
Tonight We Burn It All [Cassius]


12-17-2014, 06:20 PM
The female had taken her first trip outside of Secretua’s borders in some time. At least, father than where she had confrontation with her brothers. It had been a mess of things, leaving her son even more cold towards the world. The damaged female wasn’t sure what to do with the boy. He knew he was not Freyr’s son... That his own father was nothing but scum. He hadn’t talked to her in days and Akemi wasn’t sure what to do at this point. So the walk, to clear her head, was needed.

Life liked to through curve balls a lot it seemed. Just when she thought she was making progress there was some loop. Ah well, things happened. Sitting there and getting depressed over it wouldn’t solve anything. Her single orb would lift towards the night sky. For the moment it was clear, the stars twinkling above and reflecting their light upon the snow that crunched underpaw. She would expel a breath. The night was beautiful, and surely enough of a distraction from her troubles at home.

“Hnn...” The girl would sit upon the snow, feeling the urge within her rise to howl. To sing her song to the heavens. Tilting her head back Akemi would do just that. She was damaged... But she wasn’t broken. She was alive... And until the day came when she was slain... She would keep fighting. The world could do everything it wanted to against her -- it wouldn’t mean a thing.