
Breaking this Hibernaculum



5 Years
12-26-2014, 01:30 PM

“What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love... It's not for fighting” - Dune

Dægmar was settling in well.  She’d picked out a den and lined it with dead grasses and pieces of animal skin.  The woman had fortified her shelter for winter and all around had done just about everything that needed to be done.  Now what.  Blazing emerald eyes peered across the snow covered land.  It was eerily quiet just as most winter’s were and Imperium rested like bears in their caves.  Far to quiet.  It simple would not do!  The mottled wraith strode out of her den to a small clearing in the valley of two large hills and howled a challenge to the sky.  It was time for the wolves of Imperium to get out of their winter slump and get a little exercise.  

Dægmar was anxious to mingle with her fellow pack mates, to test their mettle and decide which ones were worthy of her time and which were best forgotten.  This wasn’t like a formal training session, more a gathering of the battle-minded to mingle and spar though Dægmar could be persuaded to give formal instruction.  However, she didn’t know if there was already a lead warrior and she knew she was probably already stepping on someone’s toes.  Not that she cared all that much.  She wanted to do this and very little would stop her from doing what she wanted.


Mercy I


5 Years

12-26-2014, 03:44 PM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2014, 03:45 PM by Mercy I.)

The howl that called for warriors was not one that she knew. Head snapped up as ears pulled forward, her head tilting as she tried to place the voice. Nope, totally new to her. Curiosity tugged at her, pulling her from her den into the snowy knolls. Shivering slightly, she puffed up her pale coat before trudging through the snow, thankfully that was starting to melt away. She couldn't wait for spring to get here and for all the stupid snow to melt away. It would be a lot easier for the long legged girl to run around without tripping over rocks hidden in the depths.

Purple eyes landed on the woman who called, shorter than her but that was so surprise. Nodding her head, she inspected her quickly. She was quite pretty, more colourful than herself. Then again Mercy was pretty plain, so that was no surprise. She could tell that she was a fighter, muscles bunched under thick winter coat. That caused a smile to spread on her lips as the young girl sat down about two feet away from the stranger. by her scent she had been accepted by Valentine, but why else would she be calling them here? "I haven't seen you around before. I'm Mercy, nice to meet you," she stated calmly, elongated tail thumping on the blanket of snow below her. She was glad to see some more fighters here, more people to practice and play with. Mercy wanted a lot more training than she was getting, how else was she going to make a name for herself?

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
12-27-2014, 05:33 PM

Cascade peered out of her den, eyes bright as she listened to the voice calling from elsewhere in the territory. Well what was this then? Ever the curious cat - despite not being a cat a'tall - Cascade wormed her way out of the spacious den. She'd been expanding it since Valentine had so kindly informed her that she was in fact carrying his babies, so it had reached a pretty good size. Plenty big enough for pups to grow in anyway. Not big enough for her to want to stay cooped up in there all the time though.

Her belly had definitely grown beyond a soft rounding, looking much more like she'd swallowed a couple hundred apples than anything, and was swaying beneath her as she moved along. Still, she felt great - she couldn't even fathom why so many wolves spent their whole pregnancy whining when they could just be enjoying this. Though, goodness it was odd to feel the little things squirm around inside her abdomen... actually incredibly weird to think about some things growing inside her like little Valen-parasites. Cascade was grinning at the thought as she came into view of Mercy standing with someone else. Well! What a surprise! "Daegmar Thyre, as I live and breathe," she chuckled as she came to a rather clumsy stop - hey, it was hard to stop that much momentum when you had a half-dozen Valen-parasites in your belly. "I didn't expect to see you again. Do you remember me?"


Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



3 Years
Extra large
12-27-2014, 09:42 PM
He too would hear the call, though he would rouse from slumber much slower than his pale sister. Not quite as eagerly he would rise to the unknown caller, mostly with his sister and her potential injuries in mind. This was a call for warriors, something he didn't think that he would ever consider himself. Surely a healer in training would do well to be there as well though?

Quietly he would follow behind his sister, arriving considerably late compared to her, but he didn't actually intend upon participating in the meeting. He would slow up quite a bit behind Mercy, coming to a halt far enough away that he would not be considered part of the group. With ease he would fall back onto his haunches, his eyes glancing briefly at the other two she wolves before keeping his focus on his litter mate.



5 Years
01-02-2015, 11:02 PM

Ah, at last they would arrive!  The few, the faithful.  The first among them a young woman barely a year old, quite tall and lanky.  "Nice to meet you as well Mercy, I'll introduce myself once everyone's arrived." Mercy… a curious name indeed for a would-be warrior.  Dægmar would see to it that the young woman would not spare her namesake on others in the heat of battle.  The only thing mercy bred was a chance for old enemies to return that much stronger.

A grin broke across Dægmar's face as Cascade Saxe joined the gathering.  Well, well, well!  It was a small world after all.  And she was round!  Goodness, had she gone and gotten herself pregnant?  "Cascade Saxe, you are a vision as always.  I had no idea you were in a pack.  How are your siblings handling the news?"  She could well remember her run in with the Saxe siblings.  She'd even shared her blood and body with Cascade's sister.  Ahhh… good times.  Though… Dægmar's eyes narrowed slightly.  She wasn't sure if Cascade was in any shape to be fighting.  The mottled wraith was pretty certain if she pushed just right she could send Cascade rolling right to the bottom of a hill.

Another yearling appeared, a male bearing the same marks as the female.  Siblings?  Hmm… he was certainly quiet.  Dægmar waited for a few moments.  "Wow…. this is it huh?  Where are the others?  Don't tell me Imperium suffers the sloth's disease as well… huh…" She grinned jaws clicking shut as her teeth bared.  "I'll rid them of that as well as a few of their personal belongings."  Of course this gathering was a bit more casual, but she'd know better for next time.  Seemed hellfire and brimstone was needed to bring this lot crawling out of their dens.  

Dægmar let loose another, commanding howl.  It probably wouldn't do much of any good but hey it was worth a shot.  "We'll see if we can't ring in a few more.  I'm Dægmar Thyre, I'm new to the pack but I've previously served as the lead warrior under Cataleya, the mother of your lovely alpha.  Have you two been previously trained and if so what have they gone over with you?   Cascade… do you feel you could handle a spar in your condition?  If not that's fine."  Her attention turned back to the yearlings.  "I'm assuming you two get paired against each other often if that's the case then I'll have you take me on one at a time or if you're feeling adventurous I'm game for a 2 on 1 or a three for all.  Any preference?"



01-03-2015, 09:01 PM

Dione Lydia

She would hear the howl and slowly head would lift from her children and eyes would narrow before looking to her husband and grinning devilishly. The call was from a woman that Dione had only met once and quite some time ago, before her pregnancy even… Odd how this was coming back to bite her in the ass. But hey… She had to face her crimes at some point. Tiny demon would lift herself and grin at Nova, tossing him a wink before rousing the children with a bark. "Stay until mommy comes back..." She would say, not addressing Nova. He could come if he liked or he could say, it was no skin off her back. Green beast would slip out of their den, stockinged legs stretching out as bushy tail flipped at her heels. Yes, she would be showing up this day. Green woman would turn and start off towards the howl. She would arrive late, slithering up to the meeting and flashing a grin at Daeg before moving to stand beside a boy who looked a lot like Mercy. She would not address her once daughter, giving her the space she seemed to need. Mercy had not yet sot out Dione but then again Dione had not yet sot her out… Either way Dione would focus solely on Daeg, grinning. "Well… I think I owe you a fight… I'm not pregnant anymore so I won't run if you would like to do a demonstration for the youngsters…" She would say as she took a step forward and tipped her head. Yup, she would take a beating if she had to. 

Art by NEFFS & Table by Layla/fiftyblackroses

Mercy I


5 Years

01-03-2015, 09:38 PM

New to the pack, and yet calling a meeting? Mmm, she was a strange woman indeed. Her brow rose as she spoke about others being like sloths, but there weren't many members within the pack. She would do whatever it took to prove herself to Valentine, although she didn't feel much need to prove herself to the stranger. When she asked about pitting her against her brother, she let out a snort when she assumed that they spared often. "My brother is a healer, we don't fight often. Although I will be more than willing to take you on," she offered, a large grin on her maw. But a voice sounded behind her, causing her to freeze and slowly turn her head towards the woman. She hadn't spoken to the woman for a long time, and she wasn't sure what to do. Instead she turned her head back towards the woman in front of her, who introduced herself as Dægmar. Dione said that she wanted to fight the woman, and Mercy's ears fell against her head. She held her tongue, and waited to hear what the rest would say. She may be only a year old, but she was smart.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



3 Years
Extra large
01-04-2015, 12:37 PM
He only wished to observe as another wolf would enter their gathering, the woman who'd given he and Mercy a hunting lesson. He held respect for her, as she did teach him something that he'd used quite a bit since that day, but he still wasn't sure about her almost child-like demeanor and actions. He would be brought from his thoughts by Daemar's words, she would start by being disappointed in the turn out before her. She would let out another great howl as a tiny green woman made her way to their meeting, he'd eye her curiously before realizing he was being adressed. Wait wait wait... he was just watching to make sure Mercy didn't get hurt. His sister would answer as he shook his head. yeah what she said. He would think as she made known that he was indeed a healer. Surely he would be fine learning from the sidelines if that's what she wished.



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
01-06-2015, 10:56 AM

Cascade grimaced at Daegmar's question. How were her siblings taking it? Oh, either not very well or not at all - Nausica and their older brother whats-his-name-anyway didn't even know and Neios was... well, Neios. "Oh you know... the usual," she quipped brightly, choosing not to drag family gossip into a pack event. Daegmar was just being polite anyway, making small talk. It didn't take very long at all for everyone who was going to show up to trail in, and Daegmar got them started.

"Oh sure, I'm up for anything," she said congenially, no hesitation at all when Daegmar asked if she could handle a spar. She might be a bit... rotund, but she felt great. More energetic than usual even. She just had a bit more weight to throw around than before was all. The ever-entertaining Dione appeared at that point, and with Revenge apparently opting to sit out that left poor Mercy all by herself. "Daegmar, if you want to fight Dione I can spar with Mercy," she offered. "I promise not to fall and squish her." She shot Mercy a grin and a wink - the taller girl was in no danger of squishing, regardless of Cascade's abdominal circumference.


Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


01-08-2015, 10:17 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.
...and so I would wander.
Fighting, well, it was not her strong suit. However the female found that her presence could be beneficial at the fight training. Gathering up some herbs in a large leaf the female would set off for the call of another female of the pack. She couldn't place the name, though she thought the voice was familiar. Perhaps she had been there when she joined Imperium? A low sigh sounded through her jaws. In taking the time to prepare her herbs she was running a bit late to the call. But alas, she wasn't a fighter. She wasn't ever going to be, and let the winds whisper guidance for such things into her ears. Gods above she would need it.

The female would come in on the sidelines as Cascade, pregnant as she was, stated her willingness to fight. Ellis wanted to object, to press the dangers of that, but it was not her place. The submissive creature would set down her herbs and sit, hopefully unnoticed by the others, with her tail curling around her form. Mercy was there, and Revenge too. The woman couldn't help but keep the urge to watch over the two of them. Strong as they were the female could still remember them as small bundles at their mother's belly. She clung to the past, not wanting to forget. Never did she want to forget those days.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

"Settle down." Said my heart.
...and so here it was I would settle down.

Table by:: Tea



5 Years
01-10-2015, 04:10 PM

Well, well, well… it seemed her howl had done something as misses salad monster herself crawled out of her hole to join them.  Dægmar grinned at the horned woman as she spoke.  "That's right, darling, you owe me blood.  This isn't a formal training, I'm not the lead warrior, just a commoner however…" she turned to look at the young ones, "if they would like to be trained formally that can be arranged.  I'll assign pairs now that we have a few more additions and then we can all either break to spar or you and I can demonstrate first."

Dægmar laughed at Cascade's comment about squishing the younger woman.  "Very well that works nicely, and because this is informal training I'll let the healers sit out, though if I have my way you'll both be fighting at some point so pay attention.  In the meantime you'll be expected to treat our wounds when we finish so be prepared."

Dægmar moved to face across from the green woman, leaving a space of six feet between them.  Seemed a fair distance to start from, emerald eyes look to the other to see if she had any objections before she set her defenses.  "You're welcome to take the first move, mold queen."  Dægmar winked, uncertain why battle always seemed to tempt her to flirt.  She certainly didn't find the impish monstrosity in front of her attractive.  However, banter was part of the fun.



01-23-2015, 10:25 PM
Dione couldn't help but smile, twisted grin snaking across her features as everyone else melted away around her. And then she was moving, she would advance slowly at first, gaze casting towards Mercy and tossing her a languid wink of a red eye before she would increase speed, attempting to close the distance between herself and Daeg as quickly as possible. She would cut right quickly but she did not go straight for Daeg, instead attempting to circle the woman and put them shoulder to flank. Jaws would gape, unhinging as sadistic smile danced upon her lips before she would attempt to lunge forward, looking to dart forward and slam her right shoulder into Daeg's gut, right between her ribs and right hind leg. She would attempt to keep her rear end swung out an and away from Daeg's immediate reach. Immediately her jaws would flash, going for the upper haunch of her right hind leg. She would attempt to tip her head, turning her nose inward [towards Daeg's leg] and attempting to crane her head around so her widened jaws could sink into the larger woman's flesh, lower jaws hoping to land on the meat of her outer thigh while upper jaws would hope to grab onto her ass.

Right foreleg would attempt to snake forward, never leaving the ground, and slide between Daeg's hind legs, hoping to push her chest into the front of the woman's hind right leg and force her off balance. Maybe she would drop enough that Dione could reach her back... Fuck she was big! Immediately her defences would set, ready for retaliation. Hind legs would splay out, joints loosening to absorb any shock that might hit her. Though her head was tipped up for her attack her shoulders would roll forward and chin would tuck as best she could to protect her neck. Eyes narrowed, nose pulling back in a snarl to pull loose flesh around her delicate orbs. Massive ears folded back into the mass of neon green fur atop her skull, back arching and stomach tucking to gather her core strength. Finally her bushy tail would lash out behind her to act as a rudder though it was ready to snap between hind legs if needed. Damn. She had missed this...