
playing on the fire escape


01-29-2015, 10:27 PM
                    malice danced in his eyes as he awoke from his nap to find his sister still sleeping and his parents not in the immediate area. for a time he would not move, head lowered and placed languidly atop massive paws as he studied his sister out of the corner of his green eye. he would remain still for quite some time, allowing his breathing to stay slow and even as he watched his sister's sleeping form. in the past few months time had seen them grow and though his sister was large he was almost twice her size already. he still had his puppy fat, chunky and slightly overweight but now with long limbs that made him even more gangly and awkward. he didn't waste a moment, tipping his head and rolling slightly more onto his side to curl his long limbs into his chest. for a moment he would lay there a bit longer before slowly unfurling his limbs. he hoped to use his bigger weight to push her across the dirt of the den floor. “viiiioooooo… wake up!” he would groan, wanting so badly to go out and play but not wanting to do it alone. he wanted viola to wake up and entertain him, to join him in a romp through the moor's. as much as he hated that his sister kept calling him fat and calling him names she was still better company then he, himself and the rocks and fog...




01-29-2015, 10:49 PM (This post was last modified: 01-29-2015, 10:53 PM by Viola.)

Her brother was such a pain in the ass. Even as the time was passing and bringing with it their growth, it didn't seem to be doing much to help Aster grow up. He was still the biggest pushover that she knew, apparently unable to defend himself when the little wench decided to go on the attack. At least the boy Angelus, who she was unfortunately related to, was able to throw out something close to an insult in defense of himself. Aster didn't even do that. He just sat there and took whatever his younger sister decided to dish at him and at times, it would get beyond boring to bother and pick on her elder brother. He didn't even get mad at her when she called her names, which only served to infuriate her, which is why the girl had begun to pick and choose the times that she decided to pester him. She didn't want to always work herself into a mood because her fat brother was no fun.

There was nothing on the agenda that day and the little princess was trying to enjoy her time to herself, napping in the den alongside her brother, which was really the only time she could stand to be around him. He wasn't sitting around just being fat or pestering her to go out and join him on pointless adventures as he liked to call them. Today it seemed like she was going to be dragged into the latter. Everything was just fine, the girl sleeping away peacefully, immersed in her dreams, when suddenly she felt herself moving across the floor of the den without having moved a muscle, Aster's familiar voice calling out to her to wake up. Irritation would flood her system as her fiery eyes snapped open, a snarl twisting her features as she jumped up. Can't you see that I was sleeping?! She would growl at him, ears flattening against her skull. Was he stupid or something?!

before threading with Vio, please keep in mind that this character is prone to using mature and vulgar language!


01-29-2015, 11:09 PM
                    she was enraged with him when she awoke, leaping to her paws and snapping violent words at him but he would simply take it as he always did, peering up at her through one half closed eye as he remained laying on his side. but as she glared daggers down at him he would remain expressionless, cold and unreadable as he allowed her to wait for a moment before he would slowly roll again, flipping onto his belly with his haunches flipped to the side and forepaws outstretched before him. he was used to her anger, especially when it was directed at him but it didn't bother him. massive paws would push and scamper as he tried to prop himself up into a seated position, jaws gaping as he yawned lazily as if he hadn't really meant to wake her from her slumber. “where are mum and dad...” he would ask lazily as if he hadn't woken her up to drag her out on another one of his adventures. when they were kids viola had always been the one to drag him off and get into trouble but now it seemed to be the other way around and honestly, he was fine with it. “lets go play hide and seek...” he would say, attempting to lift his massive paw and swat at her face before he would smack it back down to the ground and stand up slowly. he was still wobbly on his newly elongated legs, not used to the extra height or the higher distribution of his weight.
