
Give Me Strength So I Can Stand Beside You



3 Years
01-29-2015, 09:46 AM (This post was last modified: 01-29-2015, 09:46 AM by Svetlana.)
"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Her homecoming was delayed and yet, Svetlana knew that even that had been necessary. It was time to go back to Ebony, with Leo's words held in her heart. The female held her heard high, her blue gaze once more holding the confidence that she had a child. She had faltered, struggled, and grown in her time away from Ebony. Svetlana had learned a lot about the world, of it's twisted ins and outs, of keeping true to herself, of forgiveness and understanding. It was all then, when she outgrew the child she was, developing her adult mindset, that she truly felt it right to return. She had to mature, and come to understand all she had dealt with until that day.

By her side, loyal and faithful, was the one who helped her grow through it all. The polar fox was huffing some, but all in good nature. Korrin had kept Svetlana from falling off into the abyss and not coming back. Kept her companion on track. Her good ear would flick forward, gray eyes shifting to the wolfess by her side. "The borders are up ahead, Svet." The small fox would say. Of course they were... she had learned Ebony reclaimed The Rock Garden. Surely... because that was because a Xanilov ruled. Svetlana would make the rest of the journey, coming to a stop. Despite the fact that Ebony had been her home... she would not yet cross the borders. She wanted to speak with whom was in charge.

Head would tilt back, her singsong alto rising onto the air. Please come, she called. I want to return home.

Table by:: Shelby
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]



7 Years
02-06-2015, 02:23 PM

A familiar voice reached his ears. Familiar, but he had not heard it since Val had taken Ebony. Svetlana.

Moving swiftly through the rocks he came to a stop before her. His eyes, hooded with worries, swept her wordlessly - like him she had grown to adulthood in her absence. A young woman, lovely with her soft grays and her rounded features, but clearly living as a rogue had taken it's toll as it always did. His heart broke to know that if he had been faster to see what was happening he might have mended the rift in their family before it had gotten so far. She might never have spent so long alone, from the protection and the comforts of a pack that could love her, if only she let them.

"Svetlana," he finally greeted, cautiously. "It's good to see you again." He wanted to believe that she was here to be part of the family again, her and he and Sigmarr and Sindri, but he was afraid of being hurt again. And she'd been so angry when Val had taken Ebony, when it was Val's birthright... how would she feel that Kassander had taken it when... well, it wasn't his to take?




3 Years
02-06-2015, 10:18 PM
"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Alone they stood together, if only for a short time. There was no way her call would be ignored. There was no way at all. Her family would come, if she waited. But... would they allow her to return? What of their mother, Raisa? Had she come back yet to speak with her siblings? Korrin would remain by her side, good ear perked, waiting. It had been long, so very long since they last were here... and back then... Svet did not want to think back on it. Last time she had been here, before reconciling with Valeriya, and with her mother, she had acted a fool. A young, naive fool. But now... she prayed that she would be able to prove to them all that she would be better.

It was Kassander who came to her. The new leader of Ebony, passed to by Val. At first she blamed Val for it but... she knew better now. Shifting her perspective on how she viewed the actions of her family helped a ton, and the girl found it in her heart to forgive not her family, but herself, and to understand that they all had their own lives to live. Only in doing that was she able to speak with him now, though Kass had long held a special place in the girl's heart.

"Kass..." The female would close the distance between them, giving a gentle nudge to his shoulder. "No... It's good to see you again. To be... here again." Her gaze would shift, seeking to meet his own. "Kass I... so much has happened. There was so much I needed to learn, and to let go of. I was almost lost..." Her words came strained. "But... I'm here now. I want to come home Kass... I want to be with you, with Ebony again." A silent sentinel, Korrin stood by the girl's forelegs. She would let her gaze shift to Kassander as well though, the little polar fox actually quite glad to see him. Ebony was still belonged to the Xanilov family... and that mattered most to the little critter.

Table by:: Shelby
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]



7 Years
02-11-2015, 02:00 PM

She didn't speak angrily. On the contrary, she was quiet, apologetic. Almost like the Svet she'd been when they were children. Kassander relaxed slightly, though he remained cautious. He searched her face as she spoke, before he himself spoke up hesitantly. "I am alpha of Ebony now, Svet..." He didn't know whether she'd known Val had stepped down, didn't know if she knew he had taken her place. He wondered if she would demand her place over him as tradition said was necessary, now that she knew. He didn't want to step down - he was surprised to find himself rejecting the idea with ferocity. He wanted to be here to shape Ebony into what he dreamed it could be. Was he just clinging to the same old need to be the best? But he was leaping miles ahead in the conversation and hastened to pull himself back to it. "Sindri and Sigmarr are here with me. Sigmarr found her, just like he said he would, and brought her back. I think... I think we'd all like to have you back." He couldn't know what Sindri and Sigmarr really wanted, but as far as he knew neither of them had any reason not to want Svet around so he felt comfortable enough adding them to his own feelings.




3 Years
02-14-2015, 10:57 PM

When Kassander talked it was hesitantly to tell her he was the alpha. It was understandable -- her last little show of anger and immaturity when another sibling became an alpha had hardly been fitting for that of a young lady. Fitting for a sister. Her tantrum had been that of a child, but since then she had grown. Kass had too. At one time he had been the jealous one, jealous of Val. Ebony laws had decreed she was the heir, despite him being the eldest. But life, who you were born to, where you were born, in the end that didn't decide the path you were going to walk. There was more to your life than that. Svetlana would take a breath in, dipping her head. "I guessed so. Congratulations, Kass. You deserve it." The small fox at her side would pipe up as well. "Kass will be a good king for Ebony."

The young woman was surprised to hear that Sigmarr and Sindri were both back. It... it was almost like a fairytale. Sig had kept his promise. But Val wasn't here. Neither was their mother. She would hold her tongue about Raisa for now. The young female would glance on into Ebony lands. "I know when I was here last that I didn't really show much support for my family but... I swear to you that sort of behavior is not going to happen again, Kass. I've still got growing to do... but... I feel being here, being home, is the best place for that." Her soft blue eyes were gentle. "I know I haven't been the best sister, the most supportive... but... I promise that I won't let petty things influence my decisions again."

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Listen To Korrin talk," 'but read Korrin's thoughts.'

Table by:: Luisiana
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]