
We Belong Way Down Below


01-08-2015, 10:25 PM

He followed closely behind his father, eager to start his fishing lesson for the day. He'd been trying to practice on his own, but he still hadn't quite gotten down the technique of swiping the fish out of the water like his father. He would glance up to the man who appeared like a giant at his side, amethyst eyes curious studying his sire's face. There was something going on behind the man's eyes but what the young boy couldn't tell. The sound of rushing water would bring his attention away from his father towards the water. The crystal clear water would beckon the young boy with the promise of catching his first fish. He would jump ahead of his father, rushing to the water's edge, peering down at his chocolate and vanilla reflection. His father would come up behind him, instructing him in his quiet voice to focus on the fish swimming just a few paw steps away. Aakil would clear his mind, zeroing in his energy on the task at hand. The man that had raised the boy before him would inch closer, steeled in his resolve. He had to do this. They had to get rid of him. The boy would wait until the fish was almost right at his paws, taking his vanilla dipped paw and swiping hard at it, making contact with the slimy body as it broke through the surface of the water to splash onto the shore beside him. I got it Dad! He would cry out, craning his head around to glance at his dad. The last memory he had before blacking out was of his father's giant paw swinging down at his face with tremendous force. And nothing but black after that.

Unknown to Aakil, the wolves that he had called his parents, the ones whom he had born much affection towards, were now dumping the young boy in foreign lands, eager to get rid of them. The boy felt nothing after having been knocked out, unaware that he was being carried in the jaws of his mother as they traveled far from his birthlands to deposit him in the hopes that he would never find his way back. Why were they getting rid of him? Only they knew and it would be something that would forever haunt the boy as he moved through his life. Finally the pair arrived at a place where it seemed like it was far enough, dumping the unconscious body of Aakil. His father would stop just as he was leaving, taking one last look at the boy before joining his mate who demanded that they leave him before he awoke. The crumpled body of the pup would lie in a heap on the frozen ground, his chocolate coat standing out starkly against the powdery snow, his small chest rising and falling. Would someone happen upon the unconscious boy?




2 Years
01-08-2015, 10:51 PM

Daddy wasn't too far away as the young green girl would find herself out and about for once. He said as long as she didn't go too far she would be okay, and surely where she was was not too far. If she tried hard enough she could see the bright blue of her sire a bit of a ways off, but she did not see either of her two brothers. A fact that made her rather nervous. She never knew when Toxin was going to appear and start chewing on her. She was off to see how her seeds were doing! The small girl had found a few seeds on some of the leftover medicine her mother had given to her, and with the rolling around of spring she had planted the tiny pods. Hopefully she'd see them peeking up above the ground any day now. She would just pray to the gods that their father continued to take them out here. As soon as they got leaves she planned on showing her mother, hopefully she'd receive some praise for her work.

Black paws would carry her to the place that held her precious seeds, the ground had been rather cold and hard to dig up, but eventually she had completed her task. Planting them in the cold earth, and now she would wait for them to sprout. Sadly she would lower herself to the earth, bright red eyes watching the soil like they would appear before her eyes. Whining softly the girl would stand, knowing her journey was fruitless until tomorrow.

Before she turned to run back to her father a glimpse of something in the grass would catch her eye. It looked like a dead thing, an immobile heap of fur. Curious she would approach it, head tilted as she sniffed the air, finding there were no notes of decay. Was it alive? As she drew more near she could see the sides of it move and she'd finally see that he was a pup! She would squeal and jump back like he'd bit her before approaching once more. She'd sniff him before reaching out a tiny paw to touch his back. Again she would jump back and again there would be no reaction from him.

Once more she would come forward, this time her paw shaking him almost violently.

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01-08-2015, 11:45 PM

The cold of the winter day was starting to seep into the boy's body as he lied immobile on the frozen ground. He was unaware of the young girl that was nearby, sitting around waiting for who knows what, about to leave before she discovered his limp body in the frozen grass. A passing breeze would ruffle his chocolate and vanilla coat as the girl approached his still body, poking at it as if she'd never seen a pup in her life before. It wasn't until her third poke, this one more violent than the first two, that Aakil came to finally. Chocolate lids would snap open, amethyst eyes suddenly coming into view. The boy would gasp, filling his lung with chilling air as he awoke, coughing violently as he bolted upwards. His gaze would fall immediately on the girl that had woken him up, panic making the vanilla hackles along his nape bristle. What the hell was going?!

Earthy ears would fall back against the boys skull, vanilla touched lips curling back against his growing teeth, a growl rumbling in his chest. What hell is going?! Who are you? And where am I?! He would demand answers from the bright green girl as he tried to make sense of where he was. His eyes would scan his surroundings, seeing nothing but rolling hills of frozen grass. Strange scents would attack his nostrils, confusing the poor boy more than he already was. As he stood poised to defend himself, a painful throbbing started up on the right side of his skull, the pounding loud in his ears. Flashes of memories came back to him; his father, fishing and then blackness. Where were his parents? Why wasn't he home? Questions filled his head, each demanding an answer that he didn't have. He got the strongest feeling that something had happened but he didn't know what.




2 Years
01-09-2015, 12:09 AM

On the third try the boy would finally awaken. Of course Ganja would fly back, surprised at the sudden consciousness he would take on. She almost ran, but as he gulped in air and tried to cough his lungs up she realized that he needed her help. Though he sure was being mean about it. He would growl at her! Demanding questions on the border of her home. Eyes would narrow as she looked at him disapprovingly, "I don't know who you think you are coming up here and just.. laying.. in my home! Growling at me and demanding things.. I should probably just call for Valen on you." She would humph as she looked away from him as though contemplating doing exactly that before turning back to the strange boy. "But I won't because you're pretty." She was hardly afraid of him. She had two of the worst brothers of all time.. how could she be? "I just woke you up, my name is Ganja, and you're in Imperium." The tiny girl would add, answering every one of his questions, though still a bit aways from him.

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01-09-2015, 12:37 AM

She would startle at his sudden consciousness, looking as if she were ready to bolt, but stopping when she realized that he was sort of in need of help, even if he wasn't about to openly admit it. He got a look of disapproval from her as she answered his questions, pointing out the fact that he was in herhome, threatening to call someone named Valen but deciding not to because he was pretty. He would narrow his own eyes at her, snorting when she called him pretty. Everything that she had just said up to that point didn't matter, up until she gave him the details of what was going on. I just woke you up, my name is Ganja, and you're in Imperium. He was...asleep? Why the hell was he asleep in the middle of nowhere? That didn't make any sense. He would let that sink in as he continued to listen to the rest of her words, her name and the name of her home registering with him. She was Ganja and this was Imperium. That didn't solve the mystery as to how he'd gotten here.

So I was asleep? He would question her, a bit more gently this time, his body language relaxing ever so slightly. His teeth would disappear back beneath his lips, ears coming forward with attention. As he allowed himself to slightly relax, the realization that he was talking to a green wolf hit him. His chocolate head would tilt curiously to one side, unable to understand why she was green. Why are you green? He would ask rather bluntly, for the moment uncaring about his current situation, simply needing to know the reason as to why she was green. He had never seen a green wolf before. Was she sick? Had she been playing in something that made her green? He was curious to know.




2 Years
01-09-2015, 12:46 AM

He didn't really take her words well but she found that she didn't much care, though he did seem really confused. Even going so far as to asking her to confirm again that he had been sleeping. Her gaze would harden as much as an adorable puppy's could before she would answer, "Well yeah isn't that what I just said? I woke you up.. you were.. sleeeepiiing." She'd giggle at him in amusement, my this pup was much more fun than her brothers. He seemed to relax a bit, though he should have been riled up he was still on her land! Her hackles wouldn't quite raise as he asked her another question, his form seeming to stop as he realized her features. Giggling soem more she would answer, "Why do you look like you're covered in shit and snow?" She'd burst out laughing this time, oh yes this boy was great!

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01-09-2015, 12:56 AM

Well yeah isn't that what I just said? I woke you up.. you were.. sleeeepiiing. She would emphasize the word sleeping, as if the question he asked was rhetorical. How they hell could he have been sleeping somewhere where he wasn't familiar with? He didn't do that. He didn't sleep anywhere but his den with his why the hell had he been asleep in this strange place? From her response it was obvious that she didn't know what had happened to him. So much for being useful.

She would giggle, as if he were amusing, and that brought a deep frown across his vanilla and chocolate brows, his ears flattening against his skull once more. He expected the next words out of her jaws to be an explanation as to why she looked the way she looked. Instead, he got a question right back, asking why he looked like shit and snow. A growl would rip through his jaws again, agitation clear across his larger body. I would rather be covered in snow and shit than look like some green slimy freak! He would retort angrily, regretting ever having directed a single word at this girl. Her laughter only made Aakil angrier and he glared daggers at her, not understanding why she found him so funny. He wasn't the ugly one, she was.



01-09-2015, 10:38 AM
She had gone out on patrol in the early morning, leaving children with their father as she decided she would do a few laps around the territory. Those laps had turned into hunger which had pushed her into the forest once more to hunt her fabled monsters. Hunting was scarce but as always looks mattered, allowing her to slip and slither like a serpent around her prey before opening veins and artery to the air, spilling bright crimson to the earth. Then all she needed, all she had was time. There was no stopping the bleeding easily, she would push her prey to make sure that it could not stop to lick it's wounds, following the trail of red that it would leave for her. Tremor would ripple through her body as she ineviatbly found her prey laying on the forest floor, blood pooling at its back leg. So very perfect. Mercy was not needed here but it would be given anyways as Dione moved to the monsters head, jaws slipping with practiced ease around the base of the skull, forepaws lifting to press against the creatures shoulder before a savage jerk would be given, pulling her and it's head up at an awkward angle until there was a resonating pop, one she could feel in her teeth. Blood stained jaws would part to drop limp fork back to the earth it would doin return too before sitting back and lapping that delicious crimson from her lips and paws.

She would feast, ripping at meat, making the body as indistinguishable as possible before attempting to sever a hind leg at the hip. Her children needed to feast, to inject this monsters strength so they too could be strong. Wickid grin would trickle across lips as she collected her prize and set off towards home. But before she would reach it voices would dance on the breeze towards her. Ganja? Massive ears would swivel and twitch at the sounds, ruby gaze narrowing as another voice would join in. Male. Child. But not hers... Not the flesh if her flesh... Hackles would raise, stepping forth from the forest and into their sight before dropping the bloody limb to the ground. Just in time for the insults... Dione had never been one to take them personally before but her children didn't need to face that kind of prejudice... "Who is this Ganja? A little monster?" She would question, eyes sliding to her daughter with a clear statement written on her features. Ganja knew what they did with monsters...



2 Years
01-09-2015, 02:50 PM

The smell of blood would waft towards her nose, distracting her for a moment as the boy before her would find himself retorting back to her, saying she was a green slimy freak. Another scowl would appear on her features as her laughing stopped. "I am not slimy!" She would respond rather shrilly before the sound of flesh hitting the earth would grab her attention. Toxic green features would snap to the source, her expression would become excited once again, her marked tail wagging behind her at her mother's approach. She would ask who it was that stood before her, ending with wondering if she'd found a monster.

Ganja would shake her head, though it might have been possible he was a monster, he had caused her too much amusement to be anywhere near such a creature. Shaking her head she would not condemn the small boy, "Naw, he's too much fun to be a monster." Another giggle would leave her lips as she looked back to him, yeah she'c called him rather unsightly color's but she'd never said he was ugly. She actually liked the patterns that crossed his form. "Can I keep him?" She would suddenly ask as she tilted her head back towards her mother almost pleadingly.

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01-09-2015, 10:13 PM

She was so bi-polar. One minute she said that he's pretty and then the next she's comparing him to a pile of poop! What was her problem? He had simply wanted to know why she was green, since he'd never seen a wolf with such strange coloring, but she had turned it around and begun insulting him, making him feel compelled to return the insult. He didn't really think she was a slimy freak, but his anger at having been insulted overpowered what he really thought of her. He wasn't about to stand around and let some girl call him names for no reason.

A big of smugness would tug at his chocolaty lips as her laughing stop once his words registered, her shrill response giving him some sense of satisfaction that he'd been able to insult her, even if it was only slightly. But before he could decide to say anything, the smell of blood filled the air, followed by the sound of heavy pawsteps. Amethyst eyes would rise to the approaching figure who happened to be another green wolf, this one much larger and even stranger than Ganja. The bigger wolf, whom he scented to be female, had a tuft of big bright green fur between her ears where two giant things were growing. He would stare at them incredulously, unable to identify just exactly what they were. He would bristle as the woman approached, addressing Ganja as to who he was, referring to him as a monster. A growl would be directed to the bigger green whom he assumed to be Ganja's mom, not liking her very much right off the bat.

Despite her mother's insult to him, Ganja would come to his rescue. Naw, he's too much fun to be a monster. Fun? How was he fun? He hadn't done anything but ask her questions and insult her. He didn't really consider that to be fun, but to each their own he guessed. And then, much to his surprise, the green girl would turn to her mom and ask if she could keep him! His eyes would widen in surprise. Keep him?! He wasn't some toy that she could claim! There was no such thing as keeping him!



01-19-2015, 12:24 AM
Dione would leave her meal behind the new and unknown child as she slowly approached her daughter who wriggled with excitement and grinned at Dione's approach. Little green tail would thump against the ground and Dione would grin at her, excited to see her daughter excited. The boy would stay tactfully silent as Dione allowed Ganja to decide the boy's fate. But she would not give the answer that Dione wanted to hear… No he was not a monster? A brow would quirk curiously at her daughter, head tipping do bangs would drift lazily over ruby gaze before eyes would turn towards the boy. Dione looked around, searching for any sign of this boy's parents before Ganja would speak, snapping her out of her trance and drawing her attention back down to the pair at her paws. Could they keep him? "Sure… What will you name him?" Dione would ask her daughter, smiling softly before stepping forward and around the boy, moving to retrieve the hunk of meat she had brought back for her children. It was time for them to be weaned after all. She would move back around and drop the meat between them both and looking at them both. "Eat up, you both need to be strong." Dione would instruct. She had been hunting monsters, she needed them to gain their strength.

ooc;; its wolf meat that she's feeding them, just a chunk of thigh with no flesh on it :) sorry for the short! going on a dione rampage tonight.



2 Years
01-19-2015, 01:26 AM

Dione almost seemed to question her monster finding skills as the woman tilted her head slightly and gazed at her daughter. Ganja wouldn't back down though, monsters killed fun so this boy could not be a monster. The pretty boy would keep himself silent as her mother would pass a quick judgement after looking around for a moment. Her actions might have seemed curious but Ganja knew not to question her mother's ways. She would be given a rather pleasing answer, the result causing her tail to wag excitedly before the question would set her back. What was she going to call him. Bright red eyes would look him over once more, he hadn't given her a name earlier so what she called him was entirely up to her. Contemplating him rather deeply she would suddenly announce, "he looks kinda like an owl. Can I call him 'Hoot?" Dione would drag the meal closer to the little wolves, offering the flesh to make them stronger. Losing a bit of her interest in her new pet the little green bud pounced on her dinner.

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01-19-2015, 01:58 AM

These two wolves before him, green wolves to be exact, were standing there deciding his fate as if he had no say in the matter. Who did they think they were to decide what was going to happen with his life! The only wolves who had had a say in what was going to happen in his life were his parents, but they didn't seem to be anywhere near him. What had happened to them? Had they left him here because they didn't want him anymore? Had they just dropped him off here and were planning on returning later? His nostrils would flare slightly, testing the air. Their scents were stale...Aakil had a sinking feeling that this was the last time that he would ever cross paths with their scents again.

He would watch the bigger green wolf, Ganja's mom, as she smiled down at her daughter. Her ruby eyes would scan the surrounding area as if she were looking for someone before Ganja's question would snap her attention back to her, not even taking a moment to deliberate the question. Sure...what will you name him? His first instinct was to immediately retaliate and exclaim that he already had a name and he wasn't fond of getting a new one, but Ganja's mom was suddenly moving towards him, making the young boy go on the defensive. Limbs would bend slightly beneath his chocolate and ivory frame, audits pulling back against his skull, amethyst eyes watching the bigger wolf warily as she stepped around behind him, grabbing the slab of meat that she'd brought before dropping it between the two pups. She would instruct them to eat, stating that they needed to be strong. What did he need to be strong for?

He would eye the meat with distaste, not trusting the food that this stranger brought. His attention would be caught by the girl as her own ruby eyes came to dance over his features as she looked him over. Brows would furrow as he watched her, the furrow deepening at her words. he looks kinda like an owl. Can I call him hoot? This time his reaction time as a lot faster. My name is Aakil! Aakil! Not hoot or any other stupid name you can come up with! He would growl at her, not caring that he was yelling at her in front of her mom. He had a name and it was a damn good one. He didn't need a new name.



01-19-2015, 10:33 AM
Her little bud would not question her mother as Dione considered Ganja's request to keep the boy. Dione was a mother, despite recent disputes, and she knew how enraged she would be if another touched her child. She would not put that burden on another parent ever but it would seem that this child was alone in the world, alone without protection and without the love of a parent. Dione could give him protection... As she replied Ganja's grin would widen, tail thumping in pleasure much like a child would grin if given a puppy on Christmas. She would consider her mothers question for a moment before she would reply, saying he looked like an owl and that they would name him Hoot. Dione's brows would furrow as she considered this name, turning her attention to the boy as she moved towards him. He would tense, ready to fight and she would flash him no reassuring smile that she would not attack him. Instead eyes were cold and harsh as she regarded him. Little beast... She would snort as she watched him as one might regard a crab. They could pinch but they were far from dangerous. Ganja would dive into her meal but the boy would hold off, instead yelling his objections to the name Ganja had given him. "You need to learn some manners..." She would say, her voice deadly as chin tipped up so she would study him over the bridge of her nose. "Eat." She would say again, this time her words were a blanket statement with something trailing at the end of her tone. 'Or else...' If he was to stay with them then he would have to learn some manners. "You will stay with us until your parents return for you, I will feed you and you may live with our family. I cannot in good concience leave a child out here to fend for himself. Not with so many monsters lurking who would so happily gobble you up..." She would say, one brow quirking as if dating him to question her before once more motioning towards the food. Eat...



2 Years
01-19-2015, 04:54 PM

Ganja had her jaws around a rather choice chunk of flesh before Aakil would give his reaction to her new name for him. He would sound quite displeased with her decision as he added a growl at the very end. The tiny girl's eyes would narrow as his voice dissipated, her own mouth opening to argue when Dione stepped in. Ganja would visually sink back away from her mother, she knew the woman's fury and would involuntarily flinch away. As the word eat came from green lips Ganja would go back to her meal with ears attuned to her mother's voice. She could keep him until his parents came back, and secretly she hoped that they would never return for him. He might have looked displeased but he did make her giggle. Oh Necro and Tox were going to be so jealous of her pup!

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01-20-2015, 02:12 AM

Although the boy acted defensively and as if he he wanted nothing to do with these strangers, in all actuality, he was scared. But he wasn't going to it admit to Ganja and her mom, much less himself. But in all honesty, he was beyond terrified and confused. How could his parents have just left him in a strange place all by himself. Didn't they care about him? Had he been that bad of a son that they had felt compelled to dispose of him and rid themselves of the burden that he was? He didn't understand why this was happening to him and he would probably never understand it. A very big part of him was thankful that he had run into Ganja and consequently her mother, someone who could help feed him and keep him safe until he got the hang of being on his own. Alas, he didn't know how to express that. Or rather, he didn't want to express that. For all he knew, they could be helping him because they wanted to use him for something, so he would stay on his toes for the time being, never letting his guard down until he figured out what their true motives were.

Once again, Ganja's mother would be quick to intervene at Aakil's outburst towards Ganja, her voice holding a silent threat as she warned him that he needed to learn some manners. He would narrow his eyes at her, vanilla dusted tail lashing uneasily at his hocks, ears at half mast. The woman would command him to eat and he would only stand there, staring at her defiantly as she explained that she would take him in, feeding him and allowing to live with her family until his parents returned. If they ever return... He thought somberly to himself. A shiver would run down his spine as she mentioned that there were monsters out and about, ready to gobble him up at the first chance. From the corner of his eye would catch Ganja shying away from her mother as the green woman spoke to the boy. He would make no notice of her action, but he would quietly catalog that in his memory bank for later, in case he ever needed leverage against the girl. The woman would quirk an eyebrow at him, waiting for him to take to the meat like Ganja had. He would raise his lip at her before taking the few steps to close the distance between himself and the meat, only deciding to finally dig in because he would never hear the end of it from his intestines.



01-20-2015, 12:40 PM
Dione would take no more of Ganjams cowering or quivering, far to fixated on this mud colored boy who sat before them. Red eyes would narrow slightly as he offered her half folded ears and a curl of his lip. Children... Parents never taught them any respect... But he would listen as she spoken, thankfully for him, even flinching slightly at the mention of monsters. She would allow her eyes to close slightly, more in a relaxing manner then a glare as she regarded his every motion and reaction to her words. She had been planning to leave this wretched place but she would keep her word to the boy. They would await his parents... He would curl his lip again as she stared him down until he ate. Eventually he would scoot closer and began to enjoy a meal with her daughter. A slow smile would drift across her lips before she would look off into the trees from where he had appeared. Had a monster birthed him and dropped its spawn here? He did not look like one but he held the scent and attitude of one... She would remain silent as they ate before turning her smile down to the children. "Welcome to Imperium Aakil. I am Dione... We were about to move but since you are here now we will wait a week. If your parents have not returned by then you can either come with us or stay here... I'm sure Ganja would love to show you around now." She would say, looking to her daughter. Yes this was Dione giving her daughter permission to romp and play without supervision. "Just stay close to the den, don't go into the forest and be back by nightfall my dears..." Dione would say, tone musical as the malice melted away like snow in the spring. Tiny horned woman would stand with that and turn to depart, heading back to the den to tell Novaro of their newest addition and the deviation of her plan.