
An Exploration Gone Wrong


01-31-2015, 09:31 AM
Eliza was lost.

Well, not lost, she thought to herself as she walked through the subterranean tunnel. She wouldn't say lost. Lost indicated that she didn't know where she was, had absolutely no clue whatsoever where she was or where she was going to go. Of course she knew where she was, and of course she knew where she wanted to go! She was Eliza! Surely it was obvious that she knew where she was. She knew everything, it came with the package of being Eliza, the most beautiful, daring and intelligent little yearling ever known. Of course she knew everything. To even consider for a moment anything to the contrary was nothing short of heresy. She was just exploring, that was all. That was acceptable, she thought to herself to justify herself. Not that she needed to justify herself, of course, but she thought about it anyway. No: this was fine. She was exploring. She totally wasn't lost in a big, big cave network with no idea how to get out, and she totally wasn't scared. Eliza Rose Windern didn't get scared. That sort of thing didn't happen - it just don't. No - if anything she was exhilarated. That was the word: exhilarated. She totally wasn't terrified out of her wits about never seeing daylight again and being stuck here forever -

- No, she thought to herself firmly. She was exploring. She was just exploring and she knew exactly where the exit was. 'Course she did. In fact, if she so wanted to, she could go right now. But she was making a conscious decision not to because she hadn't explored it all yet. She was brave like that, the little yearling thought to herself as she walked. She didn't quit like other, inferior wolves who couldn't deal with those sorts of things. She was brave and strong and clever and that was why she had gone down here. She totally didn't, in any way, shape or form, simply come down here to escape the rain. Wherever did wolves get those sorts of ideas from? She had come down here to explore and that was what she was going to do, period. Eliza didn't get scared and she didn't quit: not when there was more to explore (and a way of stumbling upon the entrance/exit again, although she wouldn't admit this for the world). So she was staying.

The yearling wouldn't admit it, but she was getting scared now. She had been wondering around in this big cave system for over an hour, and not only was she tired and hungry, but she had no idea where she was. She had gone here originally to escape the rain, but seeing a tunnel down the back wall of the cave she was in she had gone in, and that cave had led to another one, and another one, and, eventually, she had managed to get herself so lost that she had no idea where she was or how to get back. Every tunnel seemingly opened up to another cave and she couldn't tell where she was - every cave looked almost identical. How could she even get out? Eliza didn't know how to get out, and this was becoming increasingly obvious with every passing second. Not knowing how to properly navigate places like this she hadn't even thought to leave marks or rocks in a particular pattern to show when she had already been in a cave before: she didn't know how to navigate at all, so she was wandering about without any sense of direction whatsoever.

Eliza walked into another cave, squinting in the darkness. It was hard to see, too: she shuffled into the new cave, letting out a tiny whine as she did so. Where was she? Was she any closer to the entrance? As she walked in, her paw suddenly collided with something. Eliza looked down - and saw that she had hit into the skull of a wolf, brittle with age. Letting out a shriek of terror the girl shrank away, backing into the wall of the cave and pressing herself up against it. Heart going wildly she glanced around her, trying to see if there were any more skeletons or bits of bone lying around.



2 Years
02-07-2015, 03:37 PM

Zisa was getting very annoyed with the rain that was soaking her fur and making her shiver.

Her violet eyes closed whenever the rain landed in them, her small head shaking in irritation and a soft growl escaping her jaws. After a moment, she saw something that would hopefully hide her from the rain making her fur much darker than it usually was. A soft sigh escaping her, Zisa ran forwards, mud splashing her fur and staining her white paws a dull shade of brown, with hints of her real fur color. After a moment, she came closer to the cave, trying to halt, but her paws slid on a mud puddle and sent her crashing into the ground. Her fur caked with mud, even her dark ears, Zisa struggled to get inside the caves. Rain made streaks of her fur color until she managed to get into the dry, and mainly warm, cave. Glancing at the entrance, the tiny pup began to move away, choosing cave after cave going into tunnels and probably getting herself lost. Fear clawed at her as she moved forward, unable to see anything. There was probably beasts that would pounce on a little pup like herself and she'd be gone and Rune would be mad at someone and Freyr would blame himself and-. Zisa shook her head, interrupting her own thoughts. No big monsters were going to take her away where she never saw the light of day again and only saw her family when they died. Nope, that wasn't going to happen to Zisa, not if she managed to fight. Stopping, the filthy wolf pup glanced back, only seeing darkness. Then a crazy thought popped into her mind. What if monsters were afraid of wolves and only tried to attack them out of fear? The thought made Zisa crack up, a high pitched giggle echoing through the caves. Trying to keep herself calm, she spoke to herself. Monsters won't hurt me. They won't come out of the darkness and drag me away. I'll get out of here, because my family won't just leave me behind. My family isn't like that. They would hurt those monsters.

The words calmed her down, making the tiny pup sigh in relief. Yes, her family would come for her, because it was just like them. When a scream went through the caves, Zisa froze, her violet eyes wide with fear. Zisa, calm down. That scream wasn't a wolf getting attacked by a monster. Maybe it was just the wind. Maybe it was a wolf getting scared. Wait, scared by what? Trying to calm herself down hadn't worked all that well, and her violet eyes closed as she curled up into a small ball. The monster that had stolen that wolf was going to come for her, too. She just knew it, and she would never get out of these caves because of the monster. A soft whimper came from her as she imagined it, it's head cracking and going awkwardly sideways as it moved towards her, revealing three rows of sharp teeth. And red eyes that glowed in the dark, and a tail that had a sharp end and could poison whatever it stabbed, and claws made out of rock. Zisa moved out of the cave, a quiet growl escaping her as she ran in any direction that wasn't a dead end; she didn't know which way she had headed. If that monster wanted to attack her, it would have to find her first. Opening her jaws, Zisa yelped out a few words, her voice echoing through the tunnels and too loud for her. Hey, you ugly monster! If you want to hurt me, you'll have to catch me first! With that, she took off.

It wasn't long before she ran into another wolf. A monster that could look like a normal wolf, maybe? Zisa wasn't convinced, and glared at the 'monster'. Of course, she hadn't noticed the wolf skull near the older wolf. Get away from me. I know what you are, you ugly monster. Taking the form of some wolf. That doesn't fool me. Zisa was too young to know that monsters weren't real.
