
Icy old woman


12-30-2014, 11:04 PM
 The icy woman would glare into the darkness over the sea. How long had it been since sge had smiled, since she hed felt the warmth or herd the laughter of one she loved. It had been so long since Lovatt had been killed that she had forgotten about those things, those privileges of life. The day her earthen colored lover had been taken from her was the day all of that had been taken from her.

 Furry and hatred had filled her heart, blacking out every other feeling she held. Her daughter Pepper and her son Rumble had left her long befor leaving her with no one but Lovatt as her brother had chosen to stay in a pack that, to this day, no longer exists.

 She swore the day that he had been murdered that the albino bastard would pay for what he hhad taken from her with his life. Sadly she had never found him, and knowing nothing more about him than the image that would haunt her for the rest of her days, she couldnt even find any family he may have had.

Glaciem had gone and come again, taking with it its albino king but not returning him. She no longer knew what it was to be around other wolves, to be cared for or even to care for others. Could she ever care again? Better yet could anyone ever care for a barren and bitter old woman like herself.