
sometimes goodbye means forever (KENO)



1 Year
01-05-2015, 09:06 PM
You and I, we were born to die

Focus Raas, just focus on your goals and you will be fine. These thoughts had been running through her head for what felt like days as the tiger-striped girl propelled forward at a decent speed. The winds had picked up and she was searching for a place to rest for the storm. Visibility was lowered as the wind kicked up snow that should have melted already but the sights of a cave gave her hope for these northern lands. Her eyes narrowed as she pushed herself with all her strength to the cave before elegantly tripping on them and falling face first into the cave. She quickly rose, heat rising to her cheeks as a blush as she looked around, hoping no wolf had seen that. She rolled her lower jaw around, knocking the pain out of her system as she decided to explore. The place was HUGE.

Her magnificent rose and emerald eyes peered around the area as she dared explore farther into the dense and dark cave that she had managed to find her way into. The protection from the wind was there and as she moved deeper into the cave, it appeared to be warmer. It was strange and exotic and it piqued Raaska's interest. That was something right there that rarely happened. She stared around the large expanse of unknown in awe.


01-20-2015, 01:12 AM
Wherever she was, it was cold. The girl had done some thinking and, after a short discussion with her brother, decided to return to Alacritia. They had been born here. Raised here, partially. She could still remember her mother, Ellis. Her momma, her second mother, Othello. Her other siblings. Theisinova thought hard about all that and, deciding to abandon her training with Aren, expressed her wish to Mack to return. She went on head, going to scout the area. But they had gone so far north, nothing looked familiar at all.

It was cold. The yearling would give a soft whine, padding up to a cave. She didn’t care where she was anymore... She was lost... And she wanted to rest. Her single good eye looked around the cave, scenting the entrance of the area. Someone else had passed through here not long ago and, deciding to be brave and ask for directions, would begin to pad deeper inside. Theisi would call out ahead, her ears twitching. “H-hello? Can anyone hear me?” She didn’t know if the wolf she met would be friend or foe, but Theisi was not afraid of fighting. She wasn’t the most skilled, having a handicap due to her bad eye, but she would get better. She was confident that she could handle herself if trouble did arise.