
lionheart [bacchus]



5 Years
12-27-2014, 11:09 PM

His chocolate fur rippled in a smooth wave of excitement and chill. He was a total stranger in a completely foreign land. The idea – so grand and overwhelming – had his face fixed with a giant yet delicately pleased smile. There were so many opportunities, so much to discover! His veins coursed with exhilaration, and he so desperately wished that he could reach out with every particle in his body and touch this new land. Oh share your secrets with me!

He stood motionless with an admirable posture, closing his eyes and grinning as he inhaled deeply, swelling his chest until it could hold no more. It was cold here. The air that he drew in filled his lungs with crisp frost, biting at his throat and nostrils. A bit too cold, perhaps. He wouldn’t stay long, although he also disliked the idea of letting the cold drive him away from exploring. He would see everything he could, and then he would head southward.

Opening his eyes again, the young man would survey the area with delight, his grin becoming a coy smile as he blinked slowly. Small snowflakes fluttered down gently from a pale gray sky, blowing at the slightest angle from a faint breeze. They danced so prettily. Ahead and below, the earth dipped down, and wound its way along to the right. It appeared to be a dry riverbed. The solid rock at the bottom was a lovely sight, marbled with color and weathered down smooth by the elements. It must not have been snowing for long, for flakes had only just begun to stick to the rock pathway. Nagendra was glad, for it had given him the chance to spot the lovely stonework.

He took another breath, the sound of his inhaling weaving in with that of the breeze, and then headed down to the slope to see the stone up close. He stepped carefully, suspecting that a morning dew might’ve frozen in a thin layer on top. After a first, testing paw had rested upon it, he decided that there was not ice to worry about, and proceeded. It was so beautiful. Somewhere beneath the grimy veil of clouds in the sky, the sun still shined, and it made the pale stone gleam. It felt lovely and smooth beneath his feet, and Nagendra regretted that it was located in such a cold place.



2 Years
Extra large
12-27-2014, 11:30 PM (This post was last modified: 12-27-2014, 11:32 PM by Bacchus.)
More exploring. Home wasn't interesting enough to keep him there all the time, he didn't know how his family did it really. How they stayed in that place for so long with out leaving was beyond him. Eagerly his massive paws would carry the boy onward to places previously unknown. Sometimes he met up with wandering strangers and other times he was left completely alone. Bacchus didn't harbor much fear, so would not be deterred as he smelled another wolf on the wind.

Still boasting a puppy-like form he would hardly be mistaken for anything other than the youngster he was, though even still his height was already impressive. His legs were impossibly long, sporting his still-quite under developed frame. Once he reached maturity the boy would show some heft, until then he would deal with his awkward stature.

He too would become distracted by the beauty of the wall before him, almost forgetting that it had really been the wolf that had drawn him here. The boy was well furred, made specially for these Northern climates the chill would not hinder his Armada blood. Slowly Bacchus would make an approach, curiosity evident in his features. Tilting his head curiously his bright red eyes would look the other over eagerly. Still, he would stop far enough away that he wasn't invading any personal space. "Hullo?" He would ask, wondering if interaction would be appreciated.



5 Years
12-28-2014, 01:04 PM

The wolf’s jade gaze was stuck to the ground at his feet, his smile still playing along the ends of his lips so slightly as he tapped the ground with his nails. It made a lovely click – not that he had expected anything other from tapping on rock. He glanced up again, unable to focus on one thing when his need for everything was so strong. He looked upwards, scanning the pale sky again. Although the gray was a rather ugly color, it was still amazing. The whole sky, all the same, thick and stuffy color. He locked on to a particular snowflake, watching with adoration as it danced downward in a zig-zagging pattern. It was impossible to tell where it would land. A soft, melodic laugh left the creature’s lips as the puff of white settled finally on his nose. He grinned, watching it admiringly for the few seconds it had left. It quickly melted away into nothingness.

Suddenly then, a voice drew his attention. He had been so engrossed in the scenery that he hadn’t noticed the stranger approaching, and it startled him a tad when the inquisitive greeting parted the airy chorus of the wind. ”Oh!” a ginger gasp left Nagendra’s slightly parted jaws as he turned his head to look over his shoulder. The surprise evident in his raised eyebrows and curious eyes soon sank into puzzlement as he drank in the sight of the stranger. At first, he thought that it was the light playing strangely across his fur. And then, he thought, it couldn’t be. Was it a scar? A stared for only a second more (for staring was rather rude), and then, thankfully in the small amount of time he allowed himself, he realized that it was the very color of the boy’s fur! How strange! A smile blossomed immediately on his face, showing the tips of his teeth as kindness crinkled his cheeks. ”Hello,” he said, turning fully to face the younger wolf. Blinking and still smiling, he met the stranger’s gaze. Such a beautiful red! And the markings on his fur – like nothing he’d ever seen! He was young, too. Less than a year old. He must’ve had family around here, Nagendra pondered. Was he trespassing? He hadn’t smelled anything, but then again, error could worm its way into anything.

"I'm not intruding on anyone's home, am I?" he asked, his melodious voice forming each syllable with dainty care. Tall ears cocked forwards, his gaze shifting briefly left and right, as if testing the surroundings again. Then again, he didn't suppose a child would be too upset about an intruder (at least, one as amiable as Nagendra).



2 Years
Extra large
12-28-2014, 02:40 PM
The stranger before him seemed incredibly distracted, and with Bac's slow approach it was no wonder he had not been heard. Even the click of his own claws against the shimmering stones were not enough to pull this stranger from his thoughts, only the greeting Bacchus would offer would have any success. The short hello would cause the other wolf to jump almost out of his skin. Bacchus would retreat a bit, almost surprised himself as the stranger's eyes found his own. Remembering who he was though the young boy would puff out his chest and stand tall, always look your best.

He would be studied for a long moment, as he would take the chance to do so as well. This stranger was not so much bigger than himself, though would still easily be able to take him down if he tried. Bacchus was inexperienced still, and his fearlessness did not match his skill. Though he felt his anxiety fall as the smile wound its way over the chocolate man's lips. He would turn to face Bacchus, and offer a hello of his own. Bacchus would find his lips turning up slightly as he dipped his head in an additional greeting.

Before he could say anything more, the song would continue as he asked if he were trespassing. Bacchus too would look around almost nervously, if this other ma was trespassing so was he. "Not that I know of," He'd comment as he looked around similarly. "I didn't smell anyone but you," the boy would go on to say, watching curiously at the stranger. "Bacchus Armada," he would introduce himself. "Explorer." He would add, as his family had yet to give him a real title he could boast.



5 Years
12-29-2014, 02:41 AM

The boy replied simply. It seemed he wasn’t trespassing, and had nothing to worry about. Wonderful – he could continue his adventuring as he liked. Of course, now the presence of a stranger was something that demanded more immediate attention than the scenery didn’t. The rock wouldn’t be going anywhere. ”Oh,” he hummed softly, a smile touching gently to his lips once more. He stood still where he was, the snowflakes falling leisurely and the breeze winding its fingers through his wild curls. The boy introduced himself (it had confused Nagendra for a second, before he realized the syllables had been a name), then tacked on a little title to go with. Nagendra’s smile broadened ever so slightly, warm and amicable as his eyes twinkled with kindness. ”Nagendra Bahri,” he introduced in turn, ”wanderer.” He tacked on his own afterthought, following the example of the boy. It was a rather fitting summary of himself. That was what he was doing at the moment – wandering, with no tethers to any one place or thing.

”You live around here, I assume?” he asked, casting his gaze once more upwards to scan the blanket of clouds that was the sky. He didn’t much wait for an answer. ”Is it always this cold?” the young man asked distractedly, his muzzle falling back down to swing to the right. As far as he could see in that direction was only more white and gray. He wasn’t terribly worried – he knew where warmer places were – but he remained curious about that way. Were there only flat plains of snow and ice? Or were there more exciting wonders to behold? Crinkling his brow slightly with focused interest, he looked back towards his company.    



2 Years
Extra large
12-29-2014, 01:58 PM
His newfound companion seemed to relax a bit as he realized that he was not trespassing at all. Bacchus wouldn't miss the smile that played on his features, and would find his own shy expression growing. Nagendra would introduce himself, and would also add an appropriate title, though was obviously no more famous than himself. Another question would follow, and Bacchus would nod in affirmation. The next would cause his head to tilt as he digested the simple question. Was it always cold up here? It really had to do with your perception of cold, Bac felt completely comfortable in the current conditions. Not that he'd even been around to see what a whole year was like. "It is winter now," if he had a correct understanding of the seasons, "So it shouldn't ever be colder than this." He'd shrug, he enjoyed the winter and the cold. Though he did look forward to seeing everything turn green in the next season.

Bacchus would find himself taking a seat before this wolf, his expression still obviously curious, "Where do you live?" He would ask in return, wanting all the information he could glean from this encounter. It wasn't often he had an adult male to question, his life was full of she wolves and brothers who didn't know much more than he did.



5 Years
12-31-2014, 05:02 PM

”Ah,” was his only simple response as the boy spoke about the cold. He continued to glance about, observing as if he might find something other than endless white and gray. It was good to know that it didn’t get much colder though. He blinked against the cold that dried his eyes, and shifted his attention back to the boy whose company he was in. He seemed somewhat… indifferent. Plain. Of course, then again, he couldn’t expect everyone to be greeting a stranger with open arms and grins. This child must’ve been a decent bit cautious – wise for his age.

The pale wolf took a seat, more comfortable in his presence now, Nagendra observed. When the question the youth extended to him reached his ears, it lit a gentle, amused smile upon his face. ”Nowhere,” he said simply, inwardly feeling pride and satisfaction. It was a pleasing idea – the lack of tethers and obligations. He briefly remembered his birthplace, with some amount of faded fondness. It had been a sanctuary – someplace any except those who had the privilege of growing up there would love to pass their life by in. With a lively jungle around a waterfall oasis, the days had been warm and the prey plentiful. It was paradise. Though how was one to know what paradise was when they had never known the suffering of cold nights and empty stomachs? Nagendra had been aware that his home was a treasure; it had not been out of ignorance that he had left it, but out of boredom and a lust for learning. He had to see the world outside, and so here he was. So far, everything had been going wonderfully.

Returning from a brief reminiscence, he tilted an ear towards Bacchus. ”Do you and your family live out here, in the snow?” he questioned, slightly presuming about the boy having a family. He was mostly curious as to where someone would live amongst all this apparent monotony. ”Or are you alone?” he lifted a single brow ever so slightly. The boy did seem a tad… mysterious. And if he was all alone, well… Nagendra had a soft spot for those in need.



2 Years
Extra large
01-02-2015, 09:46 PM
The answer the older wolf had given him would bring a curious expression to his face, this wolf seemed so proud that he did not call anywhere home. Bacchus thought he felt lost now, not having his pack or his family would surely do him in. Though sometimes he struck out on his own, he knew that his survival would depend heavily on his mothers and the pack. He'd not even been on a hunt yet. Maybe one day when he knew independence the boy would truly leave his home for adventure. Though his thoughts would not long be left on future endeavors as Nagendra drew him back to the conversation of family. "We live in the forests." He would say easily, the pines and the redwood trees were where he called home. "I'm alone now," He'd admit the obvious, "But I should think about going home soon." He'd add as he grew a bit more bashful, head ears inching closer to his skull.



5 Years
01-10-2015, 06:41 PM

A simple answer would dispel rising suspicions. Forests? Up here? He glanced around again, as if he might have missed a clump of trees somewhere amongst the nothing. No, of course not. They were probably farther along somewhere. Either way, it was encouraging to here that there were trees around here someplace. He would have to go see him. Quickly he thought again – no, better to not, in case this kid saw him again, and pinned him for some kind of a stalker. While Nagendra wasn’t much of one for others’ opinions, he did consider that.

Another moment, and the boy would announce his plans of departing. Nagendra would be a liar to say that he wasn’t a bit disappointed as it seemed his first contact in days had to slip away, but he nodded and flashed a faint, almost timid smile. ”Of course, I wouldn’t want to keep you,” his airy voice replied. ”I must be moving on too. It’s been a pleasure meeting you, Bacchus. Goodbye,” simple, courteous words and perfect, precise enunciation. With the smile still coloring his expression, he flicked the end of his tail and turned to head off in some direction, hoping to find new wonders to observe.

Exit Nagendra