
These voices won't let you leave



4 Years
02-04-2015, 04:59 PM

He probably tricked her, but she didn't care. The male had told her to go here and leave him alone so she had. It wasn't a trick as much as it was an order that she listened to. She didn't know why she had wandered so far away from home either. Home, that was an overstatement, no place would ever be her home. Arian's paws stopped at the coast, as her crystal eyes seemed tired of all of this. She sighed, her senses had dulled leaving her completely vulnerable. It was obvious she didn't take care of herself, she was worthless and useless. She couldn't let them care for her either, because they wouldn't. Arian knew she would wither and die eventually, and it terrified her that it was happening. Stomach growling the freshly treated wounds on her back stung but she ignored the pain.

The woman debated laying on the sand or not, or maybe the wind would bury her alive. Arian curiously looked around for a moment though. The sun was well into the sky, the sand underneath her was warm too, and that warmth travelled through her even if she did feel like it was a unheeding feeling. Unsettling, undeserving, disgusting, her body was mangled and ugly. She shivered, she wanted to go home, she wanted to see her mother. Arian was no longer a child, but she had grown up too fast, and the trauma of those mud slinging bastards bore into her brain. They way they took advantage of her, the way she gave in. She would laugh, and act like she enjoyed it but after Vereux saved them. She was nothing left but a shell.

There was a shadow that loomed over her shoulder, waiting to take over. Those tired eyes began to scan the terrain, what was there here for her. A gruesome death that she was afraid of. Her heart started to beat faster, a panic attack with no one around. Her teeth clamped together harshly, making her dig her three paws into the dirt. Shaking her head back and forth she tried to focus herself again. Home, but, she would remain here, because she might as well have had no sense of direction.

"Talk" "You" Think


02-04-2015, 10:00 PM
Destruction found happiness with Deviant, a sense of self she thought lost, and a kindled light in her heart. She once more found a reason and will to live. The female carried herself, limp and all, with pride. Older, but not down. The vacation spot too was doing wonders. She missed Bane and Tahlia's family, her godchildren, but getting her mind right had been an important step. If she stopped living for herself foremost then how was she to take care of anyone else? How was she to be a good friend? A good parent?

The thought lingered, perhaps forbidden, but Destruction was named such, no? She longed for her happiness, her family. Children to run around and play at her feet. But she longed not just for that, but for things from her past as well. No, not just things. Other wolves. There were those who were not here that should have been. Bane. Tahlia. Even Arian crossed her mind time and time again. Loccian... Even Aidan came, unbidden, a time or two. So many lost days, lost love, lost friends. Time just marched on, whether you were prepared to move or not.

Destruction had finally accepted change occurred in life. It had taken her years, the majority of her existence to accept. But even still, nothing could prepare her for some of the changes life thrown at her. When she caught Arian's scent it stirred mixed feelings. It had been so long since she saw her last, and last it was after she had been maimed. She looked happy though, an alpha, a leader, as Des had once been in her own right.

But what Destruction would come to find when she approached from Arian's right side was not the proud leader she had seemed.

Des stopped dead in her tracks.

Arian looked broken. Defeated. A leaf ready to be blown away in the wind. Something had happened. She even bore freshly treated wounds. Destruction would slowly close her gaping mouth, taking a slow, dragging step forward as the words left her lips in a whine.

"Arian, gods above... Oh Arian..." The single eyed woman closed the distance between them, gently reaching out with her muzzle to touch the girl's cheek. "What happened to you?" This couldn't be happening again. This poor girl was so young, yet broken so much. Where was the justice in this world? Why couldn't she get a break? Destruction felt her heart clench in her chest, fit to break with each beat it gave.



4 Years
02-05-2015, 02:23 AM

It was tragic yes, but the world didn't like her anyway. Right from the start her parents were stolen from her, her father killed right in front of her little eyes. Making her understand something she didn't before at that age. That once they stopped moving, they weren't ever coming back. She let them leave, she was worthless with this thorn in her heart. Her head hung low, as her head turned, tilting towards the woman. No, no, no, DONT TOUCH ME. A tingling sensation overcame her body, starting at her toes as destruction came towards her. She instantly would take a step back, she had let amalia touch her but it was the most uncomfortable feeling in the world. The black creature asked her what happened to her, she was obligated to answer wasn't she.

"I'm fine." she whispered, crystal eyes being wary of her. Arian didn't want this, she didn't want to lose anyone else. She was tired of losing everyone. She had tried, she had worked so hard to keep others at her side, but in the end she would stab them in the back, or they would find a good enough reason to leave her. It hurt, her heart burned when she watched Vereux leave that day. He had been in control of her life for some time, and now she switched hands again this time with her mother. Mother, she hated Arian it was obvious. It was obvious to Arian she was worthless, unworthy, she needed to listen.

"Destruction......" she spoke softly, not making eye contract. She shut her eyes as her stomach growled intensely, the weak girl would lay down softly deciding the sand felt much better than the air. She very much couldn't hunt for herself, not even small mice it had seemed. Arian tended to find scraps of food and eat those, it was difficult to walk on her leg. Yet, she didn't feel, complete at all. The world around her was always and constantly crumbling beneath her. Something of a tragedy really.

"Talk" "You" Think


02-05-2015, 08:37 PM
Arian would move away from her, denying her touch, denying her motherly instincts. That just proved to the dark woman that something truly was wrong. There was denial that something was wrong, that in truth of her actions and her wounds. How Destruction's heart would ache, crying out for the young girl. She was barely an adult, and yet she suffered so much. Too much loss had occurred in the young woman's lifetime. Losing her biological parents. Losing everything... it was so clear. There was no pack scent on her. But... had it been willing? Or had it been forced from her very paws? Destruction understood that pain, oh she understood that pain. Perhaps that was one reason why she felt so much heartache for the girl.

There was no eye contact, but Des would be damned if she accepted that Arian was fine. The woman would tense somewhat, but then she would inch closer again. The girl was laying in the sand, the growl of her stomach not missed. The dark woman felt at a loss, wanting to help and, the more motherly side of her wanted to tear those apart that broke her adopted daughter like this. She knew Arian was more Pip's child than her own, but that didn't mean that Destruction didn't love the girl. With her only biological child gone it seemed just natural the woman would feel strongly for the children she was asked to protect and wished to as well. It was just a reminder she needed to check on Bane and Tahlia's children soon as well.

"You're not fine, Arian... someone hurt you... and gods above they will pay for it." Des would shiver some. The urge to hunt the bastards down and kill them, resort to her old ways, burned strongly in her heart. "You're hungry, aren't you? The tide leaves fish in shallow pools here... we can find you something to eat." But it was better to take care of Arian's needs first. Food, and then figure out where she should be staying. There was a faint pack scent on her coat... but not the same as the pack she once ruled. There was an... oddly familiar scent too. An old friend perhaps? No, first things first. Staying calm and helping this girl. She needed to eat, whether Arian would admit it to her or not. Destruction would do all she could to take care of the girl, get her somewhere safe. Hell, she'd ask Deviant to help if she had to. Des would try everything in her power to set things right.

...The gods surely loved testing their minds, didn't they?



4 Years
02-06-2015, 04:35 PM

It surprised her a little that she even cared. For someone as worthless as she was, Arian didn't feel worthy of any source of compassion. Her crystal eyes stared at the sand for a moment, as the woman spoke more and more her ears would flick. Her bright mind still intact even if her spirit was not. Of course she had left the fiori lands to get some sort of sense of herself probably. She found herself backing up to the same traumatic memories. Her body felt disgusting, so pure and in the end the darkness controlled her heart.

"It doesn't matter, a waste of space needs to be taken control of." Arian muttered. "I gave into sin, I lost everything. That woman, Morgana, stole my heart and I gave her my throne. Only for her to throw it away, throw it in the trash like it was nothing. And then.....they took us away. Me and Vereux...... oh vereux, he didn't deserve my sisters scolding him. We were held against our will and she told him he was never to see his love or his children again and....and he took care of me when no one else would. Those caves destruction those muddy caves they were terrifying they were dark." she shivered at the thought panting a little as her eyes looked up at the other.

"I can't..... make decisions on my own, its impossible. Improbable, if left to my own devices I become a sinful monster full of lust. But, if I keep losing everything, whats the point. My mother, she's an alphess again I....I'm with her but, they all hate me I just know it. I drag them down, I can't do anything I can't run, I can't hunt, I can't fight. Why....." Arian snapped her jaw shut crying lowering it into the sand a little bit.

"Talk" "You" Think


02-20-2015, 05:36 AM
Didn’t matter? What kind of mindset was that? Destruction would listen, but she didn’t care for the so called sin that Arian claimed to have fallen into. Lust, the desire so desperately to be loved. She gave up her throne to have it tossed away, like a careless doll to the side. Des would breathe in sharply, but she would let Arian continue on with her tail. A male named Vereux was mentioned, held a prisoner it seemed along with the poor girl before her. The female shook with a silent rage, wanting so badly to tear into those who were cruel enough to try and keep her adopted daughters freedom. Arian was broken, so much more than before, and that was clear as she listened, as she watched.

But that brought no peace to Destructions mind. Arian had done nothing to deserve such cruelty. The female would gently move in again, nuzzling Arian’s cheek. She fought to keep her emotions in check, her mind clawing at her, screaming to help the younger fae at her paws. “Stop talking that way, right now. You’ve been through bad situations, your body and mind are damaged yes, but there is a use for every wolf. You are not useless... You will not drag your pack down. You just need to find your place.” Des would think. Pip... That was the one who she had seen Arian with before.

“Arian... Where is Epiphron’s pack located?” The dark female was at a loss. If she kept Arian here the girl could very well refuse to move on. She might give up completely. At least with a pack there would be more eyes to watch here. More to make sure she got what she needed. If something happened out here, well, she hoped Deviant would aid her in protecting the girl but she couldn’t be too sure that would be the case. A sigh left Destruction, fighting hard to try and hopefully make the right decision. She just prayed that she wasn’t wrong.



4 Years
03-05-2015, 04:27 PM

It was not as if the girl could stop; not just like that. She knew she had something very wrong with her, ever since the days past in those mud gripped cages. Arian's mentality had warped somewhat, like her brain had turned its back on her even without trying. Everyone left her behind, and it wasn't until now that she desperately begged not to lose anyone else. It wasn't what they could do for her, it was what she could do for them. Did she not treat her father well? Did she not listen to what Syrinx said carefully? What had made them leave her so carelessly, what had she done to make them not care about her. Maybe their priorities just hadn't involved her in their lives even if they played such huge roles in hers. Arian would never forget the feeling of having to lose them, and of having to watch her uncle die by the father of the one who was now her sister in law. Perhaps she needed to separate some time to speak with her family, no matter how damaged she was.

"It's not as simple to stop Destruction. They take care of me of course, but my mind is currently haunted by phantoms of fear. They will only go away through time." Arian's blue eyes sparked at the older woman. The smart and intelligence behind those words. She knew she was in a position that was bad, she knew her mentality was difficult. Yet something so morbidly wrong with her that she just didn't feel comfortable in her own skin. Arian would not let destruction touch her, she was afraid of touch or even being close to anyone now. Her head turned towards the lovers mangrove.

"The old ludicael lands, Lover's mangrove and the hot springs. I do believe..... I can get better there." she would have to dry her eyes and move on, no matter how difficult it was. Arian wouldn't get better in an instant, there would be a lot of crying herself to sleep calling herself useless and ugly. It made the wolf growl underneath her breath, letting out noises that only nature would allow her to make.

"Talk" "You" Think


03-14-2015, 06:48 PM
Destruction would frown deeply as Arian spoke, truly hoping that the girl’s phatnoms would truly leave her with time. She worried for the girl, truly, deeply, but felt horrible that she couldn’t do more to help her. The younger girl was in a horrible place, truly, and the woman wans’t sure what else she could do for her, if anything. Des would give a heavy sigh, lifting her large head in the direction of the mangrove. Seeing Epiphron again... Wouldn’t that be interesting? The woman who once ruled Seracia... But there was no mention of her husband. Was Maverick even still around?

The female would give a small nod, looking back to the brown girl. She would gently try to touch her with her nose again, offering a small smile. “Then let me take you back there. Let’s get this train of healing back on track.” Destruction would close her single orb for a moment. “l know life has dealt you a shitty hand Arian, but I am certain you can overcome it. You have a strong spirit, to withstand being broken completely. You are still here. You can face these doubts, these fears, these demons and overcome them.” The woman would open her eyes again.

“I believe in you Arian. I always have. You are a good person. Nothing will ever change that.”