
wait no



4 Years
01-08-2015, 09:44 PM

The wiry furred lass was hesitant as she stood on the glittering sand bar. Would she dare? It was so tempting to explore up there, but what if the northern wolves ate her up? She whined with the weight of the decision, pacing back and forth from one edge of the sand bar to the other. The ocean had long since stained her toes, and her paws were collecting sparkling sand faster than a rotting carcass drew maggots. Audits lay back against her skull, trim skull lowered between her narrow shoulders. What should she do? The dove took a hesitant step forward, but stopped after that, the dark tip of her tail twitching. An irritated yap squeezed out of her throat, teeth clicking shut audibly as she stooped to glaring at the ocean. It was all the sea's fault. If it hadn't decided to change with the storm, she wouldn't be faced with this kind of temptation. 

Shaking the salty ocean air away from her, she continued to pace to and fro with increased agitation. There was a guillotine hanging over her head every second she was in the north, but how tempting it was. What kinds of strange places might lurk up there? Her tail was now whipping back and forth as she stared to the north with pained longing. Why must it be so tempting? She danced from foot to foot, twirling at a whim to see if it helped her make a decision. It didn't. Now she was just a grumpy explorer with sparkles in her curly coat. Frowning, she stared at the sand intently. If she stared hard enough, and really put her mind to it, she could make a decision, right?

Eventually, she decided; forget it, you only get one life, right? Off she went, plodding across the surf with grim determination. She would see at least some of the foreign north before she chickened out, yes. Her delicate toes touched lightly upon the sand, flawless strides honed from years spent almost entirely by the sea. Her wiry ruff danced in the breeze, and the twin ruby feathers behind her audit fluttered and danced with the whims of the air currents. As she closed in on the other side of the land bridge, her doubts resurfaced again. Was this really a good idea? Not really. Yes, she only had this life to live, but she would like to live it for a little while longer. Pausing near the end of the sand strip, she stared longingly at the other side. Whiskey coloured optics were sorrowful, but the rest of her knew this was a really crappy idea.

Without a second thought, she started barreling toward the land mass she knew as home. With the salty air rushing through her nostrils, it was hard to think there was anything bad in the world at all. She skidded to a halt in the middle of the land bridge, gazing at the crystalline water. She knew exactly how nice it would be to jump right in. Wiggling her haunches like a child, she sprung forth and dove beneath the waves. Ah, this was glorious. Much better than some silly, dangerous northern lands. 



01-08-2015, 10:10 PM
ooc;; Sorry if it's crappy, this is my first actual post in about 10 months xD

Blitzkrieg walked, listless paws thudding against the hard-packed earth. He was tired, bored, lonely. As a generally social wolf, Blitzkrieg was tormented by the lack of interactions he'd had over the past couple of moons. He had been traveling, trying to find the perfect place to settle. And it was taking too damn long. He was suffering without the comforts of a pack; he had great loyalty to himself, but yearned to rely on others, and to have them rely upon him in turn. Maybe not so much having to rely on others, but Blitz thrived on the love and loyalty of others. He had a protective complex, and while he was quite ambitious, his craving for power was never a sadistic one. More so that he thought he knew what was best, how to take care of others, how to lead them properly, and he wanted to be able to unleash these cravings.

A light breeze wafted an intriguing scent towards the multi-hued brute, and he inhaled deeply. It was a sharp, clear, distinctly feminine smell. It had been days since Blitzkrieg had had a conversation with another sentient being, and he picked up his pace, eager to discover this tantalizing stranger. Padding down the coast, Blitz soon came upon her. She was small, different-looking, but beautiful, traveling all alone on the sand bar that connected two land masses. Blitzkrieg sank down on his haunches, not sure whether or not to approach her. She seemed fragile, like if Blitz came upon her too quickly she would turn and bolt the other direction. But the man could speak gently if he tried; perhaps she wouldn't be scared off, then?

Blitz was just getting ready to crest one final ridge before heading down to the water when he was caught off guard by a loud splash. It seemed the girl had jumped into the ocean as eager as a child in a candy store. He chuckled to himself, the sound a deep, rumbling bass in his chest. Setting off at a lope, Blitzkrieg soon found himself mere feet from where the girl had launched herself. He sat down once more and waited for her. She had to come up for air soon enough, right? And when she did, she'd find a new friend waiting for her.




4 Years
01-08-2015, 10:25 PM

She paddled lazily up to the surface, rear paws barely grazing the soft sand below water, and shook the water from her eyes. It was nice to be in the ocean, though she wondered if her manatees had returned to the cove yet. With a quiet giggle of delight, she blinked away the crystalline droplets that clung to her dark lashes. Her whole body froze when she spotted the wolf on the bank. That was a stranger. She sniffed cautiously, testing his scent. He bore foreign traces, and she knew right then that he was a northerner. A strangled cry of fear erupted from her, and she attempted to backpedal. In doing so, she ended up inhaling seawater and flailing her way back under the water.

Her lungs shuddered with the effort of expelling the water, all the while she frantically fought back to the surface, coughing and spluttering. Her amber eyes were wide, whites rolling as she tried to keep a fix on the stranger while she hacked ceaselessly to rid herself of the water in her lungs. Her dainty paws slapped the water, sloppy in their attempt to keep her head above the ocean's surface. She was vulnerable now, prime prey for the taking. The dove flapped and squalled nevertheless, rear toes scraping uselessly at the sand beneath her.

OOC: Oh man this is awful sorry, feel free to have him try and rescue her xD be prepared for a lot of squeaking and flailing



01-08-2015, 10:48 PM

With his sharp predatory eyes, Blitzkrieg could just pick out the fae's form as she slowly began to breach the surface of the water. The male's tail began to thump ever so slightly against the glittering sand, eager for their introduction. However, it seemed as if the girl was not so prepared. She caught a glimpse of him and proceeded to sound the alarm. Blitz's sapphire orbs grew wide with panic, confused by her reaction. He became even more concerned when she began inhaling water, coughing and choking all while attempting to either save herself or simply swim away. He couldn't tell, but the poor lass was drowning, and Blitzkrieg would be damned if he just stood there and watched her die.

Bunching his powerful muscles, Blitzkrieg launched himself into the water after the girl, heedless of her screams. She was obviously afraid of him, and would more than likely fight his rescue attempt, but he didn't care. She wasn't going to make it out of the ocean while she couldn't breathe. The water was a shock to the brute's senses, awakening every nerve-ending in his body. He felt alive, free, and cold. Summer had not yet gripped the land, and even in the South the water still held a chill of winter.

Strong legs and paws churned at the water, bringing him closer to the drowning fae. He was deaf to her cries, his mind focused on the singular thought of saving her. Blitzkrieg opened his maw and attempted to reach around her head and grasp her scruff, but before he got close enough, a dainty paw connected with his skull, just above his left eye. She may have been a tiny thing, but packed quite the hit. Blitzkrieg shook his head, clearing out the cobwebs, and resumed his rescue forthwith. One more lunge, and he had her scruff between his ivory canines, firmly, but gently.

Moments later, he had the dragged the girl through the waves, her weight almost too much for him to swim with. But Blitz was even stronger than he gave himself credit for. The brute awkwardly climbed out of the water, and dragged his sopping bundle behind him. As soon as her safety was assured, Blitz released her from his grasp and flopped onto the sand beside her, breathing heavily, chest heaving. Immediately Blitzkrieg began nosing at her. Was she okay?




4 Years
01-08-2015, 11:21 PM

Of course, because the Goddess seemed to have something against Dada simply enjoying herself in peace for once, the male had to go on the offensive and attack her while she choked. Wonderful, she thought bitterly while she continued to violently hack against the water trapping itself in her lungs. In a last ditch attempt to ward him off, she launched her own attack. One small paw went sailing through the air to knock solidly against thick skull bones. However, it only kept him away for a couple seconds, before he hauled her away by the scruff.

Oh Goddess, this was it. This would be how she died. Her voice was weak and her speech garbled as she cried out in protest. " "Ko si! Ko.. si!" " She shouted weakly, struggling feebly. There was still water in her lungs, the salt was burning her throat and her nose. She wriggled with as much strength as she could muster, which was enough that it should have deterred anyone. " "Kuro patapata!" " She barked as he breached dry land. When she was released, she flopped onto the sparkling sand like a sack of potatoes and continued to cough dejectedly.

Her lungs shuddered once more, releasing the rest of the aqua from her chest. Then, she lay there for a second more. There was no attack yet, but that didn't mean there wouldn't be one. Her slim tiara rose to fix an amber gaze upon the stranger. He was much bigger than her, packed with muscle. Inky lips peeled back from pearly daggers as she rose up onto her feet unsteadily. She was tired and in a little bit of shock from almost drowning, but she wasn't about to be eaten today. Hackles rose defensively, soggy but still there. Her tail curled beneath her, body remaining low to the ground. Big round eyes watched him through sodden black lashes/ " "Mo wa ko bẹru ti o!" " She barked in a trembling alto voice, daring him to attack while simultaneously really not wanting him to.