
With your wine stained lips


02-03-2015, 01:26 AM
Alacritis harbored nothing for the beast. He had no one there but his sister Cataleya, but even she wasn't much of anything. Last time he had spoken with her, she had been trying to convince him that he could find a place in her pack but Demyan being Demyan wasn't keen on the idea. He taunted her and tried to talk her out of it, but whatever had bitten his sister had possessed her enough to make her want to start a pack where she had to try and co-exist with other wolves, ignoring their need for blood and death. The titan couldn't see himself doing that ever. His killer instinct was far too ingrained in his bones for him to try and change his ways. Not only that, but other wolves tended to piss him off with their blatantly stupidity and he wouldn't be able to control himself around a group of idiots without snapping a neck and ripping a trachea or two out. So without any form of goodbye the beast had taken to the outside lands, disappearing from Alacritis all together. His sister wouldn't miss him, being wrapped up in her new plans for world domination. The girl he'd saved all those seasons ago never returned, having gone back on her word to the demon, abandoning him. He had fathered no spawn so there was no real reason to hold him back from leaving. So he did. Nikolai, his companion, stuck with him for some time before the feline decided that it was his time to part ways. Demyan let the feline go without a fight, having rather liked the feline's company while he had it.

Much of his time away from Alacritis was spent alone, simply killing to his black heart's desire. Blood, guts, bones, decapitated heads, oh it was glorious for the monster of a man. But there was one thing missing; Cataleya. For as much as she annoyed the shit out of him, it was odd going on killing sprees without her. They had grown up together, killing their way to where they were now and to go murder innocents without his partner in crime just felt off. He could do it just fine when the moment suited him, but doing it for so long without her awoke an ache for his sister that the titan didn't really get. If there was any ache for her, it was always for carnal pleasure, but not this time. He had been separated from her for so long that he was actually starting to...miss her. Who would've thought, Demyan actually missed his darling sister. Not only that, but he was rather curious to see how her whole pack plan had turned out. Had she taken over the entirety of Alacritis and made all the wolves living there her little bitches? That would be a sight to see. So with curiosity and an odd ache for his sister, the hellion would make the trek back to Alacritis, interested to see what his sister had been up to.

Powerful limbs would pull the massive beast through the vaguely familiar lands, cyan eyes cutting through the darkness that blanketed the land, nostrils flaring as he hunted for Cataleya's scent. It didn't take him long to locate it, at the pace that he was moving through the lands. Her familiar scent would tease his nostrils in the west and he would zero in on it, following it to some plains that he vaguely remembered having visited while having lived in Alacritis some time ago. As he moved through the plains, her scent suddenly became overpowering and he knew he'd found her pack. Her perfume was everywhere, telling him this was the pack border. But since when did he care for rules, especially his sisters? Without so much as a care the vagabond would pass on through the border, sending up a deep boom of a call for his sister, not caring who heard him. He didn't care who else knew that he was there, as long as his sister knew. If anyone came to stop him from seeing her, there would be hell to pay. Salmon tongue would lash across his incisors at the thought of ripping into of her little pawns. Wouldn't that be fun? Gaze would dance from side to side, searching for her familiar silver figure, the organ in his chest picking up speed as her scent became fresher. Would she be glad to see him?


02-03-2015, 01:41 AM

She no longer slept in the same den. Nor did she sleep. She spent days on end moving uselessly through her empire. The wound across her chest was still healing, the slightly movements often tearing it open. Her limb had faded to be barely noticeable. She had returned from her visit to Abaven, not once making her presence known to anyone. Her gaze was hallow and unseeing. But it was the booming howl that would cause her gaze to spark to life. Her crown would lift from her paws, ears pulling forward for the first time in days. It couldn't be. Her brother had vanished without a word. What could possibly bring him back? Without a second thought, she was on her feet, rushing towards the sound. Her long strides would immediately tear open her wound, causing blood to drip down her chastened onto her forelegs. She would skid to a stop, several feet before him, coral gaze searching his face frantically.

For a moment she was silent, simply staring at him. "Demyan." Her voice was a whisper, barely audible as she rushed towards him, seeking to the close the distance between them. She sought to press her chest against his own, not caring if she smeared blood across his fur. She would bury her face in his neck, her body once trembling. It was like reliving that day all over again. The free all. Hitting the ground mercilessly. But most of all. The look on his face before he pushed her. She had no words for her brother. She couldn't explain her injuries, the way she trembled, or the lost look on her face. All she could do was inhale his scent, to feel his warmth. No mater where he went, or how long he was gone, she could always count on him to return just when she needed him. A shaky breath would leave her lungs, but she still didn't pull away from him. She needed something, someone, to ground her once more, to pull her back to reality.



02-03-2015, 01:58 AM
His purposeful stride would come to a halt as his call would echo across the lands that his sister controlled. He would stand poised, a gentle night breeze drifting through, sending his grey fur flying this way and that, ebony tipped tail lashing from side to side, senses on high alert. Would his sister even want to come see him? There was a heavy scent of a male in the area and he could only assume that his sister had found a better fuck buddy than her own brother. A bit of bile rose up in his throat at the thought that some other had claimed his sister as his own and used her body whenever it pleased him, but he was here now and he didn't think it would be too hard to convince her to come back to him for good. After all, no one knew how to fuck her as well as he did. How could anyone else fuck her the way that he did if they had grown up together and he knew her as well as he knew his own four fangs?

He would stand quietly in the darkness, ears straining to catch the sound of her anticipated pawsteps. With each moment that passed, he could feel the organ in his chest beating harder and harder against its restraints. It was almost like...he was nervous to see her. But what reason did he have to be nervous? Was it perhaps because even if he didn't want to admit to himself, he had worried for his sister? He knew for a fact that she could hold her own. Neither of them could've made it this far without being able to take care of themselves, but like the scar that spanned the entirety of his massive chest, one couldn't always be too sure of what life come up with.

Though he would catch the sound of her pawsteps, the first thing that would capture his attention was the smell of blood; her blood. Immediately unadulterated rage would sizzle in his veins. Who the fuck had hurt Cataleya? It was only moments after he'd tasted her blood in the air that her familiar figure would come into view, blood leaking from a large gash on her chest to stain her moon-washed forelimbs. His gaze would keen in on her blood, ready to tear someone's throat out as soon as he found out who was responsible for having hurt his sister. But before he could do anything, her voice would snap him out his rage temporarily, capturing his attention as cyan gems would lock with her coral ones. She would stare at him, his name barely a whisper on her lips before she came barreling into him, her chest colliding with his, her wet hot blood mingling with his fur. But he didn't give a shit about how he looked like right. He wore blood more often than not anyways. At she buried her face in his neck, he could feel her smaller body trembling, something that he'd never felt before. The only time she trembled was when she was beneath him and he was fucking her senseless. That wasn't the case right now. Something had happened. Something that had fucked his sister up, both physically and emotionally. Two things that were unforgivable in his book.

He would tuck his massive skull around her shoulders, pulling her close to him, showing her the most tender side of him, a side that she very rarely, if at all, ever got to see. He would do his best to quell her trembling with his massive frame, pressing himself as close to her as possible without bringing any further pain to her injury. Why the fuck hadn't anyone come to treat her yet?! Heads were going to roll. I'm going to kill someone. Whether you tell me or not. He would murmur quietly into her shoulders, his special way of telling her that he loved her. He had been gone for long, but he was here and he was ready to murder whoever got in his path. Someone would pay for this.


02-03-2015, 02:10 AM

She would collide with him, he hadn't moved. She barely registered that anger on his face before she collided with him. Inhaling his scent, she struggled to regain control of her emotions. But her brother would embrace her, his larger form pressing against his as his neck arched over her. In his own special way, he would tell her that he loved her. He had promised to spill blood, whether or not she wanted it. A sob would spill unwarranted from her lips. She was broken, and she didn't know how to pick up the pieces this time. She didn't pull away, her weight sagging against him. He steadied her. "I've missed you." She would mumble into his chest before pulling back to peer up at him.

It had been far to long since she last laid eyes on her brother. He had perfect timing to say the least. Her eyes were wild with so many emotions, she still didn't know which way was up. And how did she tell her brother that her own husband had tried to kill her? She was still lost. She hadnt spoken to Kylar since their return to pack lands. She hadn't even laid eyes on him. She only took care of her children and her pack, refusing to make any contact with him. But now her brother stood before, demanding blood and answers. How could she possibly tell him? Ears pulled back against her skull. No matter what, her brother had always been there for her, in his own way of course, but she could always rely on him. There was very little that she turned to him for, but this, this she didn't know how to fix on her own. She found herself longing for his comfort, for his touch, for his presence, for his everything.



02-03-2015, 02:22 AM
He was not a man for emotions. Emotions were for the weak and he was not of weak blood. He was a predator, a monster, a killing machine. He didn't have time for emotions, they were only a hindrance. He had experimented with emotions once before, many many seasons ago, but that had only resulted with him being abandoned and so the titan had thrown away the idea of emotions and anything to do with them. They had served him no purpose and they never would. Cataleya herself had never been witness to these emotions, but this night she would be front in center to a more caring side of him. Though there were times he could care less about what happened to his sister, she was the only thing that he had in this world. They had murdered their parents at a young age and had braved the world together. They had arrived in alacritis together and he was pretty damn sure they would leave it together one day, whenever that day came. For now, since he had returned, he would make it his job to find out who had caused her harm. He would not allow her to be harmed with the intent to kill. No one killed Cataleya. No. One.

A sob, something he had never seen from his sister, would burst from her lips as her frame would sag against his own. Cat had never been one for emotions either, at least not the kind that caused her to break down and cry. He had never seen her cry before and it was enraging to know that someone had been the cause of this. I've missed you. She would be frank with him, expressing her feelings towards him, something that had hardly been the case with the siblings growing up. It was only after she pulled up away to get a good look at him that he would return the sentiment. I missed you too little sister. He would murmur, skull reaching out as his nose pressed to her own before skimming down to her throat, pressing his forehead against it as he bowed to her. He had never seen his little sister like this before and frankly, though he would not show it or tell her, it was unnerving. Cataleya was stronger than this. Or had been up until this moment. His eyes would close for a brief moment as he listened to her steady pulse, slowing his breathing down so that his pulse lined up with hers. After a few seconds his eyes would open and his skull would move towards her chest, salmon tongue lashing out to lap up the blood from her wound. There was a faint trace of a brute's scent, the one whose stench covered the area as well as Cat's, and a low growl would rumble in his chest as he continued to clean her wound. If that bastard was responsible for hurting his sister, he better hope that someone else got to him before Demyan did.


02-03-2015, 01:11 PM
His rumbling words were soothing, pull the corners of her lips into a soft smile. His cool nose would press against her own before trailing down her throat. Eyes would close, a sigh leaving her lips as she tipped her head back, giving him easier access to press against her. Tongue would rasp against her chest, causing her to flinch at the sudden sting before relaxing against his touch once more. She didn't doubt that her brother would pick up traces of Kylars scent that still clung to her pelt in a now unsavory manner. And she knew, with Demyans return, her husband was a walking deadman. Coral gaze would search her brothers face, she wasn't sure what she was looking for, but she hoped to find something, anything. "He pushed me." It was getting easier to say, no longer did she feel like she was suffocating. But to admit it caused a stab of pain to pierce her heart. "I made a mistake." She had gotten too soft, let him get too close, she had forgotten who she was. What she was.

With wild eyes she continued to search her brothers face. This was were she belonged. This is what she was, who she was. And yet, she couldn't find the resolve to leave, to abandon her children, her home, her everything. She needed to be reminded. She needed to remember what they shared. Her expression grew frantic. "Make me remember." Soft words were a jumbled plea. She desperately wanted to forget all this, to pretend it never happened. To forget that the man she loved betrayed in a way that could never be forgiven. Not her brother though. They may fight and hate each other, but never would they go so far as to end the others life. They were all they had, all they had ever had. Her silver bodice trembled. Everything had come crashing down around her, her world had stopped spinning. Extending her neck, she would seek to press her nose to her brother throat, inhaling his familiar musk. How had she fallen so low? "I'm sorry." She murmured.


02-03-2015, 03:01 PM
Flashes of their previous encounters would dart through the beast's mind, reminding him of the Cataleya that he had grown up with. She would always welcome his touches, always take whatever attention that he was ready to throw at her, which usually was the sort of attention that she craved. But tonight as the hellion pressed his head to her throat, he was not looking to lavish her with nips and bites that would lead to something else. He wasn't looking to reclaim her body and bend her to his will. It would be the perfect time to do so, given her current frame of mind. It would be easy to get her to come back to his side and convince her that at his side is where she belonged because clearly whoever she'd decided to stick around with in her brother's absence hadn't been doing a very good job. But no, for once in his life Demyan looked to only comfort his sister, to lessen whatever pain she was going through. After seeing her like this it was clear that she was no longer able to be by herself. He would become her sentinnel, her shadow, even if she didn't want him to. He would be damned if he let anyone try and kill his sister again.

It was only when he was satisfied with having cleaned her wound that he pull back, massive skull inclined downwards, cyan eyes roving the silver woman's features. Her eyes were wild as they searched his and could feel the ball of rage tightening around his stomach, making his blood boil. He had never seen this look on Cataleya before and he hated to see it on her. This wasn't who she was. She was never shaken up like this. He pushed me. A snarl he couldn't hold back ripped through his clenched jaws as his eyes narrowed, his skull tilting towards his chest, tail lashing angrily behind him. He didn't need her to tell him who it was; he already knew. He had a very strong gut feeling that the man's scent who permeated the area was the one responsible for the way that Cat was acting now. And he would pay. Oh how he would pay...I made a mistake. He would lift an eyebrow at her, wondering if she was referring to the fact that she had gone out and found herself a new fuck buddy or that she'd started a pack. Either seemed like a mistake to him, but he wouldn't say anything out loud. Now was not the time to fall into his usual role of being an asshole. There would be time for that later.

Make me remember. He would hold his sister with his gaze, not entirely sure what she was trying to ask of him. Remember what? he would rumble quietly. Did she want to remember what it had been like to be free of all responsibilities and be able to murder anyone and everyone who had they had a mind to? He could do that. He could take her out killing and they could bathe in the blood of innocents. It was probably what she needed right now. But would she want to do it? His attention would snap back to her, watching as she moved closer to him, pressing her cool nose to his throat as she mumbled that she was sorry. He would let a throaty growl rumble in his throat at her touch, his way of dismissing her ridiculous apology, his skull inclining upwards to give her more access. Shut up. You're not sorry for anything. Despite not wanting to take her, he couldn't help his reaction to her touch. His body remembered the countless times that she lavished him with her affections and how she had begged him to take her and fuck her senseless. Though tonight it probably wouldn't happen, she could be damn sure that once she was on the road to getting back to her old self, he would give a trip down memory lane that she wouldn't forget.


02-03-2015, 04:47 PM

Her brothers comfort was not something she had experienced before, nor ever expected to. His touch was gentle, innocent almost, as he cleaned her wound until he was satisfied. She would forever have a nasty scar that would serve as a daily reminder of what had happened, of how her world had burst apart at the seams. A snarl would break from his lips when she spoke. He was angry, she could see on his face, and in his body language. Death was coming for her husband, it was only a matter of time. A brow would lift in question when she spoke of the mistake she had made. She was sure that her brother had a whole list going but he said nothing, simply waited for her to explain. In her mind, her only mistake was letting someone else get to close, to feed her emotions and let her believe in love. She had strayed from her brothers side and allowed another to replace him. The rise of her empire was not a mistake, not at all, she had created something great here, something that would go down in history.

His quiet rumble would make her think. What did she want to remember? Everything. The death, the blood, the sex. She wanted to remember the times they had shared together, to forget all the pain that currently suffocated her. And yet, she wasnt entirely sure she was ready to give her body back to her brother. For so long she had craved only one mans touch, but now his touch meant only one thing. Murder. "Everything." She would murmur, her voice husky as her gaze darkened. She would break his gaze in favor of the horizon behind him. Rogue lands surrounded her home, filled with endless possibilities. His growl would dismiss her apology as his skull tipped back, exposing his throat to her. Dark jaws would part to nip at his throat before she began to move. She would drag herself down his side, pressing her smaller form against him until she no longer touched him, legs pulling her towards the border.

It had been far to long since she had done anything at her brothers side. It felt like an eternity since she had hunted beside him, since she had shared in the screams of their victims, rolled in their blood. Depression and heartache were beat back by an overwhelming desire to kill, to prove to the world that she was not yet ready to be taken from this world, but the world was ready for her to take. With a glance back over her a shoulder at her brother, lips would tip up in a smirk as she beckoned him to follow. Perhaps for a night she could forget everything, for a night she could focus only was mattered, on who mattered.



02-03-2015, 05:12 PM
If anyone had been keeping track of Cataleya and Demyan's relationship, they would know that the way the siblings were acting wasn't like their usual selves. Demyan was never this soft with his sister before and Cataleya had never been this...broken before. She was in a place that the beast had never seen her in before and it was rather unsettling knowing that his sister had been brought down to such an unspeakable level. Having constructed that pack of hers had turned her soft, just as he knew it would. He had told her how stupid of an idea it was. They were never meant to be pack wolves, much less leaders of one. They were born to wreak havoc across the world, to kill all those who opposed them or tried to stop them. They weren't there to try and create peace and harmony among other wolves and concern themselves with the well beings of others. That was for other wolves, not wolves like himself and his sister. But it seemed that finally Cat's little fantasy had come crashing down. Albeit it had come crashing down with the intent to take her life with it, but she was too strong to go down that easily. They both were, his jagged scar across his chest testament to the pair's resilience. They couldn't be gotten rid of that easily.

Everything. He wouldn't bother to try and get to explain further by what she meant. He already knew. She wanted him, wanted the thrill of the kill. And she would remember everything. In due time of course. She would press a familiar nip to his throat, eliciting another throaty growl from the titan as she rubbed the length of her body against his side, only instead of wrapping around him like she'd done so many times before, she would continue on, moving away from him. He would turn towards her, his body forming a half circle as he watched her turn back, that all too familiar smirk twisting her dark lips. There was the Cataleya that he knew. His own devilish grin would split his jaws as he followed after her, nipping at her haunches as he came up beside her, the adrenaline pumping. Was she really inviting him to do what he thought she was?


02-03-2015, 05:48 PM

Her nip had been rewarded with a throaty growl but she didn't linger to savor in it. As she moved away, looking back at her brother, he would follow, a devilish grin lifting his pale lips. His nips would adorn her haunches as she moved away. Darkness still clung to the edges of her mind, threatening to consume her, to pull her beneath the waters and drown her. But in the presence of her brother, she found an odd sense of peace. She felt everything just slip away, even if it was only for a moment, and she just focus on the now. "Hungry?" She would murmur, lyrics husky, her expression dark. She could feel herself slipping into the past when she stood beside her brother and together they wrecked havoc. They were survivors, always had been. Even if she didn't know it now, she would survive this. Once again she was reunited with her brother, and together they would be unstoppable. She would again rise to the top and the world would tremble at her name.

