
what a mess



3 Years
12-20-2014, 05:43 PM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2014, 05:45 PM by Ixionn.)" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:550px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; border-radius: 25px; background-color:#0c0909">
Snow crunched gently beneath his paws as he traveled through the chilly plains, eyes sweeping over the beauty that this territory offered. It brought back memories as a young, stubborn boy. When Hajime was still alive and he was only so small and fragile. Ixionn breathed out and groaned, before picking up his pace casually. Things back at 'home' were all wrong. Everything had been going wrong for him. No, not only him. His whole family. Maybe not Quelt or Allen or Darrah, considering they had the luxurious pack Abaven where they allowed their worries to drift away in the wind. But everyone else...including Aiko, Arian...Levi? Where had his brother gone? Last time they had seen each other, it was at the geyser. And it had been right after Arian had announced him heir to Isokan. Had he left Abaven? Was he also living the easy life?

Either way, the masked boy doubted his brother was dealing with the stress of everything going on in the former Isokan. He felt so shattered and helpless. Aiko, as well, who he promised to protect and comfort for as long as all of this shit dragged on. Migi, the husband of his new queen, had tried his best to reassure him and his sister. Ixionn could tell by the sincerity in his voice. But he wouldn't understand, he never would. That pack had been his home and his comfort. His support and happiness. To have some completely random woman claim his home as her own threatened him drastically. It made him feel almost impersonated. So several options were created in his own mind. Something screamed at him that he should challenge her for the pack. But she was pregnant, so he wasn't sure that'd be very fair.

He could leave to Abaven with Aiko and ask Bass to join his ranks. But abandoning what could have been his kingdom wasn't a very satisfying option. The boy could also remain within the ranks of Morgana's new pack...and deal with the stabbing feeling of being part of her army. An intruder, an enemy. No matter how polite she seemed at the meeting, he could see darkness in her and in the pack. All three of these options had their pros and cons. And he needed help deciding. Drago was gone for the winter, so he couldn't discuss it with him. Everyone else was busy. So the only wolf left was Bass, his fathers friend and the alpha of Abaven. Ixionn was sure Bass could help him...

Snow had piled up tall on his back by the time he arrived at Abaven's border. It sent chilly shivers rushing up his spine. But he had forced himself to ignore it, as holding this meeting with Bass meant a lot to him. Little did he know that the alpha was busy with pups of his own. If he had known, he would of most likely waited for awhile until he was more open to things. But unfortunately, he didn't. He wasn't exactly up-to-date with everything going on outside of his own pack.

Ixionn sat back onto his rear and threw his head up, releasing a powerful howl into the snowy air, calling for his former king. While he waited, he brushed the frosty snow off his back and legs casually.

"Burn Baby Burn"



7 Years

12-20-2014, 06:27 PM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2014, 06:30 PM by Bass.)

The pups were getting bigger at a quick rate, their growth surprising him to no end. They were crawling all over the den, a den that was much to small of the family of seven to settle in. He knew that they were looking to go out and explore soon, and there was no doubt within him that it would happen soon. Their little personalities were starting to bubble up, and they were all so different. Bass was taking a bit of a break from the little devils now, their teeth were sharp and they liked to tug on his fur. Poor Wren sent him dagger glares as he slipped out on the excuse of alpha duties. He hadn't lied, he did need to patrol his borders. It could have waited for the whelps to fall asleep but... He was on his way back to relieve his poor wife when a howl called out for him, one that was faintly familiar. Ears perked forward, his brow raising as he searched his mind to put a name to the voice. Still a bit unsure, he cut his way through the snow and towards the caller.

As he came over the lip of a hill and picked up the wolf's sent, it hit him. Ixionn. He hadn't seen the boy since he went to be with Quelt in Isokan. But what was he doing here? There was another disturbing thing muddled in the boy's scent, the smell of a different pack. It was a small change, but one that any alpha could pick up. Isokan had a new leader. Confusion swirled, he had just spoken to Arian a few weeks before! What exactly was going on here? And worst of all, Ixionn looked rather distressed. Sadness tugged on his heart as he closed the gap between them, stretching forward to touch his nose to the masked one's face. "Ixionn," he breathed, as if it was a sigh of relief. He had missed the children, having grown rather close with Darrah made him want his siblings back even more. But he doubted that this child was here for that reason, Ixionn had always been a rather determined fella. "Your smell has changed... what's happened?" he asked, concerned. Last he had heard Ixionn was going to be the heir of Isokan, and now for something to change like this? Well it must be rather hard on the poor kid, and once again his heart strings were pulled. Was there anything that he could do?



3 Years
12-20-2014, 07:14 PM" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:550px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; border-radius: 25px; background-color:#0c0909">
The king had arrived in no time, first addressing Ixionn with a gentle touch to his expressionless face. Then his name, coming out as something like a sigh of relief. "Ixionn," The boy straightened his posture and frowned to the white male bluntly, bloody eyes showing disappointment and a bit of guilt. Ixionn had made sure to familiarize himself with Bass' aroma as he arrived. Which, to his surprise, smelt of milk and soil. It was a bit puzzling, as if he had been around a nursing mother. But there really wasn't time to ask questions about such a simple thought now. After all, Bass was probably busy with some other stuff. He shouldn't keep him for too long.

The masked boy slouched forward and sighed, shaking his head slowly. "Isokan is gone," He said simply, refusing to look at the man directly. He felt so ashamed of let Morgana take the pack so easily, and to let Arian go without even an argument. He felt like he had betrayed Hajime and Aiko. Everyone who had found a home within Isokan.

"Arian gave the pack to a woman named Morgana...and I don't know what to do." Ixionn finally lifted his head and eyed the king, his eyes growing hard and serious. "I wanted to challenge her, but...she seems too powerful for me. Plus, I've heard she's carrying pups." He rolled his scarred shoulders forward, the snow that had piled there falling to the ground at his paws. Ixionn huffed and forced his eyes shut for a few moments. "I came to discuss this with you, if you have the time."



7 Years

12-20-2014, 10:31 PM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2014, 10:32 PM by Bass.)

"Isokan is gone."

The man blinked in surprise, mouth opening slightly as he eyed the boy carefully, waiting for him to go on. He couldn't help but shake his head sadly, he had just spoken to Arian and all seemed fine? But to hand it over to a woman that no one knew? It was hardly fair to the boy who was to be a king. When Ixionn finally looked back up at him, he held his red gaze with his own golden ones. He asked for help -- if Bass had the time. "I have all the time in the world for you, Ixionn," he said softly, gaze starting to harden. "You should take back what is yours, pregnant woman or not," Bass was far from a cruel man, but what had  been done to Ixionn was not fair at all. How was this boy supposed to react to a complete stranger taking over what was  soon to be his? "Arian was a fool to hand over the pack without speaking to you, you were to be leader. So take your home back. I will be happy to train you, to teach you what you need to know. You are part of my family, Ixionn, no matter what pack you call home," he said. Bass would not stand for this, and would help the boy. He would do whatever he could to help. Perhaps it was the growing paternal feelings in him, or maybe it was the dedication he felt towards Hajime's pups.