
we're off to see the wizard

Absinthe 1

02-01-2015, 12:09 AM

and it's our time now if you want it to be, maul the world like a carnival bear set free

From the willow forest, it wasn't a far walk at all to this place. Sure, she'd been planing to go home after her long walk to the willows, but the tantalizing smells coming from this place were just too much to withstand. Never before had the babe smelled so many other wolves! Delight coursed through her, as she wandered closer. It was well and truly dark now, but she wasn't afraid of the dark. The only things that lurked out there were monsters, and she feared no monsters. The little violet girl was the greatest monster fighter there ever was! Just like Viridiana! Her little alabaster toes dug into the soft earth, staining them dark with the damp terra. She sighed, enjoying the vaguely briny smell of the air around her. She could smell markers before her, but she lacked the knowledge of what exactly they stood for.

Not to mention the faint glowing that would dim and alight from within the strange little water forest called to her. She wanted to know what it was, and sure, it probably wasn't very smart to go where there were so many wolves, but she wasn't about to let reason ruin the day! It would really suck to get eaten, but what harm could she, a wee little lilac wolflet, possibly do here? Cautious as a fawn, she kept her eyes on her surroundings as she crept onward. For such a young girl, she was slowly learning to be stealthy. At least, she thought so. The ivory stain to her features didn't help much, when it came to sneaking about, but it's not like she was stealing! All she wanted was to glimpse whatever was making the glowing!

Her mismatched optics scanned the lush vegetation warily, tail curled beneath her. As she pressed on, she grew worried that this wasn't a good idea. Maybe she should go back.. No! With a spurt of determination, she kept on trudging. So close, she was. Her paws left the verdant ground scattered with rotted leaves, and her toes brushed against a familiar kind of dirt. Sand. Only, this sand was much paler than her sand. Weird. The sand at home was black, and she always assumed that all sand was black, and changed colour with the light. Frowning, she stared at her feet. Well, if this just couldn't possibly get any weirder! Lowering her crown, she sniffed at the ground warily. Well, the wolf scent was definitely stronger than at home. A rustling in the brush made the youth jump right out of her skin, all four paws leaving the ground simultaneously. A short cry erupted from her maw as a frog leapt from the undergrowth.


Growling her pitchy little growl at the mean little toad who had frightened her so, she pouted as she looked away. Well, now she wasn't sneaky at all, nor was she brave. Faced with the abhorrent knowledge that she was still just a tiny little baby, the mystery and wonder of the adventure was lost. I'm never gonna be tough like mommy.. The girl all but wailed internally. How unfair life was sometimes. Sighing, she took one last look at the dark, stagnant waters before her, and turned to go. What was the point of her adventure now? Slinking off towards home, she was convinced that it had all been in vain. However, the mean little frog earned it's forgiveness.

A splash met her ears, and an ethereal blue glow lit up the ground beneath her, casting a fatin shadow before her. A gasp of delight and awe left her, and seemed far too loud in the ambient silence of the swamp. Whirling around, she watched the last dregs of light fade from the water. Thoroughly invested in her quest once more, she bounded back to the shore. How cool was this?! One alabaster cloaked paw lashed out, batting playfully at the water. It lit up again, and she let out a peal of laughter without giving it any thought. Wow! All of the dangers were forgotten, and she found herself splashing in the water and all but wiggling with her glee.

sometimes I just wanna sit around and gaze at my shoes


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!



2 Years
Extra large
02-01-2015, 09:18 PM
He had taken a liking to the mangroves at night, the heat was a bit more bearable and it was so much calmer, quieter.. and just more peaceful in the night time. He'd already found that the water gave off a mysterious glow if you disturbed it, he'd spent many a night soaking himself with the luminescent water to know. As well as a nice place to settle with his thoughts they served as a distraction from them as well. He could chase about the fleeting lights all night. His nocturnal habits would surely be noticed by his mother's sooner or later. He could already hear Amalia now, complaining that he slept all day and that she needed to look him over. Not that he begrudged her for this, he adored his tiny mother and would have done anything for her, but he preferred this lifestyle.

His coat had ever so slowly been thinning out, maybe by the time he was noticed he would have half the fur he did now. Then he would happily be on whatever schedule Ama wanted him, though he knew that he'd miss the lights. He would take a leisurely walk now, no destination in mind only being alone was his goal. He wouldn't expect the tiny giggle he heard not so far away. Probably too curious for his own good the tall boy made his way towards where it had come from.

From behind the tall grasses bright red eyes would peek at the strange girl, her pelt was bright purple in the moonlight, like a rare flower his mother had pointed out on their journey here. He'd tilt his head curiously as he watched her play for a few long moment, caught up in her innocent actions he'd smile softly. Eventually a sigh would leave his lips and his form would slip forward from the cover of the grass to look at her tiny features. She was a rather beautiful child. Her white patches reminded him of himself, and even more so would he feel a camaraderie between them even though he hadn't even said hello. "You like the glowing water too?" he'd ask her curiously, trying to keep far enough away that she would not bolt away.Maybe him being a pup as well would keep her.

Absinthe 1

02-04-2015, 12:04 AM

and it's our time now if you want it to be, maul the world like a carnival bear set free

A soft sigh, like a flower brushing against someone's leg. Her motions stilled slowly, and she tried to puzzle out the sound and what it meant. Was someone here? Slowly her tiara would rise from it's place so close to the glowing water, and the lass would cast her gaze this way and that. Out of the grass had emerged a stranger, a giant of a boy with alabaster stains just like her. She smiled softly in delight. She wasn't the only one! He sure was big, almost as big as mama Des, which was pretty big by her standards. He posed a simple query, gentle as it crossed the distance between them. She beamed up at him, her tail wagging gaily. "Yeah! They're purdy." She announced in reply, not the least bit bothered by how he might react to her unknown trespasses. One hesitant paw after another, she tip toed across the span between them so she stood before him, mismatched optics gleaming.

The boy had one whole leg that was white, where she only had pale toes. His eyes were red, like her one eye was. Like mommy Vi's fur. " 'M Absinthe." She told him with a short wag of her lavender tail. "Who're you?" She quickly asked, as common courtesy had been made known to her a long while back, while the fact that others might not be keen to share their names had not. The boy was bigger than her, but she was a monster hunter, and she wasn't gonna let some strange boy beat her up any day. She felt assured by this notion, as always.

sometimes I just wanna sit around and gaze at my shoes


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!



2 Years
Extra large
02-05-2015, 01:13 PM
Immediately upon the revelation of his form the tiny girl's face would light up, he was amused by the similar marking they shared as well as their eyes. The sight of her would make the tall boy smile as well. He would not make not of her being where she wasn't supposed to, he wasn't even sure who all his pack mates were yet. Though he should have remembered a purple wolf he wouldn't make the connection right now. She would find her voice easy enough, echoing his sentiments before her tiny frame moved closer to where he was.

Slowly he'd descend into the water in front of her, his bright red eyes peering down at her interesting coat. He would be given her name, and he would nod slightly in acceptance. It seemed like a rather pretty name for a similarly pretty she wolf. "I'm Bacchus." He'd answer simply as he smiled at her. It was nice to talk to someone who wasn't his family, even if she was kinda tiny. "Do you live here?" Now he'd grow more curious about her origins, though not because he thought her a trespasser but because he wanted to know if he'd see her again after this.

Absinthe 1

02-05-2015, 07:04 PM

and it's our time now if you want it to be, maul the world like a carnival bear set free

The boy was quick to return her courtesies, and she smiled. Bacchus. That was a pretty cool name, she liked it. It kinda fit him, if that made sense. Sounded kinda unique, and he looked kinda unique. Without much light to go off of, the male looked grey, so she wasn't all that impressed. So everything worked nicely in her head. Cool name for a cool kid. There was a moment of silence before he asked a question of his own. She shook her head slowly in answer, blinking at him. "I live on th' black beach, it's pretty far away." She announced simply, peering off to the south. Maybe going home would be a good idea, she felt like mama might be worrying about her now. Milli never really went anywhere, so she didn't get in as much trouble as Abby did. "I was at the place with the droopy, sad looking trees. Then, I smelled somethin' weird here, and so I walked here instead of goin' home." She continued, rambling off the story of her day without much thought. It was a good day, Bacchus might think it was good too. Her little violet rump fell heavily to the ground, rear legs splaying out lazily.

Her gaze wandered to the mangrove swamp around her, curious. It was kinds neat, she would like to explore it more on another day. Not tonight, it was too dark, and getting lost seemed like a very real possibility here. It might be smarter to do it when the sun was out, so she could see everything. "Do you live here?" She asked, looking back to him with a quizzical tilt to her cranuim. If he lived here, maybe he could show her around the next time she came here. That would be awesome.

sometimes I just wanna sit around and gaze at my shoes


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!



2 Years
Extra large
02-27-2015, 05:13 PM
He'd earn a smile with his name and he'd perk a bit as she took it, listening she would accept his question as well. He felt a slight disappointment as she shook her head no, not that he hadn't been expecting it. He knew that his memory wasn't that bad. She was gorgeous though, and the similar white marking that played on her face made him smile. She lived on the black beaches, and he only knew of one place that held those type of sands but it was in the north. Surely she lived closer than that. The girl went on to explain why she was even here in the first place, she smelled something funny? Hopefully it wasn't him. Self consciously he would smell his shoulder, finding nothing particularly unpleasant.

She'd grown quiet he realized and his bright red gaze would fall back upon her slightly younger form, she was looking about the mangroves when she asked if he lived here. "I do." his answer was simple as she looked back to him. "Though I haven't for very long. I used to live up North." He found he really didn't want to explain why he had moved, though he would answer her if she had more questions.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Absinthe 1

02-27-2015, 06:09 PM

and it's our time now if you want it to be, maul the world like a carnival bear set free

His answer was quiet, and she was delighted to learn that he did actually live in this magical place. How cool must that be? Her tail gave a small wag of delight with this knowledge. When he mentioned his previous home, she blinked at him. Where was the North? What was up there? Blinking up at him in awe, she practically began to ooze curiosity. "What is the North like?" She questioned, tilting her head to one side. Maybe one day she could go there, and maybe Bacchus would go with her! When she was bigger, and walking so far would be easy as pie, she would come and find him, yes, and he could show her the North! But before that, he would have to show her the pretty mangroves. Tomorrow could be a good day for that, to come back and see if the bigger boy would show her the mangroves. She wasn't busy tomorrow, was she? No, probably not. But it would be better to visit new places first, right? To see what it was like closer to home, and see new things.

She wanted to see everything she could before she revisited places she'd seen before, because that would be more fun, right? But, she hadn't actually been inside the mangroves. She was just on the borders of the pack, which was just a place with a lot of wolves, in her head. Lots of wolves meant nothing to her, save for crowds and more strangers than she liked to think about. Laws and rules did not occur to her, nor did order. "Do you like it better here, or in the North?" She would inquire after her thoughts ceased, because that would tell her more than his stories, probably. If he liked it better here, maybe wasting her time in the North would be just silly. Wasting time when you were big just didn't seem like a thing to do.

sometimes I just wanna sit around and gaze at my shoes


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!



2 Years
Extra large
03-06-2015, 04:47 PM
She seemed more confused than anything when he told her about his previous home in the North. Though he felt like he should still call it home he knew that it was certainly no longer. He missed it, truly from of the bottom of his heart missed Regium and the way life used to be before Roman's... death. It had happened so suddenly and with no warning his family was with out a home. Though he'd try not to think about it all too much, Abby obviously had no idea the tragedy that had befallen them. She'd keep his thoughts from it as she asked him with a cute tilt of the head what it had been like. "It's colder, and less green. More dangerous.." He'd sigh, did the North really hold that fantasy of being where he would forever call home? "Well, I really like it here 'cause I got to meet you," He'd tell her playfully though his seriousness would return with his next statement. "They're both nice, but I just want to be where my family is." Which really could have been anywhere now, they were all so scattered.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Absinthe 1

03-07-2015, 06:53 PM

It didn't take too much prompting for Bacchus to tell her about the North. It sounded like no fun at all, being cold and dangerous. However, it might be pretty up there. Cold makes frost, and frost was pretty. Danger, though, was not something she was fond of, despite knowing very little of true danger. Her gaze sparkled with curiosity as she watched him speak of these mysterious North places. Yes, one day he would definitely have to show her what it was like in the North, after he showed her around the mangroves, because she would have to be real stupid to leave that opportunity be. He quickly mentioned that he liked it here, rather than the magical North place, because he got to meet her. A soft peal of giggled would escape her, tail wagging behind her. "Well, 'm pretty awesome." She snickered, grinning from ear to ear. Cautious steps forward would lead her closer to him, where she would offer a soft butt of her skull against his shoulder. " 'm happy I got to meet you too, Bacchus." She murmured reverently, meaning that with all of her little heart.

He added a little more to his explanation of his home preferences, and she couldn't help but agree. Wherever her family was would be where she could always be found. Her mothers and sister were the most important people in her life, and she wouldn't be parted from them if she could help it. Despite being a tiny thing, the girl wouldn't hesitate to fight for her family, regardless of skill. No one would take her away from her family, ever. "Hey, Bacchus?" She asked softly after a moment, peering up at him. Her crown would fall slightly to one side again, belying another question. "Would it be okay if I came to see you again, in, like, maybe a couple of days, or somethin'?" She inquired hesitantly. She wanted to see the pretty swamp in the daylight, and maybe her mommies would let her do that. Of course, that would be if she didn't get in trouble for running away from mama and coming here after Desiree told her not to do that.
