
all of the ghouls; come out to play


01-26-2015, 06:17 PM

It was mid-day and again the pup was off to explore Imperium. Since she'd met Revenge she had decided that she should try more, she should try to meet the wolves of this pack. Perhaps it wasn't a total write-off, Revenge had been nice. She still walked with a slight limp from where she'd bitten her paw, but she tried not to let it slow her down. Greek had been resting around the other pups, when she had walked off- which was something she seemed to do a lot of lately. She just didn't feel as connected with her siblings. She was trying to be less grouchy, and trying to understand that Daddy had important things to do but she... she wasn't sure what she wanted.

She'd put quite a bit of distance between her and their den before she slowed to a more leisurely walk. Away from her siblings she could practice stalking and maybe even hunt! She could show everyone how good she was. Her rump wiggling, she lowered her head and sniffed at the ground trying to find the scent of something. She crept forward, her nose twitching as she tried to distinguish scents. She was at it for several minutes before she sat back heavily on her butt and let out an annoyed "Humph!" She frowned with annoyance. Who knew tracking could be so hard?! She knew the scent of a deer- Daddy had brought plenty of it home, so why couldn't she fine ones scent? It couldn't be that hard, could it?

Greek Speak -- Bellona Speak  

Mercy I


5 Years

01-26-2015, 07:51 PM (This post was last modified: 01-27-2015, 09:24 PM by Evelyn.)

The girl had been wandering rather aimlessly as of late, not able to really focus on anything at all. Now that Dione and her family were gone, she felt like there was a small part of her missing. She knew that she wasn't close to the children, but she had considered Dione to be like a mother to her. She sighed and shook her head, trying to remember that Revenge was here for her, and would always be there for her. She was lucky to have him, and she needed to stop focusing on the negative. So her goal for today was to find something to do, and she wasn't going to stop until she found that something.

Making her way across the knolls, her purple eyes fell on a child who flopped on her rump in frustration. The growing girl let out a chuckle, picking her way down to the little one. Mercy was very large, so she walked slowly towards the girl so that she didn't shock her, barking when she was about three feet away from her. "Looking for something?" she asked softly, a smile on her pale maw. Mercy flopped down beside the girl, head laying on her paws so that she was looking up at the child. Mercy wasn't that much older than her, but she felt a lot older. She was just over a season old, although she didn't understand why she felt a lot older than that. Perhaps it was from all the fighting, or her sheer determination of clawing up the ranks.

Mercy didn't know who this girl was, which was surprising. She had picked up the scent of a new family, but hadn't gone to see who they were. There was an air of sadness around them, and while she had seen them from a distance she had left them alone. It was obvious that something had happened, and while she wondered what she knew that it would be rude to march up and ask them. This little girl smelled like the ones who had come in though, which might be why she seemed so frustrated. Mercy knew what it was like to lose something, although for her it had been her choice to leave her parents.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


01-27-2015, 09:09 PM

A soft bark caused her to jump slightly, and Bellona looked around to see a white wolf approaching. At first- she thought it was Revenge, until the stranger drew closer and she realized that while this wolf looked an awful lot like Revenge- they were a she, and they didn't have the same eyes AND they had extra dots above their eyes. Bellona's tail wagged, disturbing the dirt behind her as she smiled slightly at the stranger. The she-wolf flopped down on the ground and suddenly, Bellona was the bigger one! Bellona nodded at her question, and responded lightly. "I was trying to find a deer to hunt." She said matter of factly- unaware at how absurd it would be for a 3 month old pup to even consider taking down a deer. She just wanted to be useful.

"You look an awful lot like another wolf I met a few days ago...." She said with a smile, her tone puzzled. Was this the sister Revenge had spoke of? This she-wolf sure was pretty, she was really tall like Revenge... and she had the same violet eyes that Roman had. "I'm Bellona Aurum Armada." She introduced herself with pride. The same kind of pride she'd be taught to have in her name. "What's your name, Miss?" She asked politely. She didn't want this wolf to think her to be rude- and Momma wouldn't approve of that! She had to make Momma proud, and hope that whereever Momma went when she died- she maybe could see her!

Greek Speak -- Bellona Speak  

Mercy I


5 Years

02-01-2015, 01:48 PM

She saw the poor girl jump at her bark, and her face twisted slightly. She hadn't meant to scare her, which is why she had made a sound, but the pup seemed to be quite edgy. But as soon as the girl looked around and saw Mercy, her tail began to wag and she flashed the pup a grin. See, she wasn't that scary after all. As she flopped down the girl went on to say that she had been looking for deer to hunt, and Mercy let out a soft laugh. "The deer here are really big and bulky, black with big horns! They are pretty big and scary, and they are called buffalo. Not even I can take one of them down all alone, but if you want we can do take a peek at the herd." She offered. The buffalo had scared her when she first got here, she ha never seen anything like that before. She didn't question why she wanted to track one down, the poor girl was probably just looking to be useful, much like she had when she first came here. Perhaps her and this child were a lot alike.

At the puppies comment about her looking like someone, her smile grew. "I have a brother here named Revenge, I'm his sister, she said, wondering if this girl had met her brother. When she spoke her name with such pride the girl flashed an even wider grin. "Well its a pleasure to meet you Bellona Aurum Armada." Mercy giggled, repeating the dolls whole name back to her. When asked for her own name so politely, it brought up her interest in Bellona. She didn't have those kind of manners when she was her age. "My name is Mercy."

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.