
Lesson in Happiness



5 Years
01-04-2015, 01:21 AM
Walk | Talk | Think
Winter was well on its way out and spring making its sunny appearance. Anais could feel it in the slow warmth that was creeping into the world, could see it in the snow that was daily beginning to lessen and trickle away. It seemed to go most quickly here, as if the southern bit of land was more than willing to shed the remnants of winter, and in a way Anais was right there with it. She could not wait for the warmer months to fully come into their season, for the plants of spring to blossom and spread throughout the territory, for the waters to rush with the melting snows of the higher elevations. Food would be plentiful again, the perfect conditions to get Espirit trained in hunting, and even better conditions for her family to recover after their harsh winter. 

A smile upon her face as she paced through the woods, Anais was ready for the change. She could feel it within the earth and within herself, a small glow that was ready to burst into a bright beam of energy and optimism. It had not quite taken shape yet, but she could feel it forming, and simply knowing it was there, quietly gaining life, encouraged her not to lose hope. Everything would get better. Their lives could and would be happy again. 

Starting with a good meal. It was early in the day still, just before mid-morning, which gave her plenty of time to find a nice place for a potential hunt. She had not decided yet if she would catch something herself or if she would simply memorize the location to bring Espirit - and Lebrah, because he could not go on a lesson without her - back to teach a bit about hunting, but she supposed after she found something of interest that she would give it more thought. The conditions would have to be just right, after all, at least to her mind. She hardly wanted to give her baby brother something difficult to train on. Keeping it in mind, she continued her search, feeling relaxed and somewhat like her old self, even if she carried the responsibilities of her brother and adopted son with her on her mission. 

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.