



2 Years
02-03-2015, 04:44 PM (This post was last modified: 02-03-2015, 05:22 PM by Zisa.)
The Past:

   It all started with Brann, a male so bright red that his fur was envied by a few. Not many, because most wanted to kill him. Before long, he met a female around his age that had brilliant orange and bright green fur. The two were soon blessed with children, and the Vulkan clan began, at first with children of flaming fur. Then, those with shades of blue, green, and lilac appeared. Pretty soon, Brann forced these wolves out of his family, forcing them to live nearby. Once a month, the four leaders would unite, debating what to do about the sudden outbreak of normal colored wolves. One suggested that these outcasts be forced into a different clan, one that had no say in the matter and could be picked from and used as slaves. The other three agreed, and those with no unnatural colors on them were forced away, constantly used as slaves.

   Soon, Brann was killed in the night. His only son, Brann II, was in his place. The treatment of the Outcasts eventually grew even worse, until his daughter, Varme, fought against him and won. She allowed all the leaders to band together so they were a large group again. Then she lead her group out her homeland.

The Future:
   Varme will allow the Outcasts to stay in the group, or leave, whatever they wish to do. Those who have slaves must now ask if they'll do favors. The other four leaders will be asked for any great deal of decisions, making Varme a better leader of the Fire group, at only one year old.

1. There is no making decisions without talking to the leaders.
2. Anyone who attacks an unwilling normal colored wolf shall be punished.
3. There will be no wolves killing allies.

Fire Group:
Fur colors can be red, bright green, bright blue, yellow, or orange. Any flame colors, really. Names should be something fire related.

Earth Group:
Any shades of green or brown. Names should be something earth related.

Water Group:
Any shades of blue, aqua, or teal. Names should be something water related.

Wind Group:
Any shade of lilac. Names should be something wind related.

Normal Colored Wolves:
Any normal colors. Names can be anything.

All I need for the form is Name, Appearance, Personality, Age, and a Roleplay Sample.