
What Is This Ache In My Heart?


01-02-2015, 12:30 PM
Spring may have come, but it brought no peace for the multi-colored woman. She wasn't sure where she stood with Mercy. The woman had yet to speak with Revenge, finding her own cowardice holding her down. Ellis had spoken her apologies, yet Mercy's words still echoed in her mind. In her heart. It was her fault the family was broken. Her fault that Othello made her own children feel unwanted. That Revenge, Mercy, Theisinova, and her son left. The woman would give a heavy sigh, feeling the wind swirling around her. Where had she gone so wrong? Was it truly so wrong that the small healer had wanted to keep herbs handy for her friend? For the children?

That made her wonder too of Othello. The white woman had nearly died during her birthing. A flurry of images that came back to her during her apology to Mercy. She felt her heart clench, head lowering with her teal-green eyes squeezed closed. Was... was Othello alright? Was her friend alive? Guilt ate at her. If Othello wasn't alive... was that her fault as well? Were the gods punishing her?

Eyes would partially open again, fighting the tears that wanted to come. The world was coming back to life, spring rolling in and the snow going out. Yet Ellis felt part of her heart still dead. The woman wasn't sure what to do anymore. Should she look for Othello? Try and speak with Mercy again? Speak to Revenge? Ellis felt so lost, her mind drifting to her daughter. Theisinova... she had promised to return to Alacritis someday... perhaps soon. But... would she? Would Ellis ever see either of her children again?



3 Years
Extra large
01-02-2015, 07:48 PM
When he'd first joined the pack Revenge had been told to go and seek out Ellis, the woman was one of the few wolves he'd known since birth. He didn't blame her for anything, though he didn't have any qualms with his parents either. He'd only left them because of his need to follow his sister. He'd been searching for the woman for a while now, having never quite been able to track her until today. He figured Valen wouldn't take to kindly to him avoiding orders so finally the boy would seek out the healer.

Eventually he would come to find her lithe form laying languidly within the knolls. His large paws would bring him to her slowly, his year and a half old body not quite filled out to his adult weight but the boy had been incredibly tall for a long while now. Almost shyly he would walk up to her, head lowered as his tail swung at his ankles. He wouldn't be so observant to see the almost tears in the she wolf's eyes, but he would smile softly as he took a seat a bit aways from her. "Um, hi, Ellis. Um, Valentine wanted me to come learn some healing from you so. ah... here I am." looking back up to her he'd wait expectantly.


01-05-2015, 08:59 PM
It was the voice, familiar to her ears, that would bring Ellis to blink away the tears in her eyes. Head would shift, but instead of being met with an angry face, what she expected, she would see a soft smile upon the features of the young man. Did she deserve this? The kindness of her best friend's son... Revenge seemed to be doing the opposite that his name would suggest, just as Mercy had. Irony perhaps? The multicolored female would dismiss the thought, shifting towards him and swallowing hard. It was time to deal with the young man she had been avoiding seeking out.

"Revenge..." She would fight back a new surge of tears that threatened to spill. "You've grown so much... I'm glad to see that you're safe." Ellis would lower her gaze, shivering some. How to continue with this?

"I will teach you of herbs, Revenge but... I want to know what Mercy told you of my disappearance first. I... truly did not mean for it to happen, Revenge... but accidents happen sometimes." The woman's guilt at her. So desperately she wanted them to understand. To beg for their forgiveness. The woman had to wonder if she would ever be at peace after the family was broken so. Her poor family... it was all her fault. "I'm... I'm really sorry..." The small woman's voice left her in a drawn out whine.



3 Years
Extra large
01-05-2015, 09:34 PM
He would stand, almost awkwardly before the woman as she spoke his name, more emotion than he would have expected. She seemed so unsure of herself, and he wasn't quite sure how to take it. He'd avert his gaze, willing to give her a moment if she needed. She would agree to his request though, but he had no doubt of that happening, with Valen's order he doubted she would be able to refuse much. She'd ask to know what Mercy had told him, and truth be told he hadn't really remembered. It didn't make much difference to him. Then she would ask his apology, her voice turning into a pitiful whine.

He would clear his throat and again avert his gaze, "I.. uh, don't really remember what she said, but really it's okay. Just don't, cry." He'd finish a bit slower. Yeah he didn't live with his parents anymore, oh well. Mercy was the one who really mattered anyway and he was with her. "I'm just ready for my lessons." He'd finish simply, smiling encouragingly as he snuck a glance at her form.


01-09-2015, 01:23 AM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.
...and so I would wander.
Even if he didn't really member, Revenge would tell her it was okay. He showed her mercy, did not throw her fault back in her face. He just didn't want her to cry. The small healer would swallow again, giving a nod. She'd try to fight back her tears by his request, giving a small nod. "Alright... just... please know that... I love you still as well, Revenge." The she wolf would get to her paws. So much emotion raged within, but if he did not want to speak on the subject with her one on one, she would accept his mercy. The female would take a breath, working to calm herself, before managing a smile.

"So we'd best get to those lessons then, huh...?" Her voice still held strong emotion, though she was doing her best to restrain it. Gaze would seek the yellow flower that grew in a moderate amount here. Seeing what she believed was it not far off Ellis would rise, motioning with her tail for Revenge to follow her. "I'll teach you about an herb that you can find right here in our territory first. There's some over in this direction I believe. It'll be better for you to see it where it naturally grows." She'd start walking, hoping that he would follow along behind her.

"You know... I never thought you'd be interested in healing, Revenge. It's not a bad path... but... it has its ups and downs."

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

"Settle down." Said my heart.
...and so here it was I would settle down.

Table by:: Tea



3 Years
Extra large
01-15-2015, 01:31 PM
He could tell that she was really trying to reign in the emotion as he asked her not to cry, sniffling as she gave him one last comment. He would try to give her a reassuring smile as she told him that she loved him, but Revenge didn't take it to heart as deeply as he might have. He still was very unsure of the meaning of love, and would shy away from discussing such feelings. He knew devotion, devotion and loyalty to his sister. She was also his blood, so did he love her? Mentally he would shake himself. He didn't need words to describe how he felt about Mercy.

Ellis would regain a bit of her composure as she made note of their progression. Yes, they should most certainly start training. The last thing he wanted was for Valentine to ask him how he was progressing with healing and not be able to tell him a single thing. She would begin with the herbs they could find in the territory. The tall boy would follow after her, ears attuned to her voice as she made another quick comment about him being interested in healing. "I was more interested in poisons." Revenge's deepening voice would say softly, "But Valen thought I should know healing too. It'll help with Mercy's fighting too." If he could add another tool in his arsenal to support her, he would take advantage of the knowledge.


01-20-2015, 12:27 AM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.
...and so I would wander.
Even if Revenge didn’t comment on her comment of love, Ellis meant every word from the bottom of her heart. She hadn’t been there as much as she hoped to be, and she would be surprised when the boy said that he had been more interesting in poisons. Poisons... She knew of some plants with that property, but mainly because they were ones that shouldn’t be confused with healing herbs. Poisons were truly dangerous... A threat to life. She couldn’t think of a wolf using poisons to kill another. That would, truly, be horrible. Ellis let out a small sigh.

“I do not know much of actual poisons, Revenge... But I know of some poisonous plants. When I can I’ll tell you about them, and show you where to find those that I know grow here in Alacritia.” Deciding to leave it at that she would focus on the bright side of things again. “But you’re right that learning of healing herbs will help Mercy as well. Herbs have more uses than just treating wounds on the outside, though. They can be used to treat disease, and weakness of the body. Sickness... Internal pains.” She would come to stand beside the yellow flower.

“This is agrimony. It is used mainly to relieve diarrhea, though it can also be used to relieve other stomach and digestive problems as well. When the flowers are dried and applied to a patient they can be used to reduce swelling and soothe burns. They grow moderately around our home, and places like prariries, thickets, the range... They’re not too hard to find. It’s also a mild herb that you can use on children, though not pregnant or nursing mothers.” The female would pause, making sure he took it all in.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

"Settle down." Said my heart.
...and so here it was I would settle down.

Table by:: Tea



3 Years
Extra large
01-22-2015, 11:26 PM
He wouldn't miss the sigh Ellis let out as he mentioned his interest in poisons, pale ears would flick slightly but he would not question her as she spoke. She would not profess to know anything of his desired subject she would do her best to offer any knowledge she knew of the plants that held poison. However, she was obviously not willing to dwell. He would listen to her reiterate what he'd said but would add her own depth. His ears would perk again as he followed after slowly, tail flicking slightly at his ankles. Eyes would narrow slightly as she told him of the plant in front of her, the flower with, what sounded like, a lot of different uses. Obviously none of them were fatal. Kind of a boring little plant. "Can you use the same dried flowers for the first uses? Or.. only the plant part?" He didn't think you could get the flowers so easily all year long, there were bound to be times when there were no little blooms.


02-03-2015, 03:01 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.
...and so I would wander.
Ellis would wait quietly while Revenge processed the information, deciding what he understood and what questions he might ask. She would furrow her brow when he spoke, but she would answer all the same. It was something she wouldn’t think to do, but all the same she had the answer prepared. “You can use the dried flower for the first part, but it is not all nearly as effective. Regardless of which part is used however nursing and pregnant mothers can not have this herb. It can damage the young either directly or through her milk.” Ellis would give a soft sigh. “Like most plants it grows better during the warm seasons as well, dropping back in winter. That is why spring, summer, and early autumn are best for gathering plants. Sometimes you have to use what you have in your stores, just to ensure your patient gets what they need in time.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

"Settle down." Said my heart.
...and so here it was I would settle down.

Table by:: Tea