
my little princess


01-29-2015, 03:31 PM
Vi had awoken fairly early, having been plagued by a troublesome sleep and and even more sore leg. Her bones creaked and groaned, complaining with each movement as she slowly lifted herself and pulled herself up into a standing position. She would leave her mate, her children and slowly slip from the confines of the den and out into the hazy dawn. The sun had not yet arisen but it would be perfect... Slowly she would turn, letting out a soft woof for her daughter Millicent to join her. Tomorrow she and Desiree had agreed would be the day that they would bring the children to their new home with her brother and Cataleya. Until then she wanted to spend every waking moment with her children. She would have a lifetime with Desiree, they would be leaving together after all, but tomorrow would be the last time she would ever see these little ones that had caused so much heart ache for the elderly woman and yet so much joy as well.

She wanted to watch the sun rise with her daughter, share all her knowledge... Would she tell Millicent of their planned abandonment? No... It wasn't her place. She had her reservations about it all, had suggested taking the children with them even if the journey would more then likely kill them... No. This was what was best for them even if it was slowly breaking her heart. She would walk a short distance from the den, step hitching whenever she attempted weight on her right paw, before slowly sitting. Her weight shifting backwards to settle in the sand just beyond the reach of the highest surf. The tide was low today, she took not of this meticulously as she awaited Millicent to join her.


01-30-2015, 02:02 PM

The babe was content to stay beside her mother's for the rest of the day. Snoozing and dreaming. The girl never realised that Viridiana wasn't her birth mother, though it was unlikely Millicent would ever find out. Afterall, Vi had been beside her for her short life span, caring and loving her. They also shared the same coloured eyes! Milli would be briefly awoken by the shifting in the den, coldness replacing were her mother was just a moment ago. A yawn would slip past her tongue, before a sweet call would enchant her. She took only a few minutes to hesitate and get herself together, scrambling out of their large den to clumbsily hang out with her red mother. Wasn't she pretty? Why Couldn't Milli possess any of that red fur? A smile would kiss her lips, which came naturally when around her family. " Mamma!" she'd squeal in pure delight, hoping to rub her head affectionately against her mothers leg, before sitting inbetween her forelegs, looking up upon her affectionately. " Did you get a bad leg protecting mother?" The purple babe didn't know her mothers where once queens!

"Talk" "You" Think