
Can't Be Your Angel When I'm Living Like A Devil

Marina I


7 Years
01-28-2015, 12:15 AM

Another day, another adventure. The water, the sound of it calmed her. Such a tranquil sound, so easy and calming, soothing the beast of her heart. The woman stalked across the sands, her paws sinking into the sands. Shaggy coat full across her body in a gentle blanket, keeping her warm despite the cool breeze that rolled in with the waves so early in the morn. The sun was barely beginning to rise, but she, a creature of darkness, had long since been awake. By noon would come the time to sleep, and with nightfall the time of prowling would again begin. But Rainbow minded not her unusual patterns. Paid no heed to the changes within her brain. To her every day was just the same... she lived, she breathed, and one day that would end. But today was not that day, and tomorrow would bring no such blessing to the creatures she dwelled with.

For in Rainbow's mind she knew she was a monster. She knew there was something so horrible wrong and twisted in her actions. But the beast wouldn't cease her judgements. She would not cease her work. No, there was still more to be done. The monsters that killed her family, tore them away from her... there were more that had to lurk. More wolves like them. Wolves that might hurt her precious babus, her daughter Katie and her son Shizuo. Her poor, poor pups. Oh her poor babus. But they were safe, she had insured that the man she left them with, Shinonome, would take good care of them.

But the scent of babus, ones perhaps close to the age of her own children, would make Rainbow stop and give a whine of longing. Before her there was a ship, and the scent of them, those babus, was upon it. The woman would stalk forward, her nose lowered to the ground, breathing in the scent. A girl and a boy... just like hers... Rainbow would stop, give a pitiful whine again before letting loose a sorrowful song into the air. Perhaps the babus would hear it and come give her company. Yes... she would like that. All she wanted was to feel such love.

Table by:: Tea

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]