
When I'm Gone



2 Years
09-11-2014, 09:10 PM

She had not believed him fully that day he had found her. But the more she lurked about outside the pack, the more she did find those rare tracs of the red woman. So surely this male had not been lying to her. Plus he knew her name and vague description of her and only the red woman could have done that. Yet she couldn't have brought herself to follow the male to his pack. Honestly she was scared, shy and feared of being outcasted. Things were easier when you were alone. Yet she could not bring herself to walk away from the borders of this pack. Maybe some part of her missed being part of something larger than just herself. But her easy solitude was so sweet at time, depressing yes but she could deal with it without anyone seeing it.

She paced along the borders in the early predawn with indecision. What could she offer them? Her photographic memory of the landscapes? She skills in hunting birds and fish? She paused to look down at her legs, she was no fighter. She was thin and frail looking, light as the birds she could catch out of the air. Bright vivid green eyes burned in the gloom of dawn. Tail flicked in irritation with herself. But what if she just experienced life like she had back in Seracia? What if she just ended up still all alone? Or would things be different? What would the other members be like to a new stranger among them? She mumbled to herself. There was only one way to find out, she had to talk to Crucifix. He would had the possible answers for her, answers that might change her life from the way it was now.

She paused in her pacing to tip her head back and let out a soft sweet call the for crossed marked male just as the sun lit up the morning with golden hues. She sighed softly and she stilled her body and sat down with her tail over her paws and shoulders hunched forwards. She was never a confident wolf and her posture said it, though she never realized this. She just felt like she drew too much attention to herself when howling or making any noise for that matter. She didn't like to be the center of anything but rather just blend into the background. Forgotten and unseen is where she felt comfortable. "Speech"



2 Years
09-12-2014, 07:09 PM

A soft call would ring out over the distance and the boy would pause in his early morning run, head tilted and ears twitching in the direction of the summoner. There was something familiar about its call, tickling at the back of his mind. It reminded him of the soft voice of that girl he had sought out for Vi a while ago, could she have decided to take him up on his offer? With the bright thought of accepting a new member in mind he would start off in the direction and be before her in no time. Seeing her confirmed his suspicions on who it was, Rohini, friend of Vi, who he owed so much to and could possibly never make up for the mistakes he had made with her.

He would politely pad up to her and seat himself on his rump before her. He remembered her being quite and withdrawn and he could see from her posture that that had not changed. He ensured that all of his body language spoke of welcome and friendliness as he spoke. ?Rohini, it?s good to see you again ? what brings you to Solstice borders??




2 Years
09-13-2014, 10:05 PM

It would not take long for the man to come to her call. She had remembered him as call and friendly and as he greeted her, the same attitude had not changed. She would glance up at him with her bright green orbs, uncertain but hopeful. Would his offer still stand? But more stressing was would she fit in? What could she offer him and his family here? Would they accept her? She sighed softly, shifting her weight before actually looking up at him and keeping her eyes there. "Alpha Crucifix, I if your offer still stands?" The last part was rushed out of her lips and she turned her eyes back down to her paws.

If Vir trusted this man, than surely she could too but to was extent? Could he offer protection? Or rather the protection from others on a more mental and emotional note? She wasn't sure anyone could do that for her. But would it hurt to try? She had nothing to lose, was already hurt from her emotional scares, so in truth how much worse could it get? Not much more in her opinion. "I can hunt fish and birds. I'm good at navigating. Show me one place once and I'll have it memorized to every detail. I'm not much of a fighter, never trained in that skill and I know enough basics of healing to keep myself healthy enough. I don't know what else I can offer..." She said as she looked up at him again.



2 Years
09-14-2014, 11:29 PM

He would smile encouragingly at the girl, and after a moment she would voice her thoughts, asking him if his offer still stood. Of course she would always be welcome within his pack, even if he did not owe vi the favor of admitting Rohini into Solstice lands. He could see also that she was shy as ever, with her eyes flicking to her paws as she spoke. That made him think, as he considered how he could encourage this young girl to come out of her shell and embrace the world with more confidence ? perhaps instructing her how to defend herself would be a start? He was mulling over these thoughts and realized he had not answered her question yet.

Before he could tell her she was welcome she would speaking again, trying to sell herself to him as through worried she would not be accepted otherwise. With a wry smile he thought that perhaps Sibelle would rather she come with some talents then simply being welcome into Solstice for protection and family. ?Of course your welcome to Solstice - So you can hunt, and you can heal. In Solstice we like people to take an interest in areas outside of their ranks. If I was to set you as a hunter would you be interested in learning healing as well?? he asked her gently, thinking it was too early to voice his thoughts on teaching her how to fight, she was a timid creature and he was sure she would want to get to know him better first




2 Years
09-20-2014, 07:17 PM

His silence worried her slightly as she waited before blurting out what she could offer. She didn't want him to think she was a bum, a free loader. She would never want someone to think of her like that in a million years. After all in the last pack she had been in, though she had isolated herself, she still fed herself and helped during that dreadful storm. Even still after she listed what she could do, her skills she felt is was insignificant. But Crucifix would be the one making the call. She wished she could figure out what he was thinking.

In a matter on moments he accepted her with only one question. To learn to heal while being a hunter. She did not see a problem with that, actually she was rather pleased with it. Healing was something she believed everyone she learn. You never knew when you might need to save your own fur or someone else. Her body seemed to have an invisible weight lift off her shoulders as she sat up more straight. "I think that is understandable..." She replied and just then she seemed to sink right back into herself. It was then that she realized she was being accepted into his pack. Dread and fear over came her. What if everyone did not accept her? What if she grew close to someone, enough to trust, to then just loose them after they promised it wouldn't happen? Could she chance opening up herself to this pack? To find her place? She looked up at Crucifix with worried eyes, "What if..the others don't accept me?" She would ask in a whisper.




2 Years
09-20-2014, 11:48 PM

Crucifix watched the shy young girl before him, and found himself smiling. He could understand why Vi had wanted him to take her under his wing, she was a sweet shy little thing and already he felt himself leaning towards a fatherly protective feeling over this wolf, never mind that they where both the same age. She seemed excited for a moment, understanding perhaps that what he said made sense and agreement to accept the position he asked of her. The next moment she seemed bewildered, but needn't wonder why as she looked up at with worried eyes and asked her if they would accept her. The brute smiled again, warm and encouraging as he took a step towards her and looked her in the eyes. ?If they dont accept you then its not the pack im trying to turn it into. I think you'll have no problems here. If you like, I can introduce you to one of our lead healers, and if your need the training perhaps you two could work together?? he added, thinking that perhaps if she started out under Orchid's guidance she might feel that the pack was ready to accept her.
