
Journey's fruition

Motif I


4 Years
12-14-2014, 09:33 PM

She was missing Bass and Rhythm with a steady ache in her chest by the time she reached the lands she sought. The journey here had added an extra week upon it because of the slow pace she had been forced to set. She had carried her little burden a great deal of the way but more often then not her little sprite had insisted on walking until her feet where saw. Motif showed her the sights of the world along their way. She had shown her mountains and streams and flowing waterfalls. The journey had solidified a mothers love for her tiny daughter, and saw the world with fresh eyes as her little one trembled with amazment and delight. It was clear from the start that the adventure was a wonder past imagining for her baby and her heart and grown and grown each step of the way.

Now her heart was clentched and her stomach rolled. She felt sick with worry and antipication. She had no idea how Shai was going to take this, what he would do. A thought she had never had before plagued her now and she knew that if Shai hurt their child Motif would rip him limb from limb – never interfere with a mothers love for her child, never threaten her baby. She carried Shaye across the land-bride and brought her safetly to the other side. She ushered her to a tree and blocked her from view with her own body before howling for the stranger who was her father, through she wondered if he would even come...

Walk "Talk" Think




8 Years
Extra large
12-15-2014, 03:28 PM

His tall frame would slide gracefully through the trees, oddly with out Gwena at his side. He'd hardly been able to leave her, the turning of the season making her completely irresistible. At that moment he had no doubt in his mind that he was going to marry her, first he had to find the elders firts just to make it official. It seemed that since the land bridge had opened up his family had slowly disappeared. He had no doubt many of them had been taken by the Northerners or killed by the same hand. His heart ached for those that were gone, and that would make his focus on his mate that much more direct. He wasn't going to let anything happen to her, ever.

He was hunting, hoping to bring back a little meal before his beauty awoke. With a grin on his face and a pheasant in his jaws he was making his way back to the den when the voice would reach his ears. So unexpected it was that the bird would be dropped from his mouth and he'd stop in his tracks. His heart would race at the thought of Motif again, and his head would spin. She wasn't supposed to exist anymore, she was just a figment of his imagination, and she couldn't be in the Southern lands calling for him. Ears would fall back against his head as he dropped his head to pick his prey back up. Uncertainty written on his features as he debated about going or not.

Really he shouldn't have, he had Gwena and a life of happiness waiting back at his den. Motif only held with her heartache and uncertainty. Still before he even realized where his feet were taking him he caught her all too familiar scent. His pace would slow, his form coming downwind so she wouldn't as easily detect him. He'd dodge the trees and stealthily would take his last glance at the woman, having no intention of showing himself. He'd not miss the change in her scent though, the faint whiff of another as well as the warm motherly scent of milk.

His heart would beat even fast as a subtle type of panic would grin him. He wouldn't let his thoughts materialize, not yet. He needed to know though, he needed her to tell him this was not happening. Almost shyly he would emerge from the wood, his head low but his frame just as massive as ever. There was worry and a deadly curiosity in his expression as he looked towards the chocolate girl, praying there would be no surprise.

"yoruban" "english"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-15-2014, 09:09 PM

Shaye knew that she was the luckiest girl in the world, that nothing could ever compare to the wonders that she had seen. The coolness of the water, the soothing touch of grass beneath her paws and the scent of an ocean breeze. Everything was utterly and wholly brand new to her, and each experience was fresh and new and amazing. The trek from her birth den to the place her Mumma wanted to take her was long, and tiring, yet... she would not have had the world any other way.

Mumma told her stories about the land they where going to, of the bridge that led between this land and that and the strange speech the people there used, of it fluidity and strength. Most of all, she told Shaye about her father. She knew he was big, and strong and sturdy, that he was dark with shots of silver to halo his body and accent the tones of his eyes. She knew also, that she held so much of her father in her body. She knew before she was him that she loved him with all her heart, and that he would be perfect and as strong as she imagined him. She was also afraid, because she did not know him, would he love her? This little stranger he had never met.

When he saw her, or rather the giant paws she could see from beneath her mothers belly the girl's fear fell away. She needed to see him, more then a peek, a glance, more then whips of his body seen from hiding. She popped out from behind her mother and ran a few feet before Motif could stop her. And then she saw him. He was everything she had imagined and more, and he was... hers. A wide, wild grin spread across her muzzle and her eyes lit up with wonder. “Daddah?” she whispered, a little more cautiously now, her steps hesitant and uncertain she took another step, her head bobbing up and down with worry, curiosity, and amazement



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.

Motif I


4 Years
12-15-2014, 09:18 PM

It would not be long before he was there, flicking like a ghost from the woods into sight for a moment she was speechless, her eyes roving his face, features and familiarity with a soft twinge of pain in her gut. This was the boy who wholly and irrevocably stolen away her heart body and soul. He smelled homely, of fresh kill, grass, of warm dens and another body. She stiffened at the thought, her eyes darting wildly for a moment and she frantically tried to grasp hold of why she had come. Her emotions where overwhelming her, her heart in her throat. She had not come her to repeat the past, but to show a future that well may be shocking was also life changing and beautiful, their little girl.

Breaking the few moments of Motif's shocked silence the girl in question slipped out from the protective position she had put her in. “Shaye!” she said, sharper then had intended as she took a weary, protective step forward. But Shaye didn't go any further then that, she seemed to hesitate, her head taking in everything and Motif could just imagine her perfect blue eyes widening in wonder – after all, how could anyone look at Shai at not be awestruck. Then her little girl spoke, and the words tweaked her heart strings, both in love and worry as the perfect little child named Shai for what he was – her father. Motif did not reach for her girl again, but she remained tensed, her muscles locked and ready to fly to Shaye's defense if it seemed that even for a second it was necessary.






8 Years
Extra large
12-16-2014, 04:11 PM
He found his eyes upon her, gaze soft as he searched for answers. Memories of their one night would flood his mind, memories he'd thought he'd rid himself of. For a long moment he would just look into her similar hued gems, but as he had thought, they were not alone. From behind the woman an incredibly young pup would run, her fur dark with streaks of silver littering her back. Her impossibly bright blue eyes would shine from markings perfectly akin to his own.

He'd feel himself melt as she beamed up at him, her smile perfect and innocent. He'd hear her name slip from Motif's lips, and he would no longer be able to deny his thoughts. He'd helped to create this child. The tiny fragile little girl, was his. He'd look to the chocolate woman again, as if to see if she would deny what was so obvious standing in front of him. He'd get no such assurance and his sun lit gaze would fall back to the tiny Shaye. He'd sigh softly, his legs coiling beneath him so he could get a better look at the child Motif had brought back here to the place she'd been conceived. He'd stare in wonder, awe evident on his features as he silently watched her, unable to even process this revelation.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-16-2014, 06:35 PM

There would be no answer to her curious little question, but instead of rejection, a giggle would fall from her lips. Still bobbing her head but now adding in the action of sniffing the air each time her head raised upward. He smelled different from Mumma, but similar at the same time through she couldn't place why. He was looking at her curiously and the surprise she found in his face amused her. She knew her Mumma was weary, but she couldn't for the life of her understand why, even as she looked at the towering wonder before her.

When nothing much happened she took another step forward, and then another, ignoring the quivering of Motif's legs as she took the familiar actions of movement. She moved until she could look right up in Shai's eyes, at which point she would move in an attempt to rise up and rest the weight of two of her paws over the leg of one of his giant ones, to give her the height to attempt to reach up and touch her nose to his.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



8 Years
Extra large
12-16-2014, 09:41 PM
She was beautiful, and he'd never be able to deny that. Her gigantic blue eyes were filled with a curiosity that he could hardly believe. He wouldn't notice Motif'a apprehension or her tense figure. He was much too focused on the tiny child that was now so close to him. He wouldn't stop her as tiny little paws found their way to his limbs, her impossibly small nose would come to meet his and he'd realize that he was in love.

She was never meant to be, but somehow here she was before him. A perfect little mixture of himself and the woman he'd given himself to for only a night. How easily his life had changed after a meeting that had lasted only hours. He'd close the distance between their noses, surely his look of awe was exactly like hers. He didn't know what to say, he didn't know what he could say. The language barrier between them was too high, still surely she'd understand this. "Love, Shaye" He'd say easily in Yoruban. He meant it too, he'd only known her but a few minutes but already he was in love.

Motif I


4 Years
12-17-2014, 12:14 PM

She could see it in his eyes, in his manner, in every pore of his being. He could no more harm this perfect little child then could she, she who had built up months of preparation to hate the little monsters inside of her who had realized that truly it could be nothing less then love at first site that she held for her little Shaye. Her tension fell away, and she watched in wonder as that same love struck Shai, as he became powerless to all that she was. Shai would say their child's name and Motif would move forward, the closest she had gone yet to the giant who had changed her life.

Moving with a motherly gentleness she scooped up the child and gently pulled her away from Shai, and into her arms, ignoring Shay'es soft protest as her nose was pulled away from her fathers. Then, just as gently, she pushed Shaye back to her father, then repeated the process one more time. She looked closely into Shai's face, imprinting the seriousness of the moment with her eyes as she watched him, waiting to see if he would understand her meaning. “Motif, love Shaye, Shai, love Shaye” she said softly, hoping the pattern of the names would also add to the meaning, but feeling somewhat silly with the simple way she said it. She smiled then, leaning down and gently licking Shaye across the forehead, the pup squirmed and pranced happily back to Shai, rubbing her head gently against his leg, as the parents watched on in wonder.






8 Years
Extra large
12-17-2014, 01:20 PM
He'd barely notice as Motif drew more near, her lithe form taking in the interaction between her daughter and Shai. He wouldn't realize her proximity until she was pulling Shaye away from him, and for almost a moment he would protest her retreat. It seemed Shaye was not quite ready for the departure either as she would squirm at being pulled away. before he could react she would be back in his grasp, but once more Motif would take her and place her back. He was very confused until he looked into her eyes, the seriousness there telling him she was trying to communicate. Her soft voice would add another dimension and he'd realize what she was saying. He'd smile largely, letting the girl come over to nuzzle him he'd similarly kiss her head still amazed at her existence.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-20-2014, 01:18 AM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2014, 01:30 AM by Shaye I.)

Shaye wasn't happy when her mother dragged her back, she whined softly in complaint but gave no resistance. She made a quizzical face when in the next moment Motif was pushing her back to her father. It wasn't until the next tug and push that she realized her mother was communicating with her father. She gave a soft, surprised laughter, she remembered her mother explaining that her father spoke differently, but she never really grasped the implications of that. She giggled again and pawed gently at her dad when her mother spoke, before she herself would speak softly. “I get to stay with Daddy” she explained to him, as through she herself speaking the words would make him understand.

She didn't know more then a handful of her fathers words, for some reason this was all her mother would teach her. She understood her name was a mixture of the two, she understood that her name was unique in the pack her mother lived in, that was ok, that was exciting! Besides, she was sure her daddy would teach her more words. She snuggled up against his foot and waited for the two to come to an agreement, so she could go see Daddy's world! She loved him already, and well she knew she would miss her mum, it wouldn't be long before she saw her again. In fact, everything in her life was simply perfect.


Manip by Dancing-Crows



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.

Motif I


4 Years
12-20-2014, 01:38 AM

Motif could see the understanding flare in his eyes and let herself smile in relief, she had been so afraid of this moment, so prepared to turn Shaye around and take her all the way back home again. She was so glad that it had gone well, glad and afraid all over again. It was really happening, she was really leaving Shaye here in the hands of someone who was almost a stranger to her and her baby. It was the love she could see in Shai's eyes that made this bearable, to understand the father loved the child as greatly as the mother did. She let out a soft sigh, and without knowing what was happening in his life, if it was or was not taboo, she reached forward and gently touched her nose to his cheek. “Thank you, look after her, look after our Shaye” she whispered to him before stepping back again. Even as most of her heart fretted over Shaye, another part of her heart melted at the sight of him again, it stirred all the old feelings inside of her that reminded her of how Shaye had come to be.

She couldn't let herself dwell on that however, she couldn't go back on her choice, on Abaven Bass and Rhythm, she needed them as much as she needed Shaye and she just couldn't see how Shai could fit into that life – except for the shared care of their child. Her eyes where sad as they regarded him now, drinking in both him and their daughter, locking it all away in her heart until she could repeat this journey and see her little Shaye again. At least it would be much faster the next time, without Shaye's little paws slowing her down, without showing her daughter the sights of the world. “Shai, Shaye, ok?” she asked softy, nodding her head to the both of them, trying to ask if either needed anything more before she left them.

