
Stay till I'm stronger


01-22-2015, 04:07 PM
ooc;; Revenge and Nova welcome as well :)

Dione would rise fairly early, the sun just beginning to peek over the horizon when she stirred from her sleep. She would slip from the grasp of her children, pushing out of the den on her own and slowly streatching. She felt tired, lazy but their move was coming and today she wanted Mercy to meet her children. She also needed to speak to Valentine. Not that she wanted to... The temptation to ask Mercy to pass the massage along to that dick was almost overwhelming but Nova had said that they needed to talk so talk they would. For a time Dione would sit outside the den, enjoying the peace of the morning sunrise, the peace or being alone for a short time befor she would toss her head back and key out a languid howl, calling for Mercy. As soon as the howl faded Dione rise, poking her head back in and letting out a soft woof. "Wake up kids, time to meet your big sister!" she would say softly. She did not push though, allowing them to come out if they liked to meet Mercy or to stay hidden with their father. Yes it was time everyone met, even Aakil despite the fact that he was just a 'tempoary' guest.


01-24-2015, 09:07 AM

The boy was immediately stirred when Dione left the den, having one of those light nights where every tick kept him up. He tried to move around and re-position himself, closing his eyes for a long while, but going back to sleep wasn't an option for the day ahead of him.

He hear his mother's call for someone else just outside then den, though it seemed she was just enjoying the scenery for a bit as the call didn't come as soon as she left the den. And shortly after, she poked her head in and gently cooed for her children to come out, Necro being the first to rise and wobble outside.

"We have a big sister?"

He spoke with his eyes squinted to whatever light was outside. He didn't know he had a big sister... he had never seen any other blue or green wolves, or any other wolves come and visit. Of course, what qualified as a sibling to him? He stayed with his parents, Ganja, and Toxin... and now there was a brown and white boy that Necro wasn't too comfortable with. He was staying... But was he a sibling?

Necro would sit close beside his mother, looking up at her for a few seconds before looking down at the ground because the sky was too bright. He would wait for the other's to come out, if they even heard their mother's quiet voice. He just happened to be up to hear it.

Walk "Talk" Think


01-27-2015, 02:47 PM

It seemed like there was never a time where he could get a full nights rest. Something was always going on. He was either being dragged off to do pointless patrols at the crack of dawn or he was being awoken for something that really didn't concern him. Like today. He was sleeping peacefully in front of Ganja, his ivory speckled tail half-hazardly draped across her green traced one, their paws just a inches from touching one another. Dione's howl broke through Aakil's subconscious, pulling him from his dreams, lids blinking wearily as eyes of amethyst came into view. He would survey the den, noticing that Dione was sitting outside, calling to the children to come out and meet someone. A frown would pull at his features as a yawn split his jaws apart, watching as one of Ganja's brothers immediately went out to join his mother. A snort would be tossed in their direction as he reached out, bumping his nose to Ganja's in an effort to awaken her. He didn't think this concerned him very much, but it probably was something she needed to be aware of.

He would bring himself to his paws, stretching out as he chased the sleepiness from his frame, shaking his pelt out. Haunches would fold beneath the boy as he sat, waiting for the little green girl to awaken so that they could go find out what was going on.




2 Years
01-27-2015, 10:23 PM

Sleep held her longer than Necrosis or Aakil, her mother's voice would hardly stir her conscious. The chocolate creme puff colored boy would nudge her awake, causing bright red eyes to open slowly as she looked up towards him. She too would find a yawn eagerly leaving her toxic green stained maw as she pushed herself from the ground. Her gaze wouldn't linger on Aakil long as she realized what was going on. Well kind of. She didn't know they were meeting their sister but she did know that they were going outside.

The two pups were hardly apart, she'd grown accustom to his presence and didn't tease him quite so much anymore. Their week was almost up.. he'd have to choose to stay here or come with them when they left. She hadn't asked him which one it was yet. "What're we doing?" she'd whisper to him as she let her feet start her towards the outside, her features turned back to the other boy. Not paying any attention to where Tox might be.

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