A new type of game
12-18-2014, 04:22 PM
Coming from the south, from the northern mines here in the north the assassin found her self seeking to once more to branch out to create another alliance, hopefully one far better then the last. They were on neutral grounds with Arcanum but no more then that, the silver witch refuse to have a solid alliance at least right away, something would have to be done to make sure they remained as such; Morgana didn't seek war, at least as of yet. Her pack was nothing more then a sorry gathering of mismatched mutts, that didn't know their nose from their tail. A sorry thing she had obtained, but her grip would remain strong, unwilling to let it go. A huff left the women, just as she came upon the boarders of a pack, one she had heard a little about. But that head rose, only to call forth the one who rules here. Simply, all the assassin could do now was wait and see. See who may answer..