
Sentimental Animals



6 Years
01-18-2015, 02:06 AM

Azalea moved at a trot, her near healed gimp leg bobbing much less awkwardly than previously.  With each completed gait the toes would touch the ground and without a wake of pain to stab through her nervous system and cripple her.  

Time had passed since arriving back.  Her messaged delivered to whoever still cared about her in the West.  She knew someone would come and visit her, loyalty and pesky family bonds had their ways of working these things in her favor.  After all, she didn't pop out so many puppies for nothing.  They owed her... like forever.

She sighed, slowing down and finding herself sprawling out on the ground in the middle of, well, nowhere.  Sparse Pines being a part of Regium territory was still weird to her, and the fact that Bevroren was now Regium making Regium the new Glaciem was even weirder.  What's more, good Glaciem was back, started again by Odette.  Her father's blood was making a come back and she wondered if her father somehow knew, where ever he was.  She had to grunt in half amusement and half exasperation, thinking of what her father would have to say about her these days.  

For a moment Azalea mused bedding purposely with an Armada wolf.  A smile crept onto her face for a moment before Sarak's face popped into her mind and wiped her face clean.  Again she sighed, her throat tightening up with equal parts worry and loathing.   


01-18-2015, 03:35 PM

Silveris was getting used to the fact that she could only see through one eye, and wasn't as panicked when she noticed the pitch black that used to be an image. But the brown and white female kept her green eye searching for anything that may attack her. Mainly, though, she was looking for Biull. Irritation and worry shot through her as she thought of her brother, who had vanished during the storm and hadn't been seen since.

For all she knew, he was injured and needed help.  Or he didn't want to see her anymore. The thought of that made the Latchme mentally wince, her good eye widening for a moment as she scented another wolf.  Although Silveris didn't like talking to other wolves, this one might know where Biull was.  Maybe this wolf had met him. Maybe it was friends with him. Silveris picked up the pace, now heading in the direction the wolf's scent lead.  Although she wasn't as fast as she used to be, scared of falling over something that she couldn't see, she still managed to move pretty fast.

When Silveris spotted the other wolf, she glanced at the wounds the woman had, and wondered if it was wise to go around the female.  She hadn't even noticed the scent of another pack around her, one that she didn't belong to. Lowering her head in submission, since she didn't want a fight, she glanced at the older female. Silveris hesitated, taking her appearance in, before she relaxed and managed to speak.  Being the sweet girl she was, the brown and white wolf had to ask about the other wolf first.  Those wounds looked pretty bad, and the wolf might need healed. Silveris was no healer, but she could find someone who was.

"A-Are you okay, miss? Do you need a healer?" There was hesitation in the girl's voice as she spoke.
