
So It Goes


01-28-2015, 12:33 PM
She fell into a fitful dream- a strange state of unconsciousness, when she'd returned to the family den. When she opened her eyes, she was back North, standing on the log that Momma used to call meetings on. The world was different though- the once welcoming forest was icky and scary and Bellona felt afraid to be here. Would the world always be this dim without Roman? It was as if the wind answered her thoughts, and she could scent her mother suddenly and strongly. "Momma? She called out, hoping that her dreams would be kind to her- Maybe she'd dream of Momma tonight! She stared around eagerly, hoping that Roman would appear out of the shadows- and she wasn't disappointed. Her eyes grew wide, her jaws dropping open slightly as Momma emerged from the shadows. The scars on her body were gone- she didn't look broken anymore. "Momma!" She cried delightfully, as she barreled towards her.


01-28-2015, 12:38 PM
She was dead, and by the claws of a bear none the less. The irony wasn't lost on her, but what could she do about it now? The world she had found herself in reminded her of a sort of purgatory type thing. It was half heaven, half hell- she could see the worlds blending into each other and hear murmurs of other wolves and smell them. Others were here too, and she could only wonder what they saw as they looked at this world. Wandering about-she found herself pulled towards a dark forest that reminded her painfully of her forest- though she knew that was impossible, and a scent that she recognized as well as she knew her own. Bellona. She approached slowly, the dignity of a Queen was not lost when she passed- and as she emerged, she gave a delightful bark to see and hear her daughter. Bellona barreled towards her and Roman trotted forward to meet her, she tried to nuzzle her daughter- only to be met with the disappointment that all contact seemed to have in this land. "Oh my sweet- I have missed you." She murmured, her voice soft, as she stared down at her daughter. "How are you? How are your siblings... your f-father?" Roman asked, her heart aching as she folded gracefully to a seating position before Bellona.