
The Sun Shimmers


01-29-2015, 07:09 PM
The sun rose over the water, providing a peaceful atmosphere. Spring was well underway, warming the world, filling it with life, and she was living here with Deviant in peaceful abandon. Her heart was recovering, and she was becoming closer to the man that had, in a sense, saved her. Though they were aged, she found hope in his presence. Hope that it was not too late, and that, perhaps, maybe they might form a stronger bond. But time had made her wary of openly admitting feelings to the man, especially when she knew both were previously mated and with children. Still, Destruction found comfort in just his presence, truth be told.

Destruction would stretch on the beach that dawn, the golden sunlight spilling across her back. Good eye was close. She had left the den as the sun came out, going out into the warmth. The tide pools would wash up breakfast, easy pickings in the tide pools, shortly. She would give a soft whine, her mind was focused, for the time being, solely on relaxing. Perhaps when Deviant woke up in the nearby den she would ask him to take a walk with her and enjoy this beautiful day.



8 Years
Extra large
02-04-2015, 11:15 AM

Had post in a word document and forgot the land description xD

Had it been any other day, Deviant would have slept in till about noon. The man was not getting younger as the days passed by, and since he no longer had children to look after and teach, he had plenty of spare time. This time however he would wake early. He opened his eyes slowly at first, pulling his legs in and rolling from his side and onto his back where he would then close his eyes and stretch out his legs as far as he could go. The small bit of strain he put on his aging muscles was almost pleasant, having a small sting of discomfort which was a good indicator to him. With his stretch done the man blinked a few times as he rolled back onto his side, his jaws parting in a yawn and legs already maneuvering beneath him and bringing him to the entrance to his den.

He pulled himself from the slightly too small hole of his den, eyes instantly narrowing into slits at the change in lighting from the darkness. While they adjusted he would sniff at the air, gathering the morning wave of scents, looking for a particular one that belonged to the friend he was vacationing with in the southern lands of Alacritia. Destruction's scent was just seconds fresh, so she had to be nearby. Opening his eyes fully he would look around and easily find the dark coated woman stretching on the beach.

It was nice being able to leave the busy lands behind, not having to deal with other wolves and just be able to come here to relax and reconnect to your inner self. Deviant closed his eyes and lifted his muzzle to the sky, basking in the warmth of the early morning rays of spring. The man would admit that this trip was well needed for the both of them, ease some anxious nerves, enjoy the beauty around them, find a purpose once more. Destruction had been doing noticeably better now, smiling and enjoying herself, a flame being lit once more within her soul. Deviant was really enjoying her company, often finding himself calling her name when he found the perfect spot for them to look over the land, or even if he found something interesting. At the same time though he felt conflicted, feeling like a horrible husband and father because he wasn't out there looking for his children and had growing feelings for this woman.

What would Mystic think of this?

“Morning!” He finally barked, keeping his voice low enough so that he doesn't accidentally frighten the woman. Grey paws carried him forward, lips pulling into a smile as he made his way from the treeline and down onto the sandy shore. Tail swung calmly behind his rump, head held high with ears perked up atop his skull. He pulled up beside Destruction's right side, bumping her shoulder gently then looking out to the water with a heavy sigh. “We sure picked a good spot, just look at this view.” He hummed, golden eyes watching the small waves in the water, lapping at the shore almost teasingly.


Awesome image by KatG6 <3


02-06-2015, 09:49 PM
For now, Destruction was able to lie to herself. Pretending that she wasn't seven years old, aging more and more each day. Leaving behind Bane and Tahlia's children had been hard, but since doing so Des had managed to clear her mind of the fog that had taken hold of it. The vacation was only just beginning and yet she was already starting to feel right in her state of mind. The pain of winter seemed to be fading. The loss of Bane, the pending loss of Tahlia... Destruction would breathe in slowly and then exhaled. The relaxation was good for her mind, and the company even better. Her feelings towards Deviant, growing stronger, somewhat worried her as well. Perhaps... Deviant was her chance. Her chance at love... at another family.

But both had been previously with another. Though... she had hardly loved Bane at the time. But she had loved their son. Gods she loved Dillinger... and Deviant too had a previous mate. Other children. But... perhaps that was the reason why it just felt right for her to gravitate towards him so. He understood her pain, her heartache. He felt it too. They could overcome time... together. Beat the hardest odds. Things would, someday, be alright.

Head would lift slowly, single orb opening to fall upon the cross marked male. Tail would wag gently behind her, waiting for him as he came up beside her. Oh the morning was just made to be better, wasn't it? "Morning." The dark woman would rumble. "We certainly did indeed. I can't remember the last time the world felt this light. Almost as if a feather upon my shoulders, rather than some massive mountain." Gaze shifted to the lapping waves, letting out a soft, content sigh. "I'm glad I listened to you. This... was exactly what was needed. A place away from the rest of the world." The female would rumble softly.