
The Kid's Aren't Alright


01-29-2015, 04:31 PM
The truth of what he was had settled, and after his little trip outside of Secretua lands Einarr had come sauntering back home. He was unscathed, which his mother would no doubt be relieved about, with the salty smell of the ocean still upon his coat. The steps onto Secretuan lands were light, and, surprisingly, Einarr seemed to be in a decent mood. Something about the trip had made him feel refreshed. Like there was more to overcome... and knowing that not all suffered for just one reason. On his way back he had been thinking some too... and he decided. He wanted to make his mother happy. He wanted her to smile, and not always look so worried or sad. That was what he wanted more than anything.

The Gulley was part of the Secretua lands he was not so familiar with, though he knew the lands by the border scent. The boy would pad along, finding scents both new and stale. He was searching for his mother's scent here too, though it it was rare for her to come out this way. She stuck near the prairie, or left the lands. Einarr would breathe in, coming to a stop. Should he call for her maybe? Or should he wait and speak to her later? Maybe... maybe he should... hang with some other member of the pack. Give her a reason to smile when he spoke to her later. She really liked Secretua... the alpha here... so if she wanted to stay... he had to too.

Deciding to sit down, Einarr let out a little whole for an Secretuan who might be in the area. It was time to attempt to mingle.

Eirik I


3 Years
03-03-2015, 11:52 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Eirik was out and about, trying to make himself productive. He would have rather been lounging somewhere out in the Prairie, enjoying the good weather of the day, but he knew it would not have flown with his father. The pack was starting to become more specialized, each member finding their niche and contributing in their own way. Which meant he had no opportunity to slack off; if he did not do his job, then someone would notice and word would get back to Dad and... Well, he was not eager to find out how that conversation would go.

His large black paws carried him swiftly along the border of the Fern Gulley, intent upon completing a quick circuit of the lands to finish out his solo patrol, when his dark-tipped ears caught the sound of someone's call. The large young wolf stopped, tilted his head a little as he considered the voice. No, he could not place it with anyone that he was familiar with, though honestly that was just his family. And maybe Akemi. Who...Einarr?

Curious, willing to forego the rest of his patrol on the chance it was actually the kid seeking out one of his pack mates, Eirik stepped away from the border he had been walking and instead traveled inward, moving toward the source of the call he had heard. And he found him. It had been Einarr, and though Eirik was entirely surprised he stilled smiled warmly and wagged his tail in a friendly manner as he approached. "Hey," he greeted, coming to stop and sit just across from the younger but surprisingly large Youth, "Einarr, right?"


03-11-2015, 05:56 PM

The young man would wait around after his call, hoping for the best. There were the festivities that Rune was throwing, sure, but perhaps one on one meetings would be far better for him to handle. He would breathe in and out slowly, red-violet eyes searching intently for any sign of another. He didn't know the other wolves in the pack enough to have any sort of preference. Einarr would not have to wait too long, honestly, before his gaze would fall on an older boy that approached. He couldn't place a name but he could tell by appearance, and from somewhere in his memory, that this boy was one of Rune's children.

Einarr would manage a small, although forced, smile as Eirik approached. Interacting was something that he just considered hard. Awkward. He would give a small nod, his ear giving an uncertain twitch. "Hey." The boy would lower his gaze for a moment. Okay, yeah, conversation time. "Yeah, I'm Einarr." The boy would lift his gaze to the pink hues of the other male. "Um... You're... Rune's son... right?" The male would frown deeply. "Sorry... I can't remember your name."

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby

Eirik I


3 Years
03-19-2015, 06:29 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

The other kid still seemed a little tense but because he had reached out Eirik happily overlooked it. He made up for any awkwardness with easy smiles of his own, giving Einarr the time that he needed in order to find his voice and work up the nerve to speak. The Kaname kid had to hand it to him; for being a bit reclusive, he was really making strides in trying to turn that around and socialize with the pack. It reminded him a little of Saga, though as far as he knew she had yet to branch out to the rest of the pack. Just him. But considering his growing preference for the girl, he rather liked it that way.

"Eirik," he quickly offered with a nod, "Eirik Kaname. Secretuan Guard." It sure sounded all big and important when he said it like that. In actuality though, he hardly felt at all significant or important to how the pack functioned. In fact, he still sometimes felt that he had yet to meet his father's expectations, but that was a different issue entirely. "Or, you know, at least I'm supposed to be," he added, brushing off any slight he might have felt behind a careless smile. "Dad's really strict about pulling your weight and stuff. And I'm no baby sparrow." He chuckled at his own joke, trying to lighten whatever nerves still lingered in Akemi's kid, and asked, "What about your mom? Is she strict too?"


03-24-2015, 06:54 AM

Eirik. It was a name the young man was going to do his hardest to remember. The other boy wouldn’t be too hard to place, being that he was the son of the alpha pair. It made Einarr wonder what it felt like to be the child of an alpha, in all honesty. He would frown some as the boy went on. So his father was strict on him too? That actually surprised him a little, not that Einarr had much experience with fatherly roles. His mother had been the primary caretaker in his life. She was more strict than two parents put together sometimes, however.

“She can be, yeah.” Einarr would grin. “My mom is small, but she’s strong and smart. Fierce too. I bet most male wolves would dare mess with her now.” The young man knew the truth about his father now after all. There was little doubt in his mind that Akemi would tear a male a new one if he dared tried to do anything to her. “She thinks that I would make a good sentry for the pack too.” He would smile slightly.

“She thinks the world of your father you know. She’s really appreciates the fact he let us into Secretua.”

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby

Eirik I


3 Years
04-17-2015, 10:20 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Eirik breathed an airy sort of chuckle as Einarr confirmed that his own mom was strict. The Kaname boy had suspected it just from the little that he knew of her. She was small but in no way did her personality reflect it, and he took that big personality to mean that the same stern way that she met things in life meant family would be no different. And he could totally understand how living with that was. After all, his father was the alpha. "Yeah, she is kind of scary in her own way," he added, reflecting back to the training she had tried to conduct with him and his little sister. Though, as he thought about it, Warja might have had everyone beat; she was just plain unpredictable at times.

He was not at all surprised to know that Akemi thought her son would be good for a sentry position in the pack. He was not entirely sure their age difference - was this kid a year yet or not? - but Eirik could see already that he was not going to be a teeny thing like his mom. Heck, he was sure Einarr was going to shoot right on past him in size too. "Yeah, I bet she's right," Eirik agreed with a quick nod and a confident smile, "maybe even a Guard if you like that better." The thought sounded like great fun to him. Without his cousins around anymore for him to pal around with, and still too unfamiliar with Kismet, Eirik hardly felt like he had any guy friends in the pack. Maybe he could take this kid under his wing like he had intended to do with Amarant and see if he could help out somehow.

The praise for his father was met with a little laugh and a shrug that seemed to brush off the compliments. It was still weird for him to hear talk about his father like this, especially when what he heard sometimes did not always reflect his own perception of the stoic, serious man. "He's alright, I guess," he commented, unsure how exactly he should respond to Einarr's remark. "Your mom's helped out a lot too," he added, recalling the lesson she had given when she had been trying to become the pack's Sentinel as well as the fight on the border she had jumped into.

But that was enough about their parents. Seeing an opportunity for the conversation to move a little differently, Eirik took it. "How 'bout you? Are you liking Secretua?" he asked with a curious but easy smile. He did not quite know the entire story of Einarr's family life, or the drama that had led to his uncle leaving the pack, but he knew there was a bit of rockiness in there somewhere and did not want to judge him too harshly on whatever answer he happened to give.


04-23-2015, 10:26 AM

Hmm... a guard. "Being a guard wouldn't be too bad." Einarr thought about it for a moment, deciding that he wouldn't actually mind that rank if it came to his choice. He doubted that his mother would force him to follow any particular path so long as he was active within the pack and did what he needed to do. He was secretly pleased as Eirik mentioned that his mother had helped them out a lot too. She had been trying her hardest for Secretua... it was truly a home to her. He found, the longer he stayed, that it was becoming a home to him too.

But then the attention was turned on him, the question leaving Eirik's lips having Einarr shift a little. It was strange being made to answer the question, to talk about himself at all. "I suppose that I like it. At first I was very wary of everything and everyone... I thought that I couldn't trust them." He admitted. "It was as I grew older though that I saw how the pack really was... that things were not as bad as I believed." He would smile some.

"Guess you could say I'm finally starting to accept Secretua as my home too. It seems the wolves here really do look out for each other well." He would decide to ask a question of his own. "I know your dad is the Guardian and all but... what are your views of the pack and the wolves here?"


Table by:: Eldarwen