



5 Years
01-26-2015, 08:14 PM

She lays motionless at the mouth of the den, her eyes glued to the misty forest that surrounds the small cavern. A few week ago she would have considered this her home- but now, it was nothing to her but a reminder. A reminder that Artemis had abandoned her. The ivory temptress had stepped out one night, and as Fiamette had always feared she would do, never returned. The carmine viper had spent many nights circling the soulless forest searching for scent trails or clues, but after many hours of finding absolutely no evidence of Artemis, she had given up. It seemed as if Artemis had done this on purpose. How could Artemis do this to her? Fiamette loved her, she LOVED her damniit! Hadn't Artemis felt the same? Why hadn't she cared about Fiamette, or Ody?

A snarl slips from curled lips, her eyes slamming shut as she fights the feeling of release. No. She will not cry over this woman. A soft sigh spills into the silence that accompanies her vacant den, her volcanic gaze once again falling upon the mist cloaked forest. Ody was somewhere near by, probably searching for his mother still. But without Artemis, the soulless forest didn't feel like home. And so she makes the decision that Ody and herself must leave, even if Ody opposes the idea. Artemis didn't want to be a mother, that was painfully obvious- but she, she would be better than that. Ody needs a mother, and she is more than ready to step up to the role for Ody's sake. After all, he is the only one in this world who feels the same heartache over Artemis that she does.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"


01-28-2015, 06:15 PM

His mother had fled. Just up and disappeared. He spent hours searching the forest, desperate to find her. But it was no use, his mother was gone. A whine would leave his dark lips as he stood silently in the middle of his home. Shoulders sagged, his tail limp, head hung so low his nose nearly touched the ground. He had disappointed his mother, he had let her down. It was the only reason he could come up with for why she had left him behind. He would turn, seeking to the return to his den. Paws dragged at he moved, his silver gaze downcast, ears pulled back against his skull. He moved slowly, despair written all over his young features. His was a failure, a disappointment.

He find Fia already at the den, his gaze lifting just enough to see her face. It was apparent that she was upset by his mothers sudden disappearance as well. Suddenly overcome with the desire to be comforted, he would rush forward, burying himself in her neck, seeking to wiggle into her embrace. "She doesn't love me." He would whimper into her red fur, eyes clenched shut to hold back tears that threatened to spill over. His body trembled, physically displaying his emotional turmoil.




5 Years
01-28-2015, 06:37 PM

She is so caught up in her thoughts that she does not notice Ody walk into the den until he is physically pushed into her embrace, his small face buried in the thick fur that lines her neck. Carmine audits fold flat against her skull as the boy whimpered and began to shake, his words causing her heart to drop into her stomach. No, this wasn't Ody's fault... If it was anyone's fault, it was hers. She hadn't done enough to make Artemis stay, she hadn't been a good lover, a good mate. “Shhhhh, Ody, it is not your fault.” She says in a whisper as she coils herself protectively around the child, her bushy tail laying in front of her to hide Ody from the rest of the world. “It's my fault. I couldn't convince her to stay... I... wasn't enough.” She reassures the boy, hoping her words will lift away a peice of the darkness that grips Ody's little heart. He could hate her if he wanted to, but at least he wouldn't feel like this was his fault... And that is all she wants. Tears begin to fill her eyes, but she doesn't allow them to spill over. Instead she clears her throat, but it is painfully obvious that she is extremely upset. Her small body begins to tremble along with Ody's.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"