
Finding Friends In The Most Unlikely Places



12 Years
Extra large
12-16-2014, 02:50 PM


Big red puppy paws smacked into the snow, sending powder flying into the air. Regulus loved this white stuff. It was cold, but so much fun! It made sneaking up on his mother pretty hard, though. He stuck out like a sore thumb in the snow, with his crimson body, and typically cavalliere gusto. He had, however, learned to keep from becoming too rough with his sisters during play; he took extra care with Zuriel, especially when she caught colds. 

His rump wiggled into the snow as he crouched, eyes centered on an invisible target. He was just about to leap when a weird squeal cut the air. It was tiny, high pitched. He straightened up, looking around, ears perked. It came again. Regulus charged off, delighted that his paws didn’t tangle up on themselves anymore. It was a recent step up, and one that he revelled in, now that he could run faster. 

The squeal came a third time, and he skidded to a stop, head swivelling, necklace tinkling at his breast. Then, he spotted it. A dark red-brown scrap of fur against the base of the willow ahead. He charged forward, chest rumbling with a bark at the ready. In a moment, he was upon the scrap of fur, nose diving in to sniff-- Ow! Spitfire hissing filed the air, and all of a sudden, a set of pinpricks decorated his nose. He fell back with a yip of surprise, and a little pain.

The scrap of fur had fluffed out, the owner having struggled to its feet. What was it… Some kind of squirrel? Did squirrels swat noses? Regulus plopped back on his rump and stared at the hissing, tinily growling scrap of fur. He reached out one paw, and tried to poke it, and it fluffed out even more. “What’re you?” He asked, delighted again that that ‘r’ sound no longer embarrassed him by not coming out right. The scrap of fluffed out fur yowled, a distinct note of anxiety on its voice. “I won’t hurt you… I’m Regulus.” 

He amazed the fates onces again; he was staying calm around something new. What a shock. Slowly, the scrap shrank, shivering like a leaf. It was then that he saw the large blue eyes in a triangular face with big, pointy ears. Long whiskers came from it’s jowls. It had a long tail that really quite recalled him to the tails of squirrels… just thinned down. 

And then, the creature was suddenly huddled against him. He started to jerk back, but then his buttery soft heart kicked in, and he curled protectively around it. He looked around, wondering what to do now. He’d ventured further away from the den than usual. Then his eyes fell on his tracks. Oh yeah! His mother had taught him just yesterday how to follow tracks in the snow. He looked down at the creature, huddled close and shivering against his side. “Come on. It’s warmer at home…” Before the creature could react, he snatched it up and scampered after his own trail in the snow, trying his best to hold gently. Mama was going to love this.

-exit Reg and Cinder-