
right back to you


12-30-2014, 04:28 PM
Maybe it was her pride that had kept her from telling him that she was pregnant, maybe it was the fact that throughout her entire pregnancy she had kept hoping that one day she would wake up and her belly would have deflated or some rabid animal would come and rip the foul parasites from her womb. Either way she hadn't. She hadn't been stupid enough to think he wouldn't know. Hell she stank, half the pack had seen her morbidly round belly and he wasn't stupid either. And now that he had met her children it was about time to come clean. She would leave in the middle of the night when she knew her children and mate were asleep as to not have another mishap of them leaving without her knowledge, and head to her other den. There she would gobble down a few buds of ganja before squewering a few more on a thin stick and grasping it between her teeth. With that she would set off towards Valentine's den, moving with no real purpouse and trying to give the drugs some time to kick in before she got there. If anyone was gonna be high and chill she wanted it to be her. She would arrive shortly after midnight, moving to seat herself outside and woof softly. Choosing to wake him politely (should be be inside) rather then chuck half dead animals at him this time.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
12-31-2014, 03:17 PM

Gentle woofing roused the brute. He lay still for a moment, heavy lids blinking groggily. It took him a moment to register what exactly had woken him. Dione? His nose twitched as he scented the air. Yes, it was definitely her - with manners, it seemed as no dying creatures lay twitching nearby.

Slinking towards the tunnel, the giant brute wormed his way into it (really, he needed to consider making it a bit...wider) and shimmied up to the surface. There he paused, half in and half out, to gaze at the little green gremlin. She looked...well. Unharmed, uninjured. She didn't smell like blood or rogues or fear. So it was a social call. What could possibly bring her by at such an hour? Not that he really minded, it was almost time to get up for a patrol anyway.

"Dione?" he queried sleepily, "What brings you by?"

"Speaking" "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


01-04-2015, 08:44 PM
Manners... Had they come with motherhood? Or would they flee once she knew they were back on a safe paw? She wasn't entirely sure but she would sit languidly, head raised and shoulders back as she awaited the bear king's arrival. He would worm his way slowly from the narrow entrance of his den and Dione would cock a brow even as he spoke. She would stand slowly and place the branch with tiny green buds speared on the ends before him before stepping back and bowing her nose to the ground, head inclined to the left in clear submission to him before once again settling back into a seated position and smiling impishly at him. "A peace offering... Eat the green at the ends. I already had some before coming here..." She would say, words rolling off her tongue as she nodded for him and glanced expectantly at the sticky pungent smelling buds she had offered him. "I apologize for not coming sooner or at a less ungodly time, pregnancy did not settle well with me. I spent the entire time puking and being a grade a bitch because of it. I suppose after that I was worried you might kick us to the curb for not even giving you the good grace of a heads up... " She mused, smiling softly as she thought back to Valentine meeting her children for the first time. Damn he had been better with them then she was half the time, maybe that was why she wanted to keep them sequestered away in their home, away from outside influences.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
01-11-2015, 09:50 PM (This post was last modified: 01-11-2015, 10:01 PM by Valentine.)

A peace offering, huh? He accepted them wordlessly doing, for once, what someone else commanded. She kept speaking and he let her, listening intently. Much to his surprise, she apologized. He wasn't sure if it was an all encompassing apology for what, but he was going to treat it as such. Pregnancy was something that would always be a mystery to him, but he could sympathize.

Having heard her say, the brute didn't know what to think. "I understand," he shrugged, "Well, as much as I can. But," This was the hard part. As an alpha he had to make tough decisions...and this was one of them. "How can I trust someone who would keep such an important secret from me? Children, Dione!" His voice was low and intense, never rising to a shout but nonetheless powerful. "And I'm sorry, but I can't overlook that."

The brute pulled himself all the way out of the tunnel and sank to his haunches before the little green fae. "I believe you are capable. I believe you are good at what you do and I can appreciate that." He paused, thinking. "I'm not going to kick you to the curb," he said gently, "But for your deceit I am going to demote you to Legionary." If she was too ill to tell him, then Novaro could have easily come and told him for her. There was no excuse for not telling him.

"Speaking" "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


01-21-2015, 12:37 AM
ooc;; literally just saw this post XD sorry!!

He would not interrupt as she spoke but there was something in his gaze that set her on edge, she would watch his every move, his every reaction as he finally spoke. He understood, a breath of relief would whoosh from her lungs, a slow smile beginning to spread over her lips until he continued to speak. At first her smile would simply disappear, then she her jaw would part slightly as if she was about to protest. But then he would strip her of her rank and immediately her jaw would snap shut. Legionnaire... She didn't do fighting.. A tremor would ripple visibly through her body before she would stand slowly, manners and politeness flying out the window as she stood. She would leave the branch before him as she studied him for a moment. "You have no need for me then..." She would say, her words a cold, harsh whisper before she would turn. Bushy tail would flip before tiny frame would set off. Nope. There were no amends to be had here... She would not explain herself, would say nothing more. Simply depart.

-exit Di-