
Time to breathe



1 Year
Extra large
01-20-2015, 03:36 PM
As much as he loved his mother, sometimes a break from the family wasn't simply wanted, it was required. Shakespeare often had moments now that he would slip out and away from the fights of Caesar and Colette and the anger that would rise from their father, honestly the boy still couldn't understand how his brother wasn't scared of the man, he had never been in trouble and Shakespeare was still often fearful of him. He had been worried that Soliloquy was going to get mad again, Caesar was busy plotting new ways to make Colette scream louder than ever and so here he was, escaping it before anything even had the chance to kick off.

The problem was that he'd wandered a little further than normal though this time and though he had no idea where he was, was sure he wasn't at home anymore. Was he going to get into trouble for this? A part of him considered turning around with that sudden thought but instead, he continued. He couldn't be entirely certain what actually appealed to him more, the thought of escaping his rowdy siblings or the peace within these unknown lands just waiting for him to explore?



5 Years
01-20-2015, 04:05 PM

Exploring was a must for the woman, even though it was her season and she was trying to hide away from the general population. But being stuck on her volcano and threatening to toss her siblings into it was starting to grow old, and she wanted to move, to run. The flame coated wolf had finally decided that she would be okay, that she would be able to resist the temptations of the world down below. She had stumbled on this hill by sheer luck, she had been racing across the area when she tripped over a bone that was jutting out from the earth. There was a slight cut across her forehead, a small amount of blood trickling down her brow. She didn't mind too much, bleeding wasn't new to her. The fiery babe was well... feisty. She often got into fights over silly things, like over being called small or even just because they looked at her funny. Yeah... just like the fire element that laid claim to her, she was a passionate and heated wolf.

Peeking out from behind a rather large piece of blood-smelling material, she saw a little mini wolf looking around like he was lost. He didn't seem too old, youth still clear on his face. A sly grin crossed her maw, she usually didn't like other wolves, but pups weren't really full wolves -- just half ones. Red coated tail swung around as she strutted towards the earthen boy, ember eyes shimmering. "Yo, you lost?" she called, not really sure how to talk to well... little half mini wolves. There were no other scents around him, so he was clearly alone. She tsked her tongue, eyes leaving his slightly spotted form to look around. "Its not very safe for a mini-wolf to wander around, there are wolves aren't there that aren't quite as nice and charming as I am," she teased, although there was a serious note to her voice. Her gaze fell back on him, a brow rising as she studied his little form.



1 Year
Extra large
01-20-2015, 04:22 PM
Shakespeare was rather enjoying the chance for some time to himself. Sadly though it seemed that was going to end rather soon. Bright eyes would quickly look away from the land as another suddenly came bounding up to him, questioning whether he was lost. He certainly had no idea who this wolf was and he wasn't entirely certain that it was a good idea to find out. He had more than enough to keep him occupied with his family let alone strangers appearing and causing more trouble for his life.

His little head began to shake in response. He was pretty certain he could find his way back to the range and his family but before he could explain any of that the fiery woman was speaking once more. This time it was to alert him of facts he already knew. Well of course he had no way of knowing if she really was nice and charming (whatever that word meant anyway) but he knew wolves could be mean and nasty. "I know. My brother is not very nice." He informed her of this fact rather bluntly.

Now he looked a little closer he'd notice the little cut upon her head. No healer of course at his young age and never actually having cut himself before the idea of the injury was a rather new one. He knew the smell of blood of course, from prey that was brought in but this was a wolf, not dinner there shouldn't be any blood. The logical explanation was that she hadn't cleaned herself up properly after dinner. "You've got something on your head." He decided to share this fact with her. Maybe as a grown-up she didn't have her mother there to clean her up when she missed a spot.



5 Years
01-23-2015, 12:28 AM

She watched as the little creature shook his head back and forth, a smile still on her lips as she sat down before his spotted form. He commented that her brother was mean, and Serefina let out a smooth chuckle. "I know what that's like, I have five brothers and four sisters. Can you guess how loud my home is?" she asked with a little laugh. Granted, most of the noise did come from her and Voltage causing havoc, but still. She watched him closely as his golden eyes roamed up to her forehead, saying that she had something on her head. Eyes shot upwards as if she could look at it herself, a paw raising as she dabbed at the area. She pulled it back, blood showing on her paw. Oh yeah, she had cut her head when she tripped. She couldn't help but smile at the boy though, he seemed to be quite the logical type. "Yeah, I tripped and cut my forehead. Its a bit of an awkward spot to try and clean myself though," she said with another laugh, rubbing her blood stained paw on the grass.

Curling her flaming tail around her flank, the girl couldn't help but be intreged by this mini-wolf. There was something about him that held her interest, maybe the bluntness, or the look of him. It was tiring looking at the same bodies all the time, this was the first wolf she had met for quite some time in these new lands. "I'm Serefina by the way, its a pleasure to meet a little mini-wolf like you," Sere stuck out her salmon hued tongue, lowering her front legs until her belly lay against the earth. Looking away from the boy again, her ember eyes looked around them as a content sigh slipped loose. "Its nice to get away for a bit, isn't it?"



1 Year
Extra large
01-23-2015, 11:26 AM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2015, 11:26 AM by Shakespeare.)
His eyes would widen as she commented on her own family size. Five brothers and sisters? Of course there was the possibility that not all would be like Caesar or Colette, though the poor boy had that distinct impression in his head right now and honestly wasn't sure he could have survived with that much more arguing and bickering going on. For perhaps the first time he was rather thankful about his family, at least there were only three of them.

Though she wiped away the blood from her forehead, Shakespeare noted that it still wasn't completely clean, the open wound still rather new and strange to the boy. It was amazing really that blood hadn't been drawn sooner by Caesar or even against him the amount he irritated their parents as well. Her words made very little sense to Shakespeare though it seemed it was all ok, nothing that he really ought to trouble himself over. He would drop the subject and stop staring at the cut as well.

The female made it far easier to forget about that however, changing the subject and introducing herself, commenting on how nice it was to get away for a bit. It took him a moment to realise he ought to give his own name in response, never actually having needed to give an introduction before. "Shakespeare." He informed her and only nodded his head again to her comment about getting away.



5 Years
02-13-2015, 03:22 PM

She couldn't help but laugh softly as his eyes grew wide at the number of siblings she had. He really did seem quite surprised, she guessed that it was just him and his brother. So he wasn't used to hearing of such large families. It wasn't like they were one litter, oh gosh the pain of that many pups at once. Not that her so called mother deserved to have such an easy life, having a litter every season and then kicking them away from the island once they were old enough. They were not good wolves, not at all. But enough of that, she had an adorable little dude in front of her. He was a rather quiet one though, he seemed to keep to himself mostly. Perhaps that is why he had come here, just to escape it all.

Her ember eyes picked up his gaze being pulled away from her cut, and she rose an elegant brow. Had he not seen a cut like this before? The girl lowered herself to her belly, placing her head on her paws as she looked at the spotted one. "Do you want to come and see it closer?" she asked, keeping her head on her flame dusted paws if he wished to come and inspect it if he wished. She had always been interested in cuts and bruised when she was little, considering that she was often wandering home covered in them... Serefina's life was not a sheltered one, and it was not free from both physical and emotional pain.

The boy finally introduced his name, Shakespeare. "Well now, that certainly is a mouthful!" Sere said with a soft giggle, smiling up at him from where her head rested. He didn't really say much though, and the fire marked girl wiggled where she lay. She didn't like to stay still very long, and she had been in one position for far too long. "So Shakespeare, what do you do around here for fun?"

"Talk" "You" Think



1 Year
Extra large
02-13-2015, 03:57 PM
It was quite ironic really that the thought of a large family would be a surprise to him. Whilst his immediate family might have been quite small in comparison to Serefina's, it was far from small in the bigger picture. From both sides of the family he had many aunts and uncles and even several cousins that he would perhaps meet one day. In secret as well he had half-siblings, though he of course knew nothing of their existence nor did any of his family.

The flame coloured woman would settle down now, lying upon her paws so that her head and the open wound were closer. "How'd it happen?" Shakespeare enquired. Your head just didn't suddenly split open like that, did it? He'd probably examine himself very carefully for injuries later if Serefina didn't set him right on that thought.

Shakespeare certainly wasn't the shortest name ever, and with his last name perhaps wasn't exactly the easiest thing to say. His siblings called him Speare for the most part, though he wouldn't share that knowledge with her, he personally preferred Shakespeare anyway. He noted that Serefina wasn't exactly a short name, though he wouldn't point this fact out either, both hidden comments proving that he really didn't say much.

As if Serefina needed any further confirmation on his quiet nature, he would only answer her question with a little shrug. He hadn't really done anything particularly fun after all, spent most of his time just hiding from his siblings. There was the matter as well that he'd never explored this land either, he had no idea what you could do around here. "I've never been here." That detail would be shared, expanding only slightly upon his lack of an answer for her.