


01-08-2015, 10:27 PM

The multi-hued brute stared at the ground, perplexed. Sapphire orbs squinted and widened, maybe thinking that either a more narrow or more broad field of vision would explain the oddity before him. Blitzkrieg lifted one massive paw and poked the foreign object with a single claw, leaping back immediately and waiting for a reaction. When there was none, he slowly padded forward once more. It was strange, something he'd never seen before. Broken and fragmented, the pieces looked like some form of perfect, reflective rock. The largest one, the piece that Blitzkrieg had prodded, was the most intriguing of them all. There were strange symbols carved into it, the likes of which Blitz had never seen before.

He was confused, but more than that, he was uncomfortable. There were very few things in the world that Blitzkrieg came upon that he did not understand. And when he did, generally there was another wolf around, someone older and wiser, who would then explain to Blitzkrieg what he was missing. But he was alone, still, and his brain just could not comprehend what he was seeing. Shaking his head in disgust, Blitz decided that it would be best if he simply moved on before he drove himself insane with wondering. Lifting his head and attempting to put those symbols out of his consciousness, Blitzkrieg leaped over the fragments and loped off through the field. Where he was going, he had no idea. But there was no one here to stop him.




5 Years
01-20-2015, 12:42 AM

The female had, finally, convinced herself that leaving the Fjord would not be the end of everything. That she was old enough to defend herself, that she wouldn’t get in trouble just because she decided to adventure on her own. So her journey would begin in the south, just a short one, learning about the different lands in the south. She found the plateau, a place that was strange. The scent of a stranger would meet her nares and Lior would lift her head, her fuzzy blue gaze falling on a rather average colored brute sauntering through the field.

His eyes were bright, a brighter blue than her own. His coloring made her think more like a wolf like her mother and sister. Perhaps that was why Lior decided to adventure close to him. She would break into a trot, keeping up the pace until she fell into step beside him. Her father’s words were not forgotten, remembering not all brute’s were kind... That danger lurked with them. But Lior would be cautious. She couldn’t live scared forever... And she wasn’t going to stay around the Fjord just waiting for another family member to die.

“Hello there. Interesting place here, isn’t it?” She knew pretty much nothing about this place. Perhaps this young man might know something? He was older than her after all.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Evelyn