
Everyone's a winner [MTG]



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
01-05-2015, 01:54 PM

Three. He was a father of three – a fact that was both amazing and terrifying. His children were guileless and fragile, so new to the world and its terrors that he wished to bundle them away and close them off from it all. Someday they'd see the truth through lies. They'd know pain and heartbreak, terror and defeat – and he was powerless to stop it. With that knowledge came his fear. He wouldn't always be able to protect them. They'd leave him soon enough to make their own ways in the world and when they did he would just have to let them go. Likewise, they held endless potential and their lives could take turns he couldn't begin to fathom. Given the right tools they could rule the world. This potential, combined with the tiny marvels that knit them together, contributed to his amazement. Valentine found that he could think about them for hours and still find things about them that were worth his amazement.

With his children in mind, the brute summoned all of Imperium to him. It was time to make some changes. There were two litters on the ground, six pups in total, and another on the way. Some adjustments needed to be made to accommodate their expanding member base, both in security and in general well being. Having already mapped out what they needed to do, Valentine was excited about the prospect of sharing it with the pack.

OOC: This meeting is mandatory for all members. The first round ends on the 12th. There will be consequences for those who don't show.

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.

Mercy I


5 Years

01-05-2015, 02:01 PM

She had been aimlessly wandering when Valentine's howl summoned the whole pack. Ears pulled forward as she tipped back her own head, calling for Revenge. He hadn't been around pack lands that she had seen, but the large boy was very good at hiding himself. She waited for a few moments to see if he would show up, but anticipation of the meeting would pull her forward. It wasn't long before she was in front of bear-wolf alpha, a grin cutting across her muzzle. Cascade had had his puppies, a litter of very, very large babies. "Looks like I will have a little competition with your little, erm, big babies running around," she said with a chuckle, sitting to Valentine's left and curling her elongated tail around her pale paws. It would seem that she was the first to arrive, which would stir a bit of delight within her. Mercy was working very hard to impress her alpha, and she had thought that she was doing a good job of it. Her muscles and wounds had finally healed after her and Valen's spar, and she thought about going out and finding some other wolves to fight. With him being taller than her though, it was good practice for the growing girl. Purple gaze looked around them, trying to see who would show up next.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



3 Years
Extra large
01-05-2015, 09:23 PM
He'd hear the call of his alpha first, the sound of it easily snapping him out of wandering thoughts as he looked out easily across the knolls lazily. He'd already started training with Ellis, and having found a fawn coiled in the tall grasses he felt that he deserved a bit of a break. However even as he relaxed duty called. He'd smile though, he enjoyed having a purpose, and structure. Almost immediately after Valen's far off voice he'd hear Mercy's even father away. It seemed she was on the opposing side of the territory from him. Smiling to himself softly he'd pick himself from the earth and would easily lope in the direction of the intended meeting.

At his arrival he would nod respectfully towards the giant that was Valen on his way to nuzzle his sister affectionately. Something he thought he'd never grow out of. Quite at ease Revenge would sit back onto his pale haunches to wait patiently for the rest of the pack, almost surprised that he had arrived second.



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
01-06-2015, 08:55 AM
Curled happily in her den with the pups (her once roomy den was looking dauntingly small with the thought of these monster sized spawn growing up in it) Cascade's attention was drawn by a call from Valen, and a grin lit up her features. The call wasn't for her specifically but Cascade wouldn't have expected it to be anyway - it was the idea of a pack meeting that delighted her. She wiggled her way out of the den, leaving the babies. Young as they were, they weren't going to try wandering off. Their eyes weren't even open yet. Their ears recently had, though, so she took a moment to murmur reassurances that she'd be back before she burst out into the spring day. Freeeeeeedoooooom.

A brisk and jaunty trot took her to the meeting spot, and she frisked up to Valen with a cheeky grin. "Hey there Valen, daddy, what are you up to today? Anything exciting?"
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


01-08-2015, 12:10 AM
She would hear the howl and immediately head would snap up and eyes would narrow slightly. A pack meeting? Breath would slip from between pursed lips as she considered leaving her children home for a moment, eyes wandering to Nova before closing them and sighing. Fuck it, what was the worst that could happen? Well Toxin could try and nom a pack members leg, Necro could pass out a bush and get lost and well Ganja... She had been giggling a lot lately since Dione had introduced her to drugs. Pfft. Inconsequential. "Up up rug rats. Time to go!" She would bark to both her children and her mate before raising herself, stockinged forelimbs pushing her body up into a seated position before her haunches would unfurl. The tiny green nymph would bound forward past her family and into the sunlight, it was so glorious! Shoulders would roll back languidly as she drew in a deep breath and looked back, waiting for them to join her before setting off at a lazy walk. She wasn't worried about being late despite the fact that she had stationed them closer to the boarders then near the central area like the rest of the pack. But either way they would arrive in a timely manner, Dione taking a moment to flash Mercy a smile and tip a brow at Cascade. "You look less... Plump... And yet no less delicious. Rid of the parasites?" She would ask, grinning before she would seat herself within the group but nowhere in particular, lifting a paw to invite her children to gather before her. "We are quite and respectful for this." Though words were a whisper only to her children there was a blanket statement there, a demand. The would behave.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-08-2015, 04:10 PM

Mr. Grumpy Paws himself had found himself neatly tucked back into the oh so warm embrace of a pack, thanks to the sneaky Daegmar and her intoxicating heat scent. Now that it was spring and her heat had faded it was a lot easier to think, and he found himself cursing his decision.

Still, he was already here anyway. The land Imperium had chosen was rather different than the last pack he'd belonged to. Arcanum - later Elysium - had chosen gloomy, forested lands suitable only to be creepy and clammy. This boy at least had chosen his land based on prey rather than personality. Except that it was considerably warmer than the northern lands of his birth, he may have still been running with Thor and the others out on raids for all the difference there was.

The voice that rose over the knolls to call the pack together caught his attention, and skull-masked face rose as Hati listened. Well, there was another difference - it wasn't his father who led this pack. Hati was wary of the tall youth's inexperience, warier yet that he had yet to meet any of the boy's ranking wolves to judge them for himself. Who was he following, exactly?

Well, now was the time to find out.

The hellhound turned heavily to follow the sound and had arrived in fairly short order. Brooding eyes traveled the group - the alpha, a few younger wolves, one obviously nursing mother whose ebony fur flashed faintly violet in the light... unusual enough, that last one, except then his gaze touched upon a far more unusual sight - a bright GREEN wolf with what amounted to a mane of fur on her head. What the fuck...? Had she rolled in something? Painted herself? Not paint... could still be dye... but then he took in the horns that topped that mop of hair. What.... the... fuck...

Those weren't decorative like his mask.... those were actually growing out of her green head. The fact that she grew horns lent credence to the odd coloring of her fur, and the hellhound's hackles bristled unconsciously. "What the hell are you?" he demanded rudely. His pelt prickled uncomfortably as he had a sudden thought. Was she sick somehow? Some sort of weird fungus or something? Was it... contagious?

Movement drew his attention to the three little rats she'd gathered around herself, and his lip curled in disgust. Damn, even the rodents she'd birthed looked like a bear had eaten a whole blueberry bush and vomited it back up. The hell kind of madhouse had Daegmar dragged him into this time?

Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


01-08-2015, 04:49 PM

didn't realize Hati had a "mask" on him so just added that quick detail...

The mixed boy would be quick on his feet as his mother abruptly woke up the family and sprung herself out of the den. Necro himself hadn't heard the call... he was too busy sleeping! But the voice of his mother was enough for him to escape his empty dreams and immediately follow after her.

He tried to catch up with her first. And if he had or hadn't been quick enough, it wouldn't have mattered. The next thing he knew, he was looking up at a white wolf, a dark wolf, and even more of them. Even though most of the wolves here were darker colored, resembling more of his mother than the white girl, it frightened him that they weren't green or blue.

He bumped into one of Dione's front legs as he was slowly cowering towards her, and tried to sneak under her belly to hide from the rest of these... monsters. Keeping quiet wouldn't be hard for him...

The voice of a stranger came close to them, and though the boy was scared he was also curious as to who was talking to their mother. His head would poke out from in between a space from her front leg and her back leg. His ears were held flat and his chin pushed closer to the ground, or maybe it was her back paw he was pushing against... But obviously, he was still in cowering. Not because of a nasty scar that laid across this man's face or the strange distortion of his head... But because he too was not blue or green like the rest of Necro's family... Okay, maybe his head was a bit creepy too...

Walk "Talk" Think


01-08-2015, 05:59 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.
...and so I would wander.

Cascade did not lose her children. She did not have a terrible birth that scarred the healer, as Othello's had. Did that make her seem more like a liar to Mercy? Was it that she, Ellis, was just... crazy?
The woman had kept herself distanced. She was teaching Revenge, bless the boy for not digging into the past, for being forgiving and dealing with her sorry existence. Ellis was feeling lost. Afraid. She wasn't sure what was right, what was wrong. More and more she fought the urge to leave, to go find the woman whom she seemed to betray. Othello... the white woman haunted Ellis' dreams. She tossed and turned, afraid that it would be too late. Afraid Valentine might not let her seek the woman out. The small healer would take a breath, adjusting her head on her paws as the howl sounded.
Valentine called for them.

She had not been... as active in the pack as she should have been. The female would heave a sigh, rising to her paws, and quietly she would leave. There was no one to speak to, to tell of her leaving. Her life felt rather... empty. Seeing Cascade's children just made her long for her son and daughter, Theisinova and Mack. Their eyes... those strange blind eyes... they had been an omen. The woman was sure. Why else would both have them? Was the man truly one of the divine? Was she being punished for rejecting him? Were her children being punished?

Ellis would lift teal-green eyes as she neared the meeting, and she just... stopped.

Wolves of odd colors, a wolf with a skull... what in the name of all that was good was going on here? Sure Ellis knew of Dione, of Cascade... but the pups, surely Dione's, were odd too. So the color passing was indeed genetic? The healer would shake her head, sitting down. The world was so... so very strange. Gaze would lift again, trying to meet with Valentine's own. She needed to speak with him after the meeting, but she was afraid to voice that request with so many others around.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

"Settle down." Said my heart.
...and so here it was I would settle down.



2 Years
01-09-2015, 12:37 AM

She would doze lazily on her back, an innocent smile on her features as she dreamed shallowly of various puppy things when she would catch the faint sound of a howl. Not that she paid any attention to those things. Momma told them when and where to go, but her sleep would still be interrupted as the woman's voice would be heard. Bright red eyes would open excitedly as her mother bound out of the den gracefully. She wanted to do the same, so to avoid getting interrupted by one of her brothers she waited for them to chase after mom. Putting on her daintiest feet Ganja would leap from the den, her black paws carrying her daintily after the family. She would be bombarded with the scent of many wolves before she saw them, finding herself curious about the crowd she would come and seat herself in front of her mother's paws. Bright red eyes would take in all of them. Her mother's words would send a chill down her spine, but she would obey keeping her mouth closed as her gaze fell from each wolf to the next.

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



01-09-2015, 01:35 PM

Mother's voice cut into his slumber, as it so often did. Before Toxin quite knew what was happening he was up and trundling through the daylight, siblings by his side. He was too tired, too disgruntled, and too experienced to question Dione so he instead followed in her tracks. When the scents of other wolves began to flood over him the young male perked up. What on earth was Dione leading them in to? His amethyst eyes were wide when they came upon the cluster of other creatures, monsters maybe. All of them were drab and boring, but would Dione really lead them into a monster lair. Still wary, the pup noticed his mother's calm demeanor and forced himself to remain in file. Her veiled thread turned his paws into lead and Tox nodded mutely, settling in and keeping his eyes on the ground. Maybe this was a dangerous place to be after all...

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
01-09-2015, 02:44 PM

A call would summon them all. Novaro was quick to follow his family, letting them lead the way. As usual, Dione seemed much more excited and keen then he did, the children seeming intrigued and curious to meet more new members. Who could blame them? they have been kept away from socialising until recently, and he was sure they where keen to learn more about imperium, no longer wishing to be kept away in their little home. A sigh would slip his lips, how he wished they wouldn't grow up so quickly. Soon, they may end up in all sorts of trouble, and how would he be able to protect them forever? Perhaps it was best for them to learn through trial and error, giving them independence and thinking about their choices. Instead of having their parent fix everything. He would shrug the thought of his shoulder, finally making his way to the small gathering, there where some familiar and strange faces, he would quicken his pace towards Dione, sitting down beside her, waiting to hear the news from their king. Slowly, Novaro was beginning to like his home, becoming used to the packs surroundings.



5 Years
01-10-2015, 06:07 PM

Dægmar was late, no surprise.  She was noticeably rounder and dealing with the fact that she was once again pregnant and she knew she was going to catch hell for it but whatever.  The mottled wraith strolled confidently into the gathering of wolves, moving to sit down next to Hati.  It would be interesting to see Valentine in action in the role of alpha.  She hadn't seen much of the young male since joining Imperium.  Dægmar laughed at Hati's comment.  "That my dear Hati, is a radioactive salad monster, she tastes terrible though." Dægmar chuckled to herself before turning her attention back to Valen.  She knew better than to try and hold back Hati, if he wanted to dig at Dione she'd let him.  He was a big boy and could take care of himself though whenever Hati fought wolves tended to lose pieces.




13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
01-12-2015, 09:12 PM

Mercy was the first to show, a fact that didn't surprise Valentine in the slightest. Little big babies...that was appropriate. His kids were monstrous. Was he that big when he was a newborn? He had half a mind to apologize to his mother. "You and me both."

Revenge soon followed his sister, and then Cascade, who pranced up to him as if she hadn't just expelled three big headed babies from her body. God, where did she get her energy? "Guess you'll find out," he simpered back. He was a little alarmed that she had left their children unattended, but really, what were they going to do? Squirm away?

The rest trickled in; Dione and Novaro and their children, Ellis, and Daegmar and her...friend? Enemy? Frenemy? Boyfriend? As soon as everyone was gathered and settled, Valentine addressed them. "Thank you all for coming," he boomed, gaze lingering on each of the pups. "I've called you all here today for several reasons. The first is that I think it's time to introduce the newest members of our pack." Dipping his head towards Dione and Novaro's children, he introduced them one at a time by name. "This is Ganja, Necrosis and Toxin. Soon enough these three are going to be old enough to stand with you against our enemies. Whether or not they will help or hinder you in a fight is entirely up to you and the effort you put into training them." Yes, he was putting the training into the hands of the pack. The raising and coddling was for their parents to do. "Food for thought."

He took a deep breath and abandoned the subject.  "Second is that we'll soon be getting together with our ally Arcanum for spars, hunting and the like. It's about time we got to know who we'll be fighting alongside if the need arises." Diplomacy and all that. Building a relationship. "Be ready." And don't embarrass me when the time comes.

"Third is that it's about time some of our higher fighter ranks were filled. If you're interested, step forward now." He paused to give them time to respond before continuing. "Now, it can't be as simple as me handing you a rank, can it? You want it, you're going to have to earn it."

OOC: Second round is due on the 19th and then I'll announce the fight pairings. All those interested in trying out for a higher FIGHTER rank must post by then. Everyone else's post is optional, but I'd like it if the healers/healers in training stuck around. If they tend to the wounds of the injured they might earn themselves a higher rank too.

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.

Mercy I


5 Years

01-12-2015, 09:22 PM
She paid little attention to the pups when they were called, she was still unsure on how to handle them. But then again, she still didn't quite know where her and Dione stood. She was interested in the fact that he said that it was up to them to train them, which caused the girl to smile. Good, she would be challenging them to fights soon enough, to test their might. Valentine then brought up sparing with allies, and her elongated tail thumped on the earth. Oh boy, new wolves to fight! Eager already she basically wiggled in place, making it a lot easier to jump to her paws and step forward when he called for higher warrior ranks. She looked around and coughed, suddenly feeling a little more aware of herself. "I know that I'm still young, but I think that I've um.. proven myself," she suddenly squared her shoulders, daring those around her to challenge her claim. Purple eyes roamed to Valentine next, a challenge resting in her gaze. She would not plead, if he said no then she would work doubly as hard as she had been. "I know that I still have a lot to earn, but I would be more than pleased to step up," she said, trying to make her voice sound clear. It wavered slightly, tail twitching behind her slightly. She was nervous, but she was sure of herself. She could do this.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


01-13-2015, 12:31 PM
Tactfully she would ignore most, keeping her eyes set straight ahead as children gathered at her paws and mate would seat himself at her side. It could have been perfect, could have been a normal old pack meeting but then words would drop forth like a venom she would not purge from the mouth of a freak wearing a skull mask. Eyes would snap wide as if she had received a physical blow though she would no look at him, hidden easily with Novaro between him and the beast. She was the beta right? As much as she would have loved to do nothing more then to say something she would leave it to Valentine to keep his pack in check. Only he wouldn't... Her jaw would unhinge as he gave a further slap in the face by telling the pack to train her children. They would snap shut as shock turned to rage and lips began to twitch into the beginnings of a snarl. But slowly she would try to calm herself. She wouldn't blow up here. No. Fuck this shit, they weren't worthy of her rage. Cold gaze would latch onto Valen as he spoke. When he was done she would stand, turning swiftly and nudging little buds, touching each of them and herding them in silence. They were going home. Maybe pack meetings were stupid after all... She would cast a glance to Nova. He could stay and see if there was anything else that needed to be heard or he could come. She didn't care. She needed to leave. Again she would not spare a glance to the asshole with the mask before departing.

-exit dione-



2 Years
01-13-2015, 12:55 PM

Novaro Red

The wolves would all spill into the gathering rather quickly, which was all good since Novaro really didn't feel like standing around for hours on end. He was growing rather bored and irritated at the snide remarks made towards them, usually to his wife, and would simply ignore. The man in the skull wasn't exactly perfect either though, having to wear a skull as an accessory. Was his face ugly or something? Novaro's attention would remain on Valentine, listening to the news. He would introduce the children, Ganja, Necrosis and Toxin into the pack, telling the pack to train them. He really didn't mind all that much, as long as Nova and Dione had a main factor in their overall upbringing. His wife, seeming to no longer want the presence of others would leave, and Novaro's gaze would fall upon her. He would stand then, nodding to Valentine in respect before going on after her. For now, the idea of going up in fighting ranks was tempting, though Novaro believes he first needs to make more of an effort to his current rank and would hold back on the temptations.


Art by NEFFS & Table by Layla/fiftyblackroses


01-13-2015, 07:12 PM

The boy would poke his head back under his stomach when he heard a louder man talk. It was Valentine, and he had a lot to say. Of course the only thing he got out of it was his introduction, and when the man spoke about training, all he could think about was mother teaching them how to hunt the monsters... 

But shortly after he was done speaking, Dione would begin to step over him and walk away back to their den. So quickly, Necro would follow after her away from the masked man and back to the den, or so he thought. He had no idea his mother was fuming underneath, and that she was saving it for later. He was really in for something.

-Exit Necro-

Walk "Talk" Think



3 Years
Extra large
01-15-2015, 01:40 PM
He would listen intently as Valentine spoke his words, focus entirely upon him and Mercy. He always had his sister at the back of his mind, and as their alpha announced the promotion into fighting ranks he did not flinch when mercy stood and claimed herself ready. Revenge would back her up, but he could never claim her prowess in battle. He would position himself at her hips, his shoulder against her right leg as he silently supported her. He would also volunteer to keep himself around for the trials, to heal those in need afterwards. Or at least hopefully watch Ellis. He still didn't feel comfortable working on a real wolf.



5 Years
01-17-2015, 03:29 PM

Dægmar took in the new faces, sorting them in her mind and goodness were there a lot of them.  The meeting started soon and the wraith listened attentively, glossing over the names of Dione's spawn. They would be thing 1, thing 2 and so on to her.  She huffed.  Training warriors was one thing but she was not a circus trainer, someone else could teach the freaks to fight.  Ears perked at the sound of Arcanum… ahhhh yes.  Queen Cataleya, so she was back on the throne, hm?  Dægmar wondered how the other might feel to see her former Marquis.  It would be delicious to meet her with a similar rank of course the competition was going to be tight.  She knew that much for sure.  Well… nothing ventured, nothing gained.  

Dægmar stepped forward.  "I know we've only known each other for a little while but I proved myself to your mother as Marquis of Arcanum at one point.  I would seek the title again."  Emerald gaze slid sideways as she watched Dione and her husband slink off.  "Awww…. leaving so soon?  What a shame.  Guess that means there are more openings?"



01-20-2015, 12:29 AM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.
...and so I would wander.
Valentine paid no mind to her, but that was alright. He was busy doing his alpha thing, taking care of the group as a whole. There was an introduction of the new lives to the pack and mention of fight training with Arcanum. An ally... The small woman still worried about learning to fight. Being... Forced to. Ellis was no warrior. She was a healer, one who fixed the wounds others made. She would shuffle uneasily on her paws, head tilted to the side. There was to be fighting, so she would stay here to tend to their wounds with Revenge after all was said and done, though she wasn’t exactly looking forward to it. Ellis had a bad feeling stirring in her gut, and something was truly going to be happening soon. The odd colored family would leave and a knot would stir in her stomach. Yes, she had bad feelings indeed...

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

"Settle down." Said my heart.
...and so here it was I would settle down.

Table by:: Tea