
Got those jet pack blues

Athena I


9 Years
01-23-2015, 03:14 PM

The Armada family had slowly been drifting away for as long as she could remember. One by one they would wander off, drift away, go missing. It felt like there were very few of them left. Her own father and mother were a part of those missing wolves. However, only the last two losses had really shook her to her core. First had been Vereux who was gone without a trace. She had thought that she would never hurt as bad as she did when she lost him, had thought that if she only knew what had happened to him then she would be able to have closure and move on. However, as she ran back toward the den she shared with Amalia with the weight of what she had just learned heavy on her shoulders, she wasn't sure any more if that knowledge would have made things easier.

She broke into the clearing and slowed to a lope, calling for her wife and children as she slowed to a stop. "Amalia! Boys! Come here." She stopped several feet from the den and sank down on her haunches, tears heavy in her eyes and waiting to spill over into her fur at any moment. She wanted them all to hear it from her and not from someone else. She knew that out of all of them she was probably the one most distraught over Roman's death, but suddenly loosing their home was going to be quite a blow she was sure. And Amalia... her red-headed girl was always so emotional, she honestly wasn't sure how she would take all of this. She waited for them all to gather, hoping all of her boys were here. Now was not the time for any of them to be out exploring.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
01-23-2015, 03:28 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2015, 03:29 PM by Talvi.)
"I know Athena, and you won't." Talvi had promised her sister at the meeting. She wasn't sure if she would stick with her and her family just yet though she certainly wouldn't completely stray away from their lives forever like so many had done. Though she had no doubts that Athena would stick to her promise, she had followed the silver woman back to her den anyway, there for support as she told the family, and to be there to hear their plans, share her own if she had any.

To be honest sticking with Athena was definitely a possibility, though there was Pandora out there somewhere too, perhaps now would be the time to get to know her and her other half-siblings through Taurig a little better. There was Caeto as well, the boy had promised to help her once, would he still offer the same thing now? He was probably the bottom of the list really, though deserved a place somewhere.

She would come to a stop at Athena's side, standing there silently as they waited for the family to appear. The news wasn't strictly her sister's to share though still Talvi would remain quiet and let Athena give them the bad news. Perhaps that would soften the blow somewhat, though of course it wouldn't entirely. Even Talvi found herself at a loss for what to do or say now. She would keep her promise though, she would still be there for Athena and the boys whenever she could be.



7 Years
01-23-2015, 03:49 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2015, 03:54 PM by Amalia.)

The girl was laying in the den, her red head resting against the belly of Bac as she pulled Vitus to her belly. She let out a relaxed sigh, trying to wiggle her head even further into the boys soft belly fur, legs trying to wrap around Vitus. Tib was at her back, tucked in under her tiny frame. This is when she was most content with life, when she had her boys by her side. She would be even happier if her wife was here to share in the cuddle times, but it was fine just the way it was. She loved these boys with all her heart, but she really wished that she had a girl to groom and love on. The boys seemed to get embarrassed when she tried to give them little cat baths, but she couldn't help it! She had so much love to give and so little outlets to express it all it. She loved very hard, which is why the news that Athena brought would crush her pure soul.

When the silver woman's voice called out for them, her head snapped up from her boys belly. She could tell that something was wrong, no matter how hard she was trying to hide it. Carefully unwrapping herself from her adopted children she made her way out of the den, steps slow at first until she saw her wife's face. Ama's paws ate up the ground between them. She didn't take notice of Talvi at first as she pushed her red face into her wife's coat, breathing in her scent. "What's wrong my love?" she asked softly, pulling back as she searched Athena's face. Her blue eyes cut quickly over to Talvi, finally noticing the blue woman. She offered a tiny smile before her eyes went back to her lovers face, concern written all over her features. What on earth could have made her perfect woman look so distressed?




2 Years
Extra large
01-23-2015, 04:01 PM

He'd heard the call, but the voice was like nothing he'd ever heard. Bacc had felt sorrow at his father's disappearance, knew very well a feeling of loss. Something bad had happened. Mother's form had disappeared from the den, but this sounded like one meeting he did not want to be present for. Ama's head was resting on him, and as they awaited his mother's return he couldn't help but snuggle closer to her form. She seemed to be shrinking more and more each day. Surely he would overtake her in size in the next season.

He wouldn't get comfortable again before Athena's voice would be heard outside the den, Ama would leave his belly, her form rushing from the den. Bacchus would follow, sneaking an unsure glance at his brothers as he made his way through the entrance. He would see Talvi behind his mother, a sight that should have comforted him but only managed to increase his anxiety. Timidly he would come to stand behind Amalia, looking to Athena he would wait.



5 Years
01-23-2015, 04:24 PM
 Vitus had missed his family so dearly since he had left to train, he had missed them all so dearly but he had too. He had to show them that he was strong enough, that they could depend on him and lean on him and that he would defend them at any cost. Perhaps they knew this already, but Vitus needed to know it himself. He needed to show himself that he was strong enough. Which is why he allowed Amalia to hold him in a day-long embrace. She held him close, her arms warm and inviting that he couldn't help but allow himself the comfort, even if he was antsy to go out and train some more, perhaps invite a brother to spar. But he couldn't leave, not while she held him so close, so he allowed himself to lay there. Even when the call for the meeting was sent across the land, he remained still. He hoped his lack of attendance would go unnoticed or at least forgiven as he settled even close to his mother.

However, it seemed the universe refused to allow them a single gentle day. His heart suddenly burst into a racing rythmn, his eyes growing wide. "Ma?" He croaked in his rasping voice, perhaps the first word his brothers had heard from him. Athena and Amalia knew now that he spoke, but he was still as silent as ever. Quickly leaping to his paws as they exited the den, he squinted at his mother. She was in pain, emotionally, crushed....agony raced through him as he darted to her side, moving to press a strong shoulder against her side to help her. "'m here..." He rasped in a deepening voice, moving to press a kiss into her neck to offer some emotional help. He didn't know what had happened, but whatever it was serious.

"Burn Baby Burn"

[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



7 Years
01-23-2015, 05:34 PM
Though it very much seemed at times that Archelaus Armada was the most important in his world, the boy did care for his family. They were all important after all, whilst he was great, they too held the same brilliant genes that he did. There was of course more to it than that, not that he would get too soppy or sentimental about it and run around declaring how much he loved his brothers, mothers or family in general. He would be proud, but he would not be emotional.

That being said perhaps there were moments that emotion was allowed to show through even for the manliest and most prideful of men. Now was one of those moments, not that they were completely aware of it now. Something was wrong though, as much as Archie hated to admit it, he could feel it. That call and now his mother's shout as she returned back to the den.

He would move with his brothers to exit the comforts of the den, the darkness where he could still pretend everything was ok, hide away from whatever cruel reality was waiting for them outside. One positive event would occur from the moment, Vitus speaking, and Archie's vivid gaze would fall upon his usually silent brother, a slight look of pleased surprise crossing his features. So he could talk after all. Now wasn't the time to focus upon that however and instead he'd look towards Athena and Talvi. "What's happened?" Amalia may have already asked, but he would repeat the question anyway, urging either his mother or his aunt to answer them.



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

01-23-2015, 05:55 PM

Tiburtius pressed himself up against Amalia's frame, finding comfort in her warmth even though his mind was running wild with all sorts of questions and possibilities. His curiosity and worry had peaked when he heard his Uncle Drashiel's howl. He had wanted to go see what was going on himself, but their mother had run off so quickly that he hadn't had the chance to ask her if he could go and none of his other siblings had gone either. Besides, he was quite comfortable in this pile of his brothers that had formed around their Momma Ama.

Soon though he heard his mother's voice and his dark ears would perk and he would lift his head from its resting place. Something was most certainly wrong. He didn't like the tone in his mother's voice. Quickly he rolled to his paws and trotted out after his brothers, following them over to where Amalia had already run to their mother and was comforting her. He saw their aunt Talvi right beside Mother and for some reason that made him worry more, along with the tears glittering in their mother's eyes. He sat down next to Bacchus with his ears flicked back, deciding to stay quiet while he waited to find out what had happened.


Athena I


9 Years
01-23-2015, 06:28 PM

She would hear the sound of paw steps coming from behind her and she'd glance over her shoulder to see Talvi as she came over to stand behind her. A grateful smile would touch her lips for a moment and she would lean over to press her nose affectionately to her sister's cheek. She really did appreciate having Talvi's support and it made it all the easier to let her sister know of whatever they decided to do if she was already there when they decided it. She'd turn her sorrowful gaze back toward the den just in time to watch Amalia slip out into the open. It wouldn't take her wife any time to realize something was very wrong and she would run towards her, pressing her face into her fur. Athena pressed her face into Amalia's scruff for a moment before Amalia pulled back, deciding to hold off on answering her question till all of their sons had joined them.

Soon enough they would file out of the den as well and she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that all four of them were present. It had proven to be incredibly difficult to keep four boys in one place, but apparently she would be granted one shred of luck on this awful day. Bacchus and Tiburtius would file in near by, remaining silent, while Vitus hurried to her side and pressed against her, rasping his reassurances, while Archelaus asked the same question of her that Amalia had. What's happened?

She pressed a kiss onto Vitus's cheek, a quiet thank you for being so tender, and let her gaze sweep over her family, Talvi included. They were all she had left. There were a spattering of other Armadas still lingering around, but these were the wolves that she would rather die than loose. These were her family. Her heart ached when she thought of Roman's children and how she may never truly get to know them since Drashiel had taken them with him to some pack that was unknown to her. She pushed those thoughts away, knowing that she had a task to do and it had to be done.

She took a breath and steadied herself before speaking. "The meeting Drashiel just called was to tell the pack that... that Roman was killed. Two bears attacked their den and she died protecting her children." She paused, letting that fact sink in. It was still hard for her to grasp so she couldn't imagine how it might be for them. After a moment she went on, knowing that it wouldn't do any of them any good if she waited to break it to them. "Also... Drashiel no longer felt that he could rule Regium without Roman. He's decided to disband the pack... He left and took his children with him to Imperium." Death of a family member and the loss of their home all in one day. It was certainly rough news to get all at once.

She sighed and focused her gaze on Amalia, leaning down to give her muzzle a small lick. "What are we going to do?" It wasn't often that she felt this lost. The only other time had been during Vereux's disappearance and she had turned to Amalia for help then too. Amalia was so small and tender with the biggest heart, but she was also Athena's rock.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
01-23-2015, 06:50 PM
Her nephews were growing fast, Talvi still found it hard to believe how swiftly they grew, her own childhood had seemed to take forever. Rarely did she see the four together these days, though now they would come trailing out of the den with Amalia, the dainty little female only making those boys seem larger still. Her mind would push from that fact now though, she wanted to continue to watch them grow but would she be able to do so as closely as she had here in Regium? Would she be able to choose the same path the little family did or would life take her elsewhere for now? Honestly she was scared to think of such details.

Athena was talking now, a distraction though she had of course already heard those horrific words before. It didn't make it any easier to hear them again, still it all seemed so impossible. How on earth could Roman be gone just like that and the entire pack breaking apart? She could see why it had happened of course, could understand Drashiel's thought process and his pain was evident as well. It still seemed wrong though, this pack had existed since before she had been born and now suddenly just like that it was gone.

Athena would let the news settle, embracing Amalia as she questioned what they would do now. Would any of them have an idea? Talvi herself certainly didn't have one for the family, only her own half-formed plans none of which were ready to be followed. She remained quiet, standing in place just away from the couple, looking on at the little family ready and hoping to hear at least a decent plan for them. She could struggle for a little longer if need be but Athena, Amalia and the boys needed and deserved something more stable.



7 Years
01-23-2015, 09:05 PM

The woman felt herself relax when her boys came out and pressed against her and Athena. She was glad that all three boys were there with them. Athena was silent for a moment, and when she spoke she felt tears spring forward in her own blue eyes. She sniffled, her body shaking from this news. No... no. This wasn't true. This wasn't happening. "Why wasn't I called? I could have... I could have saved her!" she cried out, legs quivering as if they wouldn't hold her much longer. She backed up, rump bumping against Bacchus. Her eyes searched her wife's face, feeling failure in herself as she forcefully thrust her rump against the earth. Her whole form trembled, visibility shaking. "I could have prevented all of this..." she said as tears fell down her red face. Those poor babies, poor children.

Athena spoke of more bad news, and Ama's head fell as she looked to the still frozen earth. Now they had no home, no where to go. But when Athena looked to her for what to do, her head shot up as she blinked at her lover. Her? Why her? She hadn't the slightest idea what to do. There was only one thing she could really think of, Glaciem. "What about your friend, Odette?" she asked voice still shaky. "Its close by, and still in the North so you don't have to leave here. I think the boys have grown used to the cold," she tried to smile, blue eyes roaming over their children. She really did feel small around them. Her eyes landed on Talvi then, standing slightly away from the group. Trying to be happy and joyful for them all, she forced herself back up to her shaky limps and grinned at the woman. "I would love if you joined us, Talvi."



2 Years
Extra large
01-24-2015, 02:40 AM

Vit, Arch, and Tib followed out after the white marked boy, Vitus finding his way to their mothers Bac would hear his soft voice for what seemed like the first time. Something was very wrong if their brother had found his voice. He would refrain from moving closer as Tiburtius took a seat next to him. They would gather quietly, only a few words spoken before Athena's voice was heard within their group. Bacchus could tell that the news would hardly be any ind of good, but as the words continued to fall from his mother's lips Bacchus would sink lower and lower. His aunt Roman was gone. He had not expected that. The usually brave boy would sink into his fur as she went on, telling them as well that Regium was no more.

Amalia would back up into his paws, Bacc wouldn't move, only lean into her now as she brought about a comforting touch. He didn't know what to think but he felt as though he'd lost his father all over again. He'd looked up to Roman, she was so strong and unmoving how could she just be gone so easily? He would lose the conversation as his head hung below his shoulders. The world seemed a bit darker and his skin a bit colder as his world was turned upside down.



5 Years
01-24-2015, 03:40 AM
Vitus felt his mother's sorrow against his shoulder, felt her kiss against his cheek and he merely dipped his head under her chin to offer even more comfort if he could. It was in these moments that he felt so clumsy, unknowing how to properly cheer someone up. It was another curse for his lack of words, his lack of vocabulary made it hard to offer sympathies and his words. The young Armada felt Archelaus' eyes on him, and he looked up just briefly to meet his brother's gaze. His brows pulled together before he dipped his head to him and turned back to his mother, waiting for the terrible news that he believed would come. When Athena began to speak a soundless gasp wuffed through his lungs, his bright eyes so wide as he pressed against his mother some more. With his shoulder against his mother, he would remain the stable wall for her to lean on in these unstable times. Pain laced through him like acid in his veins, and he nearly trembled. Roman was dead, their home swept from under them. The only home Vitus had ever known? Where would they go now?

When Amalia began to speak her agony and guilt sliced deep in his heart, and he would step forward just as she stepped back. Brows would furrow, eyes would shine a sheen of unshed tears. "'s not your fault..." Soft voice whispered over the silence, staring at her but not moving from his mother's side. "'ama, please, jus'...'s not your fault..." Vitus didn't know what else to say, and with wide eyes he searched his brothers, hoping they might have the vocabulary to help their small but large hearted mother. With a small, nearly silent whimper he would press harder against his mother. As tears continued to fall, he would reach over to try and lick at Athena's cheek, to help sooth the sadness that flooded out of her. "Ya got us, ma..." His unused voice would rasp as he tried to nuzzle under her chin again. They would stick together, no matter the odds.

"Burn Baby Burn"

[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



7 Years
01-24-2015, 04:10 AM
Archelaus hadn't exactly expected good news from the tones. The sadness now consuming his mother was comparable to that in the memories of their father's disappearance, they had been dark times Athena had been so upset and they had all been so confused. They had made it through all that and come out brilliantly all the same, even if Vitus was a little broken with the lack of speech, at last he'd proven it was in there somewhere though.

This was worse though. Someone hadn't just walked out of their lives they had been taken from it forever and now their home too was gone. It'd be wrong to call Archie the quiet one of his brothers, but he had no words now. Even Vitus continued to speak, little words of comfort to help their mothers but he had nothing. What on earth could you say to that?



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

01-26-2015, 10:56 PM

The news that his mother had to give them was worse than he could have imagined. The loss of a family member was heart breaking enough, but this was unimaginable. He was stunned to silence, his ears falling back against his skull while his mismatched eyes watched his mothers with despair. Slowly his gaze would fall to his forepaws as the sorrow seemed to swallow him whole. It seemed that just as things had begun to settle back into normalcy life would throw another curve ball at them. Roman gone, their pack gone.

Everything seemed muffled around him, too lost in his own thoughts to really listen to what was happening or see what was going on. One ear would twitch as he registered Momma Ama's suggestion of them going to live in the pack that was next door to their own. He didn't know anything about this other pack, but as long as he was with his mothers and brothers he was sure he would be happy where ever they ended up. He would lift his eyes to glance around at the group again, his eyes landing breifly on his Aunt Talvi. He would be happy if she joined them too. The more of their quickly dwindling family he had around him the better.

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