
Say you do


02-03-2015, 06:15 PM

She would move across the terrain, moving in the shadow of her brother. She had fallen silent, an internal battle raging inside her. It was a struggle, like she was pushing a boulder up a mountain and kept slipping. His face consumed her thoughts like a bittersweet nightmare, one she couldn't wake up from, and didn't really want to. They were suppose to grow old together, to raise their children to continue in their paw steps. But in a brief moment of anger, he went too far, he had pushed her over the edge, and sent them both tumbling to what should have been their deaths. But she was a survivor. It would take a lot more than a fall to get rid of her. One question still hung in her mind, even if she refused to acknowledge it. Could she survive without him?

Coral gaze remained downcast as her mood shifted like the tides. Her brothers warmth continued to wash over her, it kept her grounded, from completely losing her mind, but maybe her mind was already lost. Would she ever see him again? Since they had returned to Arcanum, she had no laid eyes on him, the sick and twisted side of her craved to lay eyes on him again, even if it was only for a few seconds. There were just somethings that never changed. The one who was like the sun in her dark world was gone, plunging her into complete darkness without any warning, she was traveling blind. Did he still love her? She still loved him. Her movements were automatic, she moved without thought, allowing her paws to go in whatever direction she wanted. But where she really wanted to go was behind her, back in a quiet corner of the plains. Her dull gaze would lift to rest on her brothers face. Was he even enough to fix this?



02-03-2015, 06:27 PM

For the first time in a while, excitement began to rush through his veins. He was going to go on a killing spree with his sister for the first time in several seasons. It was surreal, the two of them heading out like this, ready to delight in the torture of unlucky victims. He could see it now, the two of them tag-teaming some unlucky wolf, taking turns to dismember the stranger while it was still alive and kicking. With these wonderful images in his mind, the beast would turn towards his sister, wanting to express just how excited he was to be out killing with her but his excitement would be cut short with the dull gaze that she fixed him with. A snarl would twist his features as he leaped out in front of her, using his massive body to stop her in her tracks, ears lying flat against his skull. He wasn't about to take anymore of her bullshit. He had had about enough of her pity party shit.

Cataleya look at yourself for fuck's sake! This isn't the sister that I grew up with. He would snarl at her, staring her down, frame tense with his boiling anger. I need, no I want you tell me what the fuck happened between you and this bastard. And I want to know now. I can't take more of your bullshit right now. He'd been trying to be good, but in typical Demyan fashion that was a complete bust. How could he just stand around while his sister dragged herself around him, acting like her whole world had come crashing down? Albeit he didn't know what had happened, it still was unacceptable for her to be moping around like this. If she had been there when the little medic had abandoned him, she would've been telling him the same thing. They were stronger than this. Stronger than any worthless emotions they could ever play around with.



02-03-2015, 10:27 PM

She watched as excitement faded into anger when he turned to look at her. He would jump before, halting her movements. A snarl ripped from his jaws, angry words spilling from his lips. He wanted to know everything. It shouldn't have been surprising to see him snap, he could only be nice for so long. Lips curled back, eyes narrowing. Anger sparked in her gaze, a low leaving her lips. Could she tell her brother? Everything? We were fighting, and he pushed me. I fell over the edge and pulled him with me. Lips remained curled back, exposing fangs as she spoke. I-I love him. She hissed at him, conceding and giving him the answers he wanted, though it would undoubtedly only make him angrier, if not mock her. She would stand rigid, anger heating her blood. Hackled bristled down her back as she glared up at her brother.



02-03-2015, 10:50 PM

We were fighting, and he pushed me. I fell over the edge and pulled him with me. I-I love him. Shock registered across the beast's face, probably for the first time in a really long time, perhaps for the first time ever in his life. She had been arguing with this bastard and he had decided that it was a good idea to push her off the edge of a cliff. At least she had had enough sense to pull him along with him for. That wasn't nearly the most surprising thing that came out of his sister's jaws. I love him. Love. She...loved him? How the fuck did she love him? How the fuck did she know that she even loved him?

An incredulous look would take hold of his features as he stared down at his younger sister, bristling. You. Love. Him. You love this bastard? The same one who tried to kill you? What the hell has gotten into you?! Who the fuck are you anymore? You start a goddamn pack and now you're over here preaching that you love someone that tried to end you! I don't think I even know you anymore. You look like my sister, but you sure as hell don't act like her. A hint of hurt would touch his words as they fell from his jaws, cyan eyes flashing with uncertainty. Though he wouldn't admit to his sister, it was infuriating to know that she loved another. He was the only one that she was supposed to love....



02-03-2015, 11:18 PM

She should be savoring the look of shock that was on her brothers face. She would listen, even if his words stung. She could hear the hurt in his words, something she never heard. It's over now. Words fell from dark lips as she briefly looked away. Things would never be the same, she knew that much, but that didn't mean she didn't love him. Yes, she hated his guts, resented him for what he did, but that didn't change anything. But she would not tell her brother that. Things are different now. Her gaze would drift back to his as she took a step towards him. It hurt to know that she had hurt her own brother so much that he expressed it. A weary sigh rolled off her tongue as she sought to press her crown against his neck. You're here. A faint smile would touch her lips, tongue snaking from between her jaws to caress his heated flesh. They had come here to escape, and so far, that was not happening. But it felt so good to finally get it off her chest. Leaning back, she would peer up at her brother. Don't be so jealous. She would tease him, words sweet like honey, eyes flaring with mischief. How long had it been since she got to taunt her brother? To get under his skin in a way only she could?



02-03-2015, 11:41 PM

It's over now. Things are different. She would comment, avoiding his gaze for a few moments. An eyebrow would raise questioning, knowing that it was complete bullshit. Like hell it is you fucking liar. He sure as shit hoped that things be different after that little stunt that the bastard pulled. If she ended up going back to him or allowing him to grovel at her paws he would probably disown her. The Cataleya before Alacritis would've torn the bastard's throat out the moment she recovered, regardless if there any feelings involved. But here she was, not trying to plot his murder, instead crying about it and how she still loved him even after he had tried to kill her. He didn't know much about love if anything at all but he would assume if someone had such a strong attachment to someone else, they wouldn't try to kill them. But what the fuck did he know?

Thoughts of Orica would flit across his mind as Cataleya would closer to him, her tongue swiping across his heated flesh, bringing an annoyed rumble from his throat. She would push away from him, teasing him not to be to not be so jealous. He would snarl at her, lips curling back against pearly fangs, ears flattening against his skull. He had half a mind to shove her to the ground and fuck her then and there, possibly call in some witnesses so all of her pack knew that she wasn't the great ruler that they probably all thought her to be. He would step forward, bearing over his sister. You think I'm jealous that you fucked around with some waste of space that tried to kill you? Please, you obviously don't remember the kind of beast that I am.



02-03-2015, 11:49 PM

She would ignore him at first, perhaps he paid more attention than she gave him, but it didn't matter if he believed her or not. There was no getting around this. He would finally snap, an angry snarl filling her vision, his ears pulling back. He would take a step towards her, and she held her ground, some things never changed. He spat angry words at her, pulling lips into a sneer. If he missed her old self so much, well here she was. Must have slipped my mind. She would purr, seeking to step to her right so that she might move around him and resume their trek. The earth had ground soft, moist, shadows from gnarled trees stretched over her silver figure. The soft moonlight glowed, illuminating her already silver pelt to a more shimmery color. Perhaps her brother was right. She wasnt herself anymore, she had changed. He had changed her. When she first got here, she wouldn't have thought twice about ripping his throat out for even thinking about killing her. But now, now she hadn't even thought about retaliating against him. Perhaps now was the perfect time for a change.
