
Destiny Awaits


01-03-2015, 04:14 PM
short starter...

It was time. Her children were old enough now that they could leave the den and be introduced to the world. She would rise, stirring them both from their sleep. With a smile would slip from their den, stepping into the warmer spring air. The snow had all but melted, leaving behind only puddles of mud. Her haunches would fold beneath her, tail curling around her hips. "Dahlia. Aster." She would call her children to her, coral gaze resting on the entrance to her den as she waited for their tiny bodies to burst forth. Though they were far from tiny. Aster easily towered over his sister, becoming quite the giant, while Dahlia remained of a more average size, though still impressive. Soon she would begin grooming them to conquer the world. There was not a doubt in her mind that they would thrive. Beneath her command, and then later, their sisters, together her children would rule the world.

"Burn Baby Burn"



01-03-2015, 05:36 PM
He had stayed home with the children as they grew, keeping them sequestered away in the depths of their den until Cataleya had decided to allow them to wander. Today his wife would awake and he would remain laying for a short time, cracking on verdant eye and studying hem carefully. Dread still ate away at his stomach like poison, clawing and worrying at him as he stayed protectively with his family. A sigh would trickle past his lips before he would lift himself, shoulders rolling as he pushed himself into a seated position, head ducked to accommodate the low ceiling. Cataleya would beckon to their children and Kylar would watch them for a moment before lifting himself and stepping carefully over them to follow his wife. His mind was still shattered, broken and frayed at the edges. He had been struggling to form complex sentences as of late, fading into silence and not beginning conversations. Even in normal conversation he had begun to resort to grunts and growls rather then words. Just like now, a low rumble would grow in his throat, ushering his children out into the world before stepping past them and moving to slink behind his wife.



01-03-2015, 05:49 PM
                    there is little trepidation in her saunter as the minuscule viper seeks to surpass her behemoth sibling in stride, a guttural and impish growl resonating from the depths of her larynx in an attempt to goad him into competition. for where she lacks in stature in comparison to her brother, she exceeds in agility; and thus, aspires to utilize her assets against him as she slithers from the confines of their den’s interior -- ahead or behind him, whichever she manages to achieve. and her molten gaze abruptly narrows as observant pupils begin to adjust to the influx of light, leathery nostrils simultaneously flaring to indulge in the domineering scent of her mother -- of her queen. velveteen lips contort with a beguiled simper as she pinpoints her mother’s gargantuan physique, gangly appendages instinctively propelling her towards the woman with an aura of inherent confidence and an underlying mischievous intent. “amaaaa,” she addresses the woman with the characteristic inarticulate tones of a child before diving between her mother’s forelimbs, allowing for her skull to tip upwards to regard the woman’s coral gaze. “y’think i’ll be big like you n' da, muuum? i want to be big like you -- bigger than ast!” vermillion gaze widens with awe, gleaming with discernible greed and envy. “j’us not as fat.” a smirk grazes her lips as she directs her attention back upon her littermate, eagerly awaiting retaliation.
before threading with Vio, please keep in mind that this character is prone to using mature and vulgar language!


01-03-2015, 07:03 PM
Monstrous beast would quiver and quake, rousing slower then his minuscule counterpart as parental sounds would reach him and coax him from his slumber. He was already awake, already roused but he was motionless as he lay curled in a tight ball against his father, that is he was until his mother decided it was time to leave and slipped outside. His father would soon follow, leaving Aster laying unprotected and suddenly rather cold. Groggily head would lift, bi coloured eyes of his mother and father would blink before the beast would arise. Already almost twice the size of his sister he would have no issue passing her at first though after a moment she would bound past him with a swagger that made him want to shove her into the cave wall. As always his head would be carried low, nose almost touching the ground, ears back and tail licking at his heels. He would not speak, listening to his mother talk and watching his father as he moved before attention would once more return to his litter mate who had situated herself beneath her mother. Aster would blink, calmly observing as his sister addressed their mother and asked if she would grow before calling him fat and pointedly looking at him. Bi coloured eyes would narrow, lips curling to reveal deceptively sharp puppy teeth as tail flicked at his heels. "You're always gonna be a midget…" He would bark, hunkering down for the war he knew he was about to begin. This was their day to day life after all...


01-03-2015, 07:13 PM

Her mate would be the first to join her, moving to find his place behind her. She had begun to worry about him. He rarely spoke, and when he did, it was nothing more than grunts and growls. A sigh would roll off her tongue as she remained silent, still unsure of what was plaguing him. Her attention was dragged from him by the sounds of her children. Dahlia would be first, racing past her brother to find herself a place between her own paws. She would peer down at the girl, a smile lifting her lips. Her daughter was going to be a hellion that was for sure. Dahlia would express her desire to be of a more imposing size, even more so than her brother. A soft bark of laughter rolled off her tongue. "My dear you will be most impressive. But you will never be as large as your brother." She had never been one to sugarcoat things for her kids, preferring to simply throw them into the cruel world right from the start. Her gaze would lift to Aster, watching displeasure roll across his features as his sister called him fat, and he called her a midget. She would shake her head, though amusement danced across her decorated features. "Now go, go explore your home." She would send them away without another thought, though she would never let them leave her sight, not yet at least. But they were more than ready to go and see the place that they would one day call their own.

"Burn Baby Burn"



01-03-2015, 07:47 PM
Kylar was silent as he regarded his daughter and son as they moved out of the den and forwards to join their parents. Dahlia would bound forward on gangly limbs to perch herself beneath her mother's forelimbs and Kylar would curl silently around Cateleya to observe this. She would ask her mother if she would ever be as big as her mother and father, if she would every surpass her brother and Kylar would turn his gaze to Cataleya for her response. She would give her daughter the gods honest truth and in return Dahlia would call her brother fat and Aster would call his sister a midget. Why had they decided to be parents again? Oh yeah… They hadn't wanted to...



01-03-2015, 09:30 PM
ooc; i almost hate myself for playing such an annoying chara lolol
                   satisfaction courses through the viper’s psyche as her pupils engulf her sibling’s obvious resentment, the smirk laden upon her pretty countenance only deepening with pleasure as the titanic child presents her with a silent snarl -- a token of his vexation. it is not until the boy labels her a ‘midget’ that the sovari’s amusement completely withers from her facial features, a scowl of her own manifesting in its place as her gangly appendages seek to propel her out from underneath her mother and a step closer to the tyke, hackles bristling duly upon the length of her spinal column -- as if she were truly an imposing monstrosity. “i’m not a midget! i’m big!” the viper asserts with a guttural snarl, brows knitting furiously upon her forehead despite the odds stacked against her. “er...i will be big! you’ll see!” is the indignant proclamation that streams from fluttering velvet lips as her skull rotates back towards her mother, seeking affirmation.

and the babe’s chest swells with momentary pride as her mother inflates her budding ego with a vow of splendor; however, it is quick to deflate as she is denied the promise of surpassing her sibling in height. disappointment shrouds her molten gaze as her pupils search to pinpoint her father’s own { for confirmation, of course; this was obviously some sick joke } before it becomes apparent that her mother speaks the cruelest truth, and rage begins to fester within her core as her attention reverts to aster. “or maybe not! so what? bein’ big is for losers anyway…” she seethes before realization strikes, turning a sheepish grin to both of her parents. “-- ‘cept you, mum, n’ you, da, of course…”

her mother then expresses permission to explore, and the viper’s ears perk with intrigue before she casts a thrilled grin upon her brother -- as if their former dispute had not occurred at all. “c’mon, ass-turd,” the sovari attempts to provoke as nimble limbs navigate the babe slightly away from the close proximities of their parents, allowing for her own curiosity to serve as her guide whilst her nose probes the earth and her pupils ravage their surroundings.
before threading with Vio, please keep in mind that this character is prone to using mature and vulgar language!