
New Blood

Rune I


5 Years
12-21-2014, 01:27 AM

Walk | Talk | Think
He was here - again. Just as with all the other occurrences that brought him to this bleak, undesirable territory, Rune was reluctantly on the lookout for possible new wolves to recruit for his pack. The word that his borders were an unsociable, unapproachable sort seemed to have finally spread, which was both a blessing and a curse. The only visitors that he had seen within the most recent months had not been visitors at all but trespassers, a demented few who thought themselves above the laws of a pack and entirely unworthy of being drawn into the midst of his fellow Secretuans, but it also meant the pack had had very few new faces added of late save the pups who had been born there. As much as he hated to admit it and dreaded even more what it entailed, the Secretuan Guardian knew drawing in new blood was necessary. 

But necessity still did not stop him from expressing his discontent with the process. He scowled as he moved, his brows drawn into a dark look that was, while observant and assessing, still standoffish and unimpressed. He moved in somewhat the same manner, his black paws carrying his burly grey frame quickly to make the trip as short as possible, his tail moving with agitated twitches. Though carrying himself with the manner and authority of an alpha, Rune still kept his head somewhat low, nearly even with his shoulders, pale, frosty eyes alert and watchful. He did not like this place or what it represented, even though it tended to be where the rogues sought new homes. If only he could have found a way to recruit that was closer to home, and in a better location, he might have done so more often. 

As it was, he could hardly afford to be overly picky. Secretua was in need of more able-bodied wolves to step in and fill some missing pieces with the absences of a few of his old recruits, and hopefully this would do the trick in getting them occupied again. Choosing to stop amid the dreary, snowy landscape of the Battlefield, Rune tipped his muzzle back and let loose a quiet howl that fogged before his muzzle and faded rather quickly. Feeling fidgety and restless, the black-striped wolf tried to keep himself still and focused while he waited, praying that he would not be forced to wait for long. 

OOC: Rune's recruiting for Secretua again! Any interested parties please reply here. c: