
Lost In The Sauce



7 Years
09-13-2014, 08:19 AM

Lightning cracked the sky as rain fell hard upon the land. The wind had picked up upon the steppe, unforgiving as it lashed upon the body. Galahad had been caught off guard, battered by the water that fell so thick he may as well have gone for a swim with how wet he was after only a couple minutes within it. Gala moved on, green eyes trying to focus, to find sanctuary and shelter form the storm, yet moving in such conditions were not an easy task even for the large male.

He had been outside the farthermost edges of the rock garden when the rain first began, now trying to make his way into the lands of Ebony. He heard Valeriya?s call before things went to hell, and now here he was trying to find shelter since he had been unable to register where he was going, at least not one hundred percent, and his paws slipping in dirt that had quickly turned to mud. His every sense of direction was lost.

After a few more steps Galahad found himself falling, and he would slide into a den, the inside in poor shape to be expected. It seemed abandoned, save for himself at the moment, and Galahad would pant softly as he glanced outside. He?d need to wait for the storm to let up some before he could press on. If he kept moving around in that mess he?d probably get hurt... Or end up more lost with Ebony territory.


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
09-28-2014, 08:32 PM

The storms still raged on, the giant was even having a hard time making his way through the wind and rain. He could hardly see, his one silver eye hardly saw anything at all, and his amber eye fought to see past the haze. He made it his own duty to patrol through the Ebony lands, making sure that no one was getting stuck out in the weather. Now was not the time to go wandering off, they needed to stick together as a pack. So he picked his way ever so carefully through the storm, trying to keep himself aware of what was around him. He kept his silver eye closed, trying to help his vision that way. Nose was trying to push past the scent of the liquid that coated his body, making his auburn fur stick to his large frame. His hearing was almost useless with the roaring of the wind, making Fendar sigh. It was nearly impossible to find anyone in all of this.

Fendar heard a loud thud through the bad weather, sounding like someone hitting the muddy ground. Ears spun forward, single open eye locking towards where he thought he heard it. Sniffing desperatly, he picked up the very faint scent of a fellow pack mate, one that he had not had the opportunity to meet just yet. Curious and worried, the large male pushed forward, ignoring the wind that tried to push him over as well. Soon the brute saw a path leading down to a den below, and he carefully followed what almost looked like drag marks. Skipping down the small hill he made his way towards the mouth of the den, squeezing his large body into the safe area. Opening both metallic eyes he looked the white and white male over, checking for anything that looked out of place. "Are you okay?" He asked softly, shaking the rain from his soaking wet coat.

Fendar cast his gaze away from the male to glance outside, the wind whistling past the cave and still pushing a bit of rain in. Letting out a soft breath he looked back at the fellow Ebon member, a small smile on his otherwise grumpy face. "At least we don't have to worry about being attacked in a storm like this." He mused out loud, his eyes growing slightly dimmer at the mere thought of battle. Too many lives had been lost, it was hard to forget something like that. Pushing another sigh out of his mouth, he blinked the rain drops from his lashes. "I'm Fendar Xanilov by the way. Joined not to long before the storms started, so I haven't been able to meet many of my cousins followers. What is your name boy?"

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
10-05-2014, 05:24 PM

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Galahad was not alone long before another would come into his little haven from the storm. Luckily it was not flooded, but it was muddy enough. Perhaps it was more that he was muddy from his sliding. But whatever, at least someone had made it out of that hellish storm and wasn?t flailing about. The young man would give a nod in response to the question, speaking in a bit of an tired tone. ?Fine as I can be, anyway.? Whatever mother nature was up to she seemed to be rather on the moody side today.

He?d follow the male?s gaze out into the storm, ears pinned flat against his head. He worried for his sisters. Odette he had seen... Though not for a little while now... And Oracle... Was she still alive out there?

As the other male spoke he?d give a small nod. ?True. A wolf would have to be a fool to issue battle in a storm such as this.? He did not share the other male?s history, or knowledge of death via battle, but he was not one so eager to leap into war. Green eyes would meet with the brown male as he introduced himself. Xanilov -- the same last name as the current ruling Queen. A cousin it seemed. He would dip his head, a bit of respect for the older male.

?Galahad. I joined just before the pack switched paws, and then as I was still learning the territory it seemed this storm hit. I got rather lost... I was trying to make my way to Queen Valeryia but... Things got messy fast.? He would give a soft sigh. ?I?m worried what other places are affected like this... The storm is so bad it?s probably a large one, covering much of Alacritia.?

"Speech" Think