
Go ahead, give me hell



6 Years
Extra large
01-23-2015, 09:41 PM

i am a rock
Pull up, she been purring like a kitten ravin' your love. I've been counting down the days you been gone a little too long, patient knowing exactly what it is. The mirrors, the mirrors, up on the ceiling got things so visual, so visual. Babe, I ain't never felt so right, yeah

The Titan would never have given away any information on his family to a stranger, but Anais was no longer that to him. This sweet, adventurous girl was now a friend he would not want to see leave his life. After their day of adventurous, which, well fruitless had been a lot of fun, he had decided to come back the next day. It wasn't hard to find the girl, she was once again near the land he had first met and he was starting to assume she lived in that area. When he had asked her to come and meet his family she had been quite surprised by the request – but perhaps that was to be expected, he had after all been very allusive and vague with information about them in their first meeting.

In fact, this meeting wasn't entirely Glacier's idea, after telling Volt about Anais, he had of course wanted to see her. Already he dreaded what his family might do or say, through he wasn't entirely certain on how to warn Anais about the potential dangers of embarrassment. “I have a big family, and there... erratic, don't mind their teasing” he told her as they neared the mountain his family had made a temporary home on. With just this insignificant warning he would throw back his head and howl for any members of his family that where near by.

Glacier Elemantas




5 Years
01-23-2015, 11:15 PM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2015, 05:06 PM by Anais.)

Walk | Talk | Think

Anais could not believe it. She was almost to the place and yet it still had not fully sunk in that it was really happening. She was going to meet Glacier's family. The elusive, secretive bunch that he had taken so many pains not to mention or bring attention to in order to keep them safe from any sort of harm. She was going to meet them! It had startled her almost beyond words when the deep blue wolf had mentioned it, making her eyes go wide and her jaw to nearly fall slack before she realized she was supposed to be answering him and not staring at him in such blatant disbelief. Of course she had answered yes - how could she possibly turn down an offer like that! - and excitedly she had followed after him as he led her along the path that he took from his home to hers.

Somewhere along the way, however, excitement had given way to nerves. She knew nothing about them save the little that Glacier had alluded to - things that included the vastly different preferences that each held as well as a single brother named Voltage - which was not enough for her to go off of and make any sort of assumptions before she arrived. She was walking in blind, right into the midst of a bunch of strangers who were likely as protective about their brother as he was of them, and she was nothing more than an outsider. Would they tolerate her? Would they feel threatened by her arrival? Would they welcome her among them or possibly find fault in her? The poor girl's thoughts were all over the place as she trailed along beside her mountainous friend, and the closer they got the more it began to steal the brightness from her face and replace it with open worry.

By the time they entered the family's home location and he offered her a small warning, she could only manage a half-hearted smile and a jittery chuckle before he called for them, the noise sealing the fact they had arrived and there was no turning back. I'm meeting his family. Her ears slowly turned to tuck against her head, her eyes watchful and looking for any sign of the wolves that Glacier claimed as his siblings though she had no idea what they would look like and whether or not they would hold any striking resemblances to the glacial giant beside her. The suddenly timid, grey and gold girl tried to be strong, to be brave and stand on her own, but felt the urge to shrink in on herself as she waited. Rather than doing so, however, she chose instead to sidle closer to Glacier, moving to stand shoulder to shoulder with him as she glanced up at him with an anxious smile, "I'm nervous."

OOC: Arin has requested that Voltage get to reply first, so if you all don't mind waiting on him to show up that would be awesome. c:
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
01-26-2015, 02:11 AM
Voltage Elementas was never too far away from anything. He was always somewhere, and where it was seemed to always have something excited. He just happened to somehow find his way into the thick of things. Wherever Voltage went there was a party, and if there weren't he would create one. It seemed that he had stumbled upon a party in the making, sneaking on light paws from behind the couple, downwind from his brother's sharp senses. His body meanuvered closer to the ground as he tried to blend his brightly colored fur into the background (an impossible feat, he already knew.) Even if Glacier saw him or not, Voltage didn't care, he would listen on before smirking. "Oh, Madame~!" He said over the distance, lifting himself up to his full height and trotting towards the little one. "There is no need to be nervous, my little mistress. You are a very special one, indeed!" He would tease, turning shining eyes up to his brother and offering a playful smile, but one that promised he would help carrel his energetic siblings and keep the new girl from getting too overwhelmed.

"Welcome to the home of the Elementas, little madame" He nearly purred, turning bright stormy eyes in her direction. With a swish of his tail he would step closer in an attempt to touch his nose to her neck, moving so quickly away from her side to circle around to his brother and touch his shoulder to the Titan's. "Perhaps a dip in would have been better than a full dive, hey brother?" He breathed, smiling up at him. Voltage would have much rather liked to have met the little woman well before his family, and he could have counselled his brother on how to properly introduce her to Sere and Selini so that she wouldn't become scarred. But regardless, there was no turning back. The bulls were loose. He turned back towards the little woman, to Anais, a smile upon his lips.

"I am Voltage Elementas, littermate of this wall of ice here. And don't worry, Glacier can be rather melodramatic when it comes to us." He said with a tease, shaking his head just slightly. "Has he spoken of us, much?" He doubted it, for Glacier had to be prodded and pronged to release any information about Anais to his closest brother, but that's the way Glacier was and there was no way Voltage would ever be upset for who Glacier was. "If not, do not fret, it is very much expected." He said with a gentle smile. This was not the time to be jumping all over this shy seeming little woman, and he would control his sporadic energy around her, just untill he knew she could handle it. He wanted to defend her against the fire of his sister, and the coy being that made up his beloved lunamaiden. Anyone else, they would be able to properly control themselves around the new stranger. "And don't fret at the young ones, they have only recently joined us. They could be stinging please, don't take anything here to heart." He would council, offering her the brightest of grins and hoping to get all his words out before his siblings would come flooding.

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
02-20-2015, 11:55 PM
Walk | Talk  | Think  

Gale's ears perked the moment she heard her brother's call, and as she processed it she became confused. What was this about? Very rarely did her brother actually need to gather them all in one place, and at least to her knowledge he usually made a point to speak with each of them individually if anything was up that needed talking through. There was nothing that she could think of that would need them all in one place, except... Had something happened? Was there news that he needed to tell all of them at the same time? It could not have been anything bad - the tone of his voice had been too cool for that - but it had to be something...right?

Curious now, very much so, the grey and lavender wolf got to her paws from where she had been sky watching and hurried down the mountainside to find her sibling. All the while her thoughts were racing, turning, twisting, trying to decide what might have been the reason for Glacier's call. Only when she drew nearer, could scent and see both her elder brothers conversing, did she begin to relax. If Voltage was smiling this easily then it really could not have been anything direly important.

"What's this all about? What are we--?" It took her walking closer and somewhat around her brother to finally notice the nervous creature at his side, small enough to be dwarfed by him so well that she had been invisible except from a direct angle. "Oh!" she exclaimed, surprised, confused, and unable to put any of it together for herself. Who was this? Where had she come from? And why was she standing so close to Glacier that it looked as it she was going to go hiding beneath him at a moment's notice? "Who's this?" Gale asked, her question directed at whoever would answer, but with a playful twinkle in her eye, she teased her blue, mountain of a brother, "Are we taking in strays, Glacier?"