gear and weapons were thrown every which way across the large field, scattered in the weirdest of places. Slowly, Pandora stepped down the hill and proceeded to walk through the forgotten place of war. It was eerily quiet, and with the snow covering everything within sight, a place of silent wonder. This didn't stop Pandora from approaching a rusted cannon, its charcoal color dull in the sunlight. She sniffed it over and touched the end of it with her nose. Cold to the touch and dusty as hell. Ears perked and she turned to look back at Bass, a powdery mustache forming over her upper lip. "What do you think?" she asked, unaware of how comical she looked.
