
Finally relieved



8 Years
01-02-2015, 01:02 AM

 The man had been traveling to the steppe once every two or three days to see if Callisto had returned to hher den. So far she hadnt, but a man can hope. Asside from his Lavender, wandering back to her den was the onlything keeping him sane. The Lavender helped him sleep when his mind refused to be silenced and the traveling had given him somethimg to do in the winter months.

 Today was the first day of spring though, so his wanderings would soon consist of herb hunting rather than den visiting. The only thing he could do, had been doing, was wait and hope for her to come back. Hhe just didnt want her to be mad at him,  when and if she returned, for going into her den.

  Max would picture her and guess at what her expressions would be whenhe told her about all of the changes since his was gone. However, he closer he drew to the den, the more his mind would drift to how he would even react should he see her again. He wanted nothing more than to run to her and give her a hug, or as close to a hug as a wolf could get anyway. To nuzzle her and tell her how much he had missed her and worried about her. More than any thing he wanted to tell her how much he loved her. Yet he couldnt tell her how he loved her out of fear as he feared nothing more than her telling him that she didnt love him back.

 Whith his mind a now familiar tornado,  Maximous would climb over many stones to reach his destination. 

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)



5 Years
01-04-2015, 02:35 AM
Walk | Talk | Think
She was there waiting for him, though she was entirely unaware of the perfect timing. She sat just outside the front of her den, her brow drawn into a deep frown as she peered within through eyes icy like the northern lands she had been "vacationing" in. Everything was wrong. Callisto had expected when she returned to stop at the border, to explain herself to the little Xanilov kid Valeriya why she had been away, and to get right back into her work as a healer, maybe even with a promotion. But the border that she had expected to stop her was stale and left to die, and as she crept within the familiar terrain of the Steppe she saw no familiar faces, could smell familiar scents but only in passing. The pack was no here in place anymore, though their scent was still prevalent in the area. 

And her den was empty. 

Frustrated felt far too simple a term to cover how she felt. Her whole world had gotten turned around all because of one chance encounter with the one wolf she detested most in the world, and now the stability, the familiar, that she had so longed to return to, had counted on returning to, was gone. What had she done to deserve all of this? Was she cursed somehow? It seemed to fit with the type of luck that she had and her awful tendency to arrive at the wrong place at the wrong time. And it seemed that was exactly what had happened here too. 

Irritated, unable to do anything about the pack no longer being here and her stores having gone missing, Callisto moved to turn and begin a fresh search when she spotted another wolf in the vicinity. The sight of him stopped her in her tracks, the aggravation she felt falling away to reveal surprise. "Max." The one wolf who had remained a constant in her life the longest, the one who had encouraged her love of learning and put up with her damnable attitudes to teach her the craft of healing. She should have known she could at least count on him. 
Image by Maka.



8 Years
01-04-2015, 09:24 PM (This post was last modified: 01-04-2015, 09:27 PM by Maximous.)

The man had been watching the ground to ensure that he did not trip over any of the stones when he heard his name on her lips. Her voice had temporarily made him feeeze in place as he wasnt been sure if he was been hearing things or if she was actually talking to him. That was untill he looked up to see a look of surprise on her face. This was the moment of relief he had needed since the day she had disappeared.

"Callisto...." he spoke her name softly but with a pause afterwards. He had been waiting for this moment for quite some time, he had gone over what he would say to her should she returne a thousand times, yet now while she was standing here in front of him the words escaped him. He wanted to tell her so much more than what his brain was allowing him to do. It was as if he said anymore she may drift away or disappear just as she had done so many times in his sleep.

The longer Maximous stood in place the less dreamlike this moment would seem. He would move closer to her and smile at her just as he had before she had gone. He wanted to nuzzle her and tell her how much he loved her how much he had missed and worried about her. But he had just gotten her back, loosing her again would kill him. "Much has happened since you.....left. standing close to her, he could tell there was something off about how she smelled. Her scent was different, almost as though she had been with other wolves before she came here, though he knew none of them. He had to force himself to keep from asking her a question but the curiosity was evident on his features.

Making her mad or making her want to leave was something he didnt want to do. But he had so many things to tell her and he had questions about her disappearance and that male scent he found at the cave or tunnel or what ever the hell that dark hole was whhere their scents met.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)



5 Years
01-10-2015, 01:59 AM

Walk | Talk | Think
She stopped him with her voice, made him hesitate before Maximous eventually lifted his bright blue eyes to look at her, and she met them without hesitation. He seemed about as surprised as she felt, only managing to murmur her name before falling quiet with a look that made her wonder whether he ever anticipated seeing her again. And made her wish then that she had given more thought to explaining her absence before now. The details were not those Callisto wished to be made public, though the effect the events had left on her physically were likely evidence enough to those keen enough to realize. Being the one wolf to ever spend much time with her in Ebony, she wondered if Max would see, if he would guess, and, even more, if he would bring it up. 

Though she was admittedly happy to see him, and relieved by his gentle personality, the grey and black wolf felt oddly exposed standing before him and his observant healer's gaze, for once feeling awkward in his presence. Her tail twitched, the only fidgeting that she allowed as she averted her gaze, and she only dared to glance up at him once as he stepped closer with that familiar smile upon his face. She thought, for a second, he might reach out to her, felt her body tensing in preparation, but he kept his distance, either knowing her well enough not to try or having no such intentions after all. 

Callisto kept her gaze averted, afraid of what she might read in his, until he mentioned her leaving. Her gaze rose to meet his then, once again without wavering, and she answered steadily, sternly, "I didn't leave." That, at least, had to be made clear. if things had gone her way, she would have finished exploring that dark cavern without running into anyone and gone back home without stumbling into any trouble. She would have lived the whole winter season in comfort within her home. But fate, or whatever cruel being was dictating her life, had decided otherwise. Still, she was not ready to speak aloud what exactly had drawn her away, what torments she had lived through to get here, and so she followed her first comment up with a quieter, more subdued tone. "And I don't want to talk about it." Max had always been the understanding sort with her; she hoped he would be now and respect her wishes. 

To try and deter the conversation, to steer it back toward things that were on her mind, questions that desperately needed answers, she offered a new observation. "My den's empty." 
Image by Maka.



8 Years
01-10-2015, 09:17 AM

The man would watch her quietly, while his smile slowly faded at her reactions. It had only taken a few moments for her to look away from him as is she were afraid of him only to glance up and tence as he drew closer to her. He had known she wasnt a touchy feelykind of wolf, but he had never seen her react like that. In that single moment he wondered if she would evver allow him to touch her. But he would also wonder where she had disappeared to.

Her stern look met with a stern tone and fused with the words I didnt leave , had left him falling backward into a sit as if she had smaked him. Those three words were all that he needed to confirm that she had been dragged away from that cave. When he had found their scents mixed together, he had hoped she'd simply left with him and feared she had been dragged away. His mind had come up with several scenarios, the only thing he could be happy about is that she was here now.

Before Max could open his mouth to ask questions, Callisto would state she didnt want to talk about it. The hurt would leave his face and care would fill it "Then I wont ask, I will wait for you to be ready to talk about ot on your own. And if your never ready then so be it. " His voice had been soft and he had meant every word. He would never make her do anything she did not want to do. Soon after she would have a statement for him, one that he already knew.

He had to tell her, and all he could do was hope it wasnt him she would get mad at. "Im the one who emptied it. I kept wat over your things to keep away anything or anyone who may try to take your hurbs until Kassander moved the boarders. Soon after he informed us of this I came to get your things." he would pause for a moment to let what he said sink in and so he could try to gage her reations befor continueing "The entirety of your stores are waiting for you in my den."

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)



5 Years
01-10-2015, 01:42 PM

Walk | Talk | Think
He backed into a sitting position before her, something like recognition - or confirmation? - taking shape about his eyes and making Callisto wonder if she had been right about him seeing too much. It was more a possibility with him than anyone else since he was the only one she voluntarily spent any time with, but even her trust in him hardly made him guessing any easier on her. She was embarrassed, angry, haunted by what she had been through, and knowing it was in the back of his mind, the truth as well as a whole bunch of other likely scenarios, made her feel uneasy about what he thought. But clarifying on just the simple piece that she had was all she could muster for the time being. 

Her gaze had shifted, evasive as she clearly stated her desire not to speak of the details that she had been through, and the soft, soothing agreement from Maximous had her blue eyes closing in a moment of silent relief. She should have known all she would need to do was ask for peace to get it. He had never been the prying type before now, and not once had he ever tried to change her perspective or her manner of being, even when she was disagreeable. If ever she had wanted to offer him a nuzzle, some small, soundless gesture of gratitude and thanks, it was now. And yet the darkly colored wolf could not bring herself to do it, still averse to such physical displays and particularly after the months she had spent away. 

The change in subject, the admission from Max that he was to blame for her den being empty, confused her at first, especially since he alluded to supposing she would return, and added even more confusion at the mention of Kassander. Callisto's eyes opened, her expression drawn into one of perplexity and disbelief as she lifted her head again to look at him, seeking answers to the questions that his explanation evoked. "Kassander? Why is he moving the borders?" she questioned. Should it not have been Valeriya calling the shots? Or had the mousy little Xanilov boy earned himself a promotion in her time away? 
Image by Maka.



8 Years
01-10-2015, 09:34 PM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2015, 09:51 PM by Maximous.)

After he agreed to not pry into the disappearance but before his explination for her empty den, she wouldn't look at him. It was as if she were trying to hide something and if she looked to long then he would learn something she didnt want him to know just yet. But he would not ask and he would keep his mind from wondering away from the subject at hand.

Durring the explination he could see the confustion all over her face, even more so when the Xanilov boy was mentioned. It wasnt long before he recognized a look of disbelief as she spoke a new question, one he was sure would come. At first a nod would be all that she would receive as the boys name gad been a question in itself. "he is moving boarders because, just as every other queen we have had, Valeriya left. Kassander is king now and has made several changes.

Max would sit quietly a moment as he remembered his protest to learn any more about fighting. He hadnt been able to protect Callisto when she was taken, perhaps he should try to forget his hatred for fighting so he could protect her better. Hell so he could protect the entire pack better. He would be damnd if he would allow anyone to take her from him again. But how to tell her how he feels about her. Especially now that she had gone missing already, this very moment would be inappropriate, but he would make himself tell her soon.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)



5 Years
01-10-2015, 10:25 PM

Walk | Talk | Think
Simply, patient as ever, Maximous explained to Callisto how their home had changed hands yet again, how the timid Xanilov boy had taken over the throne in the absence of his sister. It surprised her greatly. He had always been so quiet, so reserved, so mousy in how he carried himself and behaved. How in the world had he gotten bold enough to rule the pack? "I can't believe that," she remarked with a shake of her head, though she could easily see the girl having left. Had it not already happened twice before? Ebony did not seem capable of holding a leader for very long, and it got her wondering just how long this one was going to last, particularly knowing what she remembered about him. 

It was crazy, irksome. Not only had the pack changed hands, they had moved and she had lost her den in the process. She turned her head to glance over one shoulder at the empty densite that she had once kept, wishing she could have stayed still though knowing it likely would not have been approved of in the long run. If she was going to be part of the pack, then she needed to be there to prove it. "Where is Ebony now, if the Steppe is empty?" she asked as she turned again to look at Max, feeling bold enough to look at him now that the conversation had turned to something more easy and tolerable for her. He had mentioned her things being back at his den but...was his den even where she remembered it to be? 
Image by Maka.



8 Years
01-12-2015, 07:58 AM

He knew she hadnt believed that the shy boy king could ever be incharge of a pack, but the fact of the matter was that is is in charge. At least until he decided to abandon them just as every other Xanilov had. "I know you dont, I just worry that he will leave as did his female predecessors." he would voice softly. She knew just as well as he did that Ebony had trouble keeping an alpha. So far the only one that made any sense in leaving was Katja. The pack hadn't been hers to keep, it had been entrusted to her until the Xanilov children came of age. Upon their return they were, in his opinion, old enough only in body not in mind.

"The only place he moved was the steppe to the Rock Garden. Firefly lake is still part of Ebony." the man knew how it felt to leave and come back to change...but he did not know how she felt. She hadnt left of her own free will, only she knew how she felt and all he could do was guess and be there for her. "Callisto, you can stay in my den for as long as you'd like. If you need anything all you have to do is ask. Kass has asked that there be warrior and healer training so there will be pleanty to do..." he didnt know what else to say, or if there was even anything else to say.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)



5 Years
01-12-2015, 11:59 PM

Walk | Talk | Think
Callisto could, and did, understand Maximous's distrust and wariness regarding Ebony's new leader. With the kind of footsteps that he followed in, it was guaranteed to pop up into the minds of those within the pack who had lived to see the reigns passed from one hand to the next. How long, Callisto wondered, had the boy held them so far, and how long would he continue to hold them before what he did was too frightful for him to keep up the charade as leader? She was doubtful, pessimistic, and sour about the whole thing, wishing the circumstances of her return could have been more pleasant. Though, she supposed, in comparison to the hell that she had lived through these past months it was still far more pleasant than it could have been. 

At her request, Max informed her of the swapped territories, and though she had never had any qualms with the Rock Garden as a location she was much more partial to the Steppe and was displeased by its loss. Would the Rock Garden be as quiet, as empty as the Steppe had been? The lake was certainly the buzzing focal point of the pack, but she had never been one for trying to revolve around the center of things. Somehow she was going to need to make this work. For right now, however, she needed to take a breath before she tried anything. 

Her blue eyes closed as she drew in a breath, trying to retain some sense of calm when she could have easily ranted and raved about the unfairness and cruelty of the world. Her friend and mentor's voice helped keep her thoughts occupied, offering her shelter and distraction in the form of his den and pack duties. Yes, that did sound good. She missed her herbs, her lessons, and the knowledge that came with both. Maybe some of what Max had moved for her was still even useful. Spurred by the thought of being surrounded by the familiarity and scents of those useful plants that she had waiting for her at Max's den, she opened her eyes and met his, her expression flat but clouded by resignation. "Your den's by the lake?" she asked, needing to be sure of its location before she went off in search of it. 
Image by Maka.



8 Years
01-13-2015, 07:37 PM

Max would sit silently as Callisto processed the information she had been given. He couldnt keep himself from watching her, to look for any emotion she might give away as she thought. But as usuall, the girl keptanything she didnt voice locked up within herself. In knowing her well the man could take a good guess at her thoughts...they may not be entirely accurate but he could guess all the same.

At her next question he would nod. His den hadnt moved from where he had given her lessons. He wouldd keep it there for as long as he could, but what would he do if Calli didnt like his spot next to the lake. He hadnt admitted to her just how far his feelings had gone for her but should she accept him, would he have to move. Mentally he would shake himself as he had pleanty of time to work out that issue. "My den still lay beneath the large tree a safe distance from the water." he would add a voiced answer to his nod.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)



5 Years
01-13-2015, 09:15 PM

Walk | Talk | Think
A nod of confirmation assured Callisto that she had the right of it regarding the location of Max's den. So through all the changes that had taken place, at least he had not been uprooted and dragged about by everything, and although there was a part of her that was happy for him there was a side of her that was envious as well. Why did she need to be the one whose world had gotten tossed around and discarded carelessly to right itself on its own? What could she possibly do to fix everything that had gone wrong, to feel right within herself and within the world around her? Thinking about it was just sending her in circles; she was sure there was no answer. 

Though the location was entirely off, and she had her doubts of finding herself at home in the den offered to her, she wished more than ever to retreat to it and hide there for a while, until she felt strong enough to face the full return she intended to make. "Could we go over there? I want to know which plants are mine," she asked, though it was only partly true. Maybe after she had her plants pointed out to her she could curl up there and let their familiar scents lull her into a restful sleep. To sleep on her home ground, knowing here she had a friend watching over her, was all she dared wish for at the moment, and she hoped it was not too much to ask. 
Image by Maka.



8 Years
01-14-2015, 12:17 PM

She would ask another question, this time if they could go to his den so he could show her which plants were hers. Though he wasnt entirely sure he was getting the full truth he would conply with no questions ust as he promised her. "Yes, we can go and i will show you which herbs are yours." his voice was soft as always and a kind smile was on his face as he found his paws once more.

He would watch her and wait for her to decide when they would leave. Quietly he wondered if he would ever gain the courage to tell her that he loved her, instantly his self conscious would jump in and slap him for even having the thought. The next thought would be, would she ever except the way he felt.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)



5 Years
01-14-2015, 01:41 PM

Walk | Talk | Think
Just as promised, there was no objection, no demand for further information, from Max when she tried to get them to leave so she could see her plants and, unknowingly to him, rest in the quiet, familiar comfort of his den. He replied only in agreement, getting to his paws right after, and Callisto felt the tension that had been gathered about her shoulders begin to release and relax. Her head lowered slightly, turning so that she could look one last time at the den behind her. God, did she hate to leave it. She was going to miss this empty piece of land. How was she going to make this transition work? 

Not knowing the answer, afraid that it might end up being one that she did not like, the black and grey wolf took the lead and stepped around Max to wander in the direction of the lake, expecting him to fall into step with her and travel the distance to his den. Briefly she wondered what he thought about it all, whether he felt pity over her from the little she had been able to divulge in their short conversation or if his kind smile was really just a quiet joy at having her returned. But he had sworn himself to keep quiet about it all, promising not to ask questions, so how would she know where his concerns rested? Grateful anyway that he had been willing to help her - she was glad his generosity had not changed, it was what she had looked forward to returning to most next to her work - she remained quiet and thoughtful, keeping on eye on Max beside her to make sure she went in the right direction. 

-Exit Callisto-
Image by Maka.



8 Years
01-15-2015, 10:48 PM

The man would wait for her to either ask another question or decide to head for the lake. It didnt take long for Calli to move past him in the direction in which the lake lay waiting for them, but he couldnt help but wonder what she was thinking. He always wondered what she was thinking though now was more difficult for him to guess than it had before she had gone missing.

Excepting the fact that he may never know, that he promised not to even ask about it, he would move to catch up to her. There wasnt mutch catching to be done as he hadnt let her get more than a few paces ahead of him before turni g to follow. He had noticed that she had continued to glance back at him, though for what reason he wasnt entirely sure. She had been to his den several times, had she forgotten its location and looled to him for guidance or was she simply glanceing back to make sure he was still at her side?

-Exit Maximous

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)