
Shall we dance? (Open Spar)



4 Years
12-26-2014, 12:39 AM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2014, 02:08 AM by Warja.)
OOC: I'm looking for a partner who is about the same size as Warja, either her height or smaller. It's about time for her to fight someone who doesn't tower over her xD Just a spar, no maims, claims or what have you. However, I would like this to be no holds barred so if you can't handle that please don't reply.

Reaching the battlefield, Warja stopped and surveyed her surroundings. She was always on the lookout for opportunities to better herself and lately, with her main focus being healing knowledge, the young medic had begun to neglect her knowledge of fighting. Her training was as rigorous as ever, but she felt like it had grown stale. She was ready for a change of pace.

Tipping up her chin, the little fae sent up a call summoning a like-minded individual for a test of strength and cunning. She was specific - this would not be a dainty, careful training spar. No, Warja was looking for something a little more challenging: no holds barred.

Ready and waiting, Warja shifted her weight from paw to paw. Her eyes never rested on one place for very long, gaze flicking from object to object in search of an opponent. Determination shown in her gaze - she wasn't about to head home without something to show for her time spent in the battlefield. Wickedly she wondered if coming home battered would cause her dad or Kismet to worry. Their overprotective tendencies were sometimes adorable, but one way or another she was determined to break them of it - even if she had to do it by desensitizing them to seeing her wounded.




2 Years
12-26-2014, 09:59 AM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2014, 10:02 AM by Aksel.)
ooc:  AKSELS TOO TALL, he's just here to watch

Will you recognize me, When I'm lying on my back?
Something's gone inside me, And I can't get it back.

Back on the battlefield… oh he was tempting fate alright.  Aksel knew he was just asking for it but all the same the young trickster couldn't bring himself to stay away for too long.  It seemed if anything interesting were to be happening it would happen on the battlefield.  His mind drifted back to the red brute he'd met sometime back… Vivek.  The pair had engaged in a friendly spar and Aksel had to admit… he'd had fun.  While fighting wasn't his forte there was something about the physical action that-

Aksel halted to a stop.  Well, well… he'd caught the scent of a young lady.  Time to turn on the charm, oh yea!  Licking his paw and smoothing out the fur on the top of his head Aksel followed the scent ready to sweep some fair maiden of her feet and carry her away.  A howl followed shortly making it that much easier to pinpoint the fae.  Eye's settled on a lovely gray and black form and he trotted towards her before realization suddenly dawned on him.  He knew this fae.  She was mean!  They'd met as pups and he partially blamed her for the porcupine incident.  Why'd it have to be her.

 "YOU!"  Fur fluffed up as he eyed the fae.  "I remember you…. oh lady who strikes deals with monsters." He grinned suddenly.  "I'd never forget a face as beautiful as yours."  Could Aksel help himself?  No, no he could not.

Will you recognize me, When I lose another friend?
Will you learn to leave me? Oh, give me one more try again.



4 Years
12-26-2014, 07:47 PM

Perhaps it is the rust that tickles the frosting of her joints that sways her here; a rattling bone-shed of intimate dedication. The Armada has little place on a practise field, and yet something sends her into the feverish depths of oil-grase - steam train, docile and dormant. She, Regium’s golden-edged warrioress and a fine example of blood-wealth, will perhaps seek to split her blood with an unfamiliar babe so fragile and weakened to the exposure of a seasoned battle master. “Satis Armada – I will fight, should you wish,” if the two-toned youth cowered beneath the rattle of her veins, Satis was unlikely to set chase – unrelenting ferociousness is only evident beneath command, and today nobody has begged her here. 




2 Years
12-28-2014, 12:39 PM
ooc:   Aksel's an idiot, I'm so sorry  xD

Will you recognize me, When I'm lying on my back?
Something's gone inside me, And I can't get it back.

Another woman approached the pair and Aksel was immediately distracted by her markings.  Eyes widened and his jaw dropped open.  What the hell was he looking at?  Head tilted to the side as the young male's eyes narrowed.  The woman introduced herself as Satis Armada but Aksel couldn't focus on the name.  "I met a red wolf that I can't explain but you…. dam girl, you're pretty but please tell me your father didn't fuck an antelope because that is wrong on soooooo many levels."  What on earth was going on with the coat colors of wolves lately?  Aksel had seen so many he just could not explain and it was really starting to worry him.  Was there something in the water he didn't know about?

Will you recognize me, When I lose another friend?
Will you learn to leave me? Oh, give me one more try again.



4 Years
12-28-2014, 07:03 PM

A boy is the first on the scene and it takes Warja a second to place him. Aided by his jawing, memories swim to the surface. Ah, yes. The goober who chased after a porcupine. Exasperated at his comment, she simply rolled her eyes at him. His charm was better spent elsewhere.

An older fae arrived and declared that she would be interested in taking up her offer. Armada, huh? Wasn't that the name of the guy that held Kismet and Soren hostage? Despite her misgiving, Warja kept a cool front. It didn't matter one way or the other. She dipped her head politely in greeting before introducing herself. "My name is Warja and indeed, I do." Of course she would. She'd called for a partner, had she not?

Warja was on the verge of setting her defenses when the boy opened his mouth once more. She sighed and fixed a knowing gaze on the elder fae before shrugging humorlessly. There was no cure for stupid. It was best to simply ignore him. Maybe, just maybe, he'd go away.

Pacing away so that several feet separated the two fighters, Warja turned and faced her opponent head on. "Shall we?" Warja had high hopes for this encounter. Satis appeared older than her and therefor was possibly more experienced – just what the young medic was looking for. She was going to be paying close attention to her opponent that was for sure. Maybe she could learn a thing or two.

Without another word she set her defenses. Her eyes narrowed as her ears pressed flat against her skull. Hackles lifted along her spine, standing guard over tensed muscles and rolled shoulders. She bent her knees, widened her stance and centered her weight over splayed toes that gripped the earth with dull talons. To complete her defenses she tucked her tail in the hopes that her belly would be guarded from harm.

Erupting forward, Warja attempted to rapidly close the distance between herself and Satis. She sought to come at her opponent head on, intent on giving the appearance that she planned on ramming straight into the taller fae's chest. At the last second she dodged to her left to change her incoming angle to 175 degrees with the vertex being the center of Satis' chest. Lifting her left forepaw (weight redistributing to accommodate this move), Warja attempted to crush the toes of her opponent's right forepaw with the intent of crippling them. Simultaneously her left shoulder jutted forward in the hopes of driving the meaty side of it into the forward facing side of Satis' right shoulder. The aim was to knock it out of socket and render it useless. To complete her attack, Warja turned her head to her right and tipped her chin up. Her jaws parted, teeth flinging wide in a shower of saliva as she attempted to sink her fangs into her opponent's trachea, hoping to crush the fight out of the oddly marked fae and force her into submission.

Round ONE of TWO(?)

((OOC: Is two rounds alright?))
