
Lover's Eyes



7 Years
01-26-2015, 11:46 PM

This was the last time that she had seen her mother.

A lot had changed since then, and now that they had lost their home she was more intent than ever to track down her mother. She had no idea that so much had happened down here as well, and when she neared the area she picked up the scent of a pack. The tiny woman froze, head tilting to the side as she sniffed at the marker with more vigor. Her mothers scent was still mixed in, and way too fresh to well... be old. She hadn't thought that her mother would ever rejoin a pack after giving her own up, but it looked like she had been corrected once again. The girl smiled, Pip always had ways to surprise her.

Looking over her shoulder, Amalia chuckled when she saw how far back Athena was. She could tell that her wife was nervous, but she was too. Last time she had met with her mother she had made her feelings about the Armada's pretty clear... That had been why she had left out being in love with one of them. "Come on darling, she won't bite that hard," she teased, looking straight ahead of her as she searched the pack lands. She didn't know who ran this pack, but her mother's scent was pretty strong. Tipping back her red coloured head she let loose a song for her mother, and her mother alone. As her call came to an end and her head leveled, her blue eyes sparked open in realization. Was this her mothers pack? She gazed over at Athena, her brow rising in question. Did Epiphron run another pack?

"Talk" "You" Think

Athena I


9 Years
01-27-2015, 12:02 AM

Athena had felt a heavy sense of nervousness and unease the whole trip down here and the feeling only got worse as they neared the place that Amalia had said she had last seen her mother. It didn't help that the heat was stronger here than she hardly ever experienced, rarely venturing out of the north at all. She had been born and raised up there after all. But, she was willing to go through it all and more for Amalia so here she was, trailing along behind her little woman. As they neared the mangroves her steps became more and more hesitant until she began to lag behind. Her black tipped ears perked to listen to her girl's teasing words. A nervous chuckle left her in response even though she wasn't entirely sure Amalia was right.

She picked up the pace to catch up with Amalia, coming to a halt beside her when they both realized that they had come to a pack's border. She watched her wife closely, seeing the various expressions that crossed her russet face. Athena smelled the scents that mingled in the border marking, happening to catch one among the many muddled scents of the pack that was similar to Amalia's in the way all family members shared a similar scent. So her mother was here? Amalia lifted her head to call for her and Athena watched as some realization crossed her face. Athena's gaze was curious, but she didn't question. Instead she leaned down to give her wife a small kiss on the cheek and a smile before turning her gaze forward again, waiting for her wife's mother to appear. It was now or never.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-27-2015, 06:04 PM (This post was last modified: 01-27-2015, 06:18 PM by Evelyn.)
Note: this is after Jupiter's death, before Epiphron has done anything with Ludicael. It is hers now but she hasn't calling a meeting yet.

Jupiter was dead, gone -- Ludicael was officially hers.

What it meant for her, she was not sure. As the highest in the pack, and the rightful heir, the pack was in her control now. But did she even want a pack again, let alone one full of cowards, of strangers? Most of the wolves here were spineless and unwilling to stand up for anything, even their own freedom. A wary eye was cast upon the lands as she wandered, her steps deliberate and careful as she found herself trailing the borders of this place she had come to know as home. Wondering if an empire was something she wanted again, or if she'd be better off letting these wolves free, of easing back into the life of a loner, with no ties to land or kin, save for her children.

And yet the possibility of a crown was tempting. The imminent possibility for power and control was there and she found courage seeping into her core, igniting a fire within her that she had not known for some time. Would her children stay with her here? Might they finally be one family again? Perhaps the mere fact of having a kingdom would bring to her family that she had not seen in some time.. and here, she was certain she could provide a safe haven for all that she loved, far safer than they might be elsewhere.

It surprised her to hear Amalia's call so soon. Though it was only last season that they had reunited again, as far as she knew, her oldest daughter was living in the north with some of the Armadas. A choice that she didn't approve of, and she had made her dislike of the family quite clear, though never had she told her that she didn't support her choices. And it certainly wouldn't change the love she had for Amalia, even if imagining her sweet daughter living amongst them formed a knot in her stomach.

It is with ease that she redirects her pawsteps, aiming to close the distance between herself and her daughter. Her expression is guarded, largely unreadable as the two wolves come into view -- the one that stands beside Amalia, Epiphron does not know. A wary stare is cast upon her before she turns her full attention to her daughter, moving to embrace her gently.

"My Amalia," she greets her with a smile. "What brings you here, my sweet?" Only briefly does she turn to regard the other, noting an air of nervousness in her posture but unwilling to ask who she is quite yet.



7 Years
01-27-2015, 06:55 PM (This post was last modified: 01-27-2015, 07:14 PM by Amalia.)

The woman searched Athena's face, confusion written all over it. She didn't have to wait long though, soon the sound of falling paw pads caught her attention. Red ears turned towards the sound, her head soon following as she saw her mother making her way towards her. A large smile spread across Amalia's face, her little rabbit tail wagging with so much vigor that it made her rump follow in suit. She wanted to race towards her mother, but the scent marker made her hesitate. She still didn't know if this pack belonged to Epiphron or not, and she didn't want to risk it. So she waited, her whole body almost quivering as she waited for Pip to come close, letting out a soft whine as she pressed her coloured face into her pale neck. She couldn't help but notice her mothers stoney features, and her blue eyes searching her mothers face. Swallowing hard she pressed a sot kiss to Pip's left cheek before she forced herself to sit on her pale rump. Now she felt nervous, and glanced over at Athena for some courage. But her poor darling was more nervous than she was, which perhaps gave her enough courage to go on.

"Mother dearest," she started, stump of a tail wiggling on the ground, "This is Athena Armada. She's um..." Amalia sucked in a big breath of air, a flush running up to her cheeks. "She's my wife," Ama's voice wavered slightly as she spoke. She knew that her mother had made it clear that she didn't like the Armada's, but she had saved her when she was sick and nearly frozen to death. She swallowed again, clearing her throat as her blue eyes dropped down to her paws. "She saved me when I was lost and sick, and took me in. And I fell madly in love with her," eyes looked up at Athena, her smile growing as she looked at her. "and Athena returned my love."

Amalia shuffled her front paws, looking at Epiphron. "Roman Armada was killed by bears trying to protect her young," she said, choking on the words as they left her maw. Grief was thick in her voice, guilt heavy in her eyes. She still thought that she would have been able to save the woman, if only she was called. "we lost our pack and our home. So I came to find you, and these scent markers..." the tiny girl searched her mother's face again, her smile growing a bit larger. "Do you have a pack again? A place that our family could call home? Athena had four boys, and I have adopted them as their mother. They are your grandkids, mother. And it would give me no greater joy than to be with you at last. Athena is willing to leave her home in the North for this, so that we could be together -- with you," Amalia leaned against the silver wolf, head tipping up to gaze lovingly at the woman. "I know you don't like the Armada's mother, I know that things happened but... she's not like them." Letting out a small whine she eyed her mother, pleading with her. "I don't want to be away from you any longer Mother, I want us to be together again, all of us."

Athena I


9 Years
01-27-2015, 11:48 PM

Moments would pass by, heavy and thick with nervous energy. Every once in a while she would glance to Amalia, but for the most part she kept her gaze forward, her eyes searching for an approaching form. Finally a pale woman would appear, the family resemblance striking between Amalia and this woman. It made Athena curious about the appearances of Amalia's siblings, yet more members of Amalia's life she had yet to meet. The more she thought about the more her heart grew sad. She and Amalia had been together for quite some time now and yet she knew very little of Amalia's family. Amalia knew all of Athena's family, had truly been made a part of it even, and Athena knew basically nothing about Amalia's.

However, that was about to change. Epiphron eyed her, obviously guarded and not entirely pleased with her presence. Athena sat quietly while Amalia greeted her mother, as wiggly and happy as ever. A smile tugged at Athena's lips as she watched her easily excited wife. Amalia sat down on her haunches and so Athena would as well, sitting just to the side and a little behind Amalia. Her wife would glance back at her and Athena would offer the most encouraging smile she could muster though she was afraid that wasn't much. Athena's heart was pounding as she watched her mother-in-law's face for her reactions. She knew full well the history between her family and Amalia's, she only hoped Epiphron could see past all that. They needed a home and, more importantly, Amalia deserved to be with her family. The only family Athena needed was Amalia and her boys. She could always visit Talvi where ever her blue hued sister ended up, but she had kept Amalia away from her family for far too long. She knew all too well that the north wasn't exactly a welcoming place, nor was her family at times, but those things were gone now. Now it was Amalia's turn.

Amalia began to speak and Athena would remain quiet and still the whole time. Her split-tone gaze would meet Amalia's when she looked up at her, smiling and giving a small nod of conformation. She did wholeheartedly return Amalia's love. Athena's dark-tipped ears flicked back against her skull, the pain of loss flashing across her face when Amalia mentioned Roman. Those emotions were still fairly fresh and the mention of them brought it back to the surface. She pushed these feelings away and returned her focus on Amalia and her mother as Amalia went on to ask about this pack and Epiphron's place in it, along with the possibility that Amalia, Athena, and their boys could join it. Amalia leaned into her and she turned her gaze down to peer at her wife, her gaze softening and a small smile curling at her lips.

When Amalia fell silent she lifted her gaze toward Epiphron again, her eyes searching Pip's face. "You raised an amazing woman," she said with a smile, speaking in calm, even tones. "Amalia has helped me through so much... I don't know what I would do without her." Her expression growing a bit more serious she went on, "I fully understand the history between our families and I want to express how sorry I am. My father and mother were... Well, they certainly made some poor decisions. Well... He did. My mother just followed him and would follow him to the ends of the earth. I can't fault her for that I guess. I was not at all involved with his decisions and I will never be able to understand them. She paused, glancing down at Amalia's beautiful face and smiling before looking back up to Epipron. "Please, all I ask is that you let me prove myself to you. I only want what is best for Amalia and our sons and if being here makes Amalia happy then that's a step in the right direction."

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-28-2015, 12:20 PM

Save for the warmth and adoration that glowed within her cool blue stare, her stance and expression were largely unreadable. Everything had changed, and so suddenly; the strong woman found her heart aching for Jupiter, for the loss of a woman she had only barely grown to know, but who had always reminded her of a time she knew she could never return to. What would she do now, with what Jupiter had given her? She didn't feel as though she owed her anything, but something in her made her want to keep this kingdom alive, to make it thrive as it once had. She had once craved power, and she was intoxicated by knowing it was within her grasp, so easily obtained.. though only if she chose to.

There was no doubt in her mind that she wanted a home for her children and their families, especially as Amalia rushed forward to embrace her, as cheerful as ever. A smile painted her own features, overwhelmed by the joy at seeing her daughter again so soon after they had parted ways. But soon the embrace would be broken, and Amalia would pull away from her and lean against the silver-furred at her side. This was no normal meeting. There was obviously something on theirs mind, something that they were in need of, and it became even more evident when she introduced Athena.

There was an admission offered, and some surprising news to follow. This woman, Athena, was who Amalia considered her wife. They no longer had a home. And they had children. "Who is their father, and where is he?" Amalia had referred to them as her children, but if there was a male she ought to expect storming in and looking for them -- she felt she had every right to know. Still her gaze was scrutinizing as she watched Amalia, taking in the sudden information, letting it shift sharply to Athena as she began to speak. Her tones were laced with a hint of sadness and desperation that Epiphron found herself appreciating. If she'd come here in any other manner -- acting demanding, arrogant, or rude -- she might've lost it. And yet she seemed polite as she spoke, repeating some of what Amalia had told her, complimenting her daughter and explaining they wanted a home here, with her, for their family.

It took a moment for her to take in all of the information that suddenly bombarded her, and her mind quickly reeled backwards to the first news she had given her. The pain in Athena's gaze was obvious. It made a sick, even sadistic sense of satisfaction well in her chest, though she was silent. Roman had cheered on Isardis with little hesitation, quite vocal in hoping for her brother's death. Seeing that, and hearing the cheers of those that had wished his demise had been nothing but raw, emotional torture. Knowing now that a child of Isardis was dead was a comforting thing. Perhaps the heartless brute might one day return to Alacritia to find her dead, and what a sweet sense of retribution that would someday bring her.

It made an even sweeter sense of pride fill her core at the whole situation. Here was an Armada, a child of Isardis himself, nearly pleading to stay here with her. Without Amalia involved, it would've been an easy decision, but her sweet daughter's expectant stare made the decision a thousand times more cumbersome.

"I know I raised an amazing woman," she would reply coolly, taking a moment to collect her thoughts. "I can only hope that I can say the same for your father." There was no hint of warmth there, only a thinly veiled layer of irritation that masked the pure abhorrence she held for the man. "I want my daughter to stay with me, where she will be safe, and so I'll give you this," Epiphron begin, her ears twitching slightly as she considered. "A place for both of you to live, free from harm, with your children." It was strange to consider that Amalia had adopted children with this woman, and she could not grasp the concept fully; and yet she kept her reservations to herself. She would prefer for Amalia to stay here, and she knew that her daughter wanted to stay with her wife and children.

Another moment of silence would follow as she considered what she might say next. There was an undeniable pain that tugged at her heard, firm and unforgiving, a painful reminder of all that Athena's family had done to her. The pain they had caused was real and was not something she could ever forget, no matter how firmly Amalia claimed that Athena was good and had always treated her well. "I will tell you both," she explained carefully, her voice low, gaze fixating on Amalia to gauge her reaction. "The former leader of Ludicael -- Jupiter -- she is dead, and this pack is now mine." Her decision was sudden, but she could not deny Amalia in her time of need. "I want you to stay here, though I expect nothing but respect from you." Her voice was cold as she eyed Athena, directing her words towards her alone. She'd been a Queen once, and now here she stood -- little more than a pawn, one that Epiphron was certain she could manipulate, if she were a more vindictive woman. The things one would do for love.... Epiphron knew if their love was true, Athena would do nothing to jeopardize her place here, with Amalia. "And I will not hesitate to take action if you so much as look at my daughter the wrong way." There was nothing quite as fierce as the love of a mother, and nothing more wrathful than a mother whose child had been harmed... something that Athena likely did not want to see.

And yet her daughter's soft whine would break her, stony expression slipping slightly as she turned to her again. "I love you, Amalia," she told her as she moved to nuzzle the side of her daughter's face gently. "And I'm glad you came to me. I'd love for you to stay here."



7 Years
01-28-2015, 02:39 PM

Athena had given her all the courage she had needed, and her lovers words had warmed her heart so much. She felt like melting against the woman, never before had she felt so in love with this woman as she did now. Almost feeling like crying she blinked up at the silver woman and beamed, nuzzling into her broad shoulder and nibbling it slightly. She knew with all her heart that Athena was not a wrong doer, and that she would work her sexy little butt off to prove herself to her mother. And for that she couldn't be any more grateful. Her eyes glanced over to her mother, her question about the boys father coming up. Her red ears pressed tightly against her her head, gaze shifting slightly. "He's gone, there is no need to worry about him," she said softly, leaving his name out of it ass she slide her right paw over to Athena, resting it atop Athena's left. She knew that her wife was still saddened by the mans departure, and she didn't wish to upset her further.

It wasn't long before her mothers words grew more cold, and the woman narrowed her blue eyes slightly at Pip. She knew that she had all rights to be reserved, but there was no reason to be rude. At the note about her father Ama's jaw dropped and she rose from her seated position. "Mother!" she called, rather aghast at her. Hackles bristled slightly along her spine, the sweet girl wasn't going to just sit here when her wife was talked to like that. "Athena's father was hardly around in her upbringing, several times he had walked away and left them alone. He left Athena with a kingdom when she was only a year old, expecting her to hold the same views. When he confronted her about it she cut all ties with him, broke the pack away from his tyrant reign. I know that things happened in the passed..." she said, her voice steadily growing softer as her words rushed out, "but I assure you that no one knows better about how much of an awful man he was than Athena does." There was only a short break before Epiphron said that she would give them a home here and she let out a soft breath, lowering herself down to a seated position right now. "Thank you Mother, really. I am sure the boys will be happy to come and meet you," she said with a soft smile, going easily back to her happy demeanor, "and I was head healer back in Regium. Athena was Queen and then heir, but I know that she is a skilled fighter." Amalia looked back over at Athena again, seeing if her wife agreed.

When Pip spoke again she softly rolled her eyes at her mother, when she said that she needed nothing more than respect. She knew that it was directed at her wife, because her mother looked very pointedly at her. Amalia knew that Athena would work hard to prove herself, because she was just that type of determined mother. It was sad that the passed leader had died though, it would seem that a lot of wolves were losing their lives this season. She beamed at her mother though, pride clear in her coloured face. "I'm proud of her Mother, so very proud. I know its been awhile, but maybe this will bring as all into one place. It hasn't been that way since we were little." She mused. She missed being around all of her sibling, and was very excited for Athena and the boys to meet them all. They were all scattered around Alacrita, so gathering them up might take awhile. When Epiphron said that she was going to bite if Athena looked at her wrong, she couldn't help but giggle softly and peek over at Athena. "See, I told you she didn't bite that hard."

At last she saw the part of her mother that she had been waiting for, that stony gaze slipping from her. She slipped her neck around Pip's and tried to hold her close, breathing in the scent she had missed to much. "I missed you Mother, and you know I love you too," she said softly, pushing even closer into the woman, "and I couldn't be any happier than to be here with you."

Athena I


9 Years
01-29-2015, 11:39 PM

The first question from Epiphron's mouth wasn't an unexpected one, but it was still one that was hard to hear and answer. Her ears fell back against her skull and a visible pain flicked across her features at the thought of Vereux. He had either abandoned them or had been killed in some way and neither option gave her much solace. She struggled to find the words, but luckily Amalia came to the rescue, placing her paw over her own and quickly giving Pip an answer for her. Athena glanced gratefully toward her wife giving her a small smile before glancing back up to her mother-in-law. She wasn't sure if that would be enough to satisfy Pip's question, but she certainly hoped it would be. At least for now. That was one rabbit hole she wasn't quite ready to go down.

Epiphron's words were cold and biting. Athena remained silent, quietly taking the harsh comment about her father with just a flick of her ears as response. However, it seemed Amalia wasn't happy remaining so quiet. Her little fireball of a woman sudden burst out in her defense, laying out all the truths that she had not dared voice thanks to her pride and sense of family loyalty. She did not believe in any of her father's views, this was true, and she certainly agreed that he was a vengeful tyrant, but she could never bring herself to say those words aloud. It felt like sacrilege to do so. She wouldn't interrupt Amalia as she voiced them however, just letting her gaze lower toward the ground and glance toward her wife instead. A weak smile tugged at her lips and she leaned down to give Amalia a small kiss on the top of her russet head when she finally fell silent, a silent thank you.

Athena pulled her gaze back up to Pip when she spoke to grant them a home here and she felt a huge weight lift from her shoulders. She didn't know how their sons would feel about this move just yet, but they would have a home. They would have somewhere that could be kept safe and fed and would get to have the opportunity to be properly trained by more than just herself. Amalia explained her recent position as head healer as well as Athena's recent leadership positions and skills in fighting. Athena nodded to confirm this, adding, "I have been a warrior for as long as I've been able to fight."

Pip went on to share with them that the former leader of this pack had also died and Athena would dip her head sadly, knowing all too well what it was like to loose an alpha unexpectedly like that. "You and all she was close to have my deepest sympathies," she replied quietly. Once again Pip would direct her cold words toward her and Athena would take them, knowing full well where she now stood with her wife's mother. She nodded in understanding, her eyes meeting Epiphron's. She appriciated Amalia's confidence in her as she spoke, but Athena still felt the need to add, "You will have no problems from me. I care for your daughter far too much to ever hurt her." She looked to Amalia then, her expression softening again and a smile coming to her lips. She knew what it was like to he hurt and betrayed. She had felt that sting, felt that pain. She never wanted Amalia to know what that was like. Amalia was joy embodied and Athena wanted that joy to remain untainted.

Athena would lean away from Amalia as Epiphron came to embrace her daughter, letting the two of them have their moment of reunion. It made her smile, but at the same time it made her sad. She had never had that kind of relationship with her mother. Argent had been gone most of her childhood and Athena had left the pack before Argent had come back and even after that Argent was scarce at best before she disappeared entirely the same time her father had. Neither of her parents had ever been attentive or loving and it made her sad and happy all at the same time to see that Amalia's mother at least had been. She glanced away from them uncomfortably, peering out across the Mangroves to take in their new home instead.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-07-2015, 07:59 AM (This post was last modified: 02-07-2015, 07:59 AM by Epiphron.)
If only Amalia could understand the pain of looking into her wife's face, and seeing her own brother's life fading from his eyes; she was not her father, and yet her blood ran strong through his veins and seeing the face of an Armada was painful at best.

Though her daughter seemed to dodge the question of the father of their children, she still wanted to know; and quietly filed the question away to ask Amalia privately later, for she sensed her daughter's frustration as she began to speak. Her sweet girl had grown alight with fire at her subtle jab at Isardis -- and though she stood strong against her daughter's passionate words, her gaze softened a bit.  "Amalia, things more than just happened." she breathed softly, slight exasperation audible in her voice, though mostly she sounded tired.  "I know Athena is not her father, but that will not stop me from being wary." Her words were straight-forward; there was no need to sugarcoat a truth that all of them knew anyway.  "Isardis raped my niece, killed your uncle Syrinx before my very eyes." Her voice would crack slightly, unsteady as she told Amalia what had happened; unsure if she knew what had happened that day.  "The Queen of Glaciem at the time -- whoever that bitch may be -- blinded your aunt Chrysanthe." The pain that the Armadas had caused her family was nearly unbearable. It was only expected that she be wary of their family, for their patriarch had been tainted with excessive pride and bloodlust; their bloodlines riddled with incest and over-breeding, or so the rumors went. Her tones, normally level and strong, quivered as the pain of the memories flooded her. She was utterly oblivious that the bitch she spoke of was Athena's mother.

"I will do no wrong to Athena," she admitted after a long moment, taking in a sharp breath to level her breathing. It was no surprise that Athena herself said nothing of her harsh words -- for that, she was happy, for she was mostly talking to Amalia. Openly, as she might if her daughter was not married to an Armada. "But her trust will not be easily earned." Still, her gaze softened as she saw the way the pair looked at one another, and she noted the tenderness with which they touched. "I'd be happy to have you as a warrior here," she told Athena with a slow nod, though her gaze was still calculating and unsure. "And I am truly glad that the two of you came to me. I know it wasn't an easy thing." Her words were mostly directed to Athena. In what world would she ever imagine a daughter of Isardis coming to her, asking for a place among her ranks, wanting a home for her family?