
Dark Horizons [event thread]

Rune I


5 Years
09-12-2014, 01:46 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Secretua's Guardian stood upon the edge of the Gulley in what should have been a warm sunny morning, his narrowed gaze fixed eastward toward the Obsidian Beach that bordered both his territories on one side. He could see nothing of the beach, nothing beyond the stretch of land that covered the border between the two locations, but there was no missing the clouds, heavy and dark, that had collected there near his own border and continued with each passing hour to grow closer, pushed his way by a wind that strongly tousled his coarse fur. And with their slow progress, Rune could feel an answering sense of dread stir within his gut. This was not going to be just any ordinary storm.

Knowing the dangers of harsh weather, having seen the birth of his children during the middle of a hurricane, Rune was familiar with the damages and threats that came along with it. Gratefully he had decided to take these lands, still well away from the coastline where they could avoid the chopping surf and any waves that drew too close inland for safety, but he knew they were still right in the path of that impending storm. The better prepared they could be for whatever the storm gave them, the better off he and his family, their single recruit included, could be.

With a heavy sigh, Rune turned away from the grey sky and incoming storm clouds and set off back down the incline deeper into the Fern Gulley, surveying the thick vegetation and heavy growth through new eyes as he heard the leaves rustling with the wind. Would trees and branches fall once those winds picked up? Would they provide decent enough shelter to keep most of the water away from his pack when the rain started? Where would the water most likely collect in this large dip in the ground that housed all this vibrant greenery? It was all things that he felt needed to be looked into as soon as he was able, but for the time being getting everyone on the same page, letting them know of what was coming, was the more important task.

As he neared their densite, the burly grey male lifted his head and called to those of his pack, the first summons he had ever made to gather them all together at once. Daily pack matters had only ever needed to be conducted on informal terms, especially since they were all mostly family anyway, but this was far too important; he needed them all to hear of it at once. Stepping within the chosen locale for Secretua's sleeping quarters, Rune slowed his hurried gait and waited, hoping the pack - his family - was close.

OOC: Just a quick meeting thread for those who can show to let the pack know of the incoming storm and warn about possible flooding in the Gulley in the low points. No posting order, Rune will explain after a couple wolves show up. Also, feel free to get the rains started at any time!



09-13-2014, 12:44 PM (This post was last modified: 09-13-2014, 12:44 PM by Australis.)

He had been watching it intently from the prairie, aqua gaze locked on, not missing a single move. Something within him could feel this was incoming danger, was it instinct? Who knew, Australis wouldn't linger on that thought however. The clouds were darkening as they approached the mainland, second by second the feeling grew stronger, to a point where he could almost feel it becoming physical. What was going on? Perhaps the boy should how for Rune, see if he knew what this was, or at least determine if they should gather the pack and hole up in their dens till it pass.

It was then, that the boy would would catch something on the wind. Ears pricked up and swiveled around, being greeted with what was a howl. Rune. The boy quickly and smoothly rose from the ground, and with a quick shake her would set off in the direction it had come from. Pace was a steady jog, gliding through the prairie towards his destination, not wanting to miss this call, especially if it was for something important. Perhaps it was for those dark, coming clouds. He would narrow his eyes, obviously he must have seen them, they weren't exactly hard to miss.

It didn't take long till the Leader appeared in Australis' field of vision, the grey form with a black streak easily visible in the gulley. Pace now switched, going into a walk as he grew near, now just a few yards away from the man. A couple feet away and he slowed once more, but this time he would come to a stop, head turning left and right, noticing that no one else had arrived just yet. "You saw?" He questioned, turning his head towards Rune, gaze and attention fully on the man. He wouldn't take a seat, tail hanging behind his calm body.




4 Years
09-15-2014, 07:37 PM

A massive storm brewed; she could feel the energy of it on her skin. With alarm, she watched the sky darken, felt the air cool to a chilling temperature. Every way she turned, the leaves on the trees were flipped over, their pale underbellies foretelling what was to come. Overhead the clouds looked ready to burst and gave the impression that if she could reach it, a single, gentle poke would release the imprisoned waters.

The young medic would heed the call and move to join her father in the depths of Fern Gulley. It didn't take her long to reach him.

Slipping through the foliage to his left, Warja would approach her father from behind. She'd announce her presence with a simple "I'm here," before moving to stand at his left side. Her gaze sought the sky through the dense branches overhead, finding it easily with the help of the wind. Nearly black, it gave the air below a muted look; appearing as if twilight were setting in. Any second now the heavens would open.

Speaking -

Rune I


5 Years
09-22-2014, 08:32 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Unsurprising, it was the newest addition to their pack, the young man Australis, who was the first on the scene, the look about his face suggesting that he already knew why they were together. So he had seen. Rune continued to frown over the impending bad weather and the implications it meant for his family and the whole of Secretua. Likely they would miss the brunt of it that would strike right there off the coast, but there was still the severe storms, the wind and rain, that would be moving inland as soon as it was done there along the shoreline. At least the other members of the pack were taking note of it and getting their senses alerted just as he was. It meant fewer of them would be caught off guard and more of them would stay safe through it.

The young man's question was answered with a curt nod as Rune twitched his tail in aggravation, a sudden impatience stealing through him at having to wait to address everyone. "It's going to be here soon. I'm afraid there might be flooding," he informed the hunter, glad to finally have his thoughts out in the open. And likely it was all something that Australis had been thinking as well, so they could be on the same page with it in preparations.

Warja was quick to arrive next, coming up from behind him, and the grey wolf turned to glance over one shoulder and mark her progress with his frosty stare, not entirely surprised to see her either. Of his children, she had seemed the most dedicated from the start, the most liable to step up should the need call for it. With Keiki, the family had a growing certainty that she could not hear, and as for his son...he needed to remind the boy to be more prompt when it came to important matters. His little mate was still missing, as was his sister and her two sons, but for the time being that was fine. The message could always be passed along to them later.

"The storm's creeping up fast," he stated to the pair of them, following his daughter's vibrant gaze skyward to catch the little hints of darkened clouds above the line of the trees as the wind blew them about. Time was against them. "It's going to start unloading any minute now. We need to be careful about traveling through the Gulley. It's basically one big hole in the ground, and the lower points are going to flood, probably fast. If you see any of the others around, let them know, and be sure to avoid the low points. I don't want anyone getting caught in a flood or worse." Of course, he did not want to considered what could be worse - his family was too precious to him for those thoughts, but it was still a harsh reality they lived in and it would have been foolish to think they could get out of this unscathed without first taking precautions.

With the major part of their small meeting taken care of, Rune felt a little lost even with the attention of only two of his pack members seeking his direction, and on a whim, taking into consideration what they knew and what their own worries were, he opened the floor to them both. "Is there anything we should do now before the real storm hits?" Whether it be a quick hunt to gather up whatever game they could manage for their caches or scrounging up plants if there were some that might get lost in the bad weather, Rune was up for anything if it meant bettering their chances of survival.


09-22-2014, 09:56 PM

Amarant was nearby, he could smell Rune approaching the den sites. But he wasn't too worried about him being here, this was his pack after all. But then he heard the voice of an undetermined male, as well as Warja. Even though there was nothing to hide, Amarant could barley hear what Uncle Rune was talking about. Thinking that they were trying to keep quiet, even though they spoke in normal tones, Amarant would come from behind one of the dens, his neck low between his shoulders.

"Uncle Rune... Is something wrong?"

Sure he could hear the winds and thunder, but he didn't feel threatened by them. His eyes looked a bit scared, and he didn't look at anyone but Rune. He questioned with those pale emerald optics, and hoped that no information was spared from his young mind. He was almost half a year old, he could handle it.



6 Years
09-25-2014, 07:05 PM

There was a shift in the air, the white woman could feel it. It brought back a rather vivid memory, one that gave her mixed emotions. Her children had been born in some rather horrible weather and yet the experience had been stressful. Rune?s howl dragged the woman from her reminiscing; Alamea rose smoothly to her paws and trotted off to find her mate. Ears would perk as she drew near, catching his words before finally drawing up to the group. Rose colored orbs roamed over those gathered, smiling at her daughter; extending the expression to her nephew. Pushing in beside her mate she turned towards the boy again.
"There?s a bit of a storm coming, we?re just going to make sure everything is alright." As if summoned by her words the sky opened up above her, the rain pelting her rhythmically though not violently, yet. A thought reached her and widened rose gaze turned back to Rune. "Keiki?" She breathed, slight fear cracking her voice, doing her best to keep quiet so as not to panic her young nephew.


Eirik I


3 Years
09-27-2014, 09:26 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

They had been out and about on a patrol, he and his sister, and though the skies above were darkening and the winds picking up dangerously Eirik was enjoying himself. Keiki was a curious sort of wolf, so different than Warja with all her serious healer talk and getting embarrassed over her silly friend. Keiki had none of that, in fact, Eirik loved her playful nature and her tendency to make even the most redundant task fun and exciting. So his attention had not been on those clouds rolling in, or the fact they were getting further and further away from the Gulley where they would be protected from incoming rain. At least until his dad's howl finally reached them.

Eirik had stopped then, glancing back a little nervously, before coaxing his blue-eyed sister to follow, hurrying them both back toward the Gulley before the storm finally hit. It was a race they were destined to lose, and even beneath the cover of the trees the winds whipped the leaves overhead about so strongly that they provided little protection at all. He could feel the rain water seeping into his pale, thick coat, felt where it seeped all the way through to chill his skin. He turned his head to cast a worried glance at his sister, encouraging her with words though he still doubted she could hear him. "Keep up, alright?"

He was quite wet and a little winded by the time he reached the densite within the Gulley, Keiki in tow. As he stopped, he cast a glance over one shoulder at her, hoping she had fared okay with their race to get here. He scooted a step closer to her to bump his shoulder against hers with a smile before he turned to look toward his father, unsurprised really to see the man frowning. It was an off day when Rune had nothing to frown over. "Is it going to be bad?" he asked despite already having his own hunch. He had seen part of the clouds on the race back here; he doubted it was going to be a quick storm.

Saga I


3 Years
09-28-2014, 03:47 PM

The impending storm had presented her with a perfect opportunity to leave Sawtooth. Of course, she had left her home territory before, to wander and explore on her own, but this time she left with the knowledge that she would not be returning again soon. Quietly she would turn to watch her home, eying the springs with a slight sense of sadness, but Saga knew this would be for the best. She had been restless for some time know, constrained by the presence of none other than her family, feeling bogged down by hopes and dreams she did not have for herself but knew she ought to try to fulfill. It would be her littermates that she would miss the most -- Requiem and Dutiron and Sound -- but she knew she could find them easily enough, and she hoped they would forgive her for leaving so suddenly.

The storm clouds loomed overhead, casting wide shadows down on the earth. The sun disappeared quickly from view and she would begin away from home, knowing if the storms got as devastating as they looked, her presence would go largely unnoticed until the weather cleared. A soft sigh would leave her lips as the girl's small paws began to step forward, one paw in front of the other, leading her further and further from home with each minute that passed.

Slowly, and unsurprisingly, the rain began. It began to fall from the sky, gently at first, but quickly growing in intensity. Before long her pelt was soaked, her fur sticking tightly to her small frame, making her look even tinier than usual. Saga felt her body quivering as the cold seeped into her bones. She wasn't sure how far she had gone, but after the river she had crossed, the land had turned much more swamp-like and unpleasant. The terrain was not pleasant to travel upon and she found herself craving the safety of solid ground, finding the land here quite soft and slick. Her paws seemed to give way beneath her, more than once leading her to slipping on the wet earth.

Soon, her pale fur seemed to be coated in mud and rain. Something strangely similar to fear had found its way into her belly as she realized the weather was growing worse. Her pace would increase as she would continue west, eager to find refuge, hopefully somewhere safe and dry. The heavy scent of mud and rain seemed to stick to her nose as the land seemed to drop down, a cut of earth that was brimming with vegetation. There was a definite border marking here, and while the scent seemed familiar somehow, she had grown too panicked to recognize it. She wondered if leaving home had been a mistake somehow -- but could she really turn back now? Finding shelter seemed the only reasonable solution.

Lost in her thoughts and the repetitive sound of rain drumming down on the earth and the rapidly increasing bouts of thunder in the distance, she would quickly duck beneath the nearest source of shelter, unaware of how close she was to a gathering of wolves, hoping desperately she would go unnoticed and simply hide out here until the storm passed.



3 Years
Extra large
09-29-2014, 10:06 AM

There were many rules in the world regarding various matters, one of which Kismet was breaking now. Did he care? No.

It was customary to stop, howl and wait at the borders of a pack, especially one where you were a stranger to nearly all within it though even if there had been time for such actions Kismet highly doubted that any would feel now was the right to to answer such calls nor would any loner in their right might decide that it would be nice to settle down within a pack with a storm and a half lingering overhead.

On the contrary that storm was exactly why Kismet thought it a good idea to stop by the lands of Secretua now. Providing they hadn't evacuated the place themselves, Warja, as a member of the pack would still be within these lands and though she was capable of looking after herself, it was his own mind he had to settle now as he worried about whether or not she was ok. That single hope that she was fine was all that he could think on, not once did it really enter his mind that this was perhaps one of the most ridiculous plans that he had ever had.

There were already wolves gathering as he finally crashed the pack's meeting. Saga had a strong chance of being unnoticed now as the Adravendi boy scanned the area, mismatched gaze settling upon Warja and a sigh of relief leaving him as his hopes were confirmed. "You're ok." He would murmur and though he now wanted to rush forward and greet her properly, all too suddenly was the boy aware of his actions and he found himself realising what a stupid move he had possibly made.

Rune I


5 Years
09-30-2014, 01:58 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

From somewhere amidst the dens, his nephew crawled forth, looking overall unsettled and in great need of reassurance. Immediately it made him wonder where the boy's mother, his sister, was, though he could think of nothing yet that could or would be keeping her. The storm had yet to hit and while he knew flooding was inevitable he was certain it was not preventing her from arriving. Was it his other nephew perhaps, Amarant's brother? Making a mental note to himself to find them and check on them later, he tried to focus again on the spotted, green-eyed boy who needed his attention.

Before he could begin worrying over how to tell the kid what was going on without upsetting him further, Alamea was at his side taking over for him, explaining in her kind voice what it was that Rune should have said himself. He turned to glance at her and lean into her touch, grateful to see her there among them. With the storm creeping up on them as swiftly as it was, it was crucial they got the whole pack together and made everyone aware of the impending dangers. No one was going to fall through the cracks, and he was going to make sure that they were all up to speed and ready for whatever the severe weather that had overtaken them planned to dish out.

A whispered word was voiced to him from his little mate and the worry was clear within her rosy pink eyes. "Eirik too," he answered just as quietly, brushing his muzzle beside hers as a gesture of comfort. Two of their three were still absent, but in that he took a little comfort. If both were missing there was a chance they were actually together, and though Eirik often did slack off when left to his own devices he still managed to watch out for his sister and those others who needed a careful eye on them. Maybe, hopefully, they were together and would be arriving shortly.

As if summoned by their parents' worry, the pair in question arrived together and in one piece though the state of their coats attested to the storm's arrival. The sound of rain striking the canopy overhead suddenly added itself to the noise of the wind and rustling vegetation, and the combination allowed more rain than likely any of them wanted to reach the forest floor below. Sighing with frustration, Rune wished there was more he could do to fortify the pack against the storm but hoped what he was currently doing would be enough. He opened his mouth to speak, ready to answer Eirik's question, but hesitated. For just a second his pale blue gaze shifted to Amarant and back again, and so as not to frighten the youth he answered, "Possibly," with a nod that was more affirmative.

The gathering seemed destined to bring about others who were not part of Secretua, and the first most noticeable of these was the almost white wolf who traipsed right into their midst. For a moment Rune could only stare dumbfounded, a quick glance made toward his mate as if seeking to double check whether she had done any recruiting of her own, but it was the words and their intended recipient that the tall boy spoke that finally brought it all home for him. Of course. This was Warja's little - well, not quite so little - friend Alamea had mentioned once before, the Adravendi boy she spent so much of her free time with.

Recognition setting in, Rune's frosty gaze seemed to narrow just a fraction more as he stared at the youth who had put himself on the spot, unable to stop himself from giving him a once-over. Turning his head, he glanced very pointedly at his daughter - did she know her friend was going to be stopping by? - and muttered with a dry tone, "I think you have a visitor," only to catch the pale grey form of his son on the move from the corner of his eye. The boy's attention seemed drawn to something and despite the importance of their meeting he appeared to be ready to investigate regardless of where his priorities should have kept him. "Eirik!" Rune called after his son, but to no avail. His frown deepening, the Guardian quickly glanced at those left behind, hoping this unpredictable start to the storm was no indication of what was to come overall.

Eirik I


3 Years
09-30-2014, 08:15 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Eirik saw his father glance away before answering, sensing more than understanding that there was more to his simple statement than what he let on. A little puzzled, the tall, pale grey boy glanced away from his father and tried to follow his line of sight, noting Amar but still unable to put the pieces together. Was it his cousin? He looked at the spotted boy a little more closely, realizing then the look of worry that he expressed. It did not seem like he was taking the storm talk very well, though Eirik could understand. It was hardly a momentous occasion. Offering whatever comfort he could to the younger wolf, the rosy-eyed boy smiled, even wagged his tail, to try and lighten his cousin's mood.

Of those not present, he really had only been expecting his aunt to possibly show up next, but when he noticed someone coming in to join the meeting he realized very quickly that it was definitely not the darkly colored, green-eyed woman. His gaze was quickly drawn to the large, tan-faced wolf, surprised to note that he actually knew who this was. And as soon as he put it all together his gaze sought out his sister, wondering if she had possibly failed to mention to their parents that her friend was going to be coming by for a visit. And, almost as an afterthought, he felt the corner of his mouth pull up a little into a slight smirk. From the look on their dad's face, he was sure this was going to be a bit awkward, and he was really glad not to be a part of it.

As his gaze traveled back to the male, intent on offering him a "Sorry, buddy," sort of look, he caught movement within the woods on his other side, something pale and ghosting and fleeting as it disappeared behind a bit of the forest. Immediately Eirik's rosy gaze narrowed as he craned his neck to stare, suddenly nervous as he waited to see if whatever he had seen would make another appearance. When nothing happened, he felt the strong inclination to go investigate but hesitated. What if it was nothing? But then...what if it was something? What if someone was here, hiding out from the rain even though it was claimed territory and therefore not the kind of place you should be crossing into?

Daring to risk it, Eirik stepped away from Keiki's side and drifted quietly off and around Kismet to where he had seen the unidentified movement. The loud call of his father briefly made him flinch, but it only managed to make his dark paws carry him away faster. If he managed to uncover something, or someone, who was not supposed to be here it would all be worth it. His steps grew quieter, more creeping, the closer he got, and eventually stopped in surprise. There actually was someone here! "Hey!" he stated with as much sternness as he could muster, trying to imitate his dad, "You're trespas-" The words died on the tip of his tongue as he spoke them, at last realizing with surprise who it was that he had found. "Saga?"

Saga I


3 Years
10-06-2014, 06:21 AM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2014, 06:21 AM by Saga I.)

Perhaps she'd been stupid to think that her strong scent might be masked by the rain and the mud that seemed to be accumulating all around them. Her scent was distinctly of a pack wolf, standing out like a sore thumb against the odor of the pack that inhabited this gulley. Slowly her hearing adjusted to the steady beating of rain on the ground and the rumbling of thunder overhead, and she quickly heard the pattering of paws and the gentle hum of voices nearly. Instantly she would freeze where she stood, eyes widening as she turned her head to investigate. There wasn't much to be seen, save for the rustling of the underbrush and brief flashes of color out of the corner of her vision. Had she made a terrible mistake? Saga had only wanted to find somewhere to sit out the storm, and this area had seemed well-protected enough. But what if she had wandered into the lands of a pack far too ruthless to care about the safety of trespassers?

A silent sigh fell from her lips, a huff of air that came in a puff of white air from her lips. Though it was summer, the air felt chilly now from all the rain and the wind, and she felt herself shiver. Another flash of bright fur suddenly caught her attention and she felt her body tense, ready to flee at any given notice. Running like a maniac through the storm was likely to be very dangerous, but being caught trespassing could easily mean a death sentence, depending on whose lands she had trekked into.

Much to her surprise, the face was familiar and she found herself frowning lightly as he came into her vision. At first he'd seemed a bit annoyed, as though ready to berate whoever it was that was hiding nearby, but quickly surprise overtook his features. A slight smirk tugged at the corners of her mouth, but faded quickly as she realized it was still possible she might be in trouble. Warily she would relax her posture, though she stood a safe distance from him still. "I didn't know this was your home," she explained hastily, head shaking slightly. She looked very much like a mess, but Eirik wasn't much better off. Rain had seeped into her coat, making her look even smaller than usual. "I didn't know where I was, and was just trying to hide from the rain." It was more than she usually spoke -- and a considerable amount more than she tended to speak to those she didn't know well -- but figured he was owed an explanation.



4 Years
10-08-2014, 08:04 PM

Her father began to speak and Warja nodded along with his words in grim agreement. She had no working experience with hurricanes, but she knew enough about storms to know how quickly low places could flood. Her father was right; the Gulley was just a giant dip in the earth. A heavy downpour would quickly fill it.

Her stores. Oh, how stupid! Stupid, stupid girl! Warja berated herself, eyes pinching shut and teeth clenching as she realized how flawed her planning had been. The young medic, having realized the value of growing her own herb store, had begun setting aside seeds and leaves as she'd seen the healer Orchid do. Countless hours had been spent harvesting and storing the herbs, and where had she seen fit to leave her cache? Deep in the Gulley, where she'd made her den, of course.

The yearling's eyes opened. There was solace to be found in the knowledge that what she had saved could be gathered again. It was likely too late for some of the seeds, but she could find them next year. There was also the chance that the Gulley wouldn't flood, that the storm would pass over them or not be as bad as they were anticipating, but Warja felt like placing her hopes in either of those scenarios would be setting herself up for disappointment. It hadn't started raining yet, so there was the chance that she could make it to her den and save some of seeds, but how many trips could be made before the heavens opened? Was that enough worth their time, could what little time they had left be better spent doing something else? Answering her father's question, Warja said, "There are seeds and herbs in my den that I would like to save, if possible, but," She'd gathered things not only from within Secretua, but from beyond, bringing back both seed and dried pieces from her travels. "I can find it all again next year if I have to."

Others arrived, nearly completing their small family group, but it was the arrival of an unrelated brute that captured her attention. "Kismet!" Disbelief colored her tone. Her father spoke, directing dry words in her direction, but the tone was lost on her. Her gaze riveted to the Adravendi boy, she spoke to him and him only above the rising wind. "What are you doing here?"

Speaking -



3 Years
Extra large
10-09-2014, 05:04 AM

To his complete shock it seemed that he was not about to be questioned for his trespassing. Warja of course knew him and he had met Alamea and Eirik as well though Kismet still expected some sort of confrontation from anyone else in the pack, especially Rune himself. There would not be a word cast his direction at all however and that still unnerved him slightly, unsure on whether to stay put or actually move to Warja's side as he still longed to do.

In the end as she called out to him and questioned him he made up his mind and would finally approach Warja. He moved far slower now and the nuzzle he gave her was by no means as exuberant as their usual greetings, for he was suddenly feeling rather awkward under her father's wary gaze. Perhaps he was still waiting for some sort of punishment to be cast his way, he wouldn't let such a fear keep him from his best friend's side any longer though. Honestly, could he even get himself in any more trouble, he'd already trespassed, come charging in uninvited to a pack's meeting at a rather serious time.

"I was on my way to visit, but with the storms I couldn't wait, I had to see you." He responded, voice softer now as he spoke to Warja and Warja alone. No one else needed to hear the words and until Rune chose to speak to him, Kismet decided it'd be best to simply try and keep himself quiet and out of the way. Perhaps he ought to just leave, but he couldn't bring it upon himself to do so, he'd only just got to Warja again and so the sensible option wouldn't even cross his mind.

Eirik I


3 Years
10-27-2014, 05:34 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

For just a second the small, green-eyed girl looked amused, but Eirik could not quite wrap his mind far enough around what was happening to understand the humor. Saga was here. Miraculously and entirely unexpectedly. But why? Of all places for her to end up, of all places for their next meeting to take place, Eirik had never once considered it might be on his home turf right during the middle of a pack meeting. Baffled, in the second or so that it took for the petite wolf to remember where she was and answer the Secretuan Guard, he simply could not put the pieces together fast enough.

Though in tandem with the trespasser he was confronting, the pale grey and black youth remembered his own place as well and felt suddenly uncomfortable. He was a Guard of Secretua, charged with keeping its borders safe and dealing with any trespassers harshly in order to maintain order within the pack. Because of his rank, he would be expected to chase Saga out and make sure she thought twice about stepping beyond the pack's border again, but...

He understood where she was coming from. The storm was growing more and more dangerous by the minute, and even he had seen the sense in racing for the protection of the Gulley with his sister in order to get out of it. It was obvious that even she had been caught in some of it, her fur as disheveled and soaked as his own if not more so. And though it was expected of him, he could not bring himself to send her right back out into it. They might have only had a fleeting acquaintanceship, hardly anything even solid enough to consider a friendship, but even so in this situation he felt responsible for her. And sending her on her way out into that storm was not the responsible thing to do.

Quietly he breathed out something akin to a sigh below his breath, casting a hasty glance over his shoulder. There was no sign of his father tracking his scent behind him, of which the boy was incredibly grateful, but it still meant the decision of what to do was entirely his own. On a whim, making a snap decision and sticking to it, he turned his head back around to regard the soaked Saga with a nervous but resolute stare. "The storm's getting pretty bad out there. I might be able to talk my dad into letting you stay," Eirik offered, adding quickly so as not to seem too overbearing, "if you want to."

Saga I


3 Years
10-27-2014, 06:37 PM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2014, 06:39 PM by Saga I.)

Saga Destruction had certainly meant to leave her family behind her, but she hadn't meant to join another pack already -- if she would even be invited to this one. And if she even wanted to herself. She honestly hadn't thought very far ahead. Living alone sounded alright, albeit a bit dangerous, but she hadn't the faintest clue what it might be to live among strangers.

At least here, she knew Eirik. Sort of. "I didn't, like, follow you or anything," she told him quickly, noticing his confused expression. "My family is east of here and the storm seemed worse there, so I came this way." It would be quite awkward if she thought he'd found him here after they'd just met once. It was no more than a coincidence; but a fairly crazy one. Again her lips twitched in the smallest semblance of a smile, amusement dancing in her green eyes if but for a moment.

Regardless of what he thought, he offered to let her stay, and she would not slowly. "Okay," she agreed readily. She was quite obviously glad to not have to leave the safety the trees offered her here and move back into the storm's path. "I wouldn't mind that. I don't really have anywhere else to go." No -- that was a lie. She had two packs who would gladly take her in, if not three, but she had nowhere she wanted to go. "Thank you."

Eirik I


3 Years
10-29-2014, 12:24 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Even Saga seemed to realize the craziness of their meeting and hastily tried to cover it up with assurances that it had all been by chance. The fact she thought it might have looked a little too fishy to simply have happened on its own was almost enough to draw his lips into a half smile, but he was still nervous about his part in this meeting. As much as he loved his father, the guy was still pretty intimidating. Having to stand up to him on behalf of someone else was not going to be an easy thing.

But in the end he would since her answer was in the affirmative, taking him up on his offer of securing her sanctuary here inside of Secretua at least until the storm cleared enough for her to leave. If she wanted to leave anyway. Eirik supposed she would want to, considering she had a pack and all to go back to, but then again it still seemed weird for her to show up here all alone, even if the storm was worse where she lived. "Okay," he nodded, mentally preparing himself for what he had to do. His expression became a bit more serious as he turned away to lead her back. "Follow me then." Oh god, how was he going to do this?

He felt his nervousness rise as he followed the same trail that he had created back to the meeting with his family. His rosy pink eyes skimmed over each of them, mostly his siblings first as they were the best support system he had here, then his mother who was likely to be confused by his unanticipated companion but warm nonetheless, and finally rested upon his father. The imposing man held his attention the second he received it, and a little Eirik wished he was not in this position. But he had already told Saga he would help her out, and he really did not want to wimp out on her.

"I found someone else," the pale grey youth called, doing his best to steel himself for the confused but stern look he was sure to get and casting what he hoped looked like an assuring glance at Saga. "She's a friend of mine," - maybe that was stretching it - "She was in the area when the storm hit and needed somewhere to stay." It was the truth, more or less, and he hoped it would do. "Could she stay here?" A part of him wanted to bargain, to state that it would only be for a short time, just until the weather cleared and then the little wolf would be on her way. But not knowing exactly what Saga intended he did not feel right making those assumptions to his father.

Rune I


5 Years
11-03-2014, 07:47 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Damn his son! Did he not know better than to go wandering off in the middle of a pack meeting, particularly one as important as this one? Rune glared in the direction his rosy-eyed boy had gone, unable to fathom what might have captured his attention so wholly to draw him away like this. He might have been a flighty kid, but never had he been one for outright insubordination. He better have a good excuse, the surly grey male grumbled to himself as he shook his head darkly and once again returned his gaze to what, for the moment, was important: the uninvited rogue who had blatantly disregarded the pack's boundary in order to visit his daughter.

Warja - thankfully - looked just as surprised as the rest of them felt. Whatever little adventure this wolf had thought to make here had not involved her, which placed the sole blame for his trespassing upon him. It relieved Rune, even if only slightly, to know that his daughter was not going behind his back to invite rogues into their home. Friends of hers or not, he was still far too strict to just allow someone into his home without making his own assessments first.

While his startled daughter stared wide-eyed at her friend and the boy moved in closer to nuzzle her as he answered the question she had asked, Rune felt a low growl form within his throat. Oh, this was not going well at all. Just barely he managed to keep the fur on the back of his neck from rising, but he could not stop his tail from arching behind him. "Do borders mean nothing anymore?" he growled rhetorically, his narrowed blue stare fixed on Kismet alone. "Trespassing is a punishable offense, no matter if you know my daughter or not." A part of him, the strict, rule-abiding side, wanted to enforce that law now, but he had a feeling Warja would have disapproved. Why did he have to be placed in this damn situation?

To make matters worse, his son finally returned, but he was not alone. Behind him followed another, a petite white wolf who at first reminded Rune greatly of his own mate though she differed in build. Another trespasser, or had he fetched this one at the border just now? Neither seemed to show signs of a run from the pack's edge, so he could only assume they had met in the middle. Again, Rune growled, grumbling to himself, "These kids will be the death of me."

Eirik pleaded his case, claiming the young woman as his friend and asking on her behalf for her to stay here. Irritation crawled across Rune's skin at the request - Secretua was not some hangout for kids. But, as he tried to reason with himself, it did not seem as if either of his own children had been behind this. Their friends simply had skewed ideas of what a closed border was. "Is that true?" he asked gruffly, curtly, his demanding gaze now set upon the little wolf who stood with his son. Two different trespassers in one day. What were the odds?