
Not Everything Lasts[level bbs]



10 Years
09-21-2014, 12:57 PM

She knew the time was drawing near, already she had prepared the nest. She felt as restless as the children that did flips inside her womb. She felt achy as the day began, her eyes fluttering open to the dismal rains and high winds that still held them tightly within its grasp. She?d sigh as a wakefulness would settle over her consciousness, oceanic blue eyes staring out at the pouring water. Novel wouldn?t be awake for long before the reason of her sudden awareness was obvious, the first of many contractions would take hold of her, stunning her into pained silence as she braced herself through it.
Uncomfortable and scared she?d whine as the wave left her, eyes searching for Ara?s form. They would become wide as she realized how ill prepared she was to birth these children. Only what could go wrong would fill her head as the discomfort caused her to stand. She wanted so bad to walk around, but the den was small and she wasn?t much up for a swim outside. Another whine would leave her lips, why did they have to come now?

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10 Years
09-21-2014, 03:25 PM

The season had passed much more quickly than Ara had anticipated. The season's warmth had slowly leveled off and the storms had rolled in, slow at first but quickly increasing in intensity. Soon the weather was rather dangerous, and much of the pack had moved temporarily away from the Kamui Delta and closer to the Hot Springs, which was higher elevation and thus safer. Much of their home was flooding, and the land was riddled with storms and rain that never seemed to cease.

Novel was safe in her den though, and her parents had temporarily relocated to a refuge much closer to them. Though she was finding it difficult to sleep, it seemed her body had other plans in mind. But she slowly awoke at the sound of Novel pacing nearby, eyes jolting awake as soon as she heard a whimper leave her lips.

Was it time already? She felt her stomach lurching in anticipation, her eyes searching for Novel as they adjusted to the dim light of the den. "Novel," she would probe gently. "Are you okay?" Ara felt her heart pounding in her chest as she found her form, quickly moving to all fours to press her nose to her friend's face. Worry radiated in her blue gaze as she watched her, wondering if her instincts were right -- was Novel about to give birth?



10 Years
09-23-2014, 12:33 PM

Ara would not take long to stir, it seemed just as quickly as Novel had found her feet Ara was there. Another whine would leave her lips, but she found comfort in Ara?s presence. Elohim would poke his head down into the den, his eyes curious as he took in the laboring she wolf. He was very much reluctant to go outside, so his form would stay where it was until absolutely needed. Maybe it would be a quick birth, for Novel?s sake. The pale girl would feel Ara?s nuzzle and it would be returned even though she would grit her teeth through another contraction. They were already so close together, she wasn?t sure that she?d even have to wait much longer.
She?d shake her head painfully as she endured the wave, unintentionally moving from Ara?s touch. Defeated she?d let a moan leave her lips before as her form was forced to the ground. No, she wasn?t alright. ?It hurts, so much.? her words only a whisper as she flailed slightly on the cold den floor, she hadn?t even laid back down on her pre made nest. It was too late to move now. In what seemed like an eternity, but miraculously was less than a few minutes, Novel would eventually start to give birth. The first of her puppies would enter the world as she struggled to expel him. He was a dark boy with faint lighter markings. He was rather big, but full of life as instinct took over and Novel removed him from the confines of the sack. Her tongue would lap over him gently before ushering him to her side where he would hopefully latch on and start to suckle.
For a moment she thought she was done, her body would relax and the first sights of her child would overcome her emotions. He was beautiful, and she knew already that she loved him. No matter the circumstances of his birth. ?Hymn.? She?d name him just as another contraction overtook her. She?d push once more and another pup would fall from her. This one a bit smaller, with obvious pale markings marring the same pattern of his brother. She hoped that Ara would be able to clean this pup. No matter how quickly she gave birth she felt an incredible drain upon her.

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



10 Years
09-24-2014, 09:07 PM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2014, 09:09 PM by Ara.)

Though she knew births could be surprising, and come much more quickly than anticipated, somehow she hadn't expected Novel's to be so sudden. The rain had prevented her from gathering a good store of herbs, and neither of them had eaten much during the last week. Instantly a whimper threatened to fall, a soft sound that lingered on her lips before she grew silent. The contractions had came quickly and with little warning. Sapphire gaze was locked on Novel as she dropped to the ground, writhing in pain that rattled her small frame. 'It hurts, so much,' she would tell her -- Ara didn't know what to say. She could only imagine the kind of pain that she must be feeling. Instantly she felt her head spinning, wondering what she could do to possibly help.

Would she even be able to call anyone from the thunder that rolled overhead?
Or would the steady pounding of rain stifle her anxious cries for help? Ara rarely, if ever, doubted herself, but she felt a tension growing in her belly that felt strangely like fear. Quickly she would tip her head back, letting out a loud call for anyone who might -- by some great miracle -- be able to hear.

But no help would come. At least, not as quickly as she had hoped. She would place gentle kisses to Novel's belly as she shifted to lay beside her, massaging her stomach firmly. It wasn't long before something amazing happened. Two tiny boys, one moving quickly and with instinct, but the second was smaller and Novel was already tired. Gently she would lean to clean the boy, nearly shaking as her tongue touched him, amazed at how small and frail he was. He was perfect, despite everything, and she swore she felt tears welling up in her eyes. "..and Psalm," she would whisper, the name seeming to fit as she suggested it, her voice much more confident than she felt. Gently she nudged Psalm closer to his mother, watching as his own instincts took over and he began to suckle.

Everything was okay. It seemed incredible that Novel had done this, largely unaided, with nothing to dull the pain, with the support of nobody but herself. A sigh left her lips, a smile threatening to tug at her lips. "You are amazing," wary words would flow from her mouth without realizing. "And your children are beautiful. Rest, and I'll watch them." Though she hoped some of the pack might hear her call and come to check on Novel, she was content to be quiet and watch over her babies, hardly able to imagine how tired she might be -- and barely able to believe how strong she was despite all that she had endured.



09-25-2014, 11:08 AM

The rain and thunder were enough to keep anyone sane inside their den. Safety would be their first instinct and survival would be wound around it, no questions asked. However, Dhiren was going to be the oddball and continue to scout through the horrible weather. The flooding had died down and his quarters hadn't been damaged by the excess water. That didn't mean he was going to stay in his home like a coward.
As he walked through the rain, his fur stuck to his body like a wetsuit. Silver and gold eyes tried to look past the closest curtain of rain, but he failed miserably. Instead of slowing down, he changed his walk to a brisk trot. Rain water bounced off his muscled frame as he went, barely touching him as he went through the curtains of water in front of him. When he had covered about a mile's worth of land, he heard the howl. Dhiren immediately stopped, but his body didn't. He lost his footing and slid across the ground, despite digging his claws into the muddy dirt beneath him. His back hit the mushy land and a soft "Oomph" sounded with the rain. He quickly pulled himself up, covered with mud and gunk, and turned it hightail towards the howl's source.
Dhiren's brisk trot turned into a flat out run and he made it to the area of the howl. It had been urgent and he wasn't sure if he was the first one to answer or not. Black and white paws were covered with mud as he slowed to the front of the den. Novel's den...Dhiren's heart raced and he took the few quick steps needed to approach the entrance. Once his head peeked in, his nose caught the smells of blood, fresh milk, and fear. Silver and gold eyes looked through the darkness and fell upon Novel's frail form. "Novel..." he gasped, heart still pounding in his ears. Ara was beside her, tenderly cleaning up the fresh, newborns against Novel's belly. "Ara..." he softly said, voice probably lost in the rushing winds outside. He took a few steps in, wet frame dripping from the storm outside of the den. His sister, littermate, and best friend was now a mother. A smile appeared on his face as he looked down to the babies beside her. "I'm an uncle..." he said, tones warm and happy. For the first time in months, he felt a ball of sunshine rise in his chest. "Congratulations," was all he could say before reaching over to lick Novel's cheeks. He knew she was exhausted, so he tenderly nuzzled her neck before looking at Ara. "You are both amazing...thank you for being here when I couldn't."




10 Years
09-27-2014, 08:10 PM

She?d heard faintly the call that Ara would let loose as she felt the contractions take over. No other wolves would appear for their birth, and Hymn and Psalm would come into the world quietly and intimately as just she and the other girl witnessed their delivery. In her tiredness she would not be able to be there for her second child, features would lay still on the earth as Ara took to cleaning and positioning the second pup. It would become obvious that this was the last. She?d feel her heart skip a beat as the boy?s name would slip from Ara?s lips, and a soft and obviously tired smile would overtake her maw.
Novel wanted to thank Ara for her help and the care she offered her, she couldn?t imagine it being anyone but her to be there with her. She trusted the girl with her life, and now she?d entrust her children?s lives to her companion. She?d feel herself sigh with contentment, a feeling of peace settling over her for the first time since the little pups had been conceived. She?d almost let sleep take her when Dhiren?s voice would be heard.
One deep blue eye would open as she looked up to his silver and gold gaze, obviously proud of her accomplishment but still very much exhausted. She?d feel his kiss and she?d whine happily and in thanks all the while not moving anymore than she had to. Her energy was spent.

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



10 Years
09-28-2014, 04:58 PM

Despite the intermittent flashes of lightning, which cast eerie shadows on the back wall of the den, and despite the loud roaring of thunder from above, Ara felt at peace. The birth had gone smoothly, though it hadn't been without pain. Still she saw the smile that touched Novel's lips, and she responded with a small smile of her own, warmth shining in her normally subdued gaze. Perhaps things would get better now. She knew Novel loved Psalm and Hymn from the moment she saw them, and Ara felt love already beginning to form in her own heart for the two boys.

Her attention shifted as soon as the sound of paws on the wet earth reached her ears. Almost instantly her heart lurched, fearing for the worse; but her worries were quickly cast aside as the familiar face of Novel's brother appeared. Slowly her tail would begin to wag behind her slightly tensed frame, another smile tugging at both corners of her mouth. She watched as he leaned to nuzzle Novel's cheek, the smile lingering for a long moment as she watched the siblings interact. It was not at all unlike how she might greet Faolan or Mercury. 'Thank you for being here when I couldn't,' he would thank her, and Ara shook her head gently as she looked up at him. "No need to thank me," she said quickly. "There is nowhere I'd rather be."



10-04-2014, 02:43 PM

He pulled back to let Novel get the rest she deserved. After all, she was a newly made mother and if she didn't get the sleep now, she may not get any at all. Dhiren couldn't help but smile proudly as he watched his sister. She looked older and more wise since they had left their parent's den for the first time. Everything she would experience in the future would help her grow as a woman.
When his gaze met Ara's, the young woman began to speak in turn. His heart warmed to the idea of her wanting to be at Novel's side, aiding with the pups. His smile became happier, brighter, as he perked both ears in her direction. "I wouldn't want anyone else to be here," he freely admitted. Silver and gold eyes twinkled as he slowly stepped around Novel to dip his head towards his sister's keeper. "I'll be back with some food in a little bit. For now, I will give you both space..." His massive form left the den and back out into the rain. He soon became drenched to the bone, but his smile didn't wash away with the storm.-EXIT Dhiren-

Lineart courtesy of Kaylink on dA - Character belongs to Wynn